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A Better Way to Tax the Rich

newtboy says...

Well, then your position changed 180 degrees from your original why the snark?
Or is "staggering" not "excessive" in your mind?

Dogboy49 said-
"American wealth inequality is staggering. "

???? Stated as if that is a bad thing.......

dogboy49 said:

Yes, I totally agree that EXCESSIVE wealth inequality is a bad thing.

Rapping 1000 Words in 2 Minutes!!! Mac Lethal

Zawash says...

Okay y’all. One thousand words in two minutes
Let’s do this
(Verse 1)
In a couple minutes I'ma have to kill it
All the haters that just sit up on the web
But they will say that they don't feel it
But I'm never gonna listen to these idiots who dumb as fuck
I'll punch 'em and I'll kick 'em and I'll hit 'em with an uppercut
They told me that I got a record that I gotta break it
Get your woman naked in the garden she’ll be talking stank
I’ll fill my lungs up full of air and bust you till I hyperventilate
A thousand words, a hundred twenty seconds imma get it straight
I'ma grab the mothafuckin' sun and take a bite of it
I see a rapper try to say he sick but he a vitamin
You know that Mr Mac up on the track like it's a Viking ship
I rip the fucking beat up in to bits when I go psycho quick
All the ladies in the world is like "I love you, Mac"
I fry their brain up in your fuckin' noggin' when I bust a rap
I find a beat I really wanna kill and then I do
And all the mumble rappers in the game are dumb and sounding stupid
I’m an artist with a plan and stacking money in the videos
If that shit is a gimmick, tell the truth I wanna spit it slow
You don’t like the way that I be rappin’ fuckin’ sue me
I’ma get up on the stage and whip it out, just call me Louis
I’ma kill the crew but danny Mac is lethal with the skill
I am the king, I order you to have a pizza every meal
You acting cheesy like a bag of Doritos
I swear to god I’ll tape your mouth shut and throw you in the back of a vehicle
I’m a missile with the flow, I’m like a rapid torpedo
I got a gun up in my hand the size of Danny Devito
But now you sinkin’ like the fuckin’ Titanic
If anybody want a piece of this I’m thinner skinned and having to plan
Now listen to me, I don’t give a fuck about the shit that rappers meant
The world of fuckin’ choppin’
There’s a hundred million chapters baby
I could probably squat a fuckin’ elephant for fifty reps
I need to breathe a little bit of air right now and get my breath
I climb right up the wall like I’m a ninja with a weapon
I’m an angel and I’m evil pulling bitches up in heaven
Everybody call me Lethal, I’ve been rapping twenty years
And walk on water like I’m Jesus only rappin for the cheers before
I get up in the ring and fight a rapper I'm a black belt
And my hands on broken glass so I can leave the fucker battered
I’ma hit them with a bat right in the head until they dead
And make him take back all the dumb and stupid words he ever said
Let me take a breath so I can get back on the drums again
And sneak up on you like I’m the Phantom of the Opera
With a mask over my face but my teeth under your throat
And then I’m drinkin’ every droplet of your motherfucking blood, my friend
I’m just a product of Peter, the clip will pop in the heater
I got the spots of a cheeta
So when the gotta da vida
You better walk away
I’m rapping like a lunatic up on the mic and post it up on YouTube for the stupid chips
(Where’d you go?!)
(Verse 2)
So let me take another breath, I’m lookin’ hella dope
And I’ve been poppin’ since I made the pancakes cook up on the stove
And all you rappers up on YouTube had to treat me like the pope
‘Cause I’m the fuckin’ original
And you’re just huffing the chemicals and you’re just suckin’ like tentacles
Anybody this lyrical better just know I’m coming with the illest flow ever
Tryna kick that bull shit, you get your toes severed
Flames comin’ out my lungs you know I’m crushin’ every drum that ever popped up in the war path
Burning everything that I can see or smell or hear
That starts a fire in the sky and that’s the mother fucking forecast
People wanna say “Mac just raps fast. Really, he ain’t sayin’ shit”
You just mad ‘cause you can’t speak alien
Let’s do it
Gotta spit a lot of fuckin’ words in just a little time
I’m about to put a bomb inside your soul so I can blow your mind
I make it look so easy everybody wanna try it
But your lungs will probably suffocate and then you’ll end up dying
I’ma take a sword and cut my fuckin’ capillaries open
Lava coming out my mouth and all my raps are fuckin’ smokin’
Anybody wanna try to play the game with Mac is losin’
I be comin’ like a wolverine and show my teeth and chew ‘em
I’ma bite a silly rapper on the throat until he bleedin’
I’ll be taking every dollar out your pocket, now we even
I’ll be taking every crumb right off your plate, that’s how I’m eating
What the fuck you gonna do? I‘ll crack your soul and then I reach in
I’m the best that ever did this, other raps, they’re not a match for me
You gotta know that I can drop a line so hard it cracks a tree
I poke you in the eyeball with a microbe
Now you have to see that when I rap I don’t have to breathe

Oh shit! Two minutes and three seconds!
Well that was one thousand and thirty words
New world fuckin’ record! Yeah!
Oh shit... new world record

White House revokes CNN reporters press pass

Briguy1960 says...

Never once said Trump was doing a better job handling the illegal caravans.
I'm talking about how he is portrayed as if he is the only meanie who won't let them in.
Your mind is making things up as usual about what I think or anyone thinks who disagrees with you on this.

Oh and to refresh your memory on what Fusion GPS is ...

newtboy said:

No. That's not the issue.
The issue is that when you are to the right of Goebbels, everything looks liberal and honest truth looks like a partisan attack. The right has not just run far right, they put on rocket shoes with wheels and warped right. What was considered a hard right position 20 years ago is now called hyper liberal by your ilk.
There is no excuse for the garbage "reporting" going Fox, OAN, and Info Wars. None. It's not really reporting when you make up 90% and use each other as sources.

Kavanaugh was treated like a prince compared to Garland, a centrist judge confirmed unanimously by republicans before they lost their minds and souls to become the party of "Fuck you".
Fusion thing? You mean his crappy dietary supplements that he claims could make you the Adonis that Jones himself is? Um...yeah, that's obviously and undeniably a pack of lies concocted by Alex Jones. Duh.

Again, you choose to conflate imperfection on the left with inhumanity and consistent dishonesty and fraud from the top leadership on the right.
Obama did better stopping undocumented migrants out than Trump has without dehumanizing them or calling them murderers and rapists in obvious racist ploys to get his racist base excited, but you certainly disagree because and are certain Trump has done more because Trump calls them rapists and murderers, and implies that any middle eastern is a terrorist (but not angry white guys with guns and mail bombs, those are good people).

There may be more than enough scum to go around, but one side is nothing but lying fraudulent scumbags now, and it's not the left. Trump is a convicted fraud who defrauded poor students (and charities, and anyone he ever did business with) and is 100% incapable of being truthful even when his words are written for him, and the dishonesty seeped through the party like Ebola, leaving none uninfected. You look at 2 children, one with some mud on its face, the other slathered head to toe like a golem, and you say they're both dirty, plenty of mud on both sides. *facepalm

The GOP’s Corrupt Bargain with "Reckless," "Erratic" Trump

newtboy says...

Bronte, a Republican Trump appointment

Yates-fired for warning about Flynn's crimes and refusing to implement the illegal Muslim ban, not for legitimate cause, not for malfeasance

Comey- the Republican man who personally handed Trump the presidency by publicly claiming Clinton was still under criminal investigation (she wasn't, and there was no new evidence) and hiding that Trump was under investigation for treasonous behavior with the Russians, a man who Trump praised lavishly until he wouldn't politicize the FBI into Trump's weapon, he deserved far worse than firing.

McCabe- another Republican Trump appointment, fired for working hard on the Trump Russia probe

Rosenstein- another Republican Trump appointee accused of not illegally politically interfering in the Trump Russia probe for Trump, not crime

>1/2 of your swamp clearing was Republican muck brought in by Trump himself. Hilariously you forgot all the other Trump chosen cabinet members removed for criminal actions, convictions not accusations....more than any other administration except Nixon after Watergate....with many more pending.

If you want to clean the swamp, you would vote Democrat, the comparison of criminal convictions by administration is startling.

But in your mind, the only crime is not being an unpatriotic criminal for Trump's personal gain. You should be leading the #derpstate

bobknight33 said:

Cheeto man 2020

The man is doing what he promised.
Swamp cleaning
Boente - Resigned -10/27/17
Yates Fired - 1/30/17
Comey Fired - 5/9/17
McCabe - Fired - 3/16/18
(Stepped Down 1/29/18)

Only Rod Rosenstein left…

And possibly whoever the AAG and DOJ signatores were

Rick Wiles Says 'Every Christian Should Disavow Alex Jones'

newtboy says...

Absolutely not.
Jones Jones is a lunatic who spouts pure insanity, and your chosen president believes the nonsense is news. Your ridiculous equivocation is absolutely insane.

You aren't the only conservative voice here, but you are a minority.

Your admitted fraud, pedophile (miss teen America), pedophile supporting (Roy Brown), incestuous (daughter lusting), adulterous (with his friend's wives), consummate liar, political flip flopping (see any interviews before 2000), Russian stooge, ally debasing, repeatedly failed businessman has debased American values, and your ilk have gone along hand in hand, erasing those values from your mind as he violated them.

Open borders exist only in Trump's deluded lies he sells you to get you riled up and unthinking. No one in power advocates open borders, that's just a bold faced lie. Your willingness to repeat it only demonstrates your gullibility and naivete.

bobknight33 said:

CNN is unhinged just like MSNBC. Each wacked. Like Jones Jones is just more theatrical.

You bet. I use You people. Since there is no conservative voice here. It’s me against you people. The lost degenerate soles who desires are to debace America values and dilute its citizenship with open borders.

Trump wants all to be proud.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Bob, I'll try to ignore your having just being an ignorant douchbag who rudely dismissed those with far more knowledge and personal experience than you possess, simply because they disagreed with your non- medically based, non-scientific based, thoughtless, inhumane political position and I'll try a different tact.....

How is it that, in 2018, you are advocating slavery more foul than the African slave trade....yes, slavery.

Forcing one person to fulfill all the bodily functions of another, brain dead potential "person" (and make no mistake, a blastocyst is not a person, but for sake of argument and your limited understanding capabilities I'll let you claim it is one this one time)....that's Mengele level inhumanity and slavery.

You claim to believe in individual liberties over vague social responsibility....except when you don't.

Forcing one person to physically support another is so far to the left of full socialism you seem to think it went all the way around to the right. It doesn't work that way.
To add the typical right wing slippery slope argument, if the government can force one person to be life support for another potential person, they can force healthy people to give up organs to the unhealthy, or be consigned to hospitals to be used as human dialysis and so forth.
Until those cells can and have survived on their own without support, and can and have functioned as a mammal (meaning breathed, circulated body fluids, and consumed and evacuated foodstuffs) they have not reached "living human" status, and even if you can't grasp that fact, at no point can there be a requirement that another person acts as their sentient intensive care unit without reinstating legal slavery.

Why do you advocate slavery?

When are you donating your kidney and partial liver, and your children's? If you aren't, by your logic you're at least a double murderer and so are they. Why should I or anyone take morality advice from a double murderer?

Design a procedure where the offending not yet human can be safely removed without any (or at least less than an abortion would cause) risk to the mother, but survive on it's own without an incubator-slave, then come back and we'll talk.... until then forced incubation and forced birth is monstrously draconian socialism of a kind even Mengele would turn away from in disgust.

Edit: I came up with an argument I think might change your many baby Newtboys would you force on the planet before you decided abortion should be mandatory in some cases?

bobknight33 said:

«Some insulting ignorance»

Unarmed child shot in the back while running from police

newtboy says...

So, you support shooting all the Bundies and the militia men that stood with them in the death....right? Even if they're running away unarmed?
That wouldn't have been Obama and his Jack booted thugs murdering citizens in your mind, it would be an armed gang of criminal thugs getting what they deserve?

I don't believe that for one picosecond.....they're white.

You're trolling particularly hard recently, personal issues or just upset that Trump is failing on so many levels causing you to lash out?

bobknight33 said:

Why post such video?

He deserved what he got.

No police mishandling.

Yanny or Laurel

entr0py says...

Here's the simplest and seemingly most correct explanation I've seen.

Basically, the two sounds are overlaid with each other. If you have good hearing in high ranges, your mind will filter out one or the other, with a pretty strong bias to hear the higher pitched "Yanny". If your hearing is not so good, you're left only with the "Laurel" bit.

AsapScience is just totally wrong in their conclusion that the "Original" recording says "Laurel". Every bit of Laurel can be removed without altering the Yanny part and visa versa. They don't intersect.

The Infinadeck Omnidirectional Treadmill - Smarter Every Day

Megaweapon says...

"It can't read your mind" however watching the brain and determining simple things is already well established. Presumably the model with the electrode hairnet is not far off. Lots of potential, here.

Comparison of Trump and Obama Responding to School Shootings

newtboy says...

Jesus Christ, Bob, you have lost your mind.
The delusion is strong with this one.
CLINTON worked with Russia to rig an election FOR TRUMP? You're the first person I've heard claim they helped her....because that's just bat shit insanity and contrary to 100% of our intelligence agencies assessments.

What treason? I'll stick to just this weeks current ongoing treason, not doing a thing to safeguard our next election from known Russian interference, contrary to his oath of office and treasonous.

What happened to Trump only gets praise from his own Twitter? Dropped that insanity like red hot steel, didn't ya?

bobknight33 said:

What treason?

Hillary colluding with Russians to rig an election (and still lost).

Obama is on of the worst presidents in history..

Trump is far better than a questionable American community agitator.

Boat Wreck On The Columbia River

Genifer the sweet spider

Engels says...

People with arachnophobia are funny to me, because guys, that spider was objectively cute af, but nooo, you guys see 8 eyes and you lose your minds! Imagine if you will that someone walking down the street freaked the fuck out because of a puppy on a leash, like, climbing the walls and shouting to kill it with fire. That's what it looks like from an arachnophile's perspective.

Republican Tax Scam Is Handwritten Nonsense

newtboy says...

2 years....during which he reversed the Republican engineered depression.
There's this thing called Google. When you want to post a fact without being called a know nothing ignoramus, try looking there first to see just how wrong you are before proving it.

Moore's (mostly Republican) accusers all waited too long. It's no surprise that children kept quiet when threatened by a DA/judge, though. He won't see court unless there's a provable continuing cover-up or recent victims.
Your president is not so fortunate, his 20+ accusers will have their day in court....not that his guilt would change your mind about anything, nothing could.
"Facts are for liberals".

Funny you don't even notice that your position is Republicans are all innocent victims of liars even with clear and solid evidence against them and Democrats are all guilty of more than they're accused of by Project Veritas until (or even after) they're proven innocent, no evidence required....almost like facts don't matter.....

bobknight33 said:

Dems had 8 years to do tax reform and did nothing.

Roy Moore?? We will see when his accusers have their day in court. Till then Roy is innocent.
Your side (Dems) are not so fortunate. The Democrat / Liberal list grows by the day. The party of debauchery.

Follow Your Wildest Dreams BAKAW

eric3579 says...

If you don't know who Matthew Silver is:

"My role as a clown, trickster and village idiot is to parody excessive seriousness by playing with taboos, rules, and social norms. My inspiration comes from my heart. I perform for smiles and laughter, loosening people’s armor, and opening up a portal for imagination, creativity and love.

Some people see me as a raving lunatic, pompous “artistic” hipster, or attention-starved 9 year-old, but people don’t consciously understand the role of a clown in society. Read between the lines and you will start to see things from a different perspective. By breaking down boundaries, I provide you, the viewer, with permission to open your mind and realize it’s okay to act silly from time to time. We may trick ourselves into believing we know everything, constantly striving for perfection in a society that requires a civilized, job-holding, serious individual. We cannot be perfect. If we allow ourselves the chance to be flawed perhaps we can let the obstacles humble us, rather than make us rigid. In the end we can let our guards down to attain our most basic need of giving and receiving love."

ABC News: Purity Balls: Lifting the Veil on Special Ceremony

greatgooglymoogly says...

I don't know, it seems pretty arbitrary to me either way. Actually the best argument for it IMO is that if you only have sex with one person, you aren't going to know if it's good or terrible. You won't have anything to compare it to and therefore something to make your life more unhappy if you think it's bad; one less issue to divorce for as well. Similarly, maybe if you were poor and couldn't afford fancy food, consciously avoiding ever trying the things you couldn't regularly afford so you would never be unhappy with not having it. It would be a question in the back of your mind, but not a source of unhappiness.

It would also have been nice to have some interview questions about how the sons are taught and treated by the same parents.

notarobot said:

Waiting until marriage for sex/romance might have made some sense when girls would be married off by 15. (And often dead by 30 from dysentery....) But the world has moved on.

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