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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Drones

enoch says...

oh come on man...
now your just trying to get peoples goat and garner a cant seriously be THAT ignorant to history.
no way..
uh uh..
unless you dropped out of school in the 8th grade.
so i aint buying your schtick,go to another corner and peddle your wares somewhere else.

i hear ya and the situation did not just pop out of nowhere.this has been brewing for decades all the way back to world war one.
for anybody interested *cough* lantern *cough* look into:
and a most excellent book by chalmers johnson:

Insurance scammer goes the extra mile

Garfunkel and Oates "The Fade Away"

eric3579 says...

We've been on a bunch of dates
I weigh debates that this creates
And hate that state of forced introspection
We traded wit, we swapped some spit,
You fingered me a little bit
But we never really had a connection

You did nothing wrong, I have no excuse
Just my intuition telling me we shouldn't reproduce

I know I have to end it
But pretend to just suspend it
By contending that I'm busy all week
I let the foregone linger on
Text back with an emoticon
Withdraw from you by being oblique

Inside I know my tactics just delay it
But I'd do anything so I don't have to say it

I'll draw this out forever like it's Vietnam
Then one day I'll be gone like Bambi's mom Awww

Cause there's the right thing to do
Then there's what I'm gonna do
There's so much I should say
But instead... I do the fade away

Now I'm fading like chalk on a sidewalk
Or the polio virus after Jonas Salk
Like a Jewish guy at Sizzler on Yom Kippur
The Whig party post Millard Fillmore

The erection of a man on antidepressants
The cast of Diff'rent Strokes after adolescence
Reproductive rights below the Mason Dixon
Native Americans after the barter systems
Your thyroid gland after Hashimoto
The family in the Back to the Future photo
Yeah I fade away

We say that men are asshole who don't communicate
We revel in our victimhood and amplify our hate
We find ways to be indignant like it's a sport
Then dissect their malignance with the views we distort

The way men break up may be sloppy and terse
What they do is bad, but what we do is worse

We pretend to ourselves it's the nice thing to do
To let you down gently by just not ever telling you
And deep down we know it's the worst way to play it
But we are what we have... huge pussies

And women are hypocrites
Especially ones in comedy bands
We see your faults but not our own
Then we wonder why we're all alone

We fill you up with maybe's, excuses and stalls
But like a baby in China... it's better to have balls

Not the Good Wife type like Christine Baranski
So I'll pull out and leave like I'm Roman Polanski

Cause there's the right thing to do
Then there's what I'm gonna do
There's so much I should say
But instead... I do the fade away

Like Verbal Kint fading into Kaiser Soze
The rights in Arizona for a guy named Jose
Opportunities for a college grad
The love between your mom and dad
Gonna Peter out like a gay Cetera
Iranian relations since the Regan era
Black Nike sales after Heaven's Gate
Summer Camp attendance at Penn State
The name Adolph after World War Two
Like Debbie Gibson's pop career, Out of the Blue
Yeah I fade away

Cause I don't wanna get to know you
I just want to blow you... off

ChaosEngine (Member Profile)

EvilDeathBee says...

What I mean is that sometimes we can subconsciously judge a movie based on factors that don't have anything to do with the movie itself, such director's or writer's previous work, previous films in the series or the original source for an adaptation.
For instance, I just watched World War Z for the first time and while not a brilliant movie, found it a unique and entertaining zombie film despite it being a bad adaptation of a well regarded novel.

I was just wondering if perhaps you perhaps didn't get as much out of it because of that. I guess not, doesn't matter though.

I also didn't intend to compare Capnmurca to GBH, rather I meant that seeing GBH first didn't put me in the right state of mind to see and fully appreciate a comic action flick, which is why I (still) need to see it again.

ChaosEngine said:

GBH was certainly better than "not bad", but everyone I'd read/talked to spoke about it like it was the second coming. It's certainly the most "Wes Anderson" movie WA has done. I get it... you like symmetry! And why can't I compare it to his other movies? That seems kinda arbitrary since you're comparing Capn Murica to GBH.

And absolutely, Winter Soldier wasn't as good as Avengers or (Guardians for that matter).

But then, I still think my favourite movie of the year was the Lego movie

War and Civilization: Crash Course World History 205

War and Civilization: Crash Course World History 205

PlayhousePals says...





Israeli crowd cheers with joy as missile hits Gaza on CNN

Asmo says...

More philosophical wank citing junk analogies (lol, blowing up peoples houses with them still inside = drunken manslaughter in a bar fight?) to justify a position directly contradicted by people who should know...

"The late Tommy Lapid, justice minister in Ariel Sharon’s government, caused an uproar in 2004 when he said that images of an elderly Palestinian woman in Gaza “crouching on all fours, searching for her medicines in the ruins of her house” demolished by the Israeli army reminded him of his own grandmother who perished at Auschwitz. Lapid compared the Israeli army’s writing of numbers on the arms and foreheads of Palestinian prisoners to the Nazi practice of tattooing concentration camp inmates. “As a refugee from the Holocaust I find such an act insufferable,” he said in 2002."

"Lapid, who was chairman of Yad Vashem, Israel’s official Holocaust memorial, also likened the routine harassment of Palestinians by Israeli settlers in the West Bank city of Hebron to the anti-Semitism of pre-World War II Europe. “It was not crematoria or pogroms that made our life in the diaspora bitter before they began to kill us,” he said in 2007, “but persecution, harassment, stone-throwing, damage to livelihood, intimidation, spitting and scorn.” Lapid did not live long enough to see Hebron settlers attempt to burn down a house with a large Palestinian family trapped inside, an act witnessed on 4 December by Avi Issacharoff, reporter for the Israeli daily Haaretz, who called it “a pogrom in the worst sense of the word.”

or perhaps:

"Sir Gerald, who was brought up as an orthodox Jew and Zionist, said: "My grandmother was ill in bed when the Nazis came to her home town a German soldier shot her dead in her bed.

"My grandmother did not die to provide cover for Israeli soldiers murdering Palestinian grandmothers in Gaza. The present Israeli government ruthlessly and cynically exploits the continuing guilt from gentiles over the slaughter of Jews in the Holocaust as justification for their murder of Palestinians."

He said the claim that many of the Palestinian victims were militants "was the reply of the Nazi" and added: "I suppose the Jews fighting for their lives in the Warsaw ghetto could have been dismissed as militants."

I'll take the word of people who lived through the Holocaust and the formation of Israel over you... = P

shveddy said:

I do understand that the purpose of Godwin's law is to reduce the worst kinds of hyperbole, and that's exactly what I'm trying to do.

Whatever you think about Israel's policies regarding the Palestinians, referring to it as extermination only shows that you haven't taken the time to understand anything about the current conflict and you are just reacting emotionally to the terrible horror of war. Extermination is the total elimination of a certain population by killing, and such an action is so far beyond the state of oppression we see in Gaza today that I just can't take your comparison seriously.

The only way you bother to support these outlandish statements is by telling me that death is death - no matter what the cause - as if that mindless tautology is enough to render two wildly different sets of circumstances and tactics equivalent.

Should we also call all murders murders and not bother to make distinctions between first degree, second degree, involuntary manslaughter, etc? Should we treat the serial killer the same as the drunken brawler who hit someone too hard in a bar fight?

Of course not. As thinking people we analyze factors such as intent, quantity, severity, remorse, and perhaps most importantly, we consider what measures can possibly be taken to correct the underlying cause. All of these elements are wildly different in the different degrees of murders, and having an honest grasp of these differences helps us understand how we as a society should react to each degree, both in terms of punishment and rehabilitation.

To similar ends, it is very important that we consider analogous distinctions in the different degrees of atrocities between nations or ethnic groups. The fact that it is obvious that I would much rather be in Gaza today than a concentration camp in 1943 is very much so relevant to this sort of analysis. The fact that there is no Israeli intent to exterminate the Palestinians is also relevant.

But if you want to leave the depth of your understanding at "dead is dead" then I guess that's your choice.

Insane hail attack on Siberian beach.

Iraq Explained -- ISIS, Syria and War

Truckchase says...

I see what you're saying, but it does more harm than good. For example, the video wraps up by saying "Somehow, we have to break this circle." While it isn't called out explicitly the implication is that "we" represents anyone other than ISIS/ISIL, etc. My contention is that "we" need to stay out of this mess; this whole region is carved up in a way that served the British empire prior to World War 2. Until the people that occupy that region have the ability to carve out their land for themselves the very circle he refers to will keep occurring.

Main point: This video serves to support an undeclared media bias towards more "intervention" and softens the public to additional western military action.

aimpoint said:

I don't think a short attention span is enough justification to say this is a bad example of a video. If people aren't interested in a subject you can't force them to be interested, but at the same time, the video's visualizations showed without telling where someone who wanted to know more where to look. Even in the video they annotated that this is more of a research jumping off point, that it is indeed a compressed version, and even paid a little lip service to other complications if only to get you going on your own.

I spent a good few hours looking at ISIS, trying to figure it out myself a week before this video came out, now that this video is out it did the same in about 4 and a half minutes. Granted, this is without on demand sourcing of sources, but like I said above, its a great primer. For people that want to know and don't, this is a good place to start. For those who don't care why does it matter?

Fury - International Trailer

Apocalyptic tunnel explosion in Syria

AeroMechanical says...

This was a common tactic in the first world war, and where the name 'land mine' comes from. Kinda surprised anyone would do it in this situation. I guess it worked, though.

It's really depressing how things are going down in Syria. There can be no good ending to this story--at least, not for a long, long time.

deathcow (Member Profile)

TDS 2/24/14 - Denunciation Proclamation

Trancecoach says...

Delaware is considered a northern state. Maybe not by you but by others.
And when I lived in Maryland, everyone there seemed to consider it a northern state too. But ok, you don't consider it a northern state. Cool.
(Ask anyone in Boston if he is a "Yankee" and see how that goes!)

But what's your point now? You agree that the Civil War was a "War to preserve the Union, not a Lincoln crusade to end slavery". That's why he did not invade or interfere with the border states. They did not secede. So how is this relevant to the original point about Jon Stewart thinking otherwise and going off on Andrew Napolitano about it? And are you now trying to claim that the north was acting in "self-defense" because of southern attacks on federal forts?

"In 1862, the General Assembly replied to Lincoln's compensated emancipation offer with a resolution stating that, "when the people of Delaware desire to abolish slavery within her borders, they will do so in their own way, having due regard to strict equity." And they furthermore notified the administration that they regarded "any interference from without" as "improper," and a thing to be "harshly repelled.""

The proposal was never put to a vote. It was not tried in other states. And it was not addressed directly to the slave owners but to politicians in the Assembly. No effort was put into it.

Among the tactics employed by the British, French, Spanish, Dutch, Danes, and others were slave rebellions, abolitionist campaigns to gain public support for emancipation, election of anti-slavery politicians, encouragement and assistance of runaway slaves, raising private funds to purchase the freedom of slaves, and the use of tax dollars to buy the freedom of slaves.

The most charitable thing I could say is that Lincoln tried but failed to come up with and implement any other way to end slavery but to engage in 'bloodshed and violence' (putting aside that he claimed to not care to end slavery except as a way to get one over on the South).

Still, that only says something about his competency, his "political genius" as some say (or lack of it), but not about whether there were other options available that could have worked without the 620,000 dead and 800,000+ more maimed-or-disfigured-for-life.

Of course, there is no empirical way to 'prove' or 'disprove' that any more than there is any empirical way to 'prove' or 'disprove' that, without two nukes, Japan would have lost the war, or that without the Korean war, the Communists would have taken over the world, or that without the Iraq invasion, Saddam would not have built "weapons of mass destruction" to unleash on the world.

What if 'peaceful secession' would have neutered the federal enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Act (which Lincoln strongly supported), creating a flood of runaway slaves that could not have been stopped and would have broken the back of the slave system'?

The Soviet Union collapsed on its own without the US and its allies going into a bloody war against it. Maybe if the US had started a third world war with the USSR, it would have collapsed sooner. But it certainly would not have been worth the 'blood and violence'. And it is far from certain that the 5 years of Civil War accelerated the end of slavery, while it has certainly served to bolster and continue the decades of segregation, discrimination, and abuse that followed.

The first Republican president seems to have set a precedent for later Republican neocons. When faced with a problem ---> go to war.

newtboy said:

States below the Mason Dixon line were (and are) not considered "northern" states, even though some of them did not secede. That's why I mentioned it in the first place. Just ask someone who lives in one if they're a Yankee and see how that goes!
I did note that Delaware is East of the Mason Dixon, not North or South.
These "border" states were also the ones Lincoln tried (and failed) to compensate for the 'loss' of their slaves...before the war. (because his cabinet didn't follow along is testament to the fact that he put his political opponents in his upper administration in order to NOT be a unilateral decision maker...that didn't work.)

Death by Metadata: NSA's Role in Assassinations Overseas

chingalera says...

Here's a scenario for ya, next world war shit?

3 first strike options:
doomsday (biotech, other)

Uhh, fuck the entire planet being able to survive oblivion, how about, about a hundred mother-FUCKERS being able to survive underground just fine with all the food, pussy, and time until the shit blows over for everyone, and everything else.

Totally doable.

Talk about yer 'antichrist' scenario, and fuck yours, mine, and anyone elsers, Polytics, religion or lack thereof, this is something you may believe in.

It's the real doable shit that scares the funk outta me and should wake anyone else with a fucking clue, the motherfuck the FUCK UP!

Or I dunno, maybe I'm just some John the Baptist motherfucker, crying-out in the wilderness of complete imbeciles, myself, submiiter of embed, squirrels and dolphins, and and hater of chingy included??

Chinese Lunar Landing

dannym3141 says...

Fantastic. I think i see little dust devils being whipped up which is interesting just because everything is so still before the engine stirs the dust. I love how much control there was searching for a flat area. Liveleak says they stopped to survey the area.

I was just commenting the other day how in a way it's great to see things like Russia speaking out for restraint with Iran, and now China doing something very impressive on the moon. I think with fingers crossed the forward thinking people of the earth have decided against "world wars" and mass destruction (no capitals, i'm not using the word in the style of Bush Jr).

Wouldn't it be great if the "competition" came from a purely technological space race with Russia, China and US/Europe involved? Just as long as we on this side can get past the whole psychopathic-capitalism problem.

It is my opinion that those mysterious money men who seem to have influence over scary media companies are metaphorically assembling people into a human pyramid, all shitting on those below us. The ones nearer the top and clambering their way up are happy enough not to have to be hit by that much shit whilst those at the bottom are drowning in it. The pyramid is so clogged up with shit that it's forming a sea of it and the people at the bottom are happy if they can manage to tread-shit for another week, the people at the top are now so high up they can't see it happening yet but eventually we're all going to drown in shit! Here's to a Merry Christmas, folks.

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