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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Convicted felon and rapist Trump has today declared war against America, and is begging his cultists to join his war council in preparation for his personal civil war you would fight for one man. Anyone who responds will be on a terrorist watch list. Enjoy Gitmo…if you live that long. The first shot fired by maga will be your end, the nation is done with the tin foil hat brigade and are ready to cull you and yours.

50+ cultists hospitalized from heat stroke in Phoenix apparently wasn’t enough so he has another noon rally planned outside in Vegas tomorrow when it’s scheduled to be over 110 in the shade. He is actively trying to kill you.

This as he celebrates his new maga title, “The Chosen One”…with the golden Trump and Maga Shamen in tow and Trump bibles for sale….but NOOOOOOO, it’s not a cult. 😂

Did he just realize he lost to Carrol? He’s tweeting like he just found out about the 4 month old judgement(s), ranting about New York losing businesses (reality is there’s a massive influx of businesses so strong it’s outpacing the city’s ability to permit them, not a loss). The man is broken and in steep decline. Better hope the sun doesn’t get him tomorrow (don’t fret, he will have AC unlike the crowd).

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Cowardly liar Trump is complaining he couldn’t use an “advice of council” defense, hoping you and your ilk are dumb enough to not know it was 100% his choice.
He didn’t use it because 1) it removes any attorney client privilege and makes their correspondence public (outing him for a few dozen more crimes as yet uncharged) and 2) Trump would have to take the stand himself (again, opening himself up to dozens more charges as he admits serious felonies under oath, the moron).
His defense is still “it was a legal fee he paid as a legal expense” ignoring the mountains of evidence, most signed by Trump personally, much of it provided by Trump under oath that prove beyond any sliver of a shadow of doubt exactly what they did to illegally hide this campaign expense as “legal fees”, exactly why they did it, and that they (including Don) knew full well it was illegal and unethical when they were doing it and went to great lengths and expense to not be caught, but were anyway.

He had to sell his plane to pay his legal bills. 😂

Eric said on the courthouse steps…”I cannot wait for the day that we win. We will…WE’RE WHITE!” Tell me again how the Trump’s aren’t racists.

Once again, virile DonJohn couldn’t stay awake in court EVEN DURING JURY INSTRUCTIONS…arguably the most important part of the trial and his last chance to make an impression on the jury…the impression he gave, pure distain and disrespect for the law. The choice to stay up high on speed all night rage tweeting was a poor decision. I would have said he “ran out of gas” but all reports are he has a massive gas surplus and is venting excess gas constantly. 😂

He is now tweeting that he doesn’t even know what the charges against him are…after how many weeks in court having them explained and dissected? His feeble brain has failed. He’s going to die his first year in prison, he’s already in a final decline.

The defense closing was so bad that the judge had to tell the jury to disregard much of it, in parts he admitted to Trump’s guilt, and was so disjointed and weird that it was impossibly difficult to follow, that’s coming from someone who completely understood inception and Tenet on the first viewings (they weren’t complicated, they just weren’t well thought out). Surprise, he violated the law so badly that it may be enough to give the DA an appeal and bring the case again in the impossible event don is acquitted.

Outside closing arguments DonJohn admitted defeat by saying “even mother Theresa couldn’t beat these charges” because he knows he has zero chance of acquittal. He better hope a maggot lied to be on the jury, a jury deadlock is his only possible saving grace, acquittal is not possible.
If one did, they damn well better get doxed fast….and their family.

PS- He’s also saying now that he intends to deport any citizen that annoys him, stripping them of their citizenship, specifically he mentioned anyone who protests legally (unless they’re Jan 6 maga terrorists) but make no mistake he means ANYONE who doesn’t properly cow tow. Tell me again how he loves the constitution….

PS- reminder, Trump this week campaigned with two violent gang members (alleged to be Crip leaders) out on bail and under a 140 count indictment for murders, lest you convince yourself for one second that you aren’t in a violent criminal cult.
In stark contrast, Biden has never campaigned with a mass murderer or active gang leader.
PPS- Misogynist and spouse abuser and philanderer and abortion pusher Minnesota Republican US Senate maga candidate Royce White was just busted for spending donor money on an all-nude strip club, new clothes, expensive hotels, limos, and other illegal expenses…look it up. Not his first attempt either, there are over $100k in unexplained personal expenditures and cash withdrawals from his campaign contributions, many made AFTER he lost his primary. He’s more total human garbage on every level, typical criminal maga.
PPPS- Maga policies just forced a 12 year old rape victim in Louisiana to have her child, ruining both their lives before she’s out of middle school.

Libraries: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

You couldn’t read it at your current age, Bob, so what are you afraid of?

More maggot lies. Those idiots will buy anything.

This isn’t a thing, and is thoroughly debunked, just like everything idiot bob posts.
Maggots have been doing this for years. Lying about what’s in libraries to excuse their total censorship of anything they find distasteful, but it’s not about the sex or violence ever because every single book banner and burner supports teaching the Bible in schools with its graphic sex, rapes, murders, torture, support for slavery, capricious god, constant repeating incest at its core, baby killings galore, etc.

Books similar to this are sometimes (rarely) found in a special area for upper class men at high schools in advanced creative writing classes, or colleges.
This has been debunked repeatedly. You maggots are constant liars. If he “found” it “at the entry door” in the middle school library, it’s because he or his dad brought it there just for this performance. Who honestly believes a middle school librarian gave a pillow book (look it up Bob) to an 11 year old and asked if he would like the graphic novel version (something that’s not a thing btw, written pornography isn’t released in multiple versions).
I don’t think he’s ever been in a library, because people who use libraries know you check out books, you don’t rent them out. They also know English better than these …people.
This ridiculous video itself is years old…he’s talking about masks too.

I would point out that this kid almost certainly has a cell phone, so he has total unfettered access to real pornography of much more deviant and graphic varieties than a slightly titillating story. Except for the Amish, no parent in America has a leg to stand on when it comes to providing pornography to their children, they give them porn access devices at under 7 now.

And another idiot covid denier, shocker. Somebody shoot this terrorist idiot and the rest. Hatriots are not patriots.
Just like every bob post, it’s more prejudice wrapped in hypocritical lies smothered in ignorance. His favorite meal.

bobknight33 said:

This is a good read for this age group?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

It must be so frustrating that you (maga) have so thoroughly destroyed your credibility that no one even cares about your lies trying to shield the disgraced ex president from crimes he has repeatedly bragged about publicly and now are trying to pretend he didn’t pay a porn star to hide his tryst with her from voters, then falsified business records to hide the payment. Maybe you shouldn’t have spent the last 8 years screaming bloody murder about all the wolves then laughing when help arrived. Now people are hoping there is a wolf and that it eats you and yours…but no one is coming to check.

PS- Where’s Barron?

PPS- since you seek the truth, it’s “it’s” when you are shortening “it is”. “Its” is the possessive word, like "his" and "her," for nouns without gender.

PPPS- Outside court Trump said he had an illegal NDA….likely a slip of the tongue or misstatement, but that’s what he said. He also said “maga is being punked by Ashton Kutcher….I think I know what that means” but he doesn’t, because he is the prank on you, you are being punked by Trump, he absolutely didn’t get that.

Finally some supporters showed up for him and they released a truckload of penis balloons on NY…for the children. (This is a crime and immoral). I’m guessing the anti Trum protestors will bring mushroom tip balloons for Trump soon, the full shaft and balls penis balloons definitely aren’t representative of him.

Alito has been caught with photos of him flying an upside down flag during the attempted coup to signal his support for the fake “stop the steel” (because you can’t spell “steal”) movement that became an anti American anti democratic terrorist gang that tried to end democracy in America on Jan 6. Just like the criminal Thomas. If they both don’t recuse themselves from any Jan 6 case, they may as well disband because they will prove themselves to be not judges but partisan political operatives, and when Dems take the other two thirds of government they will all be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and replaced, including the fraudulently appointed Comey and Kavenaugh. Bye Felicia.

NYC Stores Surrender To Thieves

newtboy says...

So, trying to sell the same thing the right claimed was happening in San Francisco years ago, but it turned out the chain stores that were closing were actually just not making money, and other stores nearby with significantly worse theft losses were remaining open because they made money. This totally contradicted the right wing narrative often parroted by the company CEO’s that they closed stores because of high theft, a lie they approved because then they got to shirk responsibility for the store closures and blame it on something out of their control.
If the doom and gloom the extreme right has claimed is reality in “liberal cities” for years or decades was real, these cities would be abandoned by now, not remaining the most valuable and attractive real estate in the country.
New York is less criminal today than last year, the Trump crime family has been banned from the state, lowering crime rates noticeably by itself. 😂

Funny, the right wants harsher penalties for minor crimes, but no penalties for hundreds of millions stolen, and doesn’t want to pay a dime more in taxes to build more prisons, overcrowding is encouraged until it’s them in prison, then it’s unconscionable torture requiring their immediate release…looking at you Jan 6 terrorists who all wanted Gitmo overfilled with BLM.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

WOW! KARY LAKE SURRENDERED IN COURT AND ADMITS SHE LIED ABOUT ELECTION INTERFERENCE and defamed Stephen Richer by claiming he intentionally sabotaged the election so she would lose, a claim she has doubled down on constantly since her (latest) election loss, but now admits was a pure fiction she made up to excuse and hide her own poor performance. She now asks the court to assess his (and his family’s) damages for the years of credible death threats and constant attacks and threats of violence they’ve lived under at the hands of criminal MAGA terrorists because of her malicious lies.

She admits she made it up and lied WITH ACTUAL MALICE in her dishonest efforts to overturn her own LEGITIMATE LOSS. Sound familiar?

But guaranteed this won’t change a single MAGA mind about the lies she convinced them of, you’ll just consider her another turncoat and go on believing them all…watch.

lol…BONUS- China/Tik Tok/Jeff Yass just made a major investment in DJT, Trump immediately reversed his long held position and now suddenly says China should be allowed to own Tik Tok and do business in America without restrictions.
Talk about selling policy to the highest bidder right in the open! I’m certain you don’t care…nothing he does matters, he’s your daddy/boyfriend no matter what.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Still waiting you spineless wonder.
Only infants are incapable of admitting mistakes, and they can’t talk. What’s your excuse for a total lack of testicular fortitude?

😂 Because Fox said so! 😂

Too bad he already testified under oath that he had no knowledge that this was true, if the text isn’t a fraud, which considering the source is nearly guaranteed, even if it’s a real text it’s only what he said he THOUGHT happened, not what he has sworn to under oath.
Also too bad for Trump it’s not criminal to have a relationship with other attorneys.
Also too bad its been proven he was not her first choice, or her first offer for the position, nor the highest monetary offer made, he was the only one willing to take the physical risk of going against the Trump terrorist cult.

Always, every single time you lie to twist reality to what you want then you actually think that’s real. Hide and watch. There’s no crime here.

It does seem the illegitimate supreme court has decided to be Trump’s public defender and delayed their ruling (which shouldn’t be a consideration, a ruler with absolute immunity is a king or emperor, not a president) on absolute immunity late enough to not know if Trump is eligible to run before the election happens.

How is disqualifying Smith going?

bobknight33 said:

Poor fraudulent GA voter fraud case- is derailing.. All because the DA is banging the hired help and lied about it. This could taint the whole county office and might need to be moved to another county---- OR dismissed ..
Either way big loss for the left and big win for Trump.

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Uh oh, @bobknight33, they found the culprit that made the fake Biden robocalls in New Hampshire.

PS- I love how Trump reminded everyone how disastrous 2020 was, and how mentally feeble he is by bringing up “supply change” on OAN, claiming “no one had ever heard of the supply change before Biden” (he meant supply chain)…clearly forgetting that “supply chain problems” entered the current lexicon in 2020 when store shelves actually were bare because factories and ports shut down leading to SUPPLY CHAIN ISSUES. No TP, no sanitizer, no medicines, no eggs, no milk, no pork (NO BACON!), ports closed, cargo ships waiting offshore by the thousands, trains full of cargo left in bad neighborhoods for thieves to empty because there was no one to unload them at warehouses and no place to store them, neighborhoods near ports absolutely filled with abandoned truck trailers for the same reason…all under Trump, suckers!
THANKS TRUMP for reminding your low IQ voters with no memory that “supply chain problems” were first created by Trump who botched Covid worse than any other leader on the planet. 😂

Oof…the failed impeachment just keeps getting better. We now know what Greene was talking about when she claimed the Democrats “hid” one of their members who ruined their little vote… Rep. Al Green of Texas was having surgery and the vote was scheduled to try to make sure he couldn’t vote, but he left the hospital and voted, ruining the tie vote they expected which would have let the speaker cast the deciding vote. Yet another sneaky underhanded MAGA attempt to subvert democracy foiled. D’oh!

😂 No immunity for Trump really has MAGA shitting their pants. Good job Trump, now you either get denied by the Supreme court and likely start in June and end your treason trial in September or you get them to hear you (and again rule against your obviously wrong interpretation of checks and balances as defined in the constitution) and his trial should end in late October, far too late to replace him on the ballot but with him disqualified…leading to massive landslides across the board for Democrats as MAGA doesn’t show up to vote if they can’t vote for Trump. 😂

Bonus- Residents of Eagle Pass Texas now say they are far more worried and afraid of the out of control angry nutjob MAGgots that showed up there than the migrants.

Oops Project Veritas again admitted lying about voter fraud, this time a fake accusation about Pennsylvania post masters mishandling ballots.

OH SWEET ZOMBIE GEEBUS! Look up MAGA loser Solomon Peña who lost his election in 22…he of course baselessly claimed fraud and tried to intimidate election officials to not certify the election, intimidate them by shooting their houses up, in one case missing a Senator’s 10 year old by inches as she slept.
Now both his first and his second hired attempted assassins have plead guilty to shooting up election officials houses at Peña’s direction (he paid them to do it, and personally shot up some of the houses with them). They could both get life.
Another day, another MAGA bunch of terrorists.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Familiar Promises….

LOL…MAGgots in Georgia have introduced a bill to eradicate RICO in Georgia including current and past cases, and giving immunity for any charges ever brought to court using RICO. Yes, they would release all criminals currently in prison on RICO charges and give them blanket immunity for their crimes which include murder, human trafficking, racketeering, etc because that’s the best and only way for them to protect treasonous Trump. Party of law and order…for everyone else but them. 🤦‍♂️

Anthony Kern, Jan 6 terrorist, fake elector, and MAGgot Senator in Arizona introduced another anti democracy bill that would give the current legislature the power to override the popular vote and install whoever they choose, proving once again that MAGA/Republicans are anti democracy at every turn…as if there was any question after Jan 6.

God Made A Dictator

newtboy says...

Trump also supports Israel exclusively, and still does. He fully supports Netanyahu grabbing power and fully supports his war. Biden didn’t “do this”, Netanyahu did, but he’s continuing the policy that has been in place since the 50’s of blind support for Israel and turning a blind eye to their atrocities and illegalities while funding and arming them.

The UN, despite America’s obstruction and obfuscation, is finally waking up to the genocidal monster they helped create that is Israel, waking up likely far too late.

I actually agree with the second part, we should stop funding the Israeli/Palestinian war, and stop funding Israel. The blowback for our support costs us 10 times what we gift Israel to commit genocide.

A disproportionate number of the violent expansionist settlers, the main cause of continuing hostilities, are American immigrants, they should all lose their citizenship and be labeled as terrorists.

bobknight33 said:

Biden did this. Stop funding this war!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Roger Stone is now under investigation by the FBI And the Capitol Police for trying to hire a hitman to take out members of congress.

On tape ordering a hit on Nadler and/or Swalwell, and planning the abduction and severe beating/murder of others. Of course he denies it, if only he wasn’t well known for lying under oath and proud of how he plays “dirty politics” (which means illegal violent intimidation).

This is MAGA. A terrorist organization led by terrorists.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Still waiting coward. 😂

Waiting for you to grow a pair big enough to admit just once that you were 100% wrong. Pretty certain you are 100% incapable of admitting it, but I’m not letting you walk away from it.
Contrary to your lies, Trump is named repeatedly in the recent Epstein document release, listed as a person who raped a 13 year old girl…you claimed he’s not listed at all. He’s also on the Lolita Express passenger list going to Child Rape Island 7 times in a 4 year period, despite having his own plane.
Trump also slept with his daughter, raped 27 women and 13 year old girls, sexually assaulted nearly every attractive woman he’s ever met, and was recorded bragging about ALL of it. Not to mention being a thief, fraud, tax cheat, terrorist, treasonous insurrectionist, pederast, and dementia ridden constant liar. He doesn’t know where he is most days, and proves it by saying the wrong place on stage, can’t remember who is president (he thinks it’s Obama), can’t remember who was president 2017-20 (often blames Biden for things in 2020 or earlier), fears that we might get into WW2, and calls for ending the constitution and presidential elections because he deserves it. 🤦‍♂️

You’ve been saying that about Ukraine for years, Vlad. Sucker. They have proven you wrong every time you tried to predict the war’s future….not that you would ever admit it.
They are having issues because Republicans blocked much needed aid for months clearly trying to help Trump’s friend, Putin, and hurt democracy.

Why don’t you ever even admit to yourself that you are always wrong? Why is it you are also always on the side of evil, fascism, draconian dictators, and against Democracy. It’s consistent Bobby.
You listen to the stupidest random ignorami with nothing to lose and everything to gain from lying to you…and you love it, you are never one bit upset that every word is dishonest propaganda. You just go looking for the next lie.

Still waiting little baby. I’ll bring up your cowardly infantilism every time you try to spout more nonsensical lies, waiting for you to grow up and admit you just lie constantly because truth is for liberals. 😂

Side note-Please oh please, Don, keep Habba as your lead council in your criminal trials. She is so unqualified, incompetent, inexperienced, and abrasive that she guarantees not only conviction but the higher end of sentencing guidelines. Day 2 of his second EG Carrol rape case was another utter disaster. There may be no choice, 3 of his lawyers quit last week…Tacopino, and his subordinates Seagal, and Diorio. He no longer has a real criminal legal team, and the team that has spent a year preparing for his criminal trials that start in under 2 months just quit him. 😂 that’s gotta hurt. Habba’s going to get him the firing squad!
Lost another appeal today because they forgot to claim executive privilege over Trumps Twitter records until it was too late.



OOOPS…Those were 4000 votes for Biden that were incorrectly counted for Trump just discovered. More MAGA “cheating” (intentional or not, 4000 more votes that were counted for Trump but belonged to Biden).

bobknight33 said:

The Ukraine war is all but over. A total loss all because of Biden desire to expand NATO nations.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Two days after being directly personally implicated in multiple cases of child rape through the Epstein documents, at least one dropped because Trump’s terrorists (like you) threatened the 13 year old victim and her family with torture and death and the now young woman wasn’t prepared to be responsible for her family’s injury or death so she walked away from her case, Trump on stage decided it was a good time to start commenting on his audiences “good looking children”.

Imagine if Biden said that the string of nonsensical accusations you would be making about Biden who has never been credibly accused of any abuse, contrary to Mr 26 (now 27 including the 13 year old) who has been accused by nearly every woman he’s known and has been repeatedly recorded bragging about his sexual abuse of multiple 14 year old girls (why he bought miss teen America).

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oh….so you were w-w-w-wrong about him not being mentioned? 😂 😂

😂 I’m certain you cannot admit that….in fact you are already making up lies about what’s in it to twist and turn away from admitting exactly that…but reality is you said he’s not mentioned and he is, prominently and repeatedly all throughout. 😂

Did I say there were accusations of Trump’s child molesting in the affidavits? No. I said that information came from his (Epstein’s) plane logs from 94-98 released long ago….
…there absolutely is stuff in there about Trump messing around with young girls you fucking tool. One of the affidavits was from the 13 year old girl that accused Dershowitz, Clinton, AND TRUMP OF RAPING HER. She since recanted, citing MAGA terrorists threatening her life and her family and her desire for safety overriding her desire for justice, but those accusations absolutely ARE in the information just released. She claimed there are tapes of all of it…including Trump. There may be more, but I know for certain that is part of the stuff just released.

The things I said about Epstein at Maralago came from the article I linked (and many many others written at the time).
Try again loser.

Fuck you love to make up paper tigers to put down….they’re the only kind you have a chance against. Try again, sucker. Trump continued his best friend relationship with Epstein for years and years and years after he was arrested for child rape/prostitution and he plead guilty. That did not end the relationship, they continued partying until months before Epstein surrendered for prison…LONG after he admitted running the child prostitution ring for people like Trump for the entire time he and Trump were partners in crime as THEY put it. “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy, he’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.“. No clearer admission has ever been made. Trump was clear that he knew Epstein liked young girls (and we know how young), and Trump admitted he shared that trait with him, and that’s far from the only time he admitted it. They remained friends and party partners until 2008….and we all know exactly what kind of party Epstein was into and it wasn’t “dances with wives” kind of parties.
Never forget how Trump bragged about buying the Miss Teen USA pageant specifically so he could go into the dressing rooms of the 14 year old girls while they were naked and no one could force him out as the owner, and “joked” about his obligation to sleep with every contestant….this is on the record and publicly broadcast repeatedly on multiple live Howard Stern shows he was on. His pedophilia is not a question, it’s public knowledge you turn a blind eye towards.
Also never forget Dershowitz was a strong advocate for getting rid of statutory rape crimes altogether (legalizing child rape) or at a minimum making the age of consent 15…keep that in mind as he denies the reports of him on Child Rape Island.

I’m not your son, kid. You are so far below me intellectually you barely seem out of kindergarten most days, and your complete lack of a grasp of English backs that up constantly. Don’t ever be so delusionally disrespectful you call me “son” ever again, boy. You aren’t my son, if you were I would disown you then retroactively abort you.

Keep fighting those windmills, Don Quixote…cutting down your paper tigers like a hero. I hope it makes you feel like a big man, something impossible in reality so you live in a delusional fantasy.

While I doubt you’ll watch it, this has some revealing information…

Edit: You know who actually wasn’t mentioned at all….Joe Biden.

bobknight33 said:

So Trump and Mar A Lago was mentioned. But nothing to do with messing around with young girls.

Fuck, you got another nothing burger.
Keep fishing my son, keep fishing

Liberal Redneck - Muslim Ban

newtboy says...

Bob is posting Christopher Hitchens videos?!? Have the wolves begun living with the lambs!?!
Do you know what he said about Christian fundamentalism @bobknight33? It’s not flattering.

As a side note, and on topic with the video, every terrorist act perpetrated in America since 2017 has been committed by a right wing “Christian”.
The United States Department of Homeland Security reported in October 2020 that white supremacists (all right wing Christians) posed the top domestic terrorism threat, which FBI director Christopher Wray confirmed in March 2021, noting that the bureau had elevated the threat to the same level as ISIS.
A 2017 report by the U.S. Government Accountability Office found that out of the 85 deadly extremist incidents which had occurred since September 11, 2001, white supremacist extremist groups were responsible for 73%, while radical Islamist extremists were responsible for 27%. The total number of deaths which was caused by each group was about the same, though 41% of the deaths were attributable to radical Islamists and they all occurred in a single event — the 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting in which 49 people were killed by a lone gunman. No deaths were attributed to left-wing groups.

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