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The Weird World of Octopus Sex

grinter says...

Nat Geo puts out such trash these days. Even the Discovery Channel does better nature documentaries. Where'd they get that narrator; was if from Talk Soup on E! or from the Animal Planet ('I used my phone to videotape my dog acting neurotically') network?
David Attenborough might die early just so that he can roll over in his grave at this crap.

..and octopus don't have "tentacles". They have arms, eight arms.

LucasArts Remembered

shagen454 says...

Day of the Tentacle, Monkey Island, Full Throttle, The Dig, Loom, Dark Forces, Grim Fandango... Shit man. We have been missing LucasArts for a while. :~(

I remember being a little kid in 4th grade, I loved the Monkey Island soundtrack so much that I recorded the songs with my little boom box cassette recorder from the Tandy. That game was one of those magical sorts where as a little kid I fantasized about actually living in that game world.

Before Dark Forces came out I remember staring at previews in PC Gamer for months at a time. When it came out it was unbelievably AWESOME. Really special company, really special times. Will be forever in my mind with LOVE.

That said there is still hope. Telltale, which consists of former LucasArts employees has been doing a fantastic job of innovating upon adventure gaming; the future is still bright.

Japanese Movers Have Been Rigorously Trained

Walmart on strike

chingalera says...

>> ^My_design:

Wow, the "free thinkers" lash out.
Not a corporate shill, but work in a corporate environment. Not saying that corporate actions are always right, but you guys only ever want to tear down, and never propose how to fix it. Your own hatred blinds you to reality.
So F_ck Walmart, F_ck Target, F_ck Coke and Pepsi and all the other companies that make "ridiculous" profits at the expense of consumers and employees. Stop buying their crap, form a commune and move to the hills. Consumerism and free market are screwing up the country/planet right? So let's seize corporate profits, block them at every angle and get us back to the good old days, you know before Carnegie, Ford, JP Morgan, and Rockefeller. Hell before Edison while we're at it. Oh wait there has always been corporations doing business in the US. Oh well, enjoy your new life with the Amish.
No options for jobs?
Here's a 160 pages of options just for the 50 miles around Chicago:
There are always options. We tend to forget that just 50 years ago people were subsistence farming, living with 3 generations in a household, working 2 jobs, and no health insurance. Hell in some places that is still going on. But now we complain and strike because the manager bullies us and causes unnecessary stress (0:22) If that is really the case, then document it. It is called contributing to a hostile work environment and is covered under the sexual harassment laws in the US.
"Because I'm tired of working at a company where workers get cheated and cheaters get rewarded" What? Umm that would be a class action lawsuit like the ones that hit Walmart in the past.

For me it's much simpler. Requires very little thinking through, this hatred for all that Walmmart represents. The worst form of mega-corporate usurping of the individual, of regional infrastructure, local architecture....Walmart has killed the souls of so many small towns and has done it through a systematic cheapening of goods and services. The hydra is self-perpetuating with your help....One of her strongest tentacles is this inbred bitch's legal department working tirelessly to maintain the machine's tactics and contempt for the people who have bought their line and their sub-standard goods from a country that has gone from a fundamentally repressive government with the largest population of any country to one, massive sweatshop PLANETOID of human wage-slaves.

People have been groomed for accepting quantity over quality, convenience over consciousness.
Apologies for the harsh words, glad to hear you have nothing to do with this particular beast-I fucked Coke, Pepsi, Target, etc. years ago...Don't frequent any chain restaurants or purchase new cars either. Shop at thrift stores for clothing and order consumer goods online through "ma and pa" internet businesses.
From America, in America, but not OF America.

America: Land of Socialism - Thomas Peterffy

quantumushroom says...

Besides being a "job creator" and pitching this inflammatory Ad that is fully in support of the Republican platform by way of fear inducement... It is scary to see the final repercussions from Citizen's United and see that a private billionaire like Mr. Peterffy can just put up a random add, FULL of distortion and outright lies

So what exactly is he lying about? Hungary's poverty? That socialism destroys incentive?

I decided that it was worth our time to have this ad here, due to its historical ramifications and to really underline the lengths people in power or with wealth will go to, to get their way. It also deserves to get the backlash it needs to have thrown at it due to its utter ridiculous nature. This ad plays off of your emotional appeal, to your natural instinct to care.

Yeah, that's what political ads do, appeal to emotions. What do you think Dopey Change was running on? Facts? Logic?

But, the real truth is that some of it is probably created in a Hollywood studio, BUT if he IS showing true strife in Hungary he most likely has the markings of a person with almost NO empathy. Last, as must ALWAYS be pointed out, to basically call out these idiots, we are not ANYWHERE close to a SOCIALIST government! GET OVER IT! Your talking point sucks and it's nearly 20 years old now.

We're very close to a socialist government. The bastards have their tentacles in every process, business and action, unwelcome or not. New taxes continue to appear, money we don't have continues to burn. The Supreme Court has incorrectly ruled that individuals can be forced to buy a product, something that would have been scoffed at even 20 years ago. Responsibility has been supplanted by government warnings and programs. You can't even cut down a tree on your own land without approval from some dick in an office thousands of miles away. But we're not screwed like Europe...yet.

It's funny in the end that he is so remarkably scared of paying MORE taxes, yet he spends HUGE amounts of money to try and stop it with ads... It's all so ironic somehow. I just knew this guy was an 1% personality, when he endorses the ad at the end with his own name. Do everyone a favor if you have a Google account setup and go to the video, login, and vote it down.

I'm confident Mr. Peterrfy isn't afraid of paying more taxes, but he sees SOMETHING the American left does not.

What could it be?

Orange Dust Devil/Tornado - Wtf?

WTF is going on with the slow traffic in Russia

WTF is going on with the slow traffic in Russia

How to Act Human-James Lipton's advice to Rmoney

direpickle says...

He really cuts right to the thing at the end. It's not that he's not good enough at acting human, it's that he's trying to act human in the first place. He needs to stop trying and simply embrace his true nature.

It's time for Romney to cast off this mask of the Common Man. He needs to raise his tentacles high and peel off his fleshy human shell. Cast off the masquerade and really show us what an abomination from beyond the stars can do for our country.

The stars are right, Governor Romney. I know you know this; Nyarlathotep does not send fools. The Republican party is ready--America is ready--for a shoggoth for president.

Heavily-Modified Japanese Cars!

Payback says...

>> ^skinnydaddy1:

Why are people surprised about this? A country that could come up with something like the Mach 5, A Mech for Spiderman, Godzilla, Pokemon, Tentacle Hentai, Vans and trucks with enough lights to make the Vegas strip look dull and the Lap Pillow. This is by far one of the tamest things they have. If any civilization in the universe could take all the weirdness and bazaar shit they ever created or found and concentrated it in one spot it would still never match Japan.

Ya... North American car trends are COMPLETELY normal.

Heavily-Modified Japanese Cars!

skinnydaddy1 says...

Why are people surprised about this? A country that could come up with something like the Mach 5, A Mech for Spiderman, Godzilla, Pokemon, Tentacle Hentai, Vans and trucks with enough lights to make the Vegas strip look dull and the Lap Pillow. This is by far one of the tamest things they have. If any civilization in the universe could take all the weirdness and bazaar shit they ever created or found and concentrated it in one spot it would still never match Japan.

Matthews: Obama Birth Control Mandate 'Frightening'

quantumushroom says...

It's a bit more complicated than this, particularly when the federal mafia has its tentacles in every aspect of our lives already.

>> ^longde:

If the church doesn't want to adhere to federal standards, they don't have to take federal funding. God will provide.

What happens when a Korean girl group walk into an army base

shinyblurry says...

Phenomena such as Faith Healing, Glossolalia and Snake Handling existed in US christian movements as early as the 1800's. It seems like the video you replied with is more like one christian group trying to distance itself to the embarrassment that is evangelicals, and it's easy to rope in foreign adaptations of Pentecostalism to use as evidence.

Pentecostalism itself is a foreign adaption which is based on a heresay known as montanism (now neo-montanism). It got its start in the early 1800's by the "Irvingites", who followed an outcast pastor teaching heretical christology doctrines. The father of the modern movement (early 1900s), John Alexander Dowie, believed he was the prophet Elijah and the first restored apostle to the church. It also has links with free masonry.

Ultimately your embed is just commentary on internal strife in an overall larger movement that I don't care about, and is a distraction from the real issue. What all of these have in common is the fact that human beings have a fundamental inability to avoid large scale social misdirection, and that is observable through every aspect of our existence regardless of culture, religion, social structure, lifestyle, sports team, et al.

The embed is about the false spirit which has invaded the church, which is the same spirit working in the video above. It is highlighting the abberant behavior that people who don't know much about Christianity assume is normal for Christians. This is due to the proliferation of the pentecostal and charismatic churches. This is not a judgement against pentecostals or charismatics, it is simply to say that this spirit of disorder is not from God.

Yes, there is a herd mentality, which is why the bible tells us to discern all things. Human beings are fundementally vulnerable to spiritual deception. Only God can protect us from this delusion that society is steeped in.

While I wholeheartedly agree with you that the obsession over materialism, commercialism and sexuality as exploited by modern media, such as the original video portrays, is in many ways a poison to the human condition, there are many worse examples of this in every society. Least of which would be this exact scenario played out in Western culture when a pop-star pays a charity visit to support their government sanctioned killers in places like Iraq and Afghanistan.

Evil doesn't often come dressed in red skin and armed with pitchforks. Evil can be banal and mundane, and it will usually come camouflaged as something good. I don't condemn the good deed, but I think you have to admit there is something profoundly disturbing about seeing grown men, soldiers no less, lose their minds as if someone flipped a switch. And yes, there are worse things, but that isn't really the point. I was pointing out the strings so someone might notice the puppeteer.

I really feel like you come here to show other people your belief as a way to convince yourself. Having a personal crusade to publicly disclaim everything that you judge as contradicting to the beliefs you were raised with makes it easy to put the doubt you have about your own faith out of mind.

I grew up without any religion in my life. I was formally agnostic, and so I understand your perspective. You don't see any evidence of a spirit, and none of it adds up in your mind. To you it's all some kind of mass delusion or hysteria. That's what I used to think until God showed me He is very real, and very much involved in what is going on on Planet Earth. I found that material existence is but a veil to a much larger reality. I pray that God will give you that experience as well, and show you that Jesus loves you, and that He is the way, the truth and the life. I am not here to prove something, I am here to do the will of God and tell you that Jesus died for your sins so you can be reconciled to God and have eternal life. I am here to warn you that the wages of sin is death, and that if you die in your sins without Gods pardon, you face Gods judgement, and hell. I say these things out of love, because I care about what happens to you.

PS - have you ever seen Japanese tentacle porn?

Hell vomited up that garbage, there is no doubt. I find though that true corruption comes by 1000 cuts. By the time a child is six years old, they will have spent more time in front of the Television/media than they will have spent quality time with their dads in a whole lifetime. That is what is really disturbing, and no one is standing in the gap. Modern parenting is putting your kid in front of a TV and giving them whatever the TV programs them to ask for. Sadly, this is just scratching the surface.

>> ^artician

What happens when a Korean girl group walk into an army base

artician says...

Phenomena such as Faith Healing, Glossolalia and Snake Handling existed in US christian movements as early as the 1800's. It seems like the video you replied with is more like one christian group trying to distance itself to the embarrassment that is evangelicals, and it's easy to rope in foreign adaptations of Pentecostalism to use as evidence.

Ultimately your embed is just commentary on internal strife in an overall larger movement that I don't care about, and is a distraction from the real issue. What all of these have in common is the fact that human beings have a fundamental inability to avoid large scale social misdirection, and that is observable through every aspect of our existence regardless of culture, religion, social structure, lifestyle, sports team, et al.

While I wholeheartedly agree with you that the obsession over materialism, commercialism and sexuality as exploited by modern media, such as the original video portrays, is in many ways a poison to the human condition, there are many worse examples of this in every society. Least of which would be this exact scenario played out in Western culture when a pop-star pays a charity visit to support their government sanctioned killers in places like Iraq and Afghanistan.

I really feel like you come here to show other people your belief as a way to convince yourself. Having a personal crusade to publicly disclaim everything that you judge as contradicting to the beliefs you were raised with makes it easy to put the doubt you have about your own faith out of mind.

PS - have you ever seen Japanese tentacle porn?

>> ^shinyblurry:

marinara (Member Profile)

gwiz665 says...

What can I say, I'm a class act.

In reply to this comment by marinara:

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
My thought process:
5 seconds in: There's an asian, the title includes "surreal" and "octopus". I know where this is heading. Takes off pants.

13 seconds in: Mmmm.

38 seconds: getting impatient.

on to 2:30 ish: skipping ahead, skipping ahead

2:36: alright, here we go...

end: Well there was hardly any tentacle rape there. -_-

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