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Dan Savage - Maintaining Sexual Chemistry in LT Relationship

Dan Savage - Maintaining Sexual Chemistry in LT Relationship

Steven Spielberg presents "Oscar Bait"...I mean, "War Horse"

westy says...

The cinema is so shit its not funny and if you are seeing more than 40 films a year you might as well get a HD projector and decent surround sound system it will be infinetly better than what a cinema can offer.

even though technically a cinema should be able to do things better they muck it up getting sound levels wrong , focus wrong , marks on scree, idiots in room with you WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU WANT TO WATCH A FILM IN A ROOM FILLED WITH PEOPLE you don't know !? , noisy food , uncomfortable seats , adverts before film , trailers that show whole fucking plot of future films , anti piracy bullshit messages , waiting in-line for a ticket , 60% of the seats in places that are a detremnt to the viewing angle and the sound.

for $3500 you can get a home system that avoids all the shit of the cinema and delivers things to a higher quality than what would happen on average when you see a film at the cinema.

Granted you might just "enjoy the cinima" for no real objective resoins purely its an engraind thing you have done from a young age and then regardless of all the shit you will probably enjoy it more than a home cinima , and there are definelty some cinimas around that actualy have a degree of charm and add something to the exsperance , but if you are talking about your average multiplex cinima when a new film is out or when its normaly operating the cinima is utter wank.

sorry if you read all that !

Cinimas drive me mental every now and again I fall for the trap and go along thinking oh hay this time it might be ok and every time there is always some shit.

If sum one said you can see a film for free at a cinama or pay £2 not to see it and you had to chose I would pay £2 not to see it.

>> ^budzos:

I came close to that pace in 2001 and 2002 and 2003, seeing 75+ movies theatrically in each of those years...
Drive is showing in the local VIP auditorium, which charges a premium for nicer seats (basically leather recliners) and reserved seating. You can also have a beer in the licensed lounge beforehand, and have drinks delivered to your seat, as it's age restricted to 19 years and up (the legal drinking age here). You can usually count on less miscreants being at those screenings than say the Friday midnight screening of Transformers 3 that I attended in a town that is, shall we say, closer to the airport. However, you still can't count on actual conscientious comportment. In fact I would say most of the most eggregious cases of talking or what I call cinema calisthenics have occured in VIP screenings. Not to mention the actual screen is garbage and I always forget to check but I'm pretty sure they leave the 3D lens on at all times.
I'll probably go see Drive tonight or tomorrow night, and keep my fingers crossed. Because I do really want to see it, and I haven't seen a movie for at least a month.
>> ^Sarzy:
>> ^budzos:
I know what you're saying but I honestly can't remember the last movie that was both really good and unspoiled by the audience and or exhibitors. My best movie-going experiences of the past five years can only be described as tolerable. The best ones were probably when I was going through an alcoholic phase in early 2008 and seeing lesser-grade movies while drunk and sneaking beer and cider in there with me (helps when it's winter).
I'm currently having the dilemma that I really want to see DRIVE, especailly after loving the shit out of VALHALLA RISING by the same director on blu-ray. But I know if I see the movie in theatres some jackass will be there on a first date, or with his little brother, or having some other reason for non-stop jabber.

As someone who sees something like a hundred movies theatrically per year, I definitely feel your pain. There's nothing worse than having your theatre-going experience ruined by some no-good douchebag who thinks it's okay to talk, or to text, or to generally be an asshole in the theatre. But it is possible to have a good movie-going experience. Sometimes it's even in your control -- one big tip is to be willing to move, which seems obvious but a lot of people aren't willing to do it, for whatever reason. Obviously this doesn't work when the movie is packed, but otherwise, even just moving a couple of rows away from a talking douchebag is generally far enough to be able to enjoy the movie again.
There's also some theatres that, for whatever reason, seem to attract a certain group of people. Figure out what these theatres are, and avoid them. Then of course, there are going to be times when you're going to have a bad experience no matter what. But, to me at least, the good experiences make up for the bad ones.
And see Drive. That is a seriously good movie -- probably one of my favourites of the year so far.

Economics On One Foot with Professor Art Carden

Peroxide says...

My goal is to never attend one of Art Carden's classes,

A bottle's worth of water is worth a whole lot to someone in the third world dying of thirst,

You can't do shit with a diamond dumbass. The whole reason diamonds are valuable is because they are kept artificially scarce and over the years De Beers successfully marketed them as desirable ("a girl's best friend", song: "diamonds are forever".

The business that earns the most profit by using resources is Exxon Mobil, and is quickly helping to turn the earth into an unsustainable rock.

Restrictions on trade cause poverty? What about the restriction on the trade of human beings, I bet that's really hurting your pocket book eh you fucking neo-con wank. I'm not going to post anything for this one because if you actually believe this you are beyond grasping any reason.
I mean just look at the poverty that unrestricted trade causes in the USA, how can anyone still claim that an unregulated free market is ethical?

This whole video is bullshit. I can't believe this is tagged with philosophy.

Ron Paul: Don't Blame All Muslims, Tea Party: BOOOOO!

EvilDeathBee says...

"They kill us because we're American and we stand for freedom!"

The verbal equivalent of whipping it out and whacking off in front of everyone. Such a freaking wank statement

Mickey Mouse Epic Dance Battle Ownage on Lame Sauce Kid

Female Bowler Shows Us Her Bowling Balls

Soundworks Collection: The Sound of Transformers: DOTM

Guy gets caught masterbating to World of Warcraft

Wanking to WOW

South Park - Ben Affleck makes out with an 8 year old boy

I'm not enjoying the trolling on the Sift. (Horrorshow Talk Post)

chipunderwood says...

Out of respect for bareboards2 and to indulge my surly, trollish, nature......

This site behaves like a mob-centered clique of tittering children most of the time. The same children who fancy themselves intelligent, erudite, progressive, etc. etc., blah blah blah....The majority and most vocal of those wielding power??-a gaggle of cheap-seat posers here sister, they can't help it-They were raised by the developmentally disabled on video games, too much Satanic television programming, and are victims of a socio-genetic program of disinformation, propaganda, and chemical brain alterations through municipal water, food additives. and pharmaceuticals. In short, those touting the most far-left liberal ideologies are the most full of absolute horse shit-their compasses having been damaged in a powerful magnetic storm of their own bullshit.

Sneaking in back doors through proxy servers with a handful of sock-puppets and an infamous former moniker, one man has forever stained the consciousness of the most stricken of these nit-wit fucks.....

False accusations fueled by passive-aggressive dicklessness was the "final straw" when some brown-nosing Assburger goaded-on another mental midget into a panty-knot whose skin happened to have more melanin than the person who addressed him as "monkey" AND "knuckle-dragger (as in, WE ALL CAME DOWN FROM TREES BUT SOME PEOPLE ARE A BIT THICKER AND SLOWER THAN OTHERS....HELLO!!?? YOU DUMB-ASSES!!) resulting in a fucking lynch-mob of inequity resulting in a permanent banjo.
Yeah, all you fuck-sticks who jumped on the bandwagon....The guy was black and falsely accused a white man of racism because he was a reactionary and ignorant of the engloish language, and IT SUITED HIS DYSFUNCTION TO DESTROY ANOTHER'S WORK...he never discussed SHIT with me....fucking asshole of a black man if ya ask me.....he's AWOL as well....thanks a lot ya fucking pussy, burdturgler.\

Suck my asshole white.

Fuck you all, trolls never die, especially those whose talent, creativity, and passion trump that of the no-life-hafvin' psychic vampires whose energy comes from sucking it from others more alive than themselves..... the Brits call 'em cunts, so I'm told.

I was going to wait until 10 published viddies until I came out to shove shit up the asses of those in need of a reverse colonic but when I see yet another female having to put up with sophomoric cocksuckers who couldn't get a date with male or female without paying and whose dicks are so misshapen from pulling their package they resemble some reptile in mid-peristalsis....

gwiz, yer a fucking cunt-wanking in your dormroom, playing shitty, soul-less guitar-You don't know it yet but you truly hate women....come out of the closet you do not know you are in, and find a nice hairy man.
BF, you haven't changed, as un-clever as ever. Get a fucking life. Take a bath you greasy little mole and Fuck your dead cat.
KP disappeared but he'll probably rear his cunt-head for another ban.
NetRuiner?? You cried and cried until your wife drew sympathy from her "hiatus" until the source of your pain was forever fucking hoo...Notice how your fucking politics are getting shoved directly up your unconscious asses lately?? Fuck the both of you dick-less wonders. Met your type before...they grind the brain-shaped putties out of so-called institutions of higher learning with PhD's and masters degrees daily....most, retarded with no practical survival skills, spouting some party lines instead of snorting them. Try groupsex, perhaps your marriage will last.

DAG, fuck man, your site blows chunks anymore.....what ever happened to that guy choggie??
Oh. Yeah. You fucked him. Nah, it's worse. You sat back and let the rabble high-jack your site....Fuck You.

Hang in there bareboards2, or better yet, go out with a bang....leave your mark and show these children some serious girl-power....

Back as fast as you can say "Bhagwan kare tu aadhi raat gaadi chalate hue uski petrol khatm ho jaaye aur teri jeb mein phooti kaudi na ho."

rottenseed (Member Profile)

Stop Torrenting!

Smooth Groove: The Cameltoe Eliminator

westy says...

Or ......


fucking hell its like women waring high heel shoes or things in general that are utter shit but ware them because they have to look "good" or fit into some fashion.

I dont mind fashion in general but It has to at least perform its base function to some extent especially if its for day to day use.

I dont get why women in general put up with this shit it seems to be more a femail thing strangely when it comes to clothes like this. if i had a Item of clothing that i thought looked realy cool but was not comfortable to ware or my dick flooped out in a weard way then id just not ware it and take it back to shop.

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