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14 year old girl schools ignorant tv host

chingalera says...

@Sotto_The issue is the power and influence one corporation has over the world's food supply and those who would use their influence in the Department of Agriculture and the Supreme court to implement sweeping legislation or hinder the free will of the small, medium, large or other farmers who would have nothing to do with Monsanto's seeds or who wish only to use sumbunall of their products, not whether a farmer is given their rice for free in an ethical fashion to grow some proprietary rice (ever try to grow rice? S'pretty dependent on climate and seasons, rainfall and other environmental conditions, not to mention the hectares it requires to cultivate) as opposed to say leafy greens of all kinds, sweet potatoes, squash, all of which are much more easily cultivated AND, have shorter seed to fruit times as well as requiring much less space AND, are chock-full of Vitamin A.
We don't even mention here Paprika, Red Pepper, Cayenne, Chili Powder, which are WAY higher in Vitamin A and pretty much grow like weeds when cultivated by morons.

Shaky and hollow point your study cited as well, to support what is obviously a fishy prospect providing this option to poorer countries when you consider the back-door dealing that a corporation like M practices and their track-record of driving small farmers out of business with endless litigation and an army of lah-yahs, investigators, all petty thugs and criminals on their payroll.

A no-brainer? Yeah, if you spout the party-line and din't use your brain but instead cited an "official' study from a 'recognized', 'expert's' journal.

Again, loaded language in your closing with the assumption that most opponents and vocal activists of GMO crops are science deniers. Broad, brush-strokes my friend.

I for one want these motherfucker's labs under extreme scrutiny and their science tested and re-tested by those not on their payrolls or whose interests do not include stocks in their concerns. I also want heirloom seeds, regardless of yields, whose fruits produce fertile seeds.

MOST GMO crop's fruited seeds are as sterile as your argument, the genetic markers tweaked similarly to insure that the market on common-sense and centuries-honored methods be cornered and rendered inadequate.

All the thumbnails are squashed arrrgh (Wtf Talk Post)

Robinsons Bird House TV Advertisement/Spot/Commercial

Can you absorb mercury with a sponge?

dannym3141 says...

I suggest that it's most importantly to do with the surface tension of mercury. When the mercury covers any of the sponge's holes it forms a new little surface where the strong surface tension matters. You can tell this by looking at any transparent container of mercury such as old barometers and such. The meniscus bends down at the edge rather than the equivalent container of water where it bends up a little. If you pour out a bunch of mercury on a flat surface it will spread out so it's about half a centimeter deep iirc, i used to play a bit with some as a kid. (sometimes in a vac chamber, but not always!)

Here's a thought though. Unfortunately he had parts of the sponge poking out (possibly because of the limits of his container/supply of mercury) and so air could refill the holes in the sponge and allow it to retake its preferred shape. But if it was entirely submerged in the mercury and squeezed, which would be stronger? The springiness of the sponge to want to return to its shape sucking mercury in, or the surface tension of the mercury and the sponge just stays squashed. And i know that packing material is more springy than a bath sponge (or a natural sponge).

Sagemind said:

OK, so Why?

Why won't it enter the sponge? why won't the liquid enter the negative spaces in the sponge?

I do know there are some materials that don't absorb water - I have some dish towels (bought at the dollar store) that won't absorb water, absolutely useless. But I think that's different as I doubt they would absorb anything.

So why not Mercury? it's definitely more dense than water. Are the molecules larger than the H2O Molecule? I don't think it is, and even if it was, surly they are not larger than the holes in the sponge.

I'd like to see this tried with different types of sponges.

How Rivets Work

Payback says...

Different technology, same basic idea.

That kind of rivet is a rod with a domed, flat end like a bolt or screw. It sorta looks like (== , you push it through a hole in the two or more pieces and use an impact hammer to squash the end of the rivet into the pieces you're attaching. (==)

"Hot" rivets using a 50ton press:

CrushBug said:

Now I want to see the one about how rivets work on large metal structures, like bridges.

Hey, this bottle belongs to you!

newtboy says...

I'm not Jesus, but I'll answer for him. ;-}
If I were the litter bug, I would have been embarrassed at having it pointed out by the first guy that returned the bottle and I would have apologized for my bad behavior, I would not have A. indignantly thrown the bottle back out repeatedly or B. gotten out and put it in his grill (as you suggested).
If I were the returner and the litter bug got out and approached the front of my car with the bottle like you said you would have, I would have 'accidentally' let the brakes off and squashed him.
Many people don't think about the consequence of their actions, to themselves or others, so many would be willing to get out of their car to return the litter. It didn't seem dangerous to do so until the litterbug rams the other car. A returner picking it up and tailpipeing it would be far safer than the litter bug putting it in the returners grill, the litterbug wasn't paying any attention to what was happening behind him, but the returner would have seen him coming a mile away.
It's about being passionate about litter, teaching douchebags a lesson, and ignoring the danger, not about being passionate about dying.

chingalera said:

Jesus! Accuse me of unrighteous inclination and "react" rather than respond to my sentiments. I offered my thoughts to the situation from the POV of the litterbug, not Johnny (death by road rage) Webcam (although in the litterbug's place, IF it was a dick like you described, I'd most-likely be fucking up his grill with my rear bumper in reverse, because I don't leave a car when peeps are obviously unstable).

SO, what you're saying is that yourself as the litterbug, would have done something similar in response to the situation as I would have?

If you take me for someone who would illicit a reaction from an unknown motorist then end-up somehow mysteriously out of my vehicle between mine and theirs while they are still inside their vehicle well, maybe you'd do this, but I ain't goin' out like that.

Who the FUCK, is as passionately insane about dying to get out of their car to teach a stranger a lesson about littering? The litter-police guys' a dick, plain and simple and the litterbugs' a cunt for throwing his trash out so brazenly.

...oh and yes, my name is chingalera that, "little fucking thing over there."

Bradley Manning goes to trial

enoch says...

maybe i am reading your comment wrong.
i feel this is important because manning had the courage to expose the hypocrisy and malfeasance of the state department.

i feel this is important because it brings to light how the obama administration has used the espionage act 6 times.which is more than any other administration combined in the 100 yrs of precedent.

my hope is that this trial will illuminate the absolute hypocrisy being practiced by an administration that speaks of liberties and constitutional rights but in actuality does everything within its power to squash those very rights it pretends to champion.

so..yeah.while it may be sad it is very important.

@lantern53 i dont understand you man.
you profess to be all about smaller government and more liberty but are absolutely fine with an authoritarian governmental style.
government social programs are bad but fascism is ok?

you are a walking contradiction my friend.

Atheist in the Bible Belt outs herself because she is MORAL

VoodooV says...


you honestly think this shitstorm of a "discussion" is a good example of debate and discourse? It started off nice enough but the @shinyblurry web-bot detected the word atheist in its search algorithms and ran its "scripture_dump_#647.bat" script and then insecure @chingalera heard the commotion and decided that enough people weren't paying enough attention to him so he had to enter the fray.

and of course the people who just haven't been around long enough to know how those two operate unwittingly took their bait and assumed that these people were actually genuine and engaged them and viola! instant shitstorm

This has nothing to do with taking offense. You honestly think we ignore people merely because we disagree with them? Fuck that and fuck you for thinking so. We ignore people because we don't think they add anything to the discussion and their posts eventually become noise and distraction.

This has everything to do with people who have no actual interest in the community here and are just here to push an agenda or they're here to agitate people in a non-constructive way.

there is NO debate in this thread, there is NO discourse here. just brick walls and trolling.

@messenger this is EXACTLY why moderation is needed because this thread demonstrates exactly how there is NO self-moderation going on. Things are blowing up now until the next time someone falls for the chigalera/shinyblurry trap and we do this all over again lather rinse repeat and zero progress.

This sift keeps naively assuming that everyone wants to contribute constructively. Not everyone does. Some people are just attention whores. Dissent and offense is fine as long as it can be done constructively and you can at least make a decent argument to back it up. Most of us do that here, but non-insignificant number of us don't And sometimes you have to pull out the weeds.

Not every opinion is equal. You want debate and discourse here? Well there are rules and a structure to that. If you can't back your shit up or you commit blatant logical fallacies or are non-constructive, expect to get your ass kicked. That isn't squashing dissent, that's enforcing a standard.

welcome to your indoctrination-have a seat

VoodooV says...

death education?

yeah. I was with the video for the first couple minutes, but then it degenerates into paranoia and conspiracy theories.

Education system sucks, but it's not quite that bad. There is plenty of dissent in our system, maybe there isn't enough critical thinking, but this video acts like it's squashed utterly which is bull.

it just seems to me that the guy went through boot camp and is confusing it with the rest of the world.

His example of the TV anchors regurgitating the same headlines verbatim is just a bit unfair. sure it's a bit depressing to hear anchors repeat the same line exactly but that's what anchors are. They're paid to look good and read the news and that's it. if you're just trying to stay in touch with what's going on, that's all you need. If you want in depth analysis. That's not what your daily news is for.

Power Points Request (Equality Talk Post)

oritteropo says...

I think the idea is that if you want 2 pp's, you either go charter or else you post some really popular vids. Now that gifting is a possibility, that's another way to get them.

The 2 pp's from deadpool mining for people who had their 2nd anniversary badge was an idea I support, but it got squashed after the protest by the don't limit our pp's brigade.

Fastest Way to Drink Water

dannym3141 says...

I've crushed a bottle lengthways and i'm pretty sure my diaphragm is nowhere near capable of the force i had to use to do that to it, if that says anything.

I know you can quite easily suck a bottle into a squashed shape with your mouth, but that's sideways (in which it is flexible) rather than lengthways.

Cops Getting Trolled by Remote Helicopter

chingalera says...

All it's going to take is one fuckup to strap home made explosives to one of these and most of you kids will be alive to see all civilian RC devices become instantly illegal (around the same time gun ownership in the United States becomes criminal after imbeciles decide the 2nd amendment means all manner of bullshit under a revised document resembling some arcane time when people needed every last man and their guns to squash the real criminals).

VideoSift 5.0 bugs go here. (Sift Talk Post)

What if the government was your worst enemy

L0cky says...

I'm far from saying don't get involved; only that appealing to government through existing democratic channels is not going to change much. "Please change your ways, pretty please" isn't going to cut it any more.

This isn't a war between the rich and the poor; it's a war between man and the virtual machine we insist on running. It isn't a conspiracy controlled by the few, it's en emergent behaviour perpetuated by the many.

There are those who are more guilty than the rest - where most of us are pedalling the wheels, they are actively strapping on rocket engines for their own gain; but targeting the rich will only get us so far.

If you look at different subjects - genetics, game theory and economics you can see from all of them that a population or economy will always carry the selfish. No more than the population will tolerate, and no less than they will suffer.

I believe we should accept that, and not focus on futile attempts at eliminating the selfish, but at the more realistic task of reducing the opportunity for corruption by them.

We are all responsible.

Each and every one of us that works for, or works with a corporation is contributing to the problem. It's a nonsensical system and it's ripe for corruption, yet we do it to ourselves.

Imagine a mechanical godzilla tearing through a city, causing death and mayhem; crushing schools, burning homes and squashing people in it's path; the city dwellers fleeing and screaming in terror. Imagine that monster of destruction suddenly grinding to a halt; foot steps are heard, a door cranks open.

Who steps out? Is it Mitt Romney? No it's your neighbour Larry; he's clocking off and now it's your shift.>> ^packo:

if you stand back and say "I don't get involved, politics are too dirty"... you are failing yourself, your future, your children, your children's future, your country, and your country's future... you are the OPPOSITE of patriotic, and can only consider yourself a citizen in the form of the burden you place upon others

175 mph Squash Ball, Meet Human Flesh

zaust says...

I got hit in the balls on a squash court when I was 14. Was honestly surprised by when my fiance got pregnant given the amount of damage and specialist appointment.

Strangely I got involved with some idiot on another site a month or so ago who argued that paintballs did more damage - they were WRONG.

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