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luxintenebris says...

Most conservatives just don't have the chops for comedy.

This humor genre is somewhere in the late '80s - early '90s. Dated. Like watching 'Friends'.

Putting that aside (like a used tissue) would have been helpful to know when (the date) these comments were taken. Hard to respond to it. It'd be like Bob saying 'landslide' before the election, and him claiming 'landslide' afterward (granted wrong both times, but the context could be scarier in the second).

There is evidence that the hearings are being heard by members of Dumb Quixote's* herd. So at least they'll have some idea why liar, liar, pants on fire is being prosecuted.

Overall, it's being five full days of powerful testimony. If anyone else's trial was preceding like this, their attorney would be spending hours upon hours trying to get a plea deal &/or getting the defendant to plea.

If this was a murder trial, their lawyer would be saying "plead guilty! throw yourself on the mercy of the court! at this point the best we can hope for is to have your body buried in secrecy - so your grave doesn't get violated!"**

may not get the deluded to become undeluded but the bells of truth are ringing and bringing a lot to church. while the rest are whistling through the graveyard.

JUDGEMENT: use crazy don's 🚽 file system for this vid.

*windmills, ya' see
**cited line from

This man is POTUS

newtboy says...

Yes. 100% compared to the only alternative we were presented with. Things would be far worse, Covid still out of control, Russia owning Ukraine and threatening its neighbors, Ukraine getting zero assistance because they wouldn’t fake an investigation into Biden’s family, debt doubled again, unemployment in the toilet, gdp negative, inflation worse, supply chains gone, criminals overrunning the White House, fascism running rampant, no police reform….how many ways do I need to say he’s a winner simply because he replaced the world’s biggest loser?

Stop the sniveling, bob. You’re still crying, still have sour grapes over a massive, historic loss at the polls. Grow up buddy.

This is want I want. This is me guy, @bobknight33, to say it in a way you’ll understand. (You were so close to proper English)

Americans Tell NBC, “Blown Away” By Bidenflation,

newtboy says...

I do….and I can list reasons why I think what I think, unlike yourself who is embarrassed to admit you never actually think yourself and all your arguments come from disgraced and debunked liars who’s jobs are to lie, almost exclusively when it comes to any political topic.

The ship only turns so fast. It needed SO much correction on SO many issues because the last demander in chief refused to steer the nation anywhere but into a reef for the last entire year of his term….the last 3 months totally intentionally while he drilled holes in the keel and cut holes in the sails.

The nation certainly needed serious and immediate correction. Glad to hear you admit it, even accidentally.
You’re complaining about more spending!? You must be joking! Compared to spendthrift Trump, he’s a fucking miser. Every major project he’s put forward has been paid for in the bill, not so with the last administration that thought they couldn’t overspend because they can print more money….the biggest deficit and fastest debt rise (both by dollar and percentage) EVER by a mile. And put us in a recession with high inflation, negative GDP, outrageous unemployment, and near a million dead for the privilege. Joe invested in American infrastructure. Complaining about spending will not be tolerated from you after supporting Trump. Not for a second, you unbelievable hypocrite.

He did many things, leading to a healthy economy and amazing jobs numbers and rising wages among other improvements. All work against inflation.

But you like to say he’s done nothing, so how’s 4 examples on the Afghanistan disaster alone work for you?
He negotiated 6 more months to be gone.
He evacuated any and all Americans that wanted out, including those that waited until the last day.
He set up and staffed new systems (granted too little and late) to assist Afghans that worked for us in getting at least refugee status if not visas. This should have been step 1 in February 2020….likely a big surprise to find nothing started or planned when Joe took office.
He pulled out billions worth of functioning, still owned by America weaponry (what you love to whine about is the weapons in Afghani’s hands, and decommissioned often scuttled vehicles we abandoned….yes, a waste) that before he took office were being left in country.
Simply put, he made a plan and implemented it, can’t say the same for his predecessor. It wasn’t perfect, but it was something….which is a massive improvement.

He’s a mile above the low bar set by your idol, who spent nearly a full 1/3 of his presidency off playing golf (after promising not to play at all), and >1/2 of every day on personal executive time eating junk food and watching TV (but only ever taking softball questions from far right outlets, refusing any non right wing reporters a question much less interview). The remaining 1/6 was largely filled with rage tweeting and executive toilet time (pooping or shredding, you choose).

Your position is old, dementia ridden, no leadership, no question taking, slow, incapable of speaking or thinking, doesn’t know who or where he is Joe kicked fat lazy dumb Don’s ass without even holding rallies, did it in his pjs without breaking a sweat or raising his voice. Odd you love to constantly degrade the guy who’s by every measure head and shoulders above your messiah and proved it by a historic landslide. Seems you wouldn’t want to keep putting Trump down as a massive total loser to such a sad, weak, incompetent opponent, but you gotta be you.

bobknight33 said:

If you think this is Trumps fault, think what you want?

This is on Biden, commander in chief. It is his job to steer the ship. To correct the direction of the nation.
What has he done to correct this? NOTHING, except more spending , making this worse.

Biden use by date has long expired. He has no leadership ability, He cant take questions He is kept from media and public for fear on looking tool old and too slow and unable to speak intellectually. His days are in the past.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Yeah…it keeps getting better.
The national archives found out Trump had stolen documents and informed him and his staff that was criminal and had been referred to the DOJ. Eventually they returned over 15 boxes of documents pilfered from the whitehouse illegally, (no telling how many they still have, how many they burned (but some), and how many were shredded and flushed down his golden toilet (definitely some more)) including multiple classified documents that had been stored in totally unsecured locations.

But Biden made cold soup….look out.

3 rules to live by

noims says...

At my age I also live by 3 rules, told to me at sea at the age of 40.

Never pass a toilet
Never waste an erection
Never trust a fart

It's a good day when you can satisfy two, or even all three rules in a single session.

Mom catches book falling on child using reflection from TV

BSR says...

She's probably trying to catch the little fucker that's been planting booby traps around the house. You know, party poppers tied to the door handles, ketchup in the toilet tank or cling wrap over the toilet bowl or a well balanced book on high shelf.

TheFreak said:

When trying to determine if a video like this is real, I always ask myself, "why is the camera there and recording at that moment?"

Fire broke out on a subsea pipeline in the Gulf of Mexico

People Share Their Secret Anonymously (episode 11)

BSR says...

I was 18+or- when I used a restroom at a local town park and found a $50 bill on the floor next to the toilet. I was the only one in there. As I walked out and got about halfway to my car a man walked over to me who saw me just leave the restroom. He asked me if found a $50 dollar bill in the restroom and I told him "no". He went on his way to the restroom and I got back in my car and left.

It bothered me afterward to a point that when I see a homeless person I give them no less than $20 even if they don't ask for it. I feel as though the first $50 I gave away was paid back in a way because it wasn't mine. I continue to give to the homeless at times because I feel like I'm paying for my dishonesty that day. I'm still not sure how much longer it will take before I forgive myself.

*walks away without showing my face and toilet paper stuck on my shoe*

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Victorian Gents Toilets at Rothesay Isle of Bute Scotland


Ossoff to Perdue: ‘You’re a crook’

BSR says...

The only thing in my life that's 100% is whenever I have a 50-50 chance I never get it right.

2 cash registers at the 7-11 with no cashier behind them. I stand at one of them and then cashier comes over and directs to the other register.

Go to enter a building with two swing doors. I choose the locked one.

I always choose the stall with no toilet paper.

In Soviet Russia, Faucet drinks water

Joe Won't Stand Up For Us

Drachen_Jager says...


I especially like how the GOP is attempting to portray Biden as "old and frail" when their guy can't walk down a ramp and loses fights with umbrellas.

I mean, Trump literally walked up the stairs of AF1 with toilet paper on his shoe. Is there any more cliched indicator of someone's stupidity and incompetence?

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