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Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Trump's Presidency Both Hilarious and Horrifying

poolcleaner says...

You survived the end of the world with your beautiful wife, ready to repopulate the glorious Earth! *club to the head. found footage of your corpse being eaten by mutants with a zombie desire for flesh but still believing they're human as they innocently mate with your wife and create a new branch of subhumans with two heads and tentacles. your corpse breeds a new type of bacteria from a pre-apocalypse strain that mutates and will one day rejoin with the offspring of your wife's mutant spawn, becoming the future mitochondria of a race of planet conquering horrors*

has rachel maddow lost her mind?

enoch says...

you were not the only one who put me on the defensive for supporting chis hedges.
so if you feel singled out,i apologize.

the point of this post is put into light an adored spokesperson for the left,and a commentator who is also left leaning (and many of his upvoted videos can be found on the sift) to make a point.

and by your comment,you are struggling to reconcile the two.
but you DID reconcile,and you did so by giving maddow a tacit pass and condemning kyle for being a "complete bombastic liar".

when the truth is:
they both are...kinda..sorta..

they both are approaching,and making their points by using biased and slanted data to influence you,and i for that matter,into adopting their viewpoint.

these are not outright and pernicious lies.they are lies that serve a purpose and i find maddows far more egregious,because it is far more subtle..and you appear to have bought it.

she did so by using the innocuous word "might",yet her inferrence cannot be mistaken.they call it the "dog whistle".this is a wink and a nod that those dirty ruskies own our new president.

wink wink...nudge nudge..know what i mean?

now kyle is not exactly lying either.
he is using russias reaction to the new deployment from putin himself.who has stated that there was an agreement that there would be no new encroachment after the GDR,but that simply reveals the cleverness and political saavy of putin.

the real truth is this:

or is it?
from 2009?

maybe this is the truth?
from 2016.

well,personally i am going with the LAtimes and der spiegel.
brookings is a right wing think tank with deep tentacles in the pentagon and DoD.

but CNN reports that poland LOVES the new troops:

while i will agree that putin is a vicious thug,who murders political opponents and tortures dissidents.that he is ruthless and relentless political player.

i do not see any evidence of russian hacking influencing our elections,nor do i see a new russian empire pushing for those cold war expansionism days.

the only entity/country i see pushing for expansion and a renewal of the cold us..the pentagon and the department of defense,and those juicy juicy defense contracts!

i feel my time on the sift is coming to a close.
having to defend my admiration for a pulitzer prize winning,war correspondent and author is just...weird.

at least i know i am biased,but i do my best to self-correct.

Mr. Plinkett Talks About Rogue One

ChaosEngine says...

I felt like the movie was a bit of a structural mess.

So Cassian rescues Jyn so she can persuade Gerrera to hand over Bodhi so he can give her the message from her father who can tell them about the weakness in the death star.... that just feels like one step too many.

And what was with the Gerrera's weird mind squid thing? That scene felt completely unnecessary and was also the worst looking part of the movie (almost exactly like the tentacle ball things scene in TFA).

That said, the last third was great, and seeing the death star destroy part of a planet from the surface really brought home the horror of the weapon.

I'd put it very slightly behind TFA in terms of ranking it (Empire, New Hope, Jedi, TFA, Rogue One). While I admire that they tried something different and didn't just retread old plots like TFA, I just didn't enjoy it as much as TFA. The characters in TFA were just better and it was just more fun.

Kitty Kommercial

Full Throttle Remastered - Teaser Trailer

poolcleaner says...

You're just a different type of gamer than those of us who thrived during the early eras of gaming. My brother and I used to do speed runs through Full Throttle just for fun because we enjoyed adventure titles so much. It's like watching your favorite movie over and over again, except that you get to interact with the characters.

Especially Full Throttle, Day of the Tentacle, Sam & Max, most of the modern Tex Murphy adventures, and the Monkey Islands. Mostly Lucas Arts and Sierra, but companies like Access also provided hours and hours of the tedious adventure game shlock we enjoy. Hell, there were days where an entire 24 hours was spent playing text adventures, some of those hours spent replaying a game we had played through 100 times or more.

ForgedReality said:

The original game was only a couple of hours long, and not really worth playing more than once. Not sure how this is gonna be a worthy contender in today's modern gaming landscape unless they change the story a lot to add a lot more content and perhaps replayability.

But I don't really see how this is remastered. Remastered games in the past have been a lot more drastic. Like the Monkey Island series or King's Quest. This just looks like they ran the graphics through a resample algorithm. Not feeling it.

loki999 (Member Profile)

loki999 (Member Profile)

Why watch other people play games?

AeroMechanical says...

I generally fall into the "watching other people play video games is stupid" set, but on the other hand, if someone else enjoys it, I can't think of a good reason why they shouldn't. I do all sorts of stupid things for which the only explanation I can give is that I like it. Good enough.

Unless it's people who watch tentacle rape porn or US presidential primary debates, that's just weird.

Michigan Republicans Said What-What? Not in the Butt!

ChaosEngine says...

>>>Are you saying you believe adding the topic of removing these unconstitutional parts of the law would stall, or even log jam that debate to the point of failure?

That was exactly what Rick Jones said when I quoted him above:
"The minute I cross that line and I start talking about the other stuff, I won’t even get another hearing. It’ll be done....
Nobody wants to touch it. I would rather not even bring up the topic, because I know what would happen. You’d get both sides screaming and you end up with a big fight that’s not needed because it’s unconstitutional."

>>> Removing unconstitutional laws that are designed to target 'undesirable' portions of the population is not pointless.
Ok, "pointless" is the wrong word. "Futile" would be more accurate.

>>> IANAL?
I Am Not A Lawyer. Sorry, thought that was a commonly know acronym.

>>> I can't imagine anyone publicly supporting it, so there should be no debate, it should simply be easily adopted in 2 minutes.
Really? You can't imagine a politician supporting an anti-sodomy law? In a country where Rick fucking Santorum was considered a potential presidential candidate for one of the two main parties?
'cos I can imagine it pretty easily.
Reasonable human: "we'd like to stop animal abuse and get rid of this ridiculous puritanical law at the same time"
The likes of bobknight "RARRRG!! assault on family values, persecution of christians, fganogle..... GAAAAWWWWWWD" (while drooling)

>>> How's 1 year ago? Recent enough?
Jesus, that's depressing. At least, the case was thrown out, and on the plus side, having a ruling against the law sets a precedent.

Look, I agree that the law is ridiculous, and as I said, it's kind of shocking to think this attitude still exists in a supposedly educated, enlightened country. In a perfect world, laws like this would never have existed. Hell, in a fucking semi-sane, reasonable world, they'd have been wiped at least a decade ago when the supreme court declared them unconstitutional.

But right now, US politics is not even close to sane or reasonable. If it was, you could have an actual election between a centre right candidate (Hillary) and a democratic socialist (Sanders), instead of the current clusterfuck of having Hillary or god only knows what on the fucking looney tunes side.

So while the idealist side of me says that every single law like this should be fought tooth and nail, the pragmatic side of me says that until the US political system hacks its way out of the tentacles of the religious right, some ugly compromises are unavoidable.

Given that this doesn't actually make the situation worse (remember this law already existed), it's just a question of picking your battles.

newtboy said:

addressed in post

The Funniest History Of Japan You Will Ever Watch

poolcleaner says...

Mario and Son Goku: FUSION!!!!!!!!!!!! History and its micro miracles.

And don't forget the robots... which will one day take over the world -- and only brave, hypersexualized Japanese high school students in giant mech suits can defeat them!

Or be raped by demons and/or tentacles and/or demons with tentacles. Japanese game shows and poooooorn. THE END.

thegrimsleeper (Member Profile)

Knife-wielding tentacle

newtboy says...

That's not a tentacle, it's a gentacle! RUN! It's going to cut you, then have sex with you as you bleed.

Too funny that it can't be safely turned off. That's awesomely *quality *engineering right there.

Red Back Spider - Attenborough: Life in the Undergrowth

Elon Musk might be a Supervillain

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