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55. Delete Facebook

spoco2 says...

>> ^kymbos:

I've noticed that Facebook is now misrepresenting the products that people 'like'. A friend of mine who hates sports suddenly 'liked' this sports gambling website. I took a screen print and sent it to him on email, and he responded telling me he'd never heard of it.
I find this dishonest and morally repugnant. It seems like they're desperate to monetise their potential and are starting to over-reach as a result.

Yeah, and the whole 'promote' a status thing, with the option of paying to promote being trialled also spells the end it would seem.

People are entrenched, to be sure, but if a cleaner, competitor comes along and provides a simple migration process ('enter your login details and we'll transfer all your photos/videos over to our FlubBrook service now'), people will jump ship if Facebook keeps becoming more and more and more of an advertising platform rather than a social network.

55. Delete Facebook

Deano says...

I'm not watching all of this since I don't think he's saying anything extraordinary. He is quite correct that stuff like Facebook *can* have a perniciousness affect on people's lives and make us feel like we've compensating for some deficiencies.

For those people who have are addicted to this (and there must be many) this might be a useful wakeup call.

Peronally I feel like I've missed the boat on Facebook - were I ten years younger I might have embraced it. Now I don't think I'm very good at the art of social networking. I'd like to be able to use it to keep distant friends distant but in contact and develop work contacts. But it just feels a bit fake.

Having said that I use Twitter. Because it's funny.

Regulators considering review of Facebook's IPO


Kerotan (Member Profile)

PlayhousePals says...

In reply to this comment by Kerotan:
It must have been a european thing, it was on every mobile phone, and on every advert break, at one point there was a number one song that beat coldplay to the top of the chart, chris martin later went onto a talk show to try and demonstrate he was not bitter about being pipped to post by a digital animation, and thus performed a cold play song interspersed with some of the crazy frogs signature noises.

It is at this point where I admit I know too much about the crazy frog , also I must apologise for my acidic tone earlier, I did (and still kinda do) have a stick my arse causing irritation.
In reply to this comment by PlayhousePals:
In reply to this comment by Kerotan:
The crazy frog, the most faddish meme from the early millenniums, from a time when the word meme didn't even hold currency. It boggles my mind that anyone finds it anything other than annoying.
In reply to this comment by PlayhousePals:
In reply to this comment by Kerotan:
So glad I could downvote this POS.

Thrilled to have made your day ... my work here is done =oD

AH!I missed that fad ... good to know. Now I understand peoples strong aversion. Thanks for the illumination =o)

No need to apologize ... I'm not very "social network" savvy. It's taking awhile to catch on to things in the relatively short time I've been here on the Sift. It's quite the learning curve and I'm developing a thick skin in the process ... heheh =oO

Without honest comments like yours I might never get a clue, so thanks for helping me out =oD

Squarepusher - Dark Steering

volumptuous says...

Squarepusher is anything but new.

He was pioneering what would soon become "electronica" when Trent was still pushing his hot-topic centric electronic angst rock.

Tom Jenkinson (aka Squarepusher) along with Aphex and Autechre, basically created IDM (which turned into "electronica" once stupid marketing losers in the US got hold of it) back in the early 90's. He's got a shitload of releases and is one of the most influential electronic musicians of all time.

And dont get me started on the shitstorm that is Daft Punk. First of all, they came well after underground electronic music was already a global phenomenon, and second, their special blend of stealing other ppls music and putting a weak house beat underneath is pure garbage by most music snobs standards. To even mention them in a thread about Squarepusher is sacrilege.

>> ^kceaton1:

It reminds me of when people in the past used to ask me for good examples of electronic type music. I used to use The Fragile (two-disc album by NiN, if you don't have it do yourself a favor and get it) as an example for it (at the time Massive Attack was great as was Sneaker Pimps, but I was aiming for something U.S. centric), though I had to remind them that "The Fragile" was really a mix of rock and electronic. But, there are some tracks on "The Fragile" that ARE electronic(a). The track used for the very popular 300 trailer (you could say due to that track--if you haven't heard the song do yourself a favor and go listen now), "Just Like You Imagined" really helped showcase Trent Reznor's ability in electronic(a).
This was again proved when he won (with the great Atticus Ross as well) best musical score for The Social Network, which was essentially an entirely electronic album (Tron:Legacy of the same year included a soundtrack that was also electronic by the ever popular Daft Punk).
It's some of these past masters in this music category that you find this new generation of GOOD musical artists.

So who here is on Fitocracy? (Sports Talk Post)

gorillaman says...

>> ^radx:

Is there a social network for everything nowadays?
I'll stick to my 45 minutes on the exercise bike every morning, thank you very much.

I think it's fair to say it's a tracking tool first and a social network second.

So who here is on Fitocracy? (Sports Talk Post)

Squarepusher - Dark Steering

kceaton1 says...

It reminds me of when people in the past used to ask me for good examples of electronic type music. I used to use The Fragile (two-disc album by NiN, if you don't have it do yourself a favor and get it) as an example for it (at the time Massive Attack was great as was Sneaker Pimps, but I was aiming for something U.S. centric), though I had to remind them that "The Fragile" was really a mix of rock and electronic. But, there are some tracks on "The Fragile" that ARE electronic(a). The track used for the very popular 300 trailer (you could say due to that track--if you haven't heard the song do yourself a favor and go listen now), "Just Like You Imagined" really helped showcase Trent Reznor's ability in electronic(a).

This was again proved when he won (with the great Atticus Ross as well) best musical score for The Social Network, which was essentially an entirely electronic album (Tron:Legacy of the same year included a soundtrack that was also electronic by the ever popular Daft Punk).

It's some of these past masters in this music category that you find this new generation of GOOD musical artists.

Issykitty (Member Profile)

lucky760 says...

Looks like dag took care of it. In the future, feel free to invoke *spammer on a scumbag's profile when it's clear they're just a dirt-bag spammer.


In reply to this comment by Issykitty:
>> ^7slocal:

Hello my name is Lance Damon Bliss and I am trying to help people get their privacy back by starting a new social network that is actually for the user. Check out my webpage at [url redacted] and if you like what I am trying to do then pass on the link or donate. Thank you.
Lance Damon Bliss

So this spam comment should probably be redacted, right?

lucky760 (Member Profile)

Issykitty says...

>> ^7slocal:

Hello my name is Lance Damon Bliss and I am trying to help people get their privacy back by starting a new social network that is actually for the user. Check out my webpage at [url redacted] and if you like what I am trying to do then pass on the link or donate. Thank you.
Lance Damon Bliss

So this spam comment should probably be redacted, right?

Blankfist's new sock puppets (Sift Talk Post)

PlayhousePals says...

>> ^Shepppard:

>> ^silverpoint16:
I am still of two minds about whether I want to anything to do with this site any more. We have been harassed and our characters assaulted. Most of you appear to now believe we are who we say we are. Some of you do not. That's fine. You are entitled to your opinion; however, the harassment and personal character assaults need to stop.
Thank you to all of you who looked at the evidence and drew their own conclusions.

I've been pretty level headed about this entire thread until I read this. For some reason, the way you worded that just set something off in me.
Let me make something clear to you from the start:
You're going to take some flak.
Videosift is a fantastic place full of MANY different opinions on many different things. We come from all over the world and generally are considered a community rather than an outright forum. Since there's less people than youtube, we can basically actually talk TO one another. You'll see the same names leaving comments and upvoting on many different videos, joking around, etc. And as such, you're eventually going to do or say something someone doesn't like.
We have Winstonfield_pennypacker and Quantummushroom as die-hard republicans that on basically any political video you'll see them say something (at least I consider to be) stupid and that'll spark an argument, and then two videos later you'll see QM say something that'll actually make you laugh out loud.
On religious videos we have many heated debates, the sift as a whole is generally considered Atheist, and will argue til they're blue in the face about certain topics.
On police videos there's a few of us (myself included) that don't instantly hop on the "COP IS IN THE WRONG, FUCK DA PO PO" bandwagon, and will generally be caught in a debate or argument about it.
Essentially what i'm trying to say is.. We're not youtube. You're not going to be a blank face in the crowd, you have a personality, you have ideals, you have your own mindset, and here you'll get to express it amongst others. But be prepared to have others not always agree with them.
So, if you want to just blend in, say what you want, and make sure your feelings don't get hurt, go ahead and leave.
If you want to be a part of something that with the bad, also comes a world of good, then stay. Enjoy our little community. Just be prepared for what that entails if you do.

I like much of what you posted here. If I read correctly, you and I seem to have many things in common: Not a Republican? [check] Atheist? [check] Maligning Cops? [my Mom was the very first female police radio dispatcher in this major metropolitan area and my Dad was the booking sergeant in the city jail ... let's just say I agree that *they* aren't all bad and leave it at that] Couldn't wait to move out of the house when I turned 18? [check] though your mileage may vary, I just had to toss that in there.

Regarding your generalized description of YouTube I can only relay to you MY experience with it. I joined in July 2006. It was the only social network I belonged to up until this past year. In January 2011 I submitted two videos for a contest and to my delight, one was selected for the project. It was then that I discovered how much I enjoyed the experience of making videos so started from scratch with a little Kodak PlaySport camera. I eventually bought some software and began to teach myself editing. I may not be one of the big players on the tube, but I did find out that there are some truly wonderful, REAL people there. I was steadily attracting viewers and subscribers worldwide and that morphed into an actual online community for me. I've experienced many gratifying interactions through collaborations, comments and banter and have found a good number of folks that I've come to admire and respect. Some have become very good friends. I never once felt like a blank face in the crowd and found great joy in supporting and encouraging those that impressed me. My goal was and is to tailor my comments to relate to the subject matter at hand and, more often than not, attempt to infuse a bit of humor as well. Rarely will you see anything generic from me [unless I'm really, really tired]. That being said, I certainly would never expect ANYONE to BE like me ... I fully appreciate and embrace diversity. However, I don't engage in bullying, deliberate rudeness or intimidation because, like most folks, I have a lot of stress in my life and the time I get to spend away from it on the interwebs is my coveted escape.

All of the above came crashing down for me personally when Google took over YT and changed everything to the dreaded NewTube. Seemingly overnight my progression of new subscribers simply ceased. Views diminished and everything has basically ground to a halt. I still have and treasure most of my core supporters but much of the community aspect has diminished to the point where Ive found myself searching for something more rewarding on the side. VS was recommended to me and in the first couple of days after signing up I was duly impressed. It is by far the best community site I've experienced yet.

Is it a double standard for me to support the friends who have also joined and are currently the only people I know here? I sure hope not. My goal was and is to earn the respect of others already established in this community through my participation and conduct. Not a one of us intended to take over what you have here ... at first blush it appeared to be an exceptional place to be. Time will tell. I have hope.

Trancecoach (Member Profile)

Kony - 2012

Trancecoach says...

My friend who grew up in Nigeria just posted this in the comments when I posted this to facebook:

"I posted it last night also. Then it had just about 10k views. Now, it has 11M !! Wow the power of social media. Which brings me to a sobering thought. Whether we like it or not this video is a propaganda tool. Before yesterday, I knew very little about Kony. Today, I find myself hating him. I don't even know enough to hold an objective position. And I'm sure I'm not alone on this. Of course kidnapping and slaughtering children is awful!!! But having lived the first half of my life in Nigeria, a political environment closer to Uganda's than the US', I know the evil is often committed by both rebel guerillas and government troops. But, it's usually the govts that have the luxury of relationship with the west to encourage development of videos like this. So I'm not saying Kony is a saint. I hope he gets caught and prosecuted. I'm just catching myself from the gullibility of falling for a propaganda video. However well intentioned. Hopefully others will do the same."

And here's my response:

"I couldn't agree with you more. Well said and, even more importantly, we considered. Gives you a sense of the power of the medium -- especially when it's combined with social networking! I couldn't get through my first attempt to sit through this, but got to the point that he introduces Kony to his son. There is definitely some extreme bias here (isn't that the case with all documentaries, if not all cinema or media for that matter?) Your point is a good one and it just further underscores my deep belief that there needs to be some form of widespread campaign to teach people how to "read" and "interpret media -- that is, see it and read between the lines (as you have). Otherwise, we (audiences) are mere chattel to the modern day propagandists armed with nothing than a handi-cam and a youtube account."

Happy 6th Birthday VideoSift! (Sift Talk Post)

Deano says...

Just chipping into say this is the only site I have ever really felt any kind of connection with. Social networking has never clicked with me as I value some measure of anonymity. Videosift actually seems to have a raison d'etre and all good things flow from that. The best kind of internet for me was prior to people feeding the Facebook monster.
The sift was around then and I hope it continues evermore. Much kudos to the hard work Lucky and Dag put in and best wishes for the future.

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