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Street Explosion Sends Cars Flying In Johannesburg

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

More MAGA child abuse insanity, Republican Congressman Derrick Van Orden from Wisconsin is in hot water after he screamed profanities at a group of young exhausted senate pages that were resting in the Capitol Rotunda after working all night serving the senate for free, like they’ve done for decades.
Not the first time, he also threatened a young underage female library page/volunteer in Wisconsin for setting up the library’s gay pride month display and verbally abused her so badly she never returned to her job.

Screaming obscenities at young children for doing their job (when they aren’t having sex with them)…THAT’S today’s MAGA.

D’oh! Tried to erase the server AFTER getting the subpoena! Pretty sure his obstruction and destruction of evidence attempt was also recorded…recorded on the server that was recovered. Also recovered, the war plans for attacking Iran that Trump showed known Chinese agents, also recorded, that Trump now claims didn’t happen. 😂
And Georgia is ready to indict, get ready.
Then likely Jan 6 charges.
Than possibly AZ charges.
Give it time. 😂

Bonus- Another “smoking gun” fails today with Devon Archer, Hunter Biden’s business partner who testified that on some occasions during dinner, even some business dinners, Hunter would put Joe on speaker phone to say hello, but never, not one time in 10 years did he ever discuss any business when his father was on the line. They talked about Bo, who had cancer, and the family, and some pleasantries. He also testified to having no knowledge whatsoever about any bribes to Hunter or Joe. Republicans had hyped this witness as the smoking gun connecting Hunter’s business dealings with Joe, and said he had personal knowledge of bribes…turned out to be the exact opposite of what Republicans claimed, as usual.
(Edit) Er mer gerd…just heard the insanity they’ve been feeding you all weekend about him…claiming the DOJ was trying to put Archer in prison Sunday night to stop him from testifying because he recently lost his appeal on fraud charges (completely unrelated to Hunter) and as is the normal process the DOJ sent the letter to the judge that starts the incarceration process that weeks or months later ends with him actually in prison serving the sentence he’s already received….and when no such obstruction or imprisonment happened they declared victory against the weaponized DOJ that they say caved to their strength and now allowed him to testify….to and about absolutely nothing criminal! You fools! This is the important work your reps are doing on your behalf….idiotic nonsense hearings with no purpose no evidence and no power to do anything about anything. I bet you’re lapping it up. 😂

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

76 Republican staffer and long-term director of financial operations for Seattle Republicans Larry Corrigan pleaded guilty for attempted rape of a 13-year-old girl

77 Republican talk show host Scott Eller Cortelyou plead guilty on charges of using the Internet to try and lure a child into a sexual relationship with him

78 Republican constable Joshua Dickens sentenced to five years in prison for torture-related activities against a young woman.

79 Republican spokesman Brian Doyle arrested for trying to seduce a 14-year-old girl over the Internet. He was later sentenced to 5 years in prison

80 Republican campaign official and former Romney staffer Matthew Joseph Elliott convicted of sexual exploitation of a child Got a great deal, but really went astray, ending up murdering a child.

81 Republican party chair Donald Fleischman was charged with two counts of child enticement and one count of exposing himself to a child

82 Republican Michael Flory, former head of the Michigan Young American Foundation, raped a colleague at convention

83 Richard Gardner, a Nevada State Representative (R), admitted to molesting his two daughters and 34% of voters still voted for him. That 7 over the Keyes Constant!

84 George Roche III resigned as president of conservative Hillsdale College in Michigan after accusations of a quasi-incestuous relationship with his daughter-in-law, Lissa. This is an exception to my no adultery rule because yuck, his daughter-in-law. How could he do that to his son?

85 Bishop Paprocki is not a sexual predator, but he protects them. He protected and enabled pedophile priests. He engages in partisanship to order Democratic politicians be denied communion by all priests in his diocese, including Dick Durbin

86 Republican high-level Bush appointee Dr. David Hager sodomized his wife while she slept. She divorced him for it.

87 Republican sheriff Don Haidl used his office to try to smear the victim that was gang raped. The main perpetrator was Haidl’s son, who poisoned the victim. Sheriff Haidl claims that the girl deserved it because she was a "slut." The original story I linked is now 404, but here is another one.

88 Republican activist Neal Horsley admits to having had sex with a mule. Horsley also wants all homosexuals arrested and solicited murders of abortion providers on his Nuremberg files site.

89 Conservative Cardinal Bernard Law of Boston covered up thousands of instances of sexual molestation by fellow conservative members of the clergy.

90 Republican congressman Joseph McDade charged with exposing his genitalia to two women on a public beach

91 Republican delegate Robert McKee resigns after police seized two computers and videotapes from his home pertaining to child pornography

92 Republican blowhard TV personality Bill O’Reilly paid several million dollars to settle a sexual harassment suit with Andrea Mackris.

93 Republican mega-preacher Marshal Seymour arrested on charges of having sex with underage boys. Seymour had been jailed almost a decade earlier for similar charges in a different state

94 White supremacist National Vanguard leader Kevin Alfred Strom arrested and charged with child pornography

95 Daniel Dean Thompson founded a family-values film company that removed all the "bad parts" from films to make them family-friendly front for child porn, arrested for having sex with 14-year-old

96 Wharton prof & conservative consultant on media effects on children Lawrence Scott Ward had video of himself having sex with children. Sex tourist

97 Spokane Republican homophobic mayor Jim West recalled after evidence surfaced that he molested little boys

98 Focus on the Family's Steve Wilsey - molesting an 8-year-old boy

99 Republican Southern Baptist megachurch pastor Paul Williams faces charges of molesting his son

100 Chairman of the Young Republican National Federation, Glenn Murphy Jr., from Indiana was busted for assaulting another man. Not the first time it's happened.


Matthew Reilly, Cranston City council member and chairman of the Cranston Republican Party caught passed out in the drivers seat of his car after smoking crack. He had cocaine, fentanyl, and crack all over the open car where anyone including children could grab it.

Let me guess, your answer will be some random person’s tweet having nothing to do with republicans smoking crack and fucking children.

bobknight33 said:

debauchery The party of Democrats.

MTG makes Biden For President Ad

newtboy says...

So desperate you little boy. Just HAVE to show photos of naked men to children. You’ve been trying for 3 years now to publish this revenge porn where children will see it knowing it’s illegal to post and nonsense to boot. Groomers.

Absolutely nothing new here in the baseless accusations supported only by hostile spies and disgraced ex agent’s nonsense and proven fake laptop data in your attempt to smear a private citizen. So sad. You just couldn’t help it, you people HAD to show naked penises to children…AGAIN. It’s a pattern. Groomers.

If paying prostitutes is some disqualifier, Trump is disqualified…he pays for sex every time he’s had it, usually from his firm’s business accounts, and the women he’s been with all charge massive amounts to sleep with him (except those he raped), usually hundreds of thousands to tens of millions. Hunter usually got it for free because he’s a stud, not a tiny mushroom tipped 2 pump chump like Trump. 😂

If consorting with prostitutes is some disqualifier, all republicans are disqualified by ex hooker and child sex abuser Boebert who also likes forcing naked men’s penises on young children in public….namely her abusive husband’s penis she helped him expose to 15 year old girls in public….he was convicted. Groomers.

This so smacks of desperation little boy. It’s proof the right has absolutely nothing to offer besides hatred and vitriol…and they don’t even know how to harness or focus that hatred on the right issues, you just hate. They have no plans, no functional legislation, absolutely nothing positive has come from the right since Nov7 2016.

This is the best you’ve got against Joe? Or to defend the rapist Trump? Quit now. If that’s what you’ve got, you lost already.

Trump has done everything you accuse Hunter of (except smoke crack) to exponentially higher degrees. Not only did Trump constantly use company money to pay for sex, illegally hiding it as legal fees, he’s also a violent rapist with at least 24 victims not including all the literally hundreds of minors he forced to get naked in front of him (miss teen USA). 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

PS- even reposting this revenge porn may be a crime. Don’t be surprised if someone comes knocking at your door to take you away for 3 years, more than 6 people saw your post. Groomer. 🤦‍♂️ 😂

bobknight33 said:

Constant philandering slut MTG posting nsfw nude revenge porn publicly for children to see.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

(Oops, meant to quote, not profile page this)
ROTFLMFAHS!! Hunter Biden stupidity again! LOSER! You dumbshits just refuse to learn…he admits smoking crack and sleeping with hookers….(Trump always pays for sex using company money, I would think you might applaud Hunter following his lead)….he’s a private citizen…nobody cares. Rapist Trump’s dead brother who the entire family intentionally let die alone was a drunk racist…do you care?

Because it’s all about getting to show that revenge porn against and talk shit about a private citizen, and absolutely nothing else…because you’ve got nothing else. Even disgracing the walls of congress by shoving it down throats in a live broadcast hearing in your undignified desperation when you can’t tweet it out. 😂

Funny how family is only off limits when it’s a republican’s family that’s actually part of their administration, making policy and negotiating on the government’s behalf and getting tens of millions to literally multiple billions in payoffs from hostile countries while they do it…but not when they’re private citizens. 🤦‍♂️

And somehow you think this nonsense impugns Dark Brandon’s character….he won’t even notice your little self deprecating circus, he’s too busy crushing it hard and deep on every front to care what the completely out of control nutjob that believes in every Qspiracy is screaming on the street corner in her tin foil hat…and that’s who you’re standing behind here. This only looks bad for you…seems outrageously desperate. Hunter Biden doesn’t hold office and is a different person than his father, and overcoming a severe drug problem is something to be proud of. 😂

You are so stupid you think these baseless and meaningless screeched accusations by the mastermind “Jew laser” “There’s nothing wrong with asking for election fraud” Manly Traitor over there makes your team “right” and Joe somehow “wrong” despite your cult leader being a convicted rapist (forcefully penetrating another with your body is rape, and he was convicted of forceful penetration of a woman with his body part), child abuser (admitted on air to buying Miss Teen USA to forcefully leer at naked YOUNG (14 year old) girls), employee sex abuser (admitted on air he bought Miss USA and Miss Universe to force contestants to sleep with him), traitor, convicted fraud, charity fraud, admitted racist (willingly paid millions for his redlining), and under or nearing 7-8 indictments for hundreds of counts of various treasonous activities. 😂 😂

And since you say religion is real not silly superstition…the very personification of the 7 deadly sins, (to remind your tiny religious brain, those are) (1) vainglory, or pride, (2) greed, or covetousness, (3) lust, or illicit sexual desire, (4) envy, (5) gluttony, (6) wrath, or anger, and (7) sloth. Double check on every box and triple check a few.

You don’t even understand this performance is just for you and your fellow cultists, nobody else cares or pays attention to the tin foil hat brigade with their poster boards of naked men they absolutely insisted children see. Groomers.

You say prosecuting the well documented, numerous and ongoing treasonous crimes of a disgraced ex president is pure politics and should be tossed out as a nothingburger without seeing the evidence, but the alleged minor crimes of a president’s relative well beyond all statutes of limitations…that’s vitally important to government function not politically motivated attacks against a family member, also known as weaponization of the federal government!
You people are such jokes! Keep ‘em coming. Best laugh all day, and I found out it’s not slander or libel to say Trump is a rapist today because he officially is one. 😂

bobknight33 said:

MTG Showing revenge porn.

Durham Report, Finds bias and no collusion with Russia.

newtboy says...

Bwaaahahahaha. The hilarious failure that is the Durham report, another repugnantican sham investigation that started with a conclusion and tried to work backwards to prove it but that failed to find any crime or wrongdoing but that the right is still trying to put forth as proof of something…they aren’t sure what or by who but you should be outraged and distracted from the last 7 times this happened. ROTFLMFAHS!!! 😂

No Bobby, Republicans commissioned and paid for the Steele dossier and sold it to Clinton when Trump locked the nomination. Nice try at rewriting history, but it requires the listener to be as ignorant of history as you to be effective. Very few people are that ignorant.

Russian collusion with the Trump campaign has been proven time and time again with dozens of officials convicted of operating as unregistered foreign agents who hid their ties with Russia. One bit of info used for one warrant application against someone who later became employed by the campaign was exaggerated, not even materially…and fortunately because it eventually uncovered the dozens of Russian agents working at the top levels of the Trump administration like Flynn and Manafort and got them convicted. Not to mention all the illegal campaign contributions from Russia the convicts laundered like Giuliani’s Russian/Ukrainian donors. Another failed attempt to white wash history. Try again loser.

No smoking gun, no convictions, no crimes found, no recommendations made to change policies.

The only thing fake is the right’s fervent patriotism, which is 100% fake and discarded at the first change in the wind.

More whining and sour grapes and rehashing the last 6 years by treasonous traitors that actually called for the repeal of the constitution and tried a violent coup because they lost an election. Dark Brandon make Twumpy cwy hurt? 😂

Loving those MAGA tears, keep ‘em coming snowflake. I thought you no longer watched cable news or Fox. I guess you forgot?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Now that you know everything I said is correct, publicly verified, now what sucker? Because, with your head so far up your ass you haven’t heard these facts yet doesn’t mean they’re not verified. Because I pay attention to varied sources and often find information much earlier than you can doesn’t mean I’m jumping any guns, it means you’re sleeping in the starting blocks.

Every accusation you’ve made has completely fallen apart as stupid made up nonsense, like the theory that near broke Hunter was paid $3 billion by China despite zero evidence whatsoever…I would guess you will say you think he smoked $3 billion in crack, or your insistence that Jan 6 was all BLM pretending to be Trumpists despite 1000 Trumpist arrests and guilty pleas/prosecutions and 1000 more coming.

Plenty of proof the Trumps took payoffs from China, Russians in Ukraine, Russia directly, and Saudi Arabia (among many others), so much they couldn’t hide them despite trying….near $3 billion and they’re still at it, illegally taking $8 million or more from sanctioned Russian money to keep Toth Senchal afloat. Another case of every accusation being an admission.
Trump also stole hundreds of presidential gifts, pretending they were his personal property-admitted by Trump and he was forced to return what they proved he stole…more felonious thefts.

Quit looking stupid by defending criminality while accusing the innocent…IE post when news is real, even though that means 99.9% of your posts would never get posted.

I would say stop being an intentionally blind fool, but you’ve never been anything else so I know it’s not possible. How many times have you called me out for “fake news” that turned out to be the facts? Too many to count, nearly every time I post news, and you are ALWAYS wrong. ALWAYS! How many times have you been called out for posting MAGA anti American propaganda that’s thoroughly debunked before you post it? Again, too many times to count, nearly every time you post anything.

Such a silly little boy. Do you even see what a dishonest idiot you make yourself look like daily?

Today’s bonus MAGA criminality- Joe Harding, the now-former Florida Republican lawmaker who authored the extremist “Don’t Say Gay” bill could face up to 35 years in prison after pleading guilty Tuesday afternoon to federal felony fraud charges in a scheme to obtain $150,000 in COVID-19 relief funds, according to Florida Politics‘ publisher Peter Scorsch.

BTW- if I’m the shill for all liberals you pretend you’ve convinced yourself I am, why did I post this that makes Macron look horrible?
You might note his move is similar to the right’s plan to eradicate Social Security and Medicare by raising the eligibility age above life expectancy age. You guys might want to watch how that turns out for him.

bobknight33 said:

You are the most gullible person I know.

Biden /China/ Ukraine payoffs are more legit story. I dont post those because nothing has yet to come of those.

Quit looking stupid and just wait for reality to catch up to the fake news --- IE post when news is real.

Till then just stop begin a blind tool.

What Vaping Does to the Body

newtboy says...

No oils should be in properly made nicotine vape juice…but there is glycerin that comes from vegetable oil and often still contains oils, propylene glycol that’s not safe to breathe, sugars, formaldehyde, acroline (used in herbicides/damages DNA), unregulated “flavorings” and more, all of which are carcinogenic when heated.
Also, there’s plenty of fly by night nicotine vape juice makers that use whatever smokes, including massage oil in some cases.

The only way to be SURE what’s in it is to make your own from ingredients you either produce or vet well. Don’t buy it by the gallon on eBay or Craigslist.

As I mentioned above, I vape live rosen, which has zero additives and is simply heat pressed from fresh flowers. I’m not saying that’s healthy, but it is free of all carcinogenic man made chemical adulterants unlike ANY nicotine or most cannabis juices, and free of nearly all cellulose unlike plain tobacco or marijuana.

w1ndex said:

It would be nice if this video differentiated between nicotine and cannabis vaping in the title. Nicotine vapes are a lot safer than cannabis-based ones. There are no oils used in nicotine-based vapes.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Um….what? This stops any state from cheating and requires they send electors for the candidate that won more certified votes.
Today, without the bill, if a State legislature cheats like dozens of Republican legislatures did in 2020, there’s a good chance it’s still official….that’s what you want, the ability for dishonest Republican legislatures to pick the state winner, not voters.
This stops unsubstantiated claims of cheating from being enough to overturn an election…it stops anti democratic frauds like the ones Trumpsters tried in 2020 from being in any way legal.

Are you brain damaged? Democrats wanted the recount, Bush won because it was halted. Gore sued for recounts, Bush sued to stop them. YOU MORONIC IMBICILE.
Holy fucking sheep shit buddy. You have everything totally backwards and upside down. It’s a shock you aren’t dead from shoving steak in your asshole and trying to shit out your neck.

This time Republicans tried to stop the count, not a recount, not a second recount, but the initial count of valid certified votes….also, moron, history lesson..republicans and the conservative court stopped the recount in 2000, not Democrats….after 1/4 of Florida counties failed to complete a legally required machine recount Gore sued for hand recounts and Bush successfully blocked them, that’s why Bush “won” despite not getting more votes. Are you really so insane you think Democrats stopped the recount that had them ahead, handing unearned victory to Bush? You probably are.

Tried to stop the Trump count? What the everloving fuck are you making up now? Clinton conceded the day after the election (after she won with 3 million more votes), no one tried to stop the count, you moronic liar. WHAT!?!

Again…WHAT? What do you mean by the meaningless “if a state cheats”? That’s some meaningless nonsense speak….define this chimeric right wing term. This bill STOPS state legislatures from cheating, ignoring the vote and sending electors they choose. That STOPS cheating, it doesn’t allow it. It also still lets congress to invalidate electors if there’s corruption…but by 2/3 vote not just one.

You’re smoking too much meth again. Derp.

bobknight33 said:

So if a State cheated -Its official?

Democrats tried to stop the Bush count and also the Trump count.

But when Republicans try to stop the Biden count you cry like little bitches.

So now we are at the point that IF a state cheats it counts. Brilliant.

Chaos erupts at LA City Hall as council votes to ban homeles

newtboy says...

Her final statement is unbelievably clueless…Fear is precisely why they created this legislation and the only reason why it has any support at all.
A more accurate statement would have been “we will not legislate based on reality or reason, and certainly not with compassion or empathy.”
Criminalizing homelessness, which for 98% of homeless is not a choice, is not just draconian, heartless, and insanely expensive, it also doesn’t address the issue one bit. After paying to remove and/or incarcerate them, they don’t disappear, they get out of jail or get pushed out of the neighboring communities and are still homeless.

Also, California prisons are insanely overcrowded….how exactly do they expect to jail every non compliant homeless person? By releasing the violent career criminals, murderers and rapists that are pretty much the only ones left in Ca prisons? Great plan.

There are few places in LA that aren’t excluded by this ordinance. Anyone that babysits children or any office building with any daycare offered by a resident becomes a “day care center”, and any home schooled child a “school”.
It reminds me of some local anti smoking ordinances that banned smoking almost everywhere in Davis except the center of a major intersection….which clearly wasn’t a good place for smoking breaks. I think it was struck down.

In 1933, the Nazi Party passed a Law "against Habitual and Dangerous Criminals", which allowed for the relocation of beggars, homeless, and the unemployed to concentration camps. Just saying.

Smoke Shop Robbery, Las Vegas - Robber Stabbed

newtboy says...

There was more than enough time to bleed through from 7 stab wounds before he dumped him on the floor, imo. I was shocked the store owner wasn’t drenched in blood by then, but I see none at all. I just find that odd, I bleed like a water balloon if you stick me.
I also found it insane the thief didn’t seem to react to the first 4-5 stabs at all, he fought back like nothing happened at first, another reason I assumed they maybe didn’t penetrate. The last two sure did, but even the knife still looked clean coming out. WTF!? Super blood absorbing sweat shirt?

I think the owner, if charged, will go for a jury trial and be acquitted….or might take a no prison plea deal if it’s good enough. I can’t see getting a conviction in Nevada for this, unless he hires Amber Heard or Alex Jones’ lawyers. In Florida, he wouldn’t get a ticket. I doubt he’ll see jail, possibly a fine and huge civil suit. Hope he has good insurance.

Edit: I just found this piece about this robbery victim shooting a disarmed robber in the back, eventually killing him, who wasn’t charged. I think the smoke shop owner was more restrained and hope he isn’t charged either.

? Inviting him back in? What? When? They never left. I don’t think he’s claiming these were the same robbers that robbed him earlier that month, if that’s what you mean.

Edit: I do love the prominent cross on the one robber’s neck. This is what people mean when they say “I’m a Christian, I would never do something like that.”

BSR said:

I don't think the blood had time to penetrate the clothing he was wearing. I also believe each strike penetrated pretty well with the force he was using. I also think the owner is going to see some jail time.

The owner wanted the altercation by inviting the robber back into the store so he could get revenge.

Smoke Shop Robbery, Las Vegas - Robber Stabbed

SFOGuy says...

I will be astonished, given the legal issues laid out in that second video, if the smoke shop is not charged. 7 times with a knife,
He's gonna have trouble claiming it was proportionate.

newtboy (Member Profile)

Trump Wanted Armed Groups At His Jan 6 Rally

mram says...

Actual trials for election conspiracy have all failed. All failed. All of them. There is no conspiracy. Orange man lost. He lost. Actual trials in actual courts of law.

Everything else is smoke and mirrors. ... oh and actual attempts to keep holding on to power that he knew he lost.

America is built on the peaceful transfer of power.
If he knew he won, he didn't need to fight like hell for it.
If he knew he lost, he shouldn't fight like hell for it.
So why fight?

That's at least one crime.

bobknight33 said:

A show trial of 2nd hand accounts.

Crows are intelligent but just how intelligent are they

noims says...

@12:48 "One idea is to train crows and other corvids to pick up cigarette butts [...]"

What's to stop the more intelligent crows from just taking up smoking?

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