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Explores certain cases of artificial transplants (cochlea and hand) and natural (hand and heart) transplants, and their effectiveness individually and on comparison to the other (in the case of the hand). The show ends with a person with Parkinson's disease who has had tremendous improvements on account of having pig fetal cells injected into his brain.

This episode also deals with the person who got the first hand transplant - Clint Hallam.

The possibility of medicine to replace damaged organs in the body is making important headway. This program reports on efforts to replace the most inaccessible organs with spare parts - the cochlea of a profoundly deaf two year-old and damaged retinal cells with light sensitive electronic chips are two case studies featured in the program. The program also examines how the body adapts to real life replacements instead of bionic substitutes in hand, limb and heart transplants and the issues surrounding the use of animal organs.

Other episodes:
Self Repair
The Enemy Within (Cancer)
Killers into Cures
The Baby Makers

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