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BSR (Member Profile)

Peacemaker | Opening Credits | HBO Max

Casey Juniors Coming Down The Track

newtboy says...

We have a steam train through the redwoods near us called the Skunk Train, an old logging rail that’s now for tourists. It’s a nice day trip into the woods between Ft Bragg and Willits, sometimes with costumed performances.
There’s another awesome one just inland from Santa Cruz with a redwood loop track in the mountains and a trip from the woods to the boardwalk (and back) on offer.
The Durango to Silverton (Colorado) steam train was another memorable trip, I went around 1980.

All gorgeous and fun rides. If you have the chance, ride a steam train.

I Crashed My Plane

fuzzyundies says...

He absolutely faked it. Consider:

- Happened to wear a skydiving parachute for the first time on YT on this flight
- Fuel selector line to the right wing was visibly disconnected, accounting for an empty wing, short intended flight, and the lack of fire
- Left door was ajar when prop started to sputter
- Down/up pitch inputs during "engine failure" add drag and slow the plane, whereas basic pilot training is to put the nose down to gain airspeed

This pilot had some good points.

Jan 6th reality

JiggaJonson says...

What is this speculative conspiracy bullshit?

Get out of here with this shit. Fucking bullshit - dis-re-spect full

They're not national guard? what the fuck are those guys doing training at the base near my house? Did my dad lie to me my entire life about being in the national guard? the kids signing up through JROTC at my school are just pretending too right? they're just in on it also?

Fabricating this nonsense is nothing less than unpatriotic anti American nonsense promoted by a paranoid you-tuber with nothing more than speculation + MORE speculation, and his own ignorance as proof-

"They COULD have done it this way ORRR this way ORRR " fuuuuuuuuck outta here with that - It disrespects the real ACTUAL - IN FACT people who are protected the Capitol and suggests their sacrifice and work as a trivial charade.

get the fuck out of here with this unpatriotic delusional bullshit

That's my thought on it.

Rats in/plays Doom

noims says...

Great to see people training rats to take care of menial jobs us humans used to do, like playing Doom. This should free us up for more important tasks like eating cheese and solving mazes.

Around Cape Horn (1929)

newtboy says...

I thought that was maybe the best part, he had no experience as a sailor. So little idea of what it involved that he thought learning to fight was likely the most important skill and trained for the rigging by climbing old telephone poles, then quickly jumped into some of the most difficult sailing he could find.

BSR said:

Wow! That's something you gotta be born into….

It's not a sailboat, you dumb bastard

moonsammy says...

Love me some Mallrats! Pretty sure this was my introduction to Ben Affleck, as the dickhead from Fashionable Male. Seeing Stan Lee reading the Mallrats script on a train(?) in Captain Marvel was an excellent moment.

Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Week 1 Summary

JiggaJonson says...

Nah, he was illegally "defending" property that didn't belong to him (silly Wisconsin values human lives [even 'thugs'] more than used cars).

He was illegally practicing medicine by soliciting people and asking if they needed first aid. WI code allows for unlicensed medicine practice in an emergency ONLY (how do we know he was offering services absent an emergency? He was turned down repeatedly, aka there was no emergency where someone needed forst aid). Walking around offering first aid services is illegal without a license.

He illegally purchased a firearm through his uncle because he was under age.

He illegally was out past curfew for people 17 and under.

Gee, given all his lack of training and experience and maturity, I wonder why these things are illegal? Oh right, because someone so immature and ignorant of the law or disobedient of the law is more likely to be dangerous and kill someone when it's not warranted.


You can't escape the fact that WI law dictates that if he's already doing anything illegal he MUST exhaust all other reasonable options BEFORE using deadly force.

HE DID NOT DO SO. Someone fired a round in the air, someone lunged, and he killed em. Tangeal witnesses hear "he shot someone!" And give chase. He kills another. Why no empathy for the people who suspected he was a "thug" and tried to vigilante justice him?

It's really ugly to witness the duality of your flippant attitude towards people trying to legally claim asylum 'they broke the law' because they went to the wrong entry point because they speak fucking Portuguese and don't always know exactly where they are out in the Mexico desert.
Vs the bizarre justification you're trying to make for this kid who 'broke the law' in, I contend, a series of more serious laws that warrant criminal liability.

If this kid gets off I hope he moves to NC and you run into him once he gets his highway patrol car. You can have him.

I'll take the family in Afghanistan I'm trying to help who, you know, don't get off on killing people.

bobknight33 said:

He was put into harms way the the thugs.

You just upset because he defended himself.

Guess you wanted him to be beaten to a pulp.

Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Week 1 Summary

newtboy says...

No, he put himself in harms way by crossing state lines and playing cop and being violently aggressive and threatening towards the “thug”, following him, threatening him, brandishing rifles and pointing them at him…”thugs” an odd thing to call them since he was definitely being intentionally thuggish himself. He went there to play dirty cop with a rifle.

I’m upset because he travelled with weapons he couldn’t legally have in order to intentionally hunt the unarmed person he then murdered (or some other person, I don’t think it was personal), and is claiming he’s the victim.

No, I think all people with functioning brains want him to have never gone to another state to play thuggish untrained cop looking for targets to exercise his non existent authority over with illegal deadly weapons he’s not trained to properly use, because someone getting shot unnecessarily is an easily foreseeable consequence of doing that.

bobknight33 said:

He was put into harms way the the thugs.

You just upset because he defended himself.

Guess you wanted him to be beaten to a pulp.

All of Mike Tyson's knockouts

newtboy says...

Crossed with a freight train.
If the Terminator had been black, I think we know who should have played him…but with no dialog.

It really makes this all the more horrific….
“It was when I fought Robin in Steve Lott’s apartment. She really offended me and I went BAM. She flew backwards, hitting every wall in the apartment,” Tyson recalled. “That was the best punch I’ve ever thrown in my entire life.”

*quality boxer….abject failure as a human being.

lucky760 said:

He really is built like a pit bull.

surfingyt (Member Profile)

Taiwan: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

StukaFox says...

I don't know, but there's a few things that concern me:

1. Underestimating your advisory. We did this with Japan in the lead up to WW2. Great powers always fight the last war they won. In our case, that's WW2. China learned from the war they lost as well: WW2, and they're not going to make the same mistakes twice.

2. Ambiguous defense posture. This is how England got dragged into WW1 due to an uncertain position if Germany invaded France. Germany gambled that England wouldn't get involved because it had no spoken mutual defense agreement with France. Had the defense pact been made readily clear, it's possible Germany wouldn't have invaded.

2. Use it or lose it weapons. In WW1, one of the main issues with the initial invasion was train schedules. Things had to go perfectly to get men and material to the front line and any hiccup could delay a military victory. Once the very first German troop train left the station, there was no way to stop the invasion. Now we've got a situation where a war over Taiwan would be won or lost in about an hour of the first shot. China knows that should the US get involved, China's military assets are going to be blown up and fast. This puts China in a situation where they might choose the launch everything in a maximum impact first strike. Faced with overwhelming damage, the US would be forced to make some hard choices about how to respond. Would it go nuclear? It's according to how much Taiwan means to us.

"It won't happen". Go to Europe and see how many tombstones bear that inscription.

I'd say 50/50.

bobknight33 said:


What % do yo think China will invade Taiwan under this administration?

60% chance?

Car Hauler Vs Amtrak train

BSR says...

I believe the train engine is built to withstand a crash like this one, meaning it will not explode or come apart in large heavy pieces. Also it is a passenger train. To apply full braking could cause more injuries for the passengers onboard.

I also think any passengers in a stuck vehicle on the tracks will more times than not have plenty of time to abandon the vehicle before impact. An 8-car passenger train moving at 80 miles an hour needs about a mile to stop.

If an engineer sees that a bridge up ahead is out, he would probably apply full braking and deal with the injuries to passengers rather than risk deaths.

That's my uneducated reasoning and I'm sticking to it.

newtboy said:

Ok, I understand the train likely couldn't stop in time, but it sure looked like it didn't even try to slow down. Was there even a driver up front watching the tracks? It appears to be a long straight track section with excellent visibility. I would expect the train to be under full emergency braking before the impact, but it doesn't look like it is. Hmmmm.

Car Hauler Vs Amtrak train

Ashenkase says...

Looking up at speed, especially if there was a curve could derail the train. That train was at speed and even if the engineer locked it up it would have been the same result. Another reason why the brakes might not be engaged is that the engineer ducked down into a part of his cab that is a bit more safe... remember those guys take the brunt of these types of collisions sometimes. I really feel for the poor truck driver... he sounds like his livelihood just vanished and he is realizing it.

newtboy said:

Ok, I understand the train likely couldn't stop in time, but it sure looked like it didn't even try to slow down. Was there even a driver up front watching the tracks? It appears to be a long straight track section with excellent visibility. I would expect the train to be under full emergency braking before the impact, but it doesn't look like it is. Hmmmm.

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