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newtboy (Member Profile)

Meanwhile At The TP Warehouse

100% Renewable energy by 2050? Europe's energy suppergrid

newtboy says...

Yes, California could export more solar and wind power, but would be forced to stop removing fossil fuel plants, stop creating new renewable energy generation, and would have to buy dirty electricity from it's neighbors. We also would, as mentioned, lose all control over our energy production to the federal government, which is owned by the oil industries.
If it was as simple as selling our excess electricity, it would be great, but it's simply not. Joining an RTO would mean California would not be able to go 100% renewable ever, because our neighbors don't and the Fed doesn't want to.
If our neighbors want to make an agreement outside of the Fed to share our cleaner power, we would likely jump at it, especially if we could insist they agree to strive for 100% clean renewable energy production. If the Fed is involved, it's a non starter. We've spent billions on making our state cleaner, fighting the federal government tooth and nail the whole way. There's no way in hell California is going to toss that investment and the freedom to regulate our own energy production in the toilet just to sell our excess to our dirty neighbors. We would rather secede.


Cute Monkey Tissue Holder

Star Trek: Tribbles Cereal

GOP Says Trump Was Joking as Damning Ukraine Texts Emerge

newtboy says...

The next Democratic president is going to have carte Blanche to do anything he or she wants, laws be damned, and Republican complaints are all nothing but country hating sour grapes, to be ignored and ridiculed.
Republican subpoenas....toilet paper. Republican criminal charges....witch hunts. Republican legislation....compost. Republican complaints....sweet sweet music. Turnabout is fair play, and there's a big turnabout a'coming.

Sudafed pill popping Donny (see his taco bowl photo from May 5, 2016 and notice the open drawer that's chock full of European formula Sudafed) now has 20% of Republicans ready to impeach, that number growing steadily. An anonymous/sealed vote in the Senate today would see him expelled, so McConnell won't consider it.

Not sure how they think baiting and lying to the press isn't baiting and lying to the public....or how it doesn't make him a consummate liar in their eyes.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

No Biden corruption...only Trump collusion.

There was no prosecution or investigation at the time Joe Biden, with full American, international, and Ukrainian backing, pushed to have them remove a corrupt prosecutor who refused to prosecute corruption. The investigation of the company his son had worked for was closed, finding zero wrongdoing, long before Joe pushed them to remove an internationally recognized corrupt prosecutor. Every part of the story Trump told you, besides the location, is demonstrably, obviously, factually wrong. It's a pure Trump lie.
Most of the republicans repeating his lies know that for a fact, having been witness to what actually happened, the rest are willfully ignorant, refusing to look into it because they KNOW Trump is lying to them but don't want to admit it to themselves or you.

Trump's administration is by far the most corrupt in modern history, with more convictions, more forced out of office for malfeasance, more dishonesty and outright lies to the press, the American people, congress, the supreme court, international leaders, etc. There's no one they haven't lied to, and they go on tv and say they're justified lying to everyone, they have no obligation to tell the truth unless they're under oath, but even then they lie constantly....and get caught because they're stupid and dumb.

Really?! What evidence can you point to that isn't Trump's flapping gums? None. This conspiracy theory was also investigated and found to be as truthful as the pizza pedophile ring Clinton led from a pizza place's basement that didn't exist.

That's exactly what Trump says, the president can't be prosecuted or investigated, and anyone who does investigate him is a traitor who should face a firing squad, not Democrats or independents.
That's why more than 1/2 of registered voters think we know enough already to remove him, and 20-30% more think he should be removed if the charges are true, and the white house admitted they are true and offered written proof themselves, so dumb they thought it would exonerate him. *facepalm.
We're saying if you are so demented you make up insane self serving stories in your head like Biden stopped a prosecution, then you act as if they're factual, you should be removed from office for dementia, as should anyone who repeats your lies.

Now, if we're worried an administration may have abused their power to enrich their family, we should look at the king of nepotism, the Trumps, who do private business with countries we aren't aligned with and OBVIOUSLY, UNAMBIGUOUSLY get special favors and do nothing jobs that pay millions....Ivanka's trademarks in China for instance, bought with state promises by the president.

If Obama had had his personal attorneys skip around the globe pressuring foreign leaders to hurt his political opponents, withholding approved aid until they agree to help him personally, you would have lost your shit so thoroughly you could replace your home toilet with a urinal. There's zero question Trump has done this, he and Giuliani both have admitted it and there's evidence that, for once, they're telling the truth, too dumb to know collusion is wrong, too dumb to know admitting to extortion makes them suspects.

bobknight33 said:

Not relevant. Trump is finding out Biden's corruption in Ukraine Trump did run on cleaning the swamp.

Also Ukraine help DNC gather dirt on Trump for 2016 election.

So you saying if I rob a bank and then run for POTUS you can't investigate?

Kid hides from police in Bend

Kid hides from police in Bend

Kid hides from police in Bend

Mow Your Lawn or Lose Your House


BSR says...

Yes. That's down these stairs, down the hall, 3rd door on the right. Check for toilet tissue before you sit. Don't forget to wash your hands.

newtboy said:

So does there's that too.

Grown Man Pooping Wrong His Entire Life

Prove Apple wrong about data recovery and get banned

Jinx says...

She posted a video demonstrating the kinds of comments she was posting, which were then promptly deleted. As far as I could tell there was nothing in them to warrant their deletion except the suggestion that data may be recoverable - which apparently Apple thinks is bogus advice.

re. Encryption - as far as I am aware she repairs the phones enough for them to turn on, the phone's owner still has to unlock it they want their things back. There are also some components which have some sort of hardcoded serial number, and cannot be replaced, but apparently enough of the parts can be interchanged that it isn't usually a problem.

Breaking the toilet in front of the pooch made me grit my teeth as well. That were dumb.

I don't think there should be an onus on Apple to repair instead of replace, but they could cooperate a little (or a lot) better with those businesses that are willing to offer that service. At the very least they should cease misleading their customers and stop removing perfectly legitimate advice.

Prove Apple wrong about data recovery and get banned

viewer_999 says...

Straight under the skin. Straight, I say!

1. If you want to borrow MY crayons, then yes, I AM the boss of you. How is that even in question? They're my crayons, so I set the rules. You will not bear down, or I will withdraw my generosity. At the very least. Don't like it? Don't make requests.

2. Do not smash a toilet in a dog's face, just to get attention. The dog could have been blinded or otherwise injured, inconsiderate clumsy fool.

3. Refrain from using a sensationalist iPhone smear/repair video as a soapbox to promote sexist notions. Twice.

4. Don't expect a company to support cases of user error. Especially huge companies. It's just not possible. Devote energy to precaution and research rather than blame-shifting.
(Disclosure: Samsung user)

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