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Impaled by marlin

transmorpher says...

If I believed in Karma, then I'd say it's for the hundreds of fish this guy has impaled in the mouth with his fishing hook, and then left to suffocate on the boat. Either way, it's so much needless suffering.

Richard Dawkins seems to think that the lower intelligence a creature the more pain it feels (to keep it safe, since it's unable to reason as effectively). There's no real way to tell how much pain a fish feels, but watching it try to escape as it's being pulled by the mouth is a pretty good indicator. For comparison if someone stuck a hook in a dogs mouth, and then pulled the dog along as it squirmed and writhed in pain, people would lose their minds. A fish is doing the same thing, only minus the yelping.

Liberal Redneck - Transgender Patriots and the GOP

Jinx says...


I don't know how it is in the states, but in this country if you want to go through gender reassignment you will get it for free on the NHS. Its a long road, it isn't easy, they make it hard etc, but like anything else that poses a risk to somebodies health it is paid for by the state. I feel like a lot of people consider reassignment a sort of frivolous sex thing but being unable to escape the body in which you are born is, you know, desperately depressing. I don't think I am exaggerating when I say that surgery and hormone treatment are potentially lifesaving, and certainly greatly improve the quality of life in most cases.

Couple of things I don't understand - Is this the military saying they will no longer pay for treatments associated with gender reassignment, or is this a blanket ban on transgender men and women from serving in the military? One wonders why the military can't spend even a fraction of the amount is spends on toys on its servicemen/women...

Anyhoo. It's a distraction. Not trying to suggest that it is a minor thing for those affected, but I really think this is to divert the left and win back support from the right. It sucks dreadfully that a minority group is again used as target for political maneuvering and it is worthy of resistance but I can't help but feel we are playing into their hand by doing so.

@bobknight33 I pity you.

MilkmanDan said:

@CrushBug -- Very good arguments in favor of absorbing the cost, even IF hormone therapy / gender reassignment is paid for by the military / government.

@entr0py -- Links that I've read from conventional news outlets claim that hormone therapy and gender reassignment were covered by military healthcare IF a doctor signed off on them as being medically necessary. An article I read about Chelsea Manning specifically stated that the hormone therapy was definitely paid for by the military, but that it wasn't 100% clear who paid the bill for her gender reassignment. I can't find that exact article, but here's another one from 2015 that suggests the same things:

Another article I read said that Obama issued an order / proclamation / whatever that the military would pay for those things if they were deemed medically necessary, which was a change from the former system (not covered). Not sure when/if that went into effect, but I think it must have. I'll look and see if I can find a link to that one.

I'm not saying that my info is right and yours is wrong, but it seems unclear. They (gender reassignment and hormone therapy) definitely weren't covered for a long time, but it seems like the hormone therapy was for sure at least in Manning's case.

Again, just to my personal opinion, I think the old system of "welcome to serve but we ain't paying for that stuff" was fine (ideal?). CrushBug presents a good argument for the military absorbing those costs since they are such a tiny fraction of the military budget (even though trans soldiers are arguably also a tiny fraction of the total).

Strangely enough, I'd pretty happily agree to those services being covered (if deemed medically necessary) as part of single-payer universal health care available to ALL CITIZENS. That would still be paying for them with tax dollars, but not tax dollars earmarked for military, which seems better to me somehow.

And again, I think Trump is 100% in the wrong for barring trans people from service simply for being trans. I agree that he's really just trying to rile up his base and trigger their righteous indignation. But, I do still basically think that the military paying for those services (or viagra / hair transplants / botox / cosmetic stuff, etc.) out of their budget is wrong. Even if amounts to a drop in the ocean that is military spending.

enoch (Member Profile)

radx says...

Remember Scott Ritter? Arms inspector, made the rounds with Seymour Hersh about a decade ago with "Target Iran", when the Bush administration was in a very bellicose posture vis-a-vis Iran.

Interesting guy, often amongst the first to call out attempts to fabricate a casus belli on Middle Eastern nations.

He had a go at the NSA document supposedly leaked by Leigh Winner. Check it out: Leaked NSA Report Short on Facts, Proves Little in ‘Russiagate’ Case

"In many ways, the rush to blame Russia for attempting to undermine American democracy by meddling in our election system has become a self-fulfilling prophesy. The damage done to the credibility of our democratic institutions as a result of the politicized congressional proceedings has been incalculable, and by all accounts the worst is yet to come.

The Russians barely had to lift a finger—the wounds derived from this political maelstrom have all been self-inflicted. The fact that the mainstream media have been unable to accurately report on the issue only underscores the depths to which institutions and agencies will fall to deride and destroy that which they detest and abhor, namely President Trump."

Jimmy Kimmel tells story of his newborn's health issues

oblio70 says...

...there is a small, ignorant, selfish part of me loudly screaming "FINALLY!" over the easy emotions of this. As a father to a CHD child, I am intimately aware of the extreme complications (outside of the medical ones) such a development presents to a family...maybe let that sink in a bit.

So why do I hold such a callous response? Please believe that my heart is breaking for them even now, but the chance of seeing an opportunity to bring this issue bubble up to the front and ...
First, why is this even an issue beyond the Hospital to begin with, and what roles do those outside play in the outcomes? For me, this experience in my own life has been so devastating and yet I am unable to express what it was that happened and how I processed it, while wildly pointing and saying "like that".

I'm sorry...still processing it I guess.

Racist is what you do, not what you say.

newtboy says...

Excuse me. You made an outrageous blanket claim. You offered zero evidence or proof of your unlikely claim. If it were fact, you could prove it instead of winging and whining.

You said you could find it on Google in less time than it took to ask for it.
You have now replied 4 times with derision and hilarious cranial rectosis, but still are completely unable to find any actual evidence or proof.

One example of one case in no way makes your point. If a prosecution was successful just once, it invalidates your claim. That could mean 100000000 murdering cops were not convicted, and you would still be dead wrong.

Your inability to comprehend the difference between fact and claim, even when you provide the definition of each, is evidence of cranial rectosis, more evidence than you've provided to support your claim, but it's not proof. Your continuing inability to produce the evidence you claimed was simple to find makes me think you're just a liar that can't admit they were caught making shit up. Prove me wrong.

C-note said:

Asking for proof and not having it spoon fed to you does not invalid something that is true.

Michael Slager plead guilty for using excessive force in the shooting death of Walter Scott. He was not convicted of murder even after america saw the video of the killing and the crime scene staging.

The fact stands true and will continue to remain true until the day a court makes a conviction. This is not a claim and to continue to dispute or argue that which is true is just a demonstration of something just as sinister as racism, but more disturbing.

horace and pete-the trans discussion and walk of shame

Mordhaus says...

It is a tough subject, and from statistics, one that leads to a lot of assault or worse upon those of transgender status. In my own opinion, and I'm just some ass that you know on the internet, I can only see two situations where the issue should be discussed.

1. The person has not completed transitioning, simply because it could be an extreme shock to the person you are planning on making love with. (Note: This does not mean the other person has any right to harm you in any way.)

2. You are planning on entering into some form of relationship where children are to be expected through normal methods. This is simply because it is unfair to the person you are planning on being with. The same applies to men and women who are unable to conceive and know they are incapable. Be up front with your partner, regardless of your gender.

Trigger Happy Cop Attacks Private Investigator

littledragon_79 says...

Interesting to read the jury instructions, especially the requests for admission portion:

I'm a bit on the fence with this one. I understand the fear, but that deputy seemed completely unable to be rational. And that's a tough thing to be in this situation, but you gotta keep your wits about you...for everyone's sake. I'm kind of surprised he didn't accidentally pull the trigger.

As with most of these issues/interactions, I place a lot of blame on the bosses and elected officials for not forming/maintaining a better dept.

Fixperts - A Button Fastener for 82 year old Tom

newtboy says...

But it's not ALL you said, as you preceded that reasonable suggestion with some totally wrong medical information, as I said.
Gotta learn to read the entire sentence there, mate.

You don't know if I have or have not read them. Truth is I don't need to read the studies in their entirety to know he's consistently misrepresented them, I can read a synopsis and understand scientists and or doctors when they delineate the limits and implications of their own studies, but that still doesn't mean I haven't read them. Even if I were unable to understand a study and it's limitations, I would still take the clear words of the doctors at Johns Hopkins who did the studies on arthritis and diet over hyperbiased diet guru McDougal every time.

transmorpher said:

I did actually say that.....Gotta read more than the first sentence before you get triggered and go on a hyperbolic rant mate ;-)

You also didn't read the studies he's referencing, clearly shows meat/dairy being a factor.

NYC's Best Burger, Explained

newtboy says...

I stand by that. Never get your science (solely) from the internet. As you've proven, it's not a good source.

When you conflate cheese eaters with opium junkies, you are trying to make cheese eaters feel bad for eating cheese. That is food shaming. It's sad that you are either unwilling or unable to admit that, it's unavoidable.

transmorpher said:

OK well here is the actual quote:
"NEVER get your science from the internet."

I'm not trying to shame you, I'm just providing information. I'm sorry that you're interpreting it with such hostility.

Sam Harris on Trump

ulysses1904 jokingly says...

The bit about talking as if he's making up rhymes and has to stick with whatever he came up with cracked me up, he nailed it. Here's Trump's response during a presidential debate:

I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some, uh, people out there in our nation don't have maps and, uh, I believe that our education like such as in South Africa and, uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and, I believe that they should, our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S., uh, or, uh, should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future. For our children.

Can Trump read?

bobknight33 says...

If this is true -- which seems fair to say by looking at this ---- WOW FUCK

But then I ask how can this bee if he got an economics degree from Wharton. No small feat.

Plus as a kid he was on the NY military academy During his senior year attained the rank of captain.

That all said It wold seem that he could read... not necessarily guarantee it

Reading Statistics

Total percent of U.S. population that has specific reading disorders 15%

Total percentage of U.S. adults who are unable to read an 8th grade level book 50%

Total amount of words read annually by a person who reads 15 minutes a day 1 million

Total percent of U.S. high school graduates who will never read a book after high school 33%

Total percentage of college students who will never read another book after they graduate 42%

Total percentage of U.S. families who did not buy a book this year 80%

Total percentage of books started that aren’t read to completion 57%

Total percent of U.S. students that are dyslexic 15%
Total percentage of NASA employees that are dyslexic 50%
Total number of U.S. inmates that are literate 15%

No single terror attack in US by countries on Trump ban list

newtboy says...

Then, you (We) are suggesting legitimizing their claim to be autonomous states by accepting that classification to be able to declare war against them. Horrible idea, and against international law.

I call bullshit. That's like saying if an American commits a crime outside of America, or inside it against a foreigner, America just declared war on that country. Absolute bullshit. if Pakistan's government didn't direct the attack, they aren't declaring war. You don't hold a nation accountable for the actions of a few criminals within their borders unless they are backed by that nation. Because they can't stop the monster(s) we made (neither can we) absolutely in no way means they yield their sovereignty...that's asinine. EDIT: your theory would mean the Bundies would be their own country now, sovereign and at war with America, because we were unable to stop them from taking over public land (repeatedly), and didn't prosecute any of them.

Bullshit again. Because they aren't a state, they shouldn't be treated as one, no matter what bullshit they claim. Duh. Maybe they claim to be one, but they don't run away from that claim, it just isn't given credence by accepting it. They mostly are illegal aliens in the countries they now live in.

Afghanistan had good reason to refuse Bush....and you might recall were fighting the Taliban and Al-Qaida already for control of their own country.

Afghanistan was not hosting the terrorists, they 'invaded' or morphed out of non government controlled militias (Al-Qaida started as a retirement unit for the 'freedom fighters' we trained to fight Russia) . The Afghan government has excellent reasons to never invite a super power to cross their borders ever again.....and empires have good reason to avoid doing so. Afghanistan did not start or declare war with us, some invaders and criminals squatting in caves there did.

Exactly, the terrorist organizations aren't the fault or beneficiary of the government's in the countries where they hide or invade, they are the fault of those that support them, oddly missing from the travel ban and our assassination plans. See how that might piss off Afghansans and Pakistani?

bcglorf said:

Trying split up addressing your points and enoch's here, forgive me if things bleed over between a bit.

Large terrorist networks like Al Qaida were and still are using your definitions against your country. They operated with impunity and effectively as their own autonomous state within the borders of Afghanistan and Pakistan. The question is whether acts of war launched from that region then are classed as an act of the Afghan or Pakistani state. If they are, then Afghanistan and Pakistan are to be held to account as states launching the act of war. If they are not, then they have for intents and purposes yielded the sovereignty of that territory to a new independent state waging it's own independent war.

The jihadists are trying to hard to live in an international loophole where they are operating with the autonomy of a state right up until another nation state wants to wage war back against them and then suddenly they are just citizens of the larger state they are technically within the borders of.

When the Bush admin pushed back hard, the Afghanistan government refused(more on this in my reply to Enoch) while the Pakistani government extremely begrudgingly agreed to at least pretend they weren't friendly with them in back channels anymore. Thus act of war met with war in Afghanistan, and yes, I would insist a war that Afghanistan initiated and NOT GW.

As for Saudi Arabia, they are more responsible for Jihadi ideology and funding than any other state, and yes the west largely has ignored it so long as they sold their oil and then used the money to buy back top of the line American made military hardware. I have to say I think it's a bit shortsighted to have made Saudi Arabia number 3 on the global military budget charts... You won't find my hypocritically trying to defend them, they are the ones sending most of the money into Pakistan's mountains to build the madrasa's that don't seem to teach anything after how to fire and assemble your AK.

No single terror attack in US by countries on Trump ban list

greatgooglymoogly says...

He was on the verge of making a point about the radicalization of US Muslims. Remember Anwar al-Awlaki, US citizen killed by drone? Guess which other country he lived in? The countries on the list, with the exception of Iran, all have weak central governments that are unable to prevent large groups of terrorists operating in their country and spreading radical islamic beliefs. I think Egypt and Saudi Arabia should probably be there too just based on their history, but maybe diplomatic considerations were made. Obviously Trump had no concern over diplomatic relaions with Iran.

Why We Choose Suicide

Jinx says...

I don't wanna judge people too much who make that decision, cos, you know, who really knows where their mind was at... but wherever it was it wasn't a good place to be making life/death decisions. Terminal illness is perhaps a different story, but ye, if its a mental illness that they have a reasonable chance of recovering from or managing with help, then ye, I don't really know if I'd ever accept it as a "wise" decision.

I don't think it is selfish to want people to stick around because I don't think it comes from wanting them for yourself at all. Would you not stop somebody from self-harming even if they wanted to? Do we not have a responsibility to care for those who are mentally ill, to the point where they are unable or unwilling to care for themselves?

shagen454 said:

But to add some flame to it - sometimes I wonder if some of the people I know who chose to end it early - made a wise decision just to end it

Meryl Streep on the Press, the Arts & Empathy. Vivisection.

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