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Siberian Methane Bubbles Increasing as Permafrost melts

newtboy says...

I said it before and I'll say it again....
Game over, man. Game over!

When the tundra is outgassing faster than grass can release, we're hosed.
When the ocean methane is outgassing enough that it can be seen with the naked eye in open ocean among the waves, we're toast.
That makes us soggy toast.

People who annoy you

newtboy says...

And I'm (poorly) addressing the absurdity of claiming a word belongs to one group and may only be used by that group.

I think only those wishing to be thought of as ni#*ers should use the word, no matter their heritage.

I don't agree that the same goes for redneck, cracker, peckerwood, milk toast, white trash, or similar white descriptors/ least not in America.

There's a difference that's multilayered.

BSR said:

I wasn't making a claim.

I was addressing the absurdity of

"Red*eck. N*gger. What's the difference?"

Nut Milking EXPOSED!

JiggaJonson says...

Well, there was a fight over the definition of butter too, but not what you described.

I think the biggest difference is the possibility that the public could confuse one product for another.

The public uses nut milk as a substitute for animal milk, you put it on cereal, in shakes, dunk cookies in it, etc. It's a white liquid that differs in taste, but is made to be close to animal milk.

The fight over "butter" as a definition happened between butter and margerine. The butter people, at one point even lobbied for a law making it so magerine could not be sold in the color yellow. It makes sense to some degree. They are similar products. They are used in almost identical application.

It's probably the case that nothing like that happened with peanut butter because it's not close enough to regular butter to be confused as churned milk fat.

One could argue that people may put peanut butter on toast with jelly with their breakfast, possibly; but they'd know what product they are using. No one would try to put a dollop of apple or peanut butter in a pan to fry up some eggs. They are night and day different products and it's not as though one would be confused about what you were getting into with the purchase of apple butter instead of butter.

Whereas milk vs almond milk seem similar enough, and butter and margerine are similar enough and both used the same; the FDA then decided that a distinction should be made.

Austin gets lit


Whitehouse Admits Tax Plan Saves Trump,Tens Of Millions Year

newtboy says...

You don't think that has anything to do with the biased garbage you watch? I've seen every Democrat (politician) ever asked about the tax bill admit it benefits them, including Obama and Clinton.

Remember the last 6 months of "I pay more under this plan, it doesn't benefit me at all." ? You enjoy being completely lied to about a $1.5 Trillion a year handout to billionaires? So, Obama's problem was he wasn't rich or dishonest enough for you?

Democrats say it's financial Armageddon because handing over $1.5TRILLION per year to a hand full of hyper rich people when we already had a huge deficit is exactly that.
It's odd, (not really, it's typical Bob) I recall you and the right screaming Armageddon every time Obama passed a bill, and claiming he doubled the debt/deficit in his first term....clearly that was a racist ruse and financial responsibility is not an issue for you, because this single law costs far more than even you claimed Obama spent, a number that had you frothing at the mouth with rage, and is designed to benefit a single family...Trump's. admitted he's an unqualified liar who cannot get anything done, then you counter yourself with " Trump is kicking ass, making America greater this year even being dogged every day" Stop being idiotic and pretending you actually have a real opinion, you're obviously just trolling when you spout this nonsense, and it makes you look moronic.

I have no kids, and don't itemize, my tax rate goes UP under this law, so I probably pay more. This isn't the "pay your taxes on a postcard" promise kept, this adds serious complexity to the tax code, it doesn't simplify it. They admitted that, can't you?

Jesus fucking Christ, this single bill adds $15 Trillion to the debt over 10 years, so yes, let's be fair. For 2016, the deficit is expected to be approximately $590 billion, in 2020 that's now $2.09 Trillion...assuming Trump doesn't steal more for himself. Had Obama not increased the military budget by over $100 Billion (contrary to all right wing liars who falsely claim he shrunk it) in an effort to gain bipartisan support for his plans (a fool's errand) he would have actually SHRUNK the deficit. Clinton actually lowered the debt, erasing the deficit until your guy, Bush, turned us around bigly.

Only Americans who make over $150k a year will benefit the short term. When they have to pay for massive amounts of private security, private roads, water treatment, etc, and the country becomes Chinese (purchased and by force, with no allies left to help us, and China aligned with Russia, we're toast).
The "vase majority" of America might benefit, but the vast majority of Americans will pay dearly, as will the nation as a whole.

Sore looser? Compared to your (and the right's) treatment of Obama, I'm a trump supporter.
Stop trolling, you sound like a 4 year old ...lies, excuses, reversals, nonsense, misdirection, and high praise for a moron....not a good look, buddy. If Trump is kicking ass, it's for Russia and China, not us. Made us greater, by raising the debt and deficit by up to 400% with a single move and losing our international standing and allies. Dogged every day?....Not compared to Obama. Recall, instead of legislating, Republican leadership said 'my number one priority is making sure president Obama's a one-term president.', acted upon by being the most obstructionist and disrespectful congress in modern history.... during wartime, and not ending at the borders either. Better to hate Democrats than love America....morons and traitors, the lot of you.

bobknight33 said:

I have yet to see any video of Democrats saying they will benefit from the tax cuts. Democrats just say its Armageddon and its not. Lets be real. They will benefit, just like Trump.

Trump is kicking ass, making America greater this year even being dogged every day.

Hillary would not even come close.

Be thankful for you 12 / 24 k base of non taxable income. Better than keeping records all year then having to prove you are worthy of the deduction.

Stop being such a sore loser.

"and every American citizen because it bankrupts the nation" ? Where were you the last POTUS / house /senate added 10 Trillion of actual debt added.
Come on newt I know we are both biased but at least be fair.

The vase majority of Americans will benefit.

Why White Supremacists Love Tucker Carlson

bremnet says...

Try to stay on track. The USA isn't deemed racist or xenophobic because it has immigration laws, it's because those laws are based on pre-conceived notions and disproportionate paranoia regarding specific countries and (some would believe) countries with high populations of followers of Islam. Immigration laws exist to ensure those wanting to immigrate understand the requirements, and a process exists that in most cases treats folks fairly regardless of where they come from. As Donald Duck has singled out specific countries, thus establishing a priori that all the folks in those countries are bad asses, then yes, this is indeed xenophobia at best but not really racism as the countries on the list are (like the US) a mixed bag and Islam is not a race.

So, if you want to compare immigration policy that exists in the land of the free and the home of the brave, your comparison should be with countries like Syria, Sudan, Iran, Iraq, Libya, and Yemen that all forbid (well, they used to ...) entry to folks from Israel (always getting the short shtick), Kuwait, Brunei, Kuwait, UAE, Saudi, Pakistan, Oman and Malaysia and there are a few others I can't remember. It's not policy. It's paranoia and xenophobia from The Most Powerful Man on Earth and the fuckwits that butter his toast.

Carry on.

worm said:

Because only the USA is racist (or xenophobic) for having immigration laws. None of the exactly ALL OTHER COUNTRIES that have immigration laws and punishments for breaking those laws are racist, just the Americans...

This is just another fake news hit-piece that attempts to stain a person's character by associating him/her with racists. Just because the two people/groups may share a desire for the same end goal, the reasons for wanting those goals are not necessarily the same.

I'm almost shocked at how we have come to the point that "love of our Country" has turned into an evil thing, while breaking the laws is good, respectable, and even honorable.

Biggest Cat That Purrs And Meows

This is what a coward looks like

vil says...

Cvjetanovic is more likely southern-slavic-last-name (Serb or Croat) - making him also historically more likely to have a fascist streak as opposed to anyone even remotely Polish.

Back to the video - these people are a pain to listen to. I totally appreciate Dags comment because you really have to keep reminding yourself this could be your neighbour, your childs friends parent, co-worker, someone on your football team or whatever... What a contrast with that adorable grandma insisting on toasting Hitler.

Grandpas Smoking Weed for the First Time

newtboy says...

Vaping only heats the weed to a temperature that vaporises the active chemicals without turning it to carbon, so you put far less through your lungs. They make vaporizors that use a water pipe attachment, so even the vapor gets cooled.

The Pax has different temp settings so you can get just what you want. Lower temps produce far less vapor and might leave some less volatile chemicals in the weed, hotter vaporizes more and produces a thicker hit, but ends up toasting the weed and eventually burning it. The Pax isn't designed for hash and or oils, for that I suggest looking at . They have setups for oil and herb, and offer the water pipe attachment.

bobknight33 said:

Being 55 / non smoker this vape thing has passed me by so I got to ask.

Why is a Vape better than a pipe/ bong?

Why does this PAX Vape have different temp settings? For a smother smoke or for different items to vape like weed or hash or such?

2009 Chevy Malibu vs 1959 Bel Air Crash Test

newtboy says...

Well, my old car is a 1970 Bronco, and it's really heavy and solid (full box tube frame and full roll cage), and it's lifted so it will ride over most small cars.
Now, in a head on with another lifted truck, I'm toast. I don't even have a slip joint in my steering shaft or a 3 point seat belt, so I'll probably be impaled through the chest.
I'll still swear my old car is safer in an average mid speed crash with a car, but I can admit it's more dangerous in many, many other ways.

HugeJerk said:

I know many people that always swear their old cars are safer in a crash because they're heavy and "solid". "The other car is my crumple zone."... I'll have to share this video to them.

horace and pete-the trans discussion and walk of shame

ChaosEngine says...

This is disgusting. I can't believe they would show this on TV, it's utterly immoral.... who serves scrambled eggs without toast?!?

Also, Louis CK really doesn't get enough props as a dramatic actor.

Skinny Lister - Trouble On Oxford Street

Donald Trump's False Claims and Foreign Policy Moves

Sleeping Cat Subjected To Revenge MEOW

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