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Let's talk about altering the Supreme Court....

newtboy says...

That’s called politicizing the court, packing it with obviously hyper partisan activist (drunkard rapist) judges, then bringing otherwise completely invalid lawsuits so they can improperly rule in your favor based on political affiliation, not the law. Their cases had no chance in a fair or balanced court because they have no merit. That is a bastardization of how the law works, and a recipe for the end of the union.
(And your idea that the right doesn’t bring obviously losing cases to court is hilariously ignorant, for just one glaring example, look at the 62 election cases laughed out of court, tried as political theater, never having a snowball’s chance in hell of winning without complicit, partisan judges ruling solely based on who appointed them.)

WRT “the abortion issue” (and the nation destroying ploy to end run the courts rulings),remember, states claiming they can overrule federal law (specifically contradicted in the constitution btw) is EXACTLY what caused the civil war. It’s astonishing trying to overrule federal law with a state law isn’t a felony, it’s definitely unconstitutional.

Previous rulings have been overturned, but never before just ignored with the OK from the highest court. They just ruled themselves out of power, because if their ruling can be circumvented so easily or just ignored by states outright, they might as well close shop and go home….ending the USA.

Newsom is proving that by enacting the same measures against guns in California. If you think that will stop at ghost guns and assault rifles, or that other states won’t follow suit, you’re dumber than I give you credit for.

bobknight33 said:

The fact that cases are now before the court is because some conservatives feel there is a chance to have their cases win.

Why bring these case before the supreme court if you know you would have a high likely to loose. All the cost time and effort.

WRT to the abortion issue .If overturned it just means that the decision goes back to the states.

Overturning a previous opinions has occurred and will occur in the future .

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I verify through multiple sources and post those dumbed down enough that you COULD understand them….if only you had the balls to not just dismiss them because they aren’t right wing propaganda, which is 99.9% lies you believe. Derp.
One source was his Wiki page, where the quote and his political affiliations by year are listed…dumb ass….but it has fact and citation, so it’s not for you, must be leftist… much it doesn’t even register. Also, if you Google it, every page that comes up says the same thing.

Cranial rectosis is curable, bob. You just gotta pull out.

The quotes are real, you are afraid to admit it because you’re a sniveling baby, you don’t remember them because you have the brain of a drunken gnat. Look them up, idiot. (I know you won’t, you don’t have the testicular fortitude for such endeavors.) hilariously, you probably won’t find it on any of your Trumpist propaganda sites, but if you use something like wayback machine you could find it on every right wing site in 2015, before he took over the right wing for profit. Now the right has rewritten it’s history and gone to great lengths to erase such inconvenient facts, because you guys care so much about truth and fact.

Hilarious you can’t ever discuss the claims, you have to just dismiss any evidence that didn’t come from another far right internet troll, and call anything that isn’t bat shit crazy hyper partisan right wing propaganda “leftist” and dismiss it, that’s why you’re a fact free moron. You prefer Trump’s blatant lies to fact or reason. You believe long dead Venezuelans interfered in our election and that the thousands of verified Trump coup warriors were really Democrats trying to steal an election for their enemy from their choice despite the long term history of every single terrorist being a hard core Republican activist.

Sorry, buddy. Trump is really a RINO by his own admission, and has repeatedly said publicly that only Republicans are dumb enough to ignore his past and elect him….he was right. Gullible know nothing idiots like you are his only true believers.

You simply deny reality, and trust the least trustworthy people you can find because they tell you pleasant but obvious lies. That’s called being infantile, bob….like a little baby.

bobknight33 said:

Good thing you get you news sources from Slate.
Leftest slant news.
YEt you trust it.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol. Talk about lack of self awareness.
Bob, you not only don’t ever know what the truth is on any topic…you don’t know what truth is. You’ve gone so far down the rabbit hole of lies you excuse and ignore that you’ve lost your grasp on the difference between reality and partisan propaganda….not that it was ever a firm grip. Actually congratulating the president for lying under oath, which you admitted he did, was 100% proof that truth and honesty mean nothing to you, only partisanship.
That’s why I won’t talk to you privately anymore, lest you forget. You say and act one way in private, and another in public. The thing is, private, somewhat reasonable Bob can’t be forgiven for what public dishonest agitator bob says constantly….it makes it worse knowing you have the capacity for rational thought but publicly denounce it.

Truth, and the truth, aren’t on internet troll sites that put “news” in their name…but they’re the only place you EVER look. It’s made you a ridiculous caricature of a Republican, a ridiculous delusional laughing stock….so insane you claim Clinton loving Democrat Trump who switched parties for convenience because Republicans will believe any lie you feed them (his words) is a real Republican, and all those in office pre 2016 are RINOs.

"In many cases, I probably identify more as Democrat", explaining: "It just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans. Now, it shouldn't be that way. But if you go back, I mean it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats...But certainly we had some very good economies under Democrats, as well as Republicans. But we've had some pretty bad disaster under the Republicans." In a July 2015 interview, Trump said that he has a broad range of political positions and that "I identify with some things as a Democrat." - DJT. Another pretty bad disaster under Republicans, the worst ever. 2020 was the worst year in history on uncountable fronts all due to Trump’s lack of rational leadership.

If you put Trump’s political affiliations by year next to his presidential campaigns, you might notice he quits the Democratic Party a year or so before each one, starting in 87, then wanders back later. That’s because he knows Democrats are too intelligent to vote for him, but Republicans are just his kind of dumb rube….willing to believe anything if it’s posed as an anti liberal idea.

bobknight33 said:

Sad you dont know what truth is. It is not on cable news.


newtboy says...

That, or a purely partisan hypocritical loon who actually believes reality is whatever Don or the farthest right wing nut job has told him this week.
I think the former, but there’s also a good case to be made for the latter .

robdot said:

So this guy is just a troll right?


newtboy says...

Lol. Is that what I said, or a ridiculous straw man you’re setting up to knock down?

Your fact free ilk are the decimation of a democracy that lasted over two centuries. Putting party above patriotism, principal, and phact (misspelled for alliterative purposes).

Yes, I watched some, and the trial isn’t the only source of info. I posted the video of him drinking and flashing white power signs. His own recorded actions are proof enough.
Here it is again…..

No bob, I’m talking about you, you are the one whining that the media isn’t unbiased and in the same breath posting insanely biased, partisan, fact free nonsense you call news….and god damn it it’s you’re - you are…not your - belonging to you….not yore - in ancient times . Learn English comrade. Patriots know their native tongue. What language DO you know, Bobski? Is it Russian or Mandarin?

bobknight33 said:

So My audience is larger than CNN, MSNBC etc. I know they have shit ratings but still bigger than me.

So you watched this trial ?
You saw what happened?
You know this kid is radicalized?
You know he is a trump nut case?

And you facts came from where? Your ass?

"fact free hyper partisan nonsense and bemoan a lack of unbiased truth!? " Your talking about those no fact media outlets, not me


bobknight33 says...

So My audience is larger than CNN, MSNBC etc. I know they have shit ratings but still bigger than me.

So you watched this trial ?
You saw what happened?
You know this kid is radicalized?
You know he is a trump nut case?

"fact free hyper partisan nonsense and bemoan a lack of unbiased truth!? " Your talking about those no fact media outlets, not me

And you facts came from where? Your ass?

newtboy said:

YOU are the #1 problem in America…you and gullible fact free morons like you.

You post this fact free hyper partisan nonsense and bemoan a lack of unbiased truth!?! Holy fucking sheep shit, buddy. You need professional mental help immediately. You have lost your bat shit crazy mind. He’s as hyper biased and untrustworthy as possible. The fact that internet trolls like him are the best you’ve got against fact and reality is both hilarious and sad.

Just fucking wow, bob. Moronic even for you….and that’s saying a lot.


newtboy says...

YOU are the #1 problem in America…you and gullible fact free morons like you.

You post this fact free hyper partisan nonsense and bemoan a lack of unbiased truth!?! Holy fucking sheep shit, buddy. You need professional mental help immediately. You have lost your bat shit crazy mind. He’s as hyper biased and untrustworthy as possible. The fact that internet trolls like him are the best you’ve got against fact and reality is both hilarious and sad.

Just fucking wow, bob. Moronic even for you….and that’s saying a lot.

bobknight33 said:

Media is the #1 problem in America.

IF they did their job and report unbiased truth, America would be a lot better.

China’s New Bio Weapon Targets Race and Ethnicity

WmGn says...

laowhy86, who made the underlying video, lists his sources in his YouTube description as:


I've not checked the video's claims against his sources, but didn't hear anything about bioweapons or the PRC/CCP's interest in them that seemed surprising.

The video did strike me as partisan: I have no doubt that the USG is also working on weaponizing precision medicine. While I don't like partisan presentations, I recognize that may be acceptable to keep a topic tractable (thus, "Chinese genetic bioweapons" v "all genetic bioweapons").

I think this is a very important topic, so would like to see the _ideas_ discussed - not just our political differences exposed.

Can anyone expressing concerns about the original video indicate which _ideas_ they think are incorrect or overstated? (I'm not interested in the partisan aspect of the video: I'm aware of that already.)

Media and Democrats are in cahoots

newtboy says...

So says the propaganda wing of the Republican Party, whining little bitches that they all are. What a sad little joke, @bobknight33

Bob, you do get that this is supposed to be a comedy show, not news, right?
Bob, you do get that Gutfeld is another, so over the top and fact free pundit that no one could reasonably believe anything he says, just like Carlson, and OAN, and Newsmax….none of it is fact, bob. It’s 100% hyperbolic partisan fantasy. They say so every time they go to court….why are you intentionally this gullible? They’ve admitted they lie to you constantly and are not news sources….but you keep listening to them and claiming they’re “news” offering “fact”. Duh.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Derp….this is the Republican led Arizona state senate, not DC. It’s not a choice, he was subpoenaed. It’s a jailable offense to ignore a subpoena. He should have shown up and plead the fifth, like most criminals do….or plead ignorance of literally everything he’s asked like Trump, who couldn’t answer a single question about his businesses or business dealings.

Odd, when it’s a Democrat, like say Clinton, you say they have a total obligation to testify under oath before a pure partisan Republican committee without being subpoenaed and any hint they won’t is a total admission of guilt….but if it’s a Republican they should ignore subpoenas and never testify under any circumstance, even subpoenas from other Republicans, even from the senate that hired them, and never ever submit to any examination of their methods or blatant biases, mistakes, grift, and failures doing the job the state hired them to do….and threaten anyone who considers testifying, and their families.

Why? The real audits already verified everything for non conspiracy nut jobs. Why spend $12 million a pop to replicate a horrendous, unprofessional, unofficial, idiot filled, false leak generator except to continue the big lie in moron’s heads and steal more of their money?

Prove it. It’s the figures the state senate produced, $6 million paid to cyber ninjas($1 million by the state, $5 million by groups trying to invalidate a valid election for political purposes). $3 million in invalidated voting machines, another $3 million in other related machinery and computers they invalidated. There are certainly other costs not included, so yes, it is misleading, the true full cost is higher.

Typical knee jerk reactionary refusal to accept facts you don’t like without even the slightest interest as to their veracity…..or so you understand, typical of you to cry fake news because truth and fact makes Bobby cry hurt.

bobknight33 said:

They have the report No one in their right mind sit in front some lunatic politicians in DC.
IF they want to verify what they did then replicate at other sites that are suspect.

You dollar number is clearly bull crap and false misleading. Typical fake news you are drinking

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Forensic audit. Lol. What do you think that means? Did Trump tell you when he repeated the phrase over and over until you remembered it? It’s a term like “legitimate rape”….sounds fine but it’s a nothing term used to delegitimize audits that don’t use the right wing terminology, even though they are far more forensic in nature.

Funny how much this statement reminds me of both impeachments.....Republicans afraid to look at the charges or evidence, Trump obstructing every witness and request for documents. They had shamed him mercilessly until the election, however wouldn't touch those opportunities. Telling....and politically costly.

If he had nothing to hide, why did he hide EVERYTHING? No administration has withheld documents and witnesses from congress like Trump’s. None has been less transparent or 1/4 as criminal….proven by convictions.

Conversely, Democrats WITH Republicans did look into the obvious baseless whining from Republicans/Trump. They did real, professional audits with reputable non partisan organizations and bipartisan oversight using established rules and methods for actually auditing, not blacklight looking for bamboo or spooge on ballots investigated by delusional conspiracy theorists trying to reinstall Trump….so they did look and verify BEFORE certification…3 times in AZ alone. I know, with the memory of a drunk gnat, you don’t remember that, but it happened repeatedly and in multiple states, nearly every state Trump wanted to toss out.

Why are you afraid to look at the actual audits already done, and insist we wait for the farcical fake audit by a political propaganda company instead?
My guess, the plan is to bankrupt the election funds in any county/state Biden won, decertify their equipment, and make it much harder for them to hold the next election…it’s the only thing that makes sense about the nonsensical partisan vote reviews you now insist on. This single review in one AZ county has already cost the county up to $6 million in equipment they must replace before holding any elections, and that would be 10 times more if they had handed cyberninjas what they demanded, access to every county computer and digital records….+ $1million in public funding…..for absolutely nothing.
You want that repeated across the nation, but only in counties where Trump lost.

bobknight33 said:

Sadly Democrats are afraid to look and verify and hence shame Trump on this. Makes one wonder They have shamed him at every chance, every opportunity, even after the election. However wont touch this opportunity. Telling.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

The numerous real audits done in multiple states are proof enough that there was no significant fraud. Also the lack of any evidence of fraud. I don’t have to prove it didn’t happen, you have to prove it did, and you’ve got nothing, bumpkis, nada, zip, zilch, zero. Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence, not just a liar shouting it angrily.

Then I guess no one will ever know when happened, because I’m not doing a full forensic audit. The multiple professional bipartisan state run audits satisfied me not only when, but what happened. A legitimate secure election.

Democrats and Republicans have done multiple real, professional, bipartisan audits and found almost nothing, just a few Republican frauds.

What are you trying to say? You devolved into babble.

Again, Democrats AND Republicans have done actual audits in multiple states including Arizona that found nothing significant. They took the opportunity to shame him along with every sane person in the country back in December.

Cyberninjas, a hyper partisan propaganda company with absolutely zero audit experience (not who anyone would ever hire if they wanted to be taken seriously) hired to do this unofficial unprofessional unbelievably partisan vote review, has also found nothing or they would have been ready ahead of the deadline and prepared to testify from their death beds. Instead they say they still haven’t started their report, almost 4 weeks after the deadline, use every excuse in the book to delay, but have time to party with state senators and take your money.

What are you talking about with “However wont touch this opportunity. Telling.”?
The opportunity to wait to hear some more nonsense from an unprofessional, biased review done by a partisan propaganda company without oversight that’s already proven itself to be a joke through it’s own leaks?
It’s telling that they aren’t entertaining Trumpists delusional insanity? What?!

bobknight33 said:

How do you know it did not happen?
Unless you do a full forensic audit no one can tell when exactly happened.

Sadly Democrats are afraid to look and verify and hence shame Trump on this. Makes one wonder They have shamed him at every chance, every opportunity, even after the election. However wont touch this opportunity. Telling.

Texas man strips down to make a point about vaccination

newtboy says...

Is there anything that doesn't antagonize the brain dead morons who disagree with him (and science, medicine, civility, common good, etc)?

Those people are antagonized by reality. No one should hold back a single syllable to avoid antagonizing them. They should be antagonized as much as possible every waking second until it becomes too much and they drop their hyperpartisan insanity in a self preservation move. Their idiotic positions and actions are dangerous and deadly, and based on fantasy and partisan lies. They don't deserve your sympathy or empathy any more than a school bomber or child molester does.

vil said:

If he is against mandatory masks he is arguing against his own case by pretending to break other mandatory requirements that make sense.
If he is for mandatory masks his (sarcastic?) argumentation style is going to antagonize people who do not already agree with him.

Taliban flaunt weapons, dollars after US flees

newtboy says...

Better a useful tool than a useless fool....fool. (and every sentence needs a verb, Bob. When you can't even write in what you claim is your native language, you might refrain from insulting those who can. This is why graduating the 8th grade isn't enough education. It makes you an ignorant idiot no reasonable person will listen to.)

First, Open the Books is not a trustworthy or unbiased source of information. was founded in 2011 (to try to embarrass Obama) by its chief executive officer Adam Andrzejewski, an Illinois entrepreneur and past Republican candidate for governor, with former United States Republican Senator Dr. Tom Coburn as the honorary chairman. It's highly partisan and biased.

Most of those vehicles and weapons we did leave/are leaving, like the cash, were in the hands of the Afghanis when Trump sounded retreat last spring. To "secure/remove/destroy" them we either have to stay and support the government (too late, would have needed to start before releasing the Taliban's army last March), or go to war with the Afghan government and seize it by force, they wouldn't just hand it back...duh.
We aren't "leaving them behind", we gave them to the government that Trump abandoned last spring when he released 5000 hard core Taliban fighters from prison (more than the original Daesh) with no conditions (and without consulting with the Afghan government) and allowed them free reign to destroy the Afghan government while we sat by, not even really preparing to leave but not helping the Afghanis....and he apparently told them they could do whatever they want except attack the retreating Americans, and they did....but sure, that's Biden's fault. 🤦‍♂️

Biden failed to be prepared for the speed of the fall of their government, a failure to be sure, but Trump all but ensured it would be fast and that we would be unprepared. Biden should have been evacuating our allies and helpers since Jan 21....Trump should have started the evacuation of Afghanis in March 2020 but instead his administration wouldn't even consider letting them come to America, so there was no process or staffed department when Biden took over and stopped Trump's attempted civil war and dealt with the out of control Trumpidemic, just a round file and a blind eye for all refugee applications. Recently Biden's administration changed this, creating programs and staffing to accommodate the refugees and convincing our allies to accept many in Europe, something Trump didn't even try.

Trump didn't do anything to get this equipment out of the country for a year either, did he? His plan was to be out 100 days after he left office, but nothing was in the works to make it happen...Too busy campaigning, pushing fraud frauds, and starting coups.

Try again.

bobknight33 said:

Newtboy you such a TOOL

The only blame is that Biden did not secure / remove/ destroy these.

Total Failure on Biden's watch.

U.S. military is leaving behind 75,000 vehicles, 600,000 weapons and 208 airplanes/helicopters in Afghanistan as the Taliban takes control of the country, according to the watchdog group Open the Books.

Republicans Refuse to Move On from Donald Trump

newtboy says...

There is no ongoing audit, only an ongoing political stunt by partisan liars.

Two other audit teams with experience and no ties to the big lie found no such thing….it’s not possible, every ballot has a serial number that must match before votes are accepted. If there was no record of the ballots being sent out, the voting machines automatically reject them. There is a physical paper record.

Doug Logan, conspiracy theorist featured in (producer of?) a current movie claiming the fbi and cia rigged the 2020 election, (directed by another conspiracy theorist who claims 9/11 was a space alien attack) much of which was filmed at his fake “audit” with access no other cameras or reporters had, making the unofficial and unprofessional “audit” a clear and obvious prop for his movie that began filming before cyberninjas started “auditing”?!
Doug Logan who had previously been speculated to be the voice behind “QAnon,” and in the film “The Deep Rig,” if you believe what it claims about him, that was confirmed at the Saturday premiere of the film when he was revealed to be the voice of the anonymous person mid-way through the movie. “The Deep Rig” seeks to prove that the 2020 presidential election was rigged against Donald Trump, a claim that the former president and many of his supporters have echoed despite a total lack of evidence and every claim being tossed out of court….and many lawyers being reprimanded for even trying to sell their lies in court.
Doug Logan who started the election fraud claims in 2018 but no one would listen to his bullshit back then?!
Doug Logan who’s entire professional persona is based on bat shit crazy baseless conspiracy theories, and who’s company and personal wealth rely on selling the lies!?
Doug Logan who just claimed to be Q, also selling the fantasies that magic Democrats eat babies to become younger and live forever, Jewish space lasers cause most forest fires, Italian vote changing satellites exist, and of Trump being reinstalled as president for life on half a dozen or more dates so far?!
Er mer gerd.
Oh…so I gather from the url that this “report” came from Trump claiming it’s true!? Bwaaaahahaha, And you believe it!? Aaaaaahahahahaha….ahh….ahhh…..aaaahahahaha!

They found no such thing….just one more in a long long line of false accusations and claims that have ALL turned out to be utter bullshit….like bamboo fibers proving Chinese vote fraud, the databases being erased, now the impossible 74000 untraceable mystery votes with no record….he’s probably just too inept to find them.

Lol…not on the proper paper?! Yep, I’m so sure you’re right and that proves the cowardly liar won…not in the proper printing alignment…do YOU even know what that’s supposed to mean or indicate?

Too bad Cyber Ninja, a dishonest and bat shit crazy political propaganda company run by a guy who claims to be “Q” and who is the architect of the vote fraud fraud got involved and whether by design or ineptitude contaminated everything they examined through nonexistent safeguards and oversight, I guess….it means these nonsense claims can never be verified by anyone professional or who might be trusted. No chance that was the plan all along. Nope. Who would do that?

bobknight33 said:

On Thursday &7/15/21) the Arizona Senate held a hearing on the ongoing Maricopa County forensic audit.

The audit team announced there were 74,000 ballots that were received and included in the 2020 Election in Maricopa County than were mailed out.

The Cyber Ninjas CEO Doug Logan reported this along with other issues already identified from their investigation

They found 74,243 mail-in ballots with NO clear record of them ever being sent!

The audit team also announced that ballots were counted that WERE NOT on the proper paper stock and WERE NOT in proper printing alignment.

Other ballots were marked with Sharpie pens that bled through the paper.

According to elections expert Jovan Pulitzer what was presented today was just the appetizer before the main course to come!

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