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Wake Up Call

EndAll says...

>> ^demon_ix:
Nice disclaimer at the start
"If you're not a gullible conspiracy theorist, please don't watch this so you won't be able to debunk it to others later!". Scientologists do the same thing, not allowing lower-level members or outsiders to hear about Xenu until they're deep in.

I don't think that quite works as a comparison, but I see what you're getting at.

"WE'RE SCREWED" - Special Edition NY Post Stuns New Yorkers

EDD says...

Early this morning, nearly a million New Yorkers were stunned by the appearance of a "special edition" New York Post blaring headlines that their city could face deadly heat waves, extreme flooding, and other lethal effects of global warming within the next few decades. The most alarming thing about it: the news came from an official City report.

Although the 32-page New York Post is a fake, everything in it is 100% true, with all facts carefully checked by a team of editors and climate change experts.

Distributed by over 2000 volunteers throughout New York City, the paper has been created by The Yes Men and a coalition of activists as a wake-up call to action on
climate change. It appears one day before a UN summit where Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon will push 100 world leaders to make serious commitments to reduce carbon
emissions in the lead-up to the Copenhagen climate conference in December. Ban has said that the world has "less than 10 years to halt (the) global rise in
greenhouse gas emissions if we are to avoid catastrophic consequences for people and the planet," adding that Copenhagen is a "once-in-a-generation opportunity."

"This could be, and should be, a real New York Post," said Andy Bichlbaum of the Yes Men. "Climate change is the biggest threat civilization has ever faced, and it should be in the headlines of every paper, every day until we solve the problem."

Online issue of this "Special Edition" New York Post.

Why America Is Fucked

quantumushroom says...

Sounds like he should start an "old timey signs" business. When he sees how many punishing taxes and fees and regulations the proto-commie government has made to discourage entrepreneurship and thwart innovation, he'll get his real wake-up call on why A is F.

Black Sheep - Flavor Of The Month

MrFisk says...

For a second, I'm wreckin
I got ya double checkin
Then again,
when to you knees did you beckon
Hold me only if you wanna get naked
Play before a crowd only if you wanna wreck it
The name is Dres, like silk I get slick
Drop rhymes like a basehead Bic flicks
Constantly, yes it's me
So yes, I guess, unless, confess
you can get down
To serious business, with this
I never boned a honey that I didn't like
I never saw a mile that I couldn't hike
I never had a spliff to make me choke
I never had a pocket that was broke
Hate no one but love only a few
Franklin, Grant and yeah mom too
I run buckwild for self or with the crew
But then again, huh I thought you knew
Now I hear the voice
Is it what you want?
I hope it is kid
you're the flavor of the month

So you got the fever for the flavor of the other
Chocolate, sasspirilla, or is it you like another
Flavor in my socks
To the curly locks
Black Sheep rollin hard
and kncokin peons out the box
Never have I ever never
ever felt much better
Did the whole nine
on the tenth I was no wetter
Ready and I'm eager
Eager as a beaver
On the radio and good to go
says your receiver
Not to be the baddest
or the oldest nor the wackest
Neither am I needest
or the newest or the blackest
Just a brown fellow
Who's not afraid of Jello
To the people of the world
I would like to say G'day
Had to wait a while
But the while has been waited
Never gave up hope
in myself, nor debated
Didn't shed a tear when I wasn't picked
Cause I got a cone now, want a lick?

Now I catch a number
when before I caught a glare
Now I give a pound
when before I got a stare
Now I guess I kinda got it goin on
I get a wake-up call on the lawn
I used to try and push a demo
Now I have a Coupe
That's a bit more than a little
But then not quite a few
Funny how they find you
when they told you get lost
Tell me why you're grittin
when you have no dental floss
Wasn't my loss
Thought you were the boss?
You never knew how much the Sherbert cost
Forget it, I never sweat it
Your girl will give me play I'll wet it
It only happens just because you let it
Now everybody wants to play my phone
I see em with a spoon
I see em with a cone
You never knew I knew it
but I knew you would pursue it
Hurry up and get a scoop before it's gone

GOP now officially irrelevant - Specter switches to Dems

kagenin says...

When Hillary Clinton campaigned in Pennsylvania, she got 200,000 Republicans to change affiliation to vote for her in the primaries.

A good majority of those people probably voted for Arlen, and will probably continue to vote for him now that he's followed suit. I don't think he'll have any problem retaining his seat. President Obama has already thrown his support behind him and promised to help with his campaign if asked. I think he realized that any support from the GOP to retain his seat would be half-hearted at best. The GOP is in a downward spiral. For the last 20 years, they've alienated moderates like Specter and Snowe. Specter switching parties should be seen as a wake-up call to the Neo-cons that change is a-comin.

He may not be very well like by us hard-core lefties, but we would rather work with people like Specter than "Man-tan" Boener.

I'll use the rest of my comment to whore my new blog. I posted on this earlier today

Waterboarding IS Torture -- Amnesty International

charliem says...

Its pretty easy to understand dag, when you realise how entrenched their minds are with the "us vs. them" mentality visa vi political party.

If they admitted it was torture, their elected leaders of the country, that also got the wars going to begin with, are international war criminals, and must be bought to justice.

To these guys political teams are just as powerfully entrenched in their mindset, as sports teams are to the fans that go to the games dressed up as the mascot and painted the teams colors.

Fanatics, its all they are. Plain and simple.

To admit that Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Wolfowitz, Rove etc. signed off on acts of torture, would be tantamount to them suddenly saying their entire team is a sham. Wont happen anytime soon without a serious wake up call.

Its a damn shame that you have powerful media talking-heads with that much of a vested interest in any political party, im just glad that John Stewart has the temerity to call Obama out on his bullshit as well (Re: gitmo closing, but keeping the afghan air-base prisons open, with the exact same MO as gitmo, among others).

Sift and Tell (Talks Talk Post)

blahpook says...

Thanks for the post, AC. Here's mine, I think.
Barely sifted, but my first intended sift and still a favorite whenever I need a wake-up call.

and in utter and stark contrast:
In my PQ potentially because people think there is no shortage of panda vids, but alas, little do they realize this is an EVIL panda bear. Yes, there is such a thing.

Teen Speaks Out On Cop Beating

bcglorf says...

>> ^lucky760:
I don't condone the officers' actions in the least, but to be honest, I don't feel bad for her at all and I refuse to upvote her "woe is me" routine.

I agree, the officer was over reacting, but I can't feel sorry for the girl either. When you mouth off to the police and throw something at them you need a wake up call. As far as I'm concerned the police should have just forcibly cuffed the girl and locked her in the cell until her parents got there. It should then be the parents that apply the beating the kid deserves for something like that(I'm not demanding a physical beat-down, but neither would I rule it out). Respecting the police is probably the most serious thing a kid needs to learn in life.

Wife Swap: Extremely Stuck Up Family Edition

★DENNIS! talks about Auto Bail-Out ★

NetRunner says...

I'm with Kucinich on this bailout. I'm also in full agreement with the idea that the American auto companies need a huge wake-up call -- but if it's all the same to you, I'd rather not watch the big three unravel right when the economy is as unhealthy as I've ever seen it.

I don't think the Wall Street one was a good idea. I think something needed done, and something big, I just think the form it took, and the way it was handled was typically Bushian -- cling to ideology first, political maneuvering second, paying off friends in the industry third, and if there's time and money left over after servicing those, let's see if we can make a dent in the actual problem we're supposed to be solving.

From what I've read, Dems basically submitted to every one of Bush's demands in order to get him to not veto the bailout bill. That means this one is likely to be filled with bullshit landmines entirely designed to a) prevent the plan from working b) set back environmental and labor issues Democrats care about, and c) give congressional Republicans a chance to stand in opposition to a plan that Bush and Democrats agree on.

If I were just as evil as the average Republican representative, for political purposes I'd pray the Republicans block the damn thing, despite Bush ineffectually trying to convince them to vote for it. Then I'd have the Democrats say "call us when you grow up", and put the House and Senate on recess until Jan 20th. Then have them hit the talk show circuit to loudly gripe about how they tried their best to save the auto industry, but the Republicans stopped them from acting, and that they'll try again when they have more votes and a responsible President.

Part of me hopes that's how it'll play out...but I'd be really uncomfortable leaving things at an impasse like that, because I don't know that GM and Chrysler would make it, and I know their dying would not be good for the country.

I don't get the sense that Republicans give a shit about what's good for the country. If anything, they seem to actively want the American auto companies to die, and the Democrat-supporting UAW with it, impact on regular people and the economy be damned.

...if you've ever owned a cat...

McCain Concedes Loss to Obama

quantumushroom says...

The ship is sunk, the rescue boat is gone, the life vest has a leak and the shark is chewing on his leg, yet QM will not admit defeat...

Obama is a blessing, a warning and wake-up call. Like the pied piper, he has led the rats and turncoats off the USS True Conservative. Despite his rudderless ways, McCain would've been a nice alternative to the coming multiple and needless messes to come (liberals always learn the hard way, when they learn at all) but now with only taxocrats as far as the eye can see running things, all the pressure of reality is on you libs.

The spiel that sold the used clunker won't keep it running off the lot.

US Economy unsustainable; former Comptroller General talk

The Great VideoSift Coming -Out Thread (Happy Talk Post)

alien_concept says...

'Ello all

I hate blogs, I just do. Nothing I can do about that and in this day and age where the world and his wife wants you to know their innermost thoughts, I better just get the fuck over it and be tolerant.
I honestly never thought i'd end up doing anything like sharing my stuff in the middle of a forum, but here I am. I have come to realise that not everyone on the net is a try-hard moron and it seems to me after nearly four months of being here, that the ratio of intelligent, insightful, well-balanced people to banal, attention seeking, usual suspects swings in favour. I realised I actually wanted to know a little bit more about the people behind all these random vids and comments, sucked in I guess. Go me!

My name is Rae, i'm 27 and I live on the south coast, in England. I work with teenagers, project work and centre based and I kick arse at my job, I love it. I have two children, a girl 9, and boy 5 and i'm a single mum. They're brilliant, hilarious, precocious little shits and they drive me insane.

I was born up North but moved around a lot as a kid. Never really settled down until we got to where I am now, but by that point I had nearly lost my mind for one reason and another. At the age of 13 I finally became too much for my parents to handle and went into care, living in a home with 8 other kids all older than me. I thought I had it bad, I thought my life was shit, I was the biggest twat of a teenager and I most definitely knew better than anyone else. Then came the wake up call. I knew nothing of suffering in comparison to what I saw and in the three years I was there, I saw a lot. It changed me for the better and i've never lost what I learnt in that time.

I got into the sift, because I kept geting vids sent through to me by another person here evil_disco_man. Just on another note, he is my muse, one of the greatest guys I have ever known and I platonically love him to death. Anyhow, one day I got bored, so decided to have a look around. I liked what I saw and decided to jump on board and have a bash myself. One of the things I really like about this place is that you can really get a decent view of personalities, just by looking through peoples sifts and comments. It fascinates me immensley. I always take the time to look at the queues of people who upvote my stuff and have found some real gems and very like-minded ladies and gents. This makes me happy.
MarineGunrock gave me my first promote and this got me my first sift and from thereon in I caught the bug. Cheers mate

Anyway, considering I hate blogs i've done a damn good job of contradicting myself, so i'll stop right there. Thanks for all your votes people, long may it last!

Insane footage of 2004 tsunami wave hitting the shore

mintbbb says...

I had heard the term 'tsunami' before. OK, big wave coming or something.. nowhere near where I live, doesn't happen often... This one was a real wake-up call, for me and for a LOT of people. And it is so unfortunate that a tsunami this big has to hit lots of tourist beaches before it gets this much attention.

To me, this was more personal than just news footage. I am from Finland (though now live in the US), and lots of Finnish, and other Scandinavian tourists spend their winter vacation on these beautiful beaches. This tsunami killed lots of Finns too. Among them: A very popular pop singer, Aki Sirkesalo with his whole family.. A great stage actor from my home town who had just retired, Aulis Rosendahl.. It could have been my mom, my cousin, a dear friend of mine on one of those beaches, just enjoying a great Christmas vacation in the sun!

You never know when something like this hits. You might be on the beach, going 'whoa, look at those weird waves' and never think twice what's going to happen next..

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