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Cristal Baschet (an instrument that needs to be wet)

noims says...

Monty Python and The Muppets separately had sketches about animals trained/tuned to squeal at a particular pitch when hit. They were assembled into an instrument that allowed a sadist play tunes on them with hammers.

Between the timbre of the notes and the look of the 'keys', from start to finish I couldn't stop thinking of this instrument as the same, but using pleasure instead of pain (if you get my meaning).

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

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Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Poor planning of truck route

Drawing strangers on the NYC subway

vil says...

Please dont overthink this, those techniques take TIME to finish.
People on the subway dont have that much TIME. Also the subway train MOVES. The artist needs a STEADY hand and paper (and good light).

Poor planning of truck route

KO'ed Fighter gets choked out by ref when he keeps attacking

jimnms says...

Do you think this is normal in this sport? You're absurd analogies have nothing in common here. They don't pose a threat to anyone, but a trained fighter can still be a threat even when they are knocked silly. Do you think the ref should just sit there and get beat up?

I have seen a few times where a KO'd fighter gets up and tries to keep fighting thinking the ref is the opponent, but I've never seen a ref choke out the fighter before though. Refs are trained to handle these situations, and usually defend themselves from the fighter until they come to their senses or the corner team get there. Choking the fighter out may have been a bit extreme, but he stopped the fighter without causing harm the fighter.

vil said:

How much more stupid and absurd can this "sport" be?

Denver cops refuse mandatory Covid vaccinations

luxintenebris says...

was gonna post this...

...but thought it was appropriate in the discussion.

it's a public safety issue. easy to see if one looks at the actual reality of the situation.

Here are a few of the values listed in the Denver Police Department Operations Manual*...

- Integrity: Faithful performance of our duties and always doing the right thing for the right reason
- Accountability: Demonstrating responsibility in all activities
- Respect: Treating others as we would like to be treated
- Customer Service: Exceeding our customers’ expectations

... so if they ask employees in retail to wear masks, factory workers for drug tests, or a hairdresser to pass hygiene training - it's not a stretch to ask a cop to get a vaccine. their own handbook calls for getting vaccinated.

again, public safety.

Can y̲o̲u̲ respect that?


TangledThorns said:

Your body. Your choice. Liberals should respect that.

Northerner terrifies Londoners by saying "Hello"

luxintenebris jokingly says...

have had personal proof of this outside of London as well...even the UK...and believe this is the norm in most cities with a population over "the bomb can't get them all".

but not always the case either.

have been treated better in some metros than in other backwater burgs or cattle conurbations.

in fact, one of the most 'Mayberry moments' ever experience was on an 'L' train. a short story that can't seem to tell w/o it being over an hour in length - but it was in a word - lovely.

Lake Oroville Drought, California

BSR says...

This is what our video games have been training us for. Now I get to use everything I learned in Duke Nukem!

"See you in Hell!" -DN

SFOGuy said:

Global warming is real; and it's coming--liberal or conservative, North, South--increasing oscillations in weather, increasingly violent oscillations--are gonna be a thing.

Conor McGregor shows you the true definition of irony

vil says...

Wait, Katie Taylor is a boxer, why mention her under an MMA video?

I mean there is a lot of trash talking in boxing too, but boxing can be a reasonably sane competition, this MMA stuff is just imposibly stupid. If they could do what they pretend to be able to do, half of them would be dead after a fight. Either they are doing it wrong or its all just a show of pretense. No point watching that. A bit like being a "motor racing fan" just for the occasional bad crash.

Dont get me wrong you have to train hard and have some skill to do MMA (or "wrestling") it just is not a good competition format, its a show. Movie fights can be more fun.

Use of force incident at Walmart in East Syracuse NY

C-note says...

It is law enforcement's responsibility and job to protect and serve. The police are suppose to uphold the law and respect the citizens of the community. It is disrespectful to put your hands on someone and especially disturbing to put your hands on a pregnant woman. This also goes against de-escalation training that law enforcement professionals should already have.

Police responding to a scene are paid professionals doing a job. They are owed no respect. There is no law that mandates police receive any respect. The first amendment freedom of speech grants the right to every citizen to express their feeling no matter how disrespectful to the police.

These officers were out of line. They entered a scene where no crime was being committed and immediately took one side and used excessive force. It is a fact that the highest rate of excessive force and death cause by police is against black women. Black women are killed at a higher rate by police then black men. Black women are abused by police at a higher rate then any other demographic.

Respect is earned. Police in america have no intention of even trying earn respect and do not deserve it. Settlements are the only bright spot and one will be paid.

bobknight33 said:

Why do people act so disrespectful?

If you were pregnant would you act like this?

You don't need visual effects if you have steel balls.

noims says...

Actually some of those shots did use visual effects. Specifically, they were run backwards. The first clip is a famous example of it - they didn't time the drive forward to just get ahead of the train, they timed the drive backwards to cross the tracks just after the train had passed. No real danger involved.

I can't speak for all the clips, but you can see a fair few of them were done backwards or significantly sped up.

Still, a nice compilation, and I sure as hell wouldn't be doing most of those.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Just a protest that went too mean like the vast minority of BLM marches that ended with rioting? No, sorry, this was planned, organised, executed, and was planned by and supported from the Whitehouse, "it's gonna be wild", not a spontaneous over exuberance by people demanding they not be murdered by police where the organisers immediately and strongly denounce those causing damage and injuries and call for them to stop.

How is what you copied and pasted one word different from what I said?
The fbi released the information about him, including photos of him dressed in all black with his glasses hood and mask in the capitol and his posts and discussions with under cover agents outlining his intention to try to frame Antifa for the riot/coup by dressing like them in a press release, there's no crime of impersonating Antifa, nor a crime for having his friends do surveillance in public areas without an actual illegal action attached, but it will all be brought up at his trial and sentencing for....

Knowingly Enter or Remain in any Restricted Building or Grounds Without Lawful Authority to do so and Knowingly, and with Intent to Impede or Disrupt the Orderly Conduct of Government Business or Official Functions, Engage in Disorderly or Disruptive Conduct in, or Within Such Proximity to, Any Restricted Building or Grounds, When, or so that, Such Conduct, in Fact, Impedes or Disrupts the Orderly Conduct of Government Business or Official Functions

Disorderly Conduct on Capitol Grounds

Obstruction of an Official Proceeding....

In other words, charges for his actions during the failed violent coup for Trump that his supporters attempted that killed 5 and that he attempted to blatantly falsely blame on Antifa, just like you do.

Don't be surprised if conspiracy and terrorism charges come soon.

"According to the court record, at the time of his arrest he had several guns, including an AK-47, and the material to make 50 molotov cocktails. Not what you need for a peaceful protest, more what you bring to a violent government overthrow.
An undercover officer with the D.C. police first encountered Duong at the Capitol on Jan. 6, according to the government. Duong described himself as an “operator” and later explained that he wore all black to look like an anti-fascist activist, the government alleged in court documents. In video later seen by investigators, Duong is identified in court documents as shouting “We’re coming for you Nancy” and pushing a fellow protester toward the doors on the Senate side of the building.

"They stayed in touch, and a week later Duong allegedly told the undercover officer he was part of a “cloak and dagger” group that will “build resistances . . . for what will inevitably come.” In March, he told associates, “Keep your guns and be ready to use them.”

"He and others held “Bible study” where they discussed firearms explosives and other training, according to court documents; Duong also brought someone he described as a “three percenter” to one meeting. The right-wing Three Percenters movement, formed in 2008, is named after the false claim that only 3 percent of colonists fought in the American Revolution, many of it's members have been charged in the Jan 6 failed coup.
He talked about surveilling the Capitol building, and in February an associate took some footage of it, according to prosecutors. He also talked about freeing alleged rioters who were behind bars, saying, according to the government, “I see that as an opportunity. With every great revolution, you go to the prisons and you break them out.”
According to the court documents, he and the undercover agent toured the jail in Lorton, Va., where he talked about testing out explosives. He told the agent, the government alleged, that he was working on a “manifesto,” saying, “If I get into a gun fight with the feds and I don’t make it, I want to be able to transfer as much wisdom to my son as possible.” Prosecutors say he also discussed how far he could shoot on his family’s property in the event of a raid and said it could be the site of a second Waco.
He said at a meeting in June that he had collected Styrofoam and more than 50 wine bottles to make molotov cocktails but had held off on buying fuel “to avoid . . . being hit with a conspiracy charge,” according to the complaint filed against him. He told the undercover agent he had been saving motor oil from his car for that purpose."

Yep, sure sounds like a peaceful right wing protester to me, not another anti government right wing terrorist trying to blame their deadly anti American violence on the left....nooooooo.

bobknight33 said:

No one is listening to your fake news. The charges are vastly different than the fake news you listen to .

In contrast that the fake news is pushing day in day out is that Jan 6 was a protest that went too far. No more no less.

This is the charge against him:

U.S. Attorneys » District of Columbia » Capitol Breach Cases
Case Number:

Knowingly Enter or Remain in any Restricted Building or Grounds Without Lawful Authority to do so and Knowingly, and with Intent to Impede or Disrupt the Orderly Conduct of Government Business or Official Functions, Engage in Disorderly or Disruptive Conduct in, or Within Such Proximity to, Any Restricted Building or Grounds, When, or so that, Such Conduct, in Fact, Impedes or Disrupts the Orderly Conduct of Government Business or Official Functions

Disorderly Conduct on Capitol Grounds

Obstruction of an Official Proceeding
Location of Arrest:
Case Status:

Arrested 7/2 and initial appearance held the same day.

Preliminary Hearing set for 9/3 at 1 pm.

Chicago Cop Abandons Woman Being Threatened With A Gun

Mordhaus says...

I'm sure they get a small amount of training for situations like this, probably as much as the city will spend.

The point is, even with that training, there are no good options. If he shoots the black guy, he is simply the latest racist pig murdering 'innocent' people of color.

If he stands there and tries to talk the guy down, a vest doesn't cover your entire body. You can bleed to death from arm or leg shots, plus at that range the head is not a hard to hit target.

Maybe he isn't fit to be a cop. But the point is that because we haven't figured out a way to stop cops from kneeling on someone until they suffocate or shooting people in the back, all cops now have to make a split second decision on whether they can act as they were trained to do or act as protesters, the government, and the media want them to do.

We also judge them on what we think we would do, even though I doubt we will ever be in a similar situation.

vil said:

I would attempt to get some form of training for similar situations before being given a gun and a bulletproof vest.

The guy should not be thinking about what to do, just doing it.

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