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Why Meat is the Best Worst Thing in the World

newtboy says...

:45..."what can we do about it?
A: Have fewer children.

2:20 "we could nourish an additional 3.5 billion more people if we just ate the stuff we feed to animals"
.....except humans can't eat grasses, the main food source for cattle. Most of what we feed animals is not considered edible by humans. Organic free range chickens eat insects and slugs, is the narrator prepared to live on that to prove his point? I doubt it.

6:13 "burgers are the best food".
This proves this was made by non meat eaters with no knowledge of meat at all. Anyone who would contend a 1/4 pounder s the pinnacle of meat dishes should have their tongue removed so they don't spread more nonsense, they obviously aren't using it to taste food. ;-)

Florida man said he mistook ex-girlfriend for intruder

newtboy says...


If there was an intruder in my home I knew wasn't my wife, cat, or dog (the only ones with any business being here) that didn't announce themselves and entered my bedroom, absolutely 100% they're getting the 12 gauge. It's way easier to get out of jail than out of the morgue, and my wife won't be raped or killed, nor both of us eaten (we have bears here) because I was afraid to protect us.
Because I don't live alone, I would likely call out to be sure it wasn't my wife unless I could actually see her there with me. Because I don't WANT to kill someone, I might fire a warning shot but with a pump action that's not necessary, and my first load is low power bird shot...the second is buckshot, third on are slugs.

Full disclosure, I live in California now, where the law isn't on my side. A few years ago a man in my town shot one of three armed home invaders inside his house and was actually prosecuted. I'm fairly certain he was acquitted, I'm 100% certain he was in the right.

BSR said:

Is that what you'd do IRL?

New Rule: Conspiracy Weary | Real Time with Bill Maher

newtboy says...

Jesus, Bob, you can't be that't. You repeat debunked conspiracy theories on a video about mentally challenged republican conspiracy theorists?! Why not go on to complain about the illegal alien voters and the fish people infiltrating the intelligence communities too?

Spy-a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.
Informant-a person who shares information.

The details gathered from informants were given to Republicans last week, and they left the meeting supporting the Muller investigation, a turn around from before the meeting, but all those republicans must now be liberal Trump haters just lying, right? *facepalm

Plenty of Trump/Russia related information is already public, just not undeniable proof of pure DJT collusion.....yet. (There is enough to prove he is either involved or a brain dead slug of a leader, as only a brain dead slug could possibly not notice every person on the campaign talking and doing business with Russia) Hide and wait.
The Clinton/Whitewater investigation lasted 5+ years and found nothing improper in the deal, you can start whining again in 4 years that it's taking too long to prove his crimes, but absolutely not before.
No one (except the Russians) spied on Trump, but we absolutely should have considering the international ties every person in his campaign had with our enemies that they consistently lied about/hid.
Stop lying, and stop repeating orange Kanye's obvious lies. Asking his people questions is, in no way whatsoever, spying or embedding spies....just didn't happen.
The Fed's DID spy on Clinton, and found no crimes. Odd you aren't outraged by that clear spying on a candidate.....oh wait, you are outraged that they didn't go farther with her.

Conservatives are getting fed up because they can't admit they elected a consummate con man who has destroyed our international standings, our ability to negotiate, the budget, the debt, and civility, and having it shoved in your face makes you mad. You're fed up because he does at least one unpresidential thing daily and it's reported/tweeted.

After >8 years of insane (Kenyan Muslim), ridiculous (pizza gate), non stop (still going on) Obama bashing, you must be incredibly embarrassed that your team can't take 1/4 of what they dish out. Sad little snowflakes.

Beware going to the polls unless you want to be turned gay....and heads up, mail in ballots are impregnated with a virus that turns you into a Muslim.

bobknight33 said:

Spy/informant-- same cheese different box.
FBI has one in the trump org and nothing found.
So shy 17 million spent by Muller on nothing Trump/Russian related/

And one wonders why conservatives are fed up with fake news/ late night Trump bashing 24/7/365 with lies.

The White House's Violence in Video Games

newtboy says...

Er mer gerd.
How do they keep allowing this brain dead slug to speak without a script? Luanne Platter had a better grasp on reality.

He has the most, best ignorance of anyone. Of anyone. Really, he does. Everybody is saying so. Everyone knows it. The best. More than anybody else. *smug grin*

entr0py said:

Don't worry, Trump has some innovative ideas about violent movies as well.

Trump Thinks We Need Some Kind of ‘Ratings System’ for Movies

Solo: A Star Wars Story Full Trailer

00Scud00 says...

In all fairness, Empire had a giant space slug in it and it was still good anyhow.

notarobot said:

You had me at smiling Donald Glover. You lost me at giant spikey tenticle centipede in space.

I'll wait for this to come out on VHS.

Hollow Hollywood

newtboy says...

For over the last year, every gathering of the right has defended Trump's bragging about being an archetypal sexual harasser.......
....suddenly, now that a 'liberal' is accused of the same abuse, they become morally indignant.

@bobknight33, A few weeks in, and Weinstein is completely removed from Hollywood, his company, and soon his money and freedom, not ignored and protected by liberal elites. Trump, shielded by idealogs, and still threatening to use the full power of the presidency to destroy anyone who plays the tape of Trump himself bragging about his abuses....yet somehow some brain dead slug gets that 100% backwards and you grab on with both hands. So much fail.

I do agree, the assaults by both abusers were shamefully and willfully ignored completely until that became impossible, but only one is still being ignored and excused today.

Hammerhead Slug

Hammerhead Slug

CNN begs for forgiveness, Project Veritas plays its Zapruder

enoch says...


what makes the irony even more grotesque is that:

1.look at who projectveritas actually was founded by that slug james o'keefe..yes..THAT james o'keefe,and due to CNN being such an absolute failure of journalistic integrity,they just made that repulsive man actually credible again.

2.CNN had to post a massive retraction,a formal editors note and a at least three correspondents had to fall on the sword.

3.the projectveritas video has a CNN producer openly admitting that it is about the ratings,and nothing more.the russia story makes CNN money....period.

4.there is STILL no evidence of the trump administration "colluding" with russian intelligence,but there IS evidence that the russia story is being pushed by the american "deep state" to discredit,and/or control trump.

*of course this is from independent media who are not part of the corporate media tentacled network of obfuscation,propaganda and gaslighting.

5.the only media still giving the russia story any credence is american media.the rest of the world has moved on.why? no evidence.

this whole situation stinks to high fucking heaven.

Trigger discipline...Versus Open Carry

SFOGuy says...

lol. I dunno. Even the body armor might not do much good if the police pull out shotguns with slugs. At that distance.

Suicidal kinda of thinking.

00Scud00 said:

I gotta give him credit for the body armor, people keep saying they just want to be prepared and so they carry a firearm. But I always want to ask, so if you are that serious about being prepared, where is your body armor?

ant (Member Profile)

The Coast Guard saves an SUV Driver

newtboy says...

Probably means he's not a local, but not definitive. People up here tend to not reregister their out of state cars. I'll go with the assumption he's from Arkansas, though. We have enough brain dead slugs here without claiming more.

Crazy Russian Shotgun Slug Almost DEFIES Physics

Drachen_Jager says...

And by "defy" you mean "follow the rules of exactly because that's how it's designed", right?

I mean, it's pretty obvious how/why it works, actually a totally simple way to get rifling from an un-rifled barrel. More mass to the outside means the spin has more power to keep the slug going straight.

Woman Refuses to Leave Uber Car

newtboy says...

When someone asks, then tells you to leave their property, leave. Don't keep talking, don't keep asking questions, don't chastise, don't act like a fucking idiot, don't be a rude bitch, don't be a brain dead slug and sit there, just shut the fuck up and get out. If you have a problem with that, get your own damn property and stay there.
Tresspassers can be physically removed...she was trespassing after he asked her to leave his car. She was doing 100% of this intentionally after being an uber bitch, in an attempt to provoke him on camera to shame him later and/or set up a ridiculous lawsuit.
She's sitting in front of a HUGE sign that has an arrow pointing to her destination, topped with a giant HOSPITAL. She knows where to go. Get the fuck out.
I really feel for this guy. I can only imagine how she acted before turning on her camera to get him that irate. I seriously doubt this is his normal demeanor.

Nobody's Exactly Sure How Much A Kilogram Is Right Now

hatsix says...

Not exactly... grams measure mass, not weight. Imperial Units have the 'slug', which doesn't change based on where you are measuring.

The metric system DOES have units of measurement that change based on where you are at on the globe, called newtons.

MonkeySpank said:

This only applies to the metric system. For the empirical system, it gets even more confusing. Here's a simple quote from NASA's Pre-Jesus era website:

The effective acceleration of gravity at the poles is 980.665 cm/sec/sec while at the equator it is 3.39 cm/sec/sec less due to the centrifugal force. If you weighed 100 pounds at the north pole on a spring scale, at the equator you would weigh 99.65 pounds, or 5.5 ounces less.

Whenever we talk about weight in pounds, we need to define where with respect to the center of our little bluey.

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