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Justice - D.A.N.C.E. [Cool Vid w Animated T-Shirts]

westy says...

Within the next 5 years shirts are going to come out that can display changable images vidoe ore txt. i think it will be intresting to see if the govement tries to pass laws to sencer people. at the moment in england its eligal to have sexualy exsplicit stuff on your shirt ore "indecent" imigary and you can get arestead on the spot for it. it could allso be an intresting socail mechignisum. allso u could have games bassed around it where u play vear other peoples shirts. it would be cool as a conversatoin starter hay can i play pong on your shirt. i think this whole moving shirt thing will be an idenitfyer for the 0010,s in the future like how we think of pagers ore tamagochies as 90s

Google hacks

Feature Request: Text Listing of Collectives (Sift Talk Post)

"Yeah, I'll Try It" Famous Last Words (He Lived)

Anthony installs Windows Vista in 2 minutes

joedirt says...

I think Vista was the best thing to happen to OSX. (or at least Ubuntu)
I mean, how many people are going to buy new computers, get this sluggish brick, with all sorts of new annoying things (stuff can't get written in c:Program Files) and they haven't fixed a single thing that annoys you about Windows.

Dag is right, the stupid File-Open mini-menu never saves anything, Last Folder location, window size, Sort By Details... You have to fight with the same crap everytime (occasionally an app will remember previous dir, but that's it).

If Apple would realize the hardware isn't that important now that iPhone and iPod will be 70% of revenue... They SHOULD go for the jugular and remove the DRM stuff to lock OSX to apple hardware. I realize they don't support anything but a handful of devices/drviers. But if you have the right chipset/CPU/graphics... Then you should be able to buy OSX. They should have a big disclaimer about what hardware is supported. And the Chinese will go nuts producing boxen that are compatible. Hell, my Dell laptop ran OSX just fine when the first Intel OSX86 was leaked.

(BTW OSX is easy to upgrade... It's freakin BSD/Linux, so user files go here, OS goes here. Programs go here, configs for programs go some place logical.. Easy cheesy... Good luck with Vista upgrade over buggy XP)

I love how Microsoft is so insanely incompetent that you can't just install clean on your computer. You would have to wipe/ install XP (probably upgrade to SP2) / then upgrade to Vista. What happens with Office trojan wipes out you computer...

All I know is that I have a "Vista Capable" machine and a free copy of Vista Business, and there is no way I'm installing.. Maybe if I get a spare harddrive.. (No point installing into VMware cause you don't get the Aero glass with VMware graphics support) Also, Nvidia is still not supported in Vista YET....

I have to install about 1000 freeware programs before Windows is useable, and it is all stuff that comes with just about every for of Unix.. Try "ls *.txt | grep whatever" in Windows.

Mr. Smith's Chemisty Class, Liquid Nitrogen Exploisions

westy says...

umm i think its pritty safe and realy scince should be fun and not just reading out of txt books. scince should be realy hands on anny way.

its allso safe becuse if a bomb has nothing to propell like shapnull + it is not using a reactoin that produces mutch heat. then there realy is minimul to no risk evan if the botel went off right next to him the worce thing would be the plastick hiting him and maby some cool vaper going on him. becuse of the way plastick botels are constructed it tends to stay together and just tair slighty. i guess the bucket cold fall on them but its pritty obvousy that amount wont make a bucket that big go to far

Michael J Fox Responds To Rush Limbaughs Lies

joedirt says...

Hahaha.. I had not seen this yet. One of your fellow ditto-zombies just lost her race by repeating Rush mantra.. Limbaugh said he would slap actor and Parkinson's disease sufferer Michael J. Fox, "if you'd just quit bobbing your head." So she said she'd slap her libertarian opponent, the guy with MS and a wheelchair. Her excuse like all of these GOP idiots running ruining the country was that it was someone else's fault. She got to brainwashed from listening to Rush. Yep. It's either rehab from alcohol.. or Rush-induced temporary insanity.

"Who voted for this post" and "Who favorited this post" sorting. (Sift Talk Post)

Presenting the Sony Mylo (2:02 min)

westy says...

ps2 and psp use Linux and looking at this it seems it has simularties with the psp interface + if i was sony it wud make logical sence to use that as the os as psp dose all this stuff.

it will be intresting when something small comes out with full keybord decent screen \wifi + phone conectivity.

sms will get owned as in uk its about 10p on avrage for a pasg user to send a 70word msg. where as if u were to directly talk with sumone over gprs and pay for data its like £1 per 1mb and 1mb would make alot of msgs and talking over txt.

when people have msn on a phone and its on most phones and most phones have keybords things r going to go insane. u could have the constant conectivity that u exspect from bb internet but in u poket and just have people msg and chat to u just like u were on u home pc. u can do it now but i think the phone companies r making it hard and ceeping people in the blue just to get the cash from sms

Russian Scientists Keep A Severed Dog's Head Alive

sfjocko says...

It seems like it's probably true, though this footage may be a re-enactment. :
"However, while the film could have been re-staged for the camera, it almost certainly depicts a series of real experiments. Bryukhonenko's work with canine circulation seems obscure today, but at the time was well publicized; his decapitation experiment even remarked upon by George Bernard Shaw.[1] Bryukhonenko's procedures are attested to in numerous books and medical papers, with some sources providing detailed technical information on the operations shown in the film. These texts also shed light on failures not mentioned in the film. For example, the severed heads survived only minutes in artificial circulation, while the resuscitated dogs often died after a few days.
Perhaps most importantly, Bryukhonenko's research was vital to the development of open-heart procedures in Russia. He was one of the leaders of the Research Institute of Experimental Surgery, where Professor A.A. Vishnevsky performed the first Soviet open-heart operation in 1957. Bryukhonenko developed a new version of the autojektor (for use on humans) in the same year; it can be seen today on display at the Museum of Cardiovascular Surgery at the Scientific Center of Cardiovascular Surgery in Russia. Bryukhonenko was awarded the prestigious Lenin Prize posthumously."
(wikipedia - though, especially in cases such as this, wikipedia warrants fact-confirmation; everthing else I've seen online points to this being true -
Full video (20 min),10987,851883,00.html

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