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Korean girls taste American snacks (ENG sub)

Lifter cleans the VHS Head

Pitch Perfect 237

Excalibur artillery shell

The world's most beautiful sustainable font

Cops Owned By Legal Gun Owner

chicchorea says...

...seems like It thinks I was talking about It.

...oh, wait a minute, didn't you,...wasn't it you that...and aren't you on....

Then I must have been.

Mirror mirror in the bowl, who's the "Little...thing" in the swirl.

Down and down It goes, round and round It goes. In a spin,,,,

chingalera said:

....'moronic miscreant'-Check a fucking mirror, douchebag.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Wealth Gap

Women Deserve to be Raped - Outrage

Yogi says...

Who are you? Anyways my problem is good people all over the place get killed, often in horrible ways. You wanna improve you or your families lives in the wrong area of the world, you get two to the back of the head in an alley. Live in the wrong neighborhood, driveby, you die in the street waiting 20 minutes for the ambulance. Black and resisting arrest, you get shot in the back and cuffed while the cop that flees to another state gets dragged back and doesn't serve time.

So all this horrible shit happens to good people in the world. Why can't something horrible happen to this guy? My comment was a bit tongue and cheek and sometimes I just like to shout. Honestly though I would LOVE to see one day someone with a fucked up opinion in America get killed in the most brutal way imaginable. Someone who isn't black and doesn't think it's right for the state to treat them like second class citizens. Someone who has had every advantage in life and is pissed off for no appreciable reason at all.

Everyone get's to complain, some get killed. I'd like to see just one, JUST FUCKING ONE guy who's shitty opinion everyone doesn't like get it fucking good.

SDGundamX said:

Seriously? You think a world in which people are murdered for speaking their opinion is a better one than we have now? And furthermore you think we don't murder people who have distasteful opinions because we're "pussies"? Not a bit of cognitive dissonance when you wrote either of those statements?

AlanMikkelsona (Member Profile)

Reversing Arrow Optical Illusion

lucky760 says...


Light BENDS when you look at it through water, especially water inside a cylindrical object???

I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen this optical illusion in action.

Mind. Blown.

Next thing you'll tell me is magnets work through some kind of force other than magic.

Mom Tries to Teach Adorable Girl Life Lesson

World War Two Movie Making Gone Wrong

Quadrophonic says...

Hahaha, that was funny... let's look at the comments... wait a minute is there a war going on?
All I saw was a guy riding a bike, he didn't get an erection when he saw the Nazi uniforms and he wasn't hugging a tree. So I guess he was just riding a bike. Maybe he saw the camera, maybe he didn't.

Noah Official Trailer (HD) Russell Crowe, Emma Watson

chingalera says...

No way, man. Yer thinkin' too hard. Oh wait a minute....It's not a divorce lawyer commercial??
Hmmm...I guess I did call shenanigans because yeah, Lawyer Bob here likes the smell of his own job. Un-righteous livelihood. Knee-jerk reaction to the user name there, floridadivorce-

My bad with no apologies. Lawyers. Can't stand the sound of that word or those who seek to benefit from the profession.

chicchorea said:

...slippery slippery...again....

Banned? Why? Profession? Again?


Don't underestimate your opponent.! Cmon hit me!!

Trancecoach (Member Profile)

enoch says...

well thank god i visited your page!
oooo../claps hands
what a delight to read your response!

i agree with almost everything you expressed.
oh thank you my friend!

economics has never been my strong suit.i know..shocker.
but i AM quite literate in history and government and of course politics.
while you are correct that a socialist state can become a fascist one,so too can a democracy.
it is really the forces of ideology which can push a state to either a fascist or swing despotic.
but i get your point.

i do apologize for my oftentimes rambling.maybe because i am a little out of my comfort zone when it comes to economics,so i rely on my history and governmental knowledge to fill in the gaps.
your last post really cleared so many misconceptions i was having during this conversation.

i knew we were more in agreement than disagreement.
and we are.

1.the banks need to held accountable.
2,which by inference means the governments role should be as fraud detector and protector of the consumer.
3,you didnt mention it but i hope you agree the corporate charter needs to be rewritten in a way where they are NOT a person and therefore shall be removed from the political landscape.
4.this will (or should) re-balance our political system (which is diseased at the moment).
5.which will return this country to a more level playing field and equate to=more liberty.
6.this will open innovation,progress and advancements in ALL fields AND due to competitive forces ,will lower prices.

how am i doing so far?

since we have to talk about politics when we talk about markets.
my old professor dr paul (great man,miss him very much).
he reduced politics down to one simple question:
"what should we do"?
or in terms that we have been discussing:
"what is governments role"?

thats it.
now people like to make it more complicated,especially people getting paid good money to postulate on sunday morning tv shows,but thats it.

being an anarchist is not one dimensional.
the anarchism YOU are speaking of is the extreme.
i am more the libertarian socialism flavor.( didnt convert me)
the anarchist may see a form of government that no longer works.that is weighed down by its own hubris,greed and corruption.
the anarchist finds it perfectly acceptable to tear down that government to build a new one.

and why not?
if something aint working the way it was meant to,get rid of it and try another.

now you wanted to know why i feared and unrestricted free market.
(which is how i was talking your previous post and confused me greatly).i see now i may have misinterpreted your commentary so my next point may be a moot one.
if so..i apologize.

if we put everything on the table as an unrestricted free market.we would be going back to feudalism.
the flaw in capitalism is not just the boom and bust but the exploitation of the common man,or worker if you like.

not only would the most vulnerable of us be exploited but it would make the class structure even WORSE than it is now (which by comparison is not too bad when compared to,say..somolia).

we see pockets of this happening now here in the US:

imagine having to pay for any road you drove on.ALL of them.all owned by different companies and subsidiaries.every one of them a toll road.
the market would dictate what burden could be held sufficiently in order to turn a profit.
what percentage would be prevented from driving those roads due to lack of funds?

see what im saying?

lets take this template and put it with firefighters.
would having a firehouse every couple of miles be profitable?
i mean,how many fires are there actually occurring on any given day?
so the firehouse would have 2 choices that i see.
shut down the more rural and spread the firehouses more thinly OR charge a monthly fee.
since a nominal fee would be the most likely avenue,what about those people who cant afford that fee?
does the firehouse BILL them?
"sorry for the loss of your house us".

and what about police?
they already have become revenue generators and protectors of the privileged.
what happens to poor folks in an unrestricted market?
police wont have a station in any inner city profit there.
no no no..wait a minute!
there would be HUUUGE profit there!
/smacks head
what was i thinking!
of course!
just like our prison system the police would be paid by the state PER arrest.
to be reimbursed on a quarterly basis!
then poor people could be commodities!

nope nope nope.not gonna work.
that would mean the state would have to impose a tax or something to generate the revenue to pay for the arrested subjects.

hahaha im being an asshole now.forgive me.

ok.lets talk schooling.
lets privatize em!
free market baby!
based on the local population and average income we can fill those seats.
aaaand maybe get rid of NCLB and standardized testing,which i loving refer to as the giant ball of bullshit.
now this would be GREAT.

wait a minute.
what about the poor families that cant afford the tuition?
what do they do?

well in an unrestricted market and pesky government out of the way what do YOU think is going to happen to a system driven by self interest and profit?

welcome back child labor!!
and the 80 hour work week!
and beatings for not making quota!
and how awesome is it that that poor family of 5 gets to live with grandma,grandpa,uncle lou and aunt sara and there 3 kids all in one 3 bedroom house.
its 1913 all over again.
happy days are here again.......

ok ok.dont get mad at me.that was mostly tongue in cheek.
i realize after your post tonight that you are not suggesting an "unrestricted" free market but a free market.

and i am ok with that.
if we can limit government intrusion.
allow companies to tank when they fail.
rewrite the corporate charter (or dissolve them completely,or as i suggested previously make them accountable and put back the phrase "for the public good").
reign in bank fraud and make the rules to keep em honest.

in my opinion the only thing we really seem to disagree on is when it is in regards to labor.

i tried a few years ago to buy my friends bar/eatery with most of the employees.
did you know what i found out?
we were not allowed.
could not get the permits.
the owner even offered to finance us all..
how about them apples.illegal to have an employee owned business.

that is changing though.
employee owned businesses and co-opts are popping up like recurring herpes.

i dont know why it was illegal in this area and i dont see how employee owned companies would threaten a free market.

but as you figured out.
economics is not my strong suit.

and my man,cant tell ya how grateful i am to have had this conversation with you.i learned tons,about you and your views and even some about free markets.

thank you my friend.thank you.

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