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White Party - A Lesson in Cultural Appropriation

ChaosEngine says...

And the point goes sailing over your head....

Yes, there is racism. Yes, there is white privilege, yes, there can be cultural misappropriation.

This video, much like your comment, adds nothing to the discussion.

No one (apart from Bob or lantern) is suggesting we ignore history. If you watched my video you would see that.

You can enjoy stuff from other cultures without appropriating it, and you don't have an indefinite claim to anything simply because it originated in your culture.

GenjiKilpatrick said:

See, another example of some "i-can't-possibly-racial-insensitive-whatsoever-because-THIS-guy-agrees-with-completely-sheltered-rose-tinted-worldview" - *deep breath* - Bullshit!

[phew, these polite euphemisms for "racist" are getting out of hand now]

Unfortunately, the term "culture appropriation" is a misnomer.

The term coined should be Cultural MISappropriation and refers to shit like Blackface.

Something this was trendy, open mockery. Also, fairly lucrative.

This White Party video is a highly significant point of discussion and is important satire for all white folks to think about & discuss because..

[I would know, cause this is exactly how i feel]

So yeah..

Tactless, suggestively snarky comments, with a Token to parrot and espouse believes that confirm your bias.. -_-

Is simply "mild" racism in action.
It's Denialism. It's Victim-blaming.

"Stop complaining. We're all equal see. Can't we all just learn spanish & twerk our butts, as one."

And let Americans sweep all that other extremely racist shit under the rug for another 150 years?!

Fuck no.

White Party - A Lesson in Cultural Appropriation

GenjiKilpatrick says...

So yeah, thanks for asking "why are white people seemingly MORE willing to be terrible shits to 'others'?"

[Just gonna leave this here: Research has shown that the brain has a very strong racial bias in response to seeing others in pain or suffering.

[Sidenote, this common "there is no white privilege, cause I don't FEEL like there's white privilege" problem is why i tagged @newtboy in a past tirade @lantern53]

But fer fuck sake white dudes, it's STILL racist or sexist.. even if you mean it ironically or sarcastically

Own that shit.
Without gloating or still somewhat mostly denying it.

Just say "Okay, so i'm gonna be extremely racist for a little bit, but i have an objectively valid point based on facts & data"

Seriously, white people can't comprehend and consistently deny how great they have it.. just for being white..

Yet somehow unintentionally & flagrantly gloat about how simple shit should be/is for the rest of us?!

As my hispanic mother would say "I dun bell'eeb"

White Party - A Lesson in Cultural Appropriation

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Holy FUCK this comment is ridiculously racist.
You should understand that, right?

In a Rational world, nowhere on the face of the planet..

would anyone contradict themselves in the same sentence, message, or idea..

..then immediately assert that they're "totally-not-that-thing"..

while continuing to do or be that very thing that "they're-totally-not"..

That angsty "ALL humans are scumbags" & flowery bit at the end DOES NOT magically make you not "impossibly-not-that-at-all-because-i-don't-FEEL-i'm-that-way" because still..

You are effectively gloating about your white privilege, then sayin'
"let's not make it about race or anything tho".

And all rest of you upvoters..

should feel like thickheaded, numbskulls for endorsing and/or essentially gloating & chuckling along with.

Seriously, re-read this quote here..

If you heard a coworker speaking like this.. would you not be uncomfortable? No?

JustSaying said:

There, I said it. I'm not even trolling here.

Honestly, ..white people are just better at [racism].

The RNC, Nuremberg Rallies or even random Ku Klux Klan gatherings are far more offensive than anything black people could do.

If there's one thing where white people are far more superiour [sic] than anybody else, it's having a feeling of superiority.

I'm not a racist,

However, ..there are some things a certain group of people is statistically better than others.
Sometimes it's in the genes, sometimes it's in the culture ..

Just your everyday harassment, courtesy of the NYPD

bobknight33 says...

WTF and your White Privilege claims.

People who obey society norms keep privileges. Those who don't loose them.

You imply those without white privilege receive "The general unconditional trust of society" Those without the societal trust have lost it due to their own actions.

"You cannot take any people, of any color, and exempt them from the requirements of civilization — including work, behavioral standards, personal responsibility and all the other basic things — without ruinous consequences to them and to society at large." Thomas Sowell

Those who have lost societal trust have to work harder to regain it. Stop dressing like a hood rat. stay in school. Don't hang around bad people. Its the 10% who ruin it for the other 90% Let the police round those thugs up and clean your community.

You listed Atlanta, This is NYC, Also Cleavland, Baltimore. All Democrat controlled. Democrats are doing a great job.


GenjiKilpatrick said:

The problem with white culture is.. @lantern53, @newtboy & @AllWhitePeople

White Privilege insulated you from the reality of your advantages and the true suffering of others who aren't white

Hell, white people include if poor uneducated.

(I asked a white friend.
He said that white people just see other white people as strangers.
Makes sense now I guess)

You live in this White Privilege Bubble where "everyone's equal cause this is AMERICA!"

Everyone in your bubble has bootstraps. A safety net.
Reliable job opportunites and call-backs.
No fear of being harassed and/or murdered by police.
The general unconditional trust of society

In the bubble of impoverished black culture, however.. having a chance at leaving that poverty is a pipe-dream.

I know, because I live in Atlanta.
A place notorious for lots of poor black communities.

My girlfriend was born and raised in it.

Her parents were addicted to crack.
(Funny how crack possession carries a harsher sentence than cocaine possession, considering their the exact same drug.)

She saw a dead body in the street when she was 6.
(Gang violence is present when decent jobs and summer camps aren't)

She had Police SWAT invade her home & hold a gun to her head around the same age.
(Because busting potential drug dealers is more important that entering the correct house.)

Her cousin, who was probably a prostitute since 12 or 13, is currently very happy that her new "boyfriend" doesn't beat her.
(She feels like that's a win. Hell, my girlfriend was herself convinced that she'd "grow up to be a prostitute."
You know, the norm.)

For the last 5 months, my girlfriend has lived with a 21 year old prostitute (started at 14 when homeless) and her much older "boyfriend"/pimp because that was the only "affordable" housing near her work.

(She mentioned that earlier this month, there was a new girl there some mornings who was definitely probably 13 or 14.
She literally just moved out today and happened to spot her ex-roommate working her corner near West End Mall. )

So yeah, white people assume - No, righteously assert - all black people are just a equal as white people.

Because you all think:

"I've got bootstraps & dignity & great opportunites & everlasting hope.
Stop whining and take personal responsibility."

The reality is starkly different.

Black people are reminded of that difference LITERALLY EVERYDAY.

We're remind everytime an unarmed black youth is murder, just for "looking threatening".

Even with civil rights laws, even with a brown president.

You'll never know what it's truly like to be non-white..

Because White Privilege prevents you from even having to acknowledge these issue.

Just call it all even and blame the rest on personal responsibility.

Just your everyday harassment, courtesy of the NYPD

GenjiKilpatrick says...

The problem with white culture is.. @lantern53, @newtboy & @AllWhitePeople

White Privilege insulated you from the reality of your advantages and the true suffering of others who aren't white

Hell, white people include if poor uneducated.

(I asked a white friend.
He said that white people just see other white people as strangers.
Makes sense now I guess)

You live in this White Privilege Bubble where "everyone's equal cause this is AMERICA!"

Everyone in your bubble has bootstraps. A safety net.
Reliable job opportunites and call-backs.
No fear of being harassed and/or murdered by police.
The general unconditional trust of society

In the bubble of impoverished black culture, however.. having a chance at leaving that poverty is a pipe-dream.

I know, because I live in Atlanta.
A place notorious for lots of poor black communities.

My girlfriend was born and raised in it.

Her parents were addicted to crack.
(Funny how crack possession carries a harsher sentence than cocaine possession, considering their the exact same drug.)

She saw a dead body in the street when she was 6.
(Gang violence is present when decent jobs and summer camps aren't)

She had Police SWAT invade her home & hold a gun to her head around the same age.
(Because busting potential drug dealers is more important that entering the correct house.)

Her cousin, who was probably a prostitute since 12 or 13, is currently very happy that her new "boyfriend" doesn't beat her.
(She feels like that's a win. Hell, my girlfriend was herself convinced that she'd "grow up to be a prostitute."
You know, the norm.)

For the last 5 months, my girlfriend has lived with a 21 year old prostitute (started at 14 when homeless) and her much older "boyfriend"/pimp because that was the only "affordable" housing near her work.

(She mentioned that earlier this month, there was a new girl there some mornings who was definitely probably 13 or 14.
She literally just moved out today and happened to spot her ex-roommate working her corner near West End Mall. )

So yeah, white people assume - No, righteously assert - all black people are just a equal as white people.

Because you all think:

"I've got bootstraps & dignity & great opportunites & everlasting hope.
Stop whining and take personal responsibility."

The reality is starkly different.

Black people are reminded of that difference LITERALLY EVERYDAY.

We're remind everytime an unarmed black youth is murder, just for "looking threatening".

Even with civil rights laws, even with a brown president.

You'll never know what it's truly like to be non-white..

Because White Privilege prevents you from even having to acknowledge these issue.

Just call it all even and blame the rest on personal responsibility.

GenjiKilpatrick (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You're ignoring 'white trash', which many racist southerners see as "lower than blacks and Mexicans" (I've heard them say so). Just sayin', not ALL white people enjoy 'white privilege', just most of us.

GenjiKilpatrick said:

Also, @lantern53 I don't answer you or any other illogical, irrational person cause you've already made up your mind.

I can't change your mind.

I'm not going to try.

I'm just calling you out on your racist, jingoist bullshit.

Because there is literally nothing I can say that would make you stop and think..
"Oh wow, maybe I DO have a bunch of privileges and advantages based purely on my skin color."

If you sincerely want an answer, message me when you feel like acknowledging facts.

Facts like the American Caste System.

And the fact that white people are at the top of that system.

India has one. Britain has one. America has one. The globe has one.

Acknowledging things like that would be a great first step to help fix problems in the global community.. let alone the black community.

Deray McKesson: Eloquent, Focused Smackdown of Wolf Blitzer

GenjiKilpatrick says...

I am bitter, Lantern. Extremely bitter.

I'm bitter because I know this game is rigged..

and I don't want to play along.

This society was made for white, ruthless, greedy, ignorant people..

I'm not any of those things. I'm the opposite of those things.

That's why I'm bitter.

I'm bitter because literally no matter how successful a black
person becomes - something like president say - we're still just niggers to an enormous portion of this society.

I'm bitter because willful ignorant people like you & Bobknight will never understand what it's like to be called a nigger..

And you don't give a fuck about how that feels either.

I'm bitter because You and Bobknight gloat about that shit.

And rub your white privilege in our faces every chance you get.

I'm bitter because currently the number of unarmed black men murdered by police..

Is the same as the number of black men lynched during the Jim Crow era.

I'm bitter because everytime I turn on the news..

All CNN, FoxNews, Msnbc want to do is remind me..

"Hey, remember that time we treated people that look like you as LITERAL cattle..

Yeah, you should stop being upset about that.

Take responsibly for not having as many opportunities as us respectable, civil [white] people..

And pull yourself up by your own bootstraps instead of rioting."

lantern53 said:

That was one long non-answer, with a bit of name-calling included.

If I were a racist, does that explain why you can't function? If I were not a racist, would you be a success?

You are one big crybaby.

And when did I say black people are thugs etc? Black people are just like everyone else. Do you have a different opinion?

You are like a lot of people...blaming others for your own failures.

Why don't you get with the program and do something with your life?

You'll be a lot happier and you'll be a contributor to society.

Because right now you are one bitter dude.

Why can't white people stop the violence?

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Glad someone sifted this.

I was just about to post this so I could rip into @bobknight33's butthole.


You see Bob, you're so focused on hating Liberals & Democrats you willfully ignore all these vicious white SAVAGES & THUGS.

Just look at those wild white beasts.
They're destroying property, acting like animals, and tearing apart THEIR OWN COMMUNITIES!

Just common thugs rioting and looting, committing white on white violence.

And for what? Because the didn't like some sporting event results?

How trivial and uneducated of them.

It's a shame, this is exactly why we can't make any progress as a country.

You know, this is precisely what the Conservative Agenda is promoting. White on White crime.

Repulicans, they can keep lining their pockets on Wall Street.

While the average single white mothers fight over the scraps.


See Bob, doesn't that sound like a shit argument? No?

Oh wait, I already know your answer to that. "It's the liberal agenda!" Right?

The Liberal-homosexual-illegal-alien-It-makes-me-uncomfortable-to-acknowledge-the-centuries-of-global-oppression-that-my-white-privilege-represents-so-I'l
l-just-blame-every-minority-for-the-problems-my-forefathers-created Agenda!


American Loving Redneck Has Some Thoughts On Racism

messenger says...

A fair question. I'll try to answer it directly.

Your first paragraph is very close. What you describe there is the advantage afforded to you by the pro-white racialized society you live in. That's to say, all other things being equal, you are almost certainly better off as a white person than you would be had you been born a black person.

"White privilege" is the privilege of enjoying the benefits of the advantage you describe without even having to ask for it or condone it or even be aware of it. "Owning it" simply means acknowledging that this is the case and living your life accordingly. In your case, as a non-racist person, this might mean little change other than better understanding the situation every non-white person in most of the Western world has to actively notice, think about and deal with on a daily basis.

(Hope the bold wasn't too much. I wanted the "privilege" aspects to stand out from the "advantage" aspects.)

dannym3141 said:

'White privilege' as i understand it is a description of the tendency for society to be quicker to persecute dark skinned people over light skinned people, or to otherwise treat light skinned people preferentially when compared to dark skinned people.

Using myself as an example.. As someone to whom race has never been an issue (it is as unnoticable to me as hair and eye colour), why does it fall to me to "own" the tendency of racists to grant me special favour - which i never asked for - when the only reason you have to link them to me is my skin colour? Have i misunderstood?

American Loving Redneck Has Some Thoughts On Racism

eric3579 says...

I'll never understand the defensiveness, and need to deflect, of people who can't just accept the fact that there exist white privileged that they benefit from.

If the fact that white privileged is a thing and it makes you feel guilty. STOP DOING THAT. Just be aware of the reality. That's it.

American Loving Redneck Has Some Thoughts On Racism

dannym3141 says...

'White privilege' as i understand it is a description of the tendency for society to be quicker to persecute dark skinned people over light skinned people, or to otherwise treat light skinned people preferentially when compared to dark skinned people.

Using myself as an example.. As someone to whom race has never been an issue (it is as unnoticable to me as hair and eye colour), why does it fall to me to "own" the tendency of racists to grant me special favour - which i never asked for - when the only reason you have to link them to me is my skin colour? Have i misunderstood?

Barack Obama interviews creator David Simon of The Wire

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Cops are racist. Look up Tim Wise - White Privilege

Law Enforcement Officers - when asked:

"what's the first thing you think when you see a young black or latino male driving a nice car in your neighborhood?"

Overwhelming respond with.. well you know Lantern.

What do YOU generally think when you see young black & brown people driving fancy cars.

Probably the same thing you think when see a Trayvon Martin or Mike Brown on the news..

The cops think the same thing.

lantern53 said:

Prez must be wearing his 'Hands Up, Don't Shoot' tshirt under his suit.

I notice he's still pushing that 'cops are racist' meme.

The Daily Show - Bill O'Reilly Interview on White Privilege

enoch says...

i agree that most would understand your point,including myself.

i was merely pointing out that your argument has little or nothing to do with white privilege and after reading your response,i am forced to come to the conclusion you do not know what white privilege actually is.

so your conflation of racism and racial bias to white privilege is not uncommon but rather the norm.

The Daily Show - Bill O'Reilly Interview on White Privilege

MichaelL says...

The inequities of white privilege perpetuated via historical and cultural oppression are required to be corrected via political/legal means.

Hand-in-hand with that is the concept that white people today must also be made to feel guilty for these historical wrongdoings.

I think most people would get my point...

enoch said:

you realize your entire argument is not addressing white privilege at all right?

The Daily Show - Bill O'Reilly Interview on White Privilege

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