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Sea of Liquor

Employee at Publix Follows Kids Around the Store

enoch says...

@shang and @eric3579 when i was younger we used to mess with you guys all the time.
mainly due to boredom and a bad case of assholitis.

walk around the store,look suspicious and constantly pick stuff up and then put it back on another shelf.

we could almost always get one of you guys to bite.

you guys were always so polite when we tried to leave the store.
"excuse me sir,but could you empty your pockets and open your jacket?"
"sure thing man".

35 cents,keys and a big red wrapper.

at least we brought some excitement to your day.
you're welcome.

Plastic Galaxy: The Story of Star Wars Toys (Teaser)

Trancecoach says...

I had the giant Darth Vader helmet that held maybe 40 Star Wars action figure. It sat on my shelf next to the Millenium Falcon.

Now, I just think of all that excessive plastic.

Working 1/3 scale Macintosh computer built from Raspberry Pi

Canadian Drive-by: Good Guy Motorcycle Rider

chingalera says...

Houston here, and I probably help someone with car troubles on the average about 3 times a month. Went home and got a gas can for a single dad out with his kids (one an infant, the other a 4-yr-old) after overhearing his frustration at the gas station's convenient lack of shelf space for gas cans.

When I rode a motorcycle I assisted more peeps it seemed them being easier to see and me having much more maneuverability...

Common courtesy lost to the pace and lure of society's self-centered programming.

Still, upload a video of myself helping another person out while wearing meine helmkamera from my cam footage of my day on my motorcycle in my daily ramblings??
Is this about him and this mission to teach people manners in another narcissistic chapter of "watch me", perhaps?

bmacs27 said:

I live in Texas (as 'Merica as 'Merica gets). There was a vet with a rascal that had a dead battery. Dude weighed around 400 pounds. I pushed that son of a gun half a mile to a grocery store where he could plug in. Meanwhile in Canada some Inuit was called a harpoon chucker.

Introduction to Board Games

RFlagg says...

King of Tokyo, Zombicide, Escape, Mansions of Madness, BSG the Board Game, Mice and Mystics (great co-operative game), X-Wing Miniatures game, Android: Netrunner (perhaps best 2 player game out there), Arkham Horror are just a few of the better games on my board game shelf... want to try 7 Wonders and many others... I play Small World, Forbidden Island, Eclipse, Ascension, and Summoner Wars on my iPad
Catan is a decent game, and does well as a gateway (I think Ticket to Ride is better, and perhaps even Pandemic)...
Love board gaming...

How to (Properly) Eat Sushi

shatterdrose says...

What you have a problem with is simply his presentation, correct? Or am I right in thinking you're upset that he's simply telling you how to properly eat sushi?

Sometimes there is actually a correct way and a wrong way. I know, shocking. But then there's also taking liberties. If I have no utensil's I will eat with my fingers even if it's "not the right way." Or more aptly, if there's no wine glass, I'll still use a solo cup. If I had a choice, I'd choose the wine glass. Why? Because it's the proper way. Does it really add to it? Not really. It's demonstrably mostly placebo effect. Then again, does a plate make food taste different? Technically speaking, no. It should in absolutely no way effect the taste of food. But in reality, it makes a substantial difference in the way food tastes. Those who do not take the time to properly plate a meal for another person is simply wasting their time and effort. You might as well buy them a McDonalds hamburger.

But in essence, what you're saying is "because you know more than me, it's wrong for you to use it because it means I'm inferior and you're a dick because of it." Why yes Ayn Rand, I'll keep that in mind. You must hate pretty people too?

I make my coffee from a French Press because it IS better. I use local "fancy" honey because it IS better. If I keep it on my shelf where others can see doesn't make me a douche. It could mean I don't have a cabinet, or I use it often. Which I do. Now who's being a dick?

You're assumption is simply that "I'm dumb, and you're smart, therefore you're gay." Or, I'm sorry, a hipster. Right now, the hip thing is to make fun of this video. Much like the people who hate popular music just because it's popular. That's what your argument sounds like.

Just because someone enjoys something doesn't make them a hipster, a douche or a dick. And because you can't understand their enjoyment of "proper etiquette" only makes you a hipster, dick, douche when you complain. No one here is "forcing" you to eat sushi anyway differently. No one is holding a gun to your head telling you to not put soy sauce all over your rolls. I know, it's strange, but you didn't even have to watch this video. So please explain to me what exactly the problem is again?

Chamot said:
Welcome to 'How to properly make a video' by Videosift community. -- Best comment yet on here.

gwiz665 said:

You are quite welcome to take whatever you want super seriously, but don't impose that seriousness on anyone else.

There's a difference between wanting to do thing right and wanting other people to do things right.

What this video suggests and what the responses to me also suggest, is "this is the correct way and no one should eat it differently or they're idiots!" instead of "this way makes it a whole lot better and is what the chefs and locals recommend". There's a slight difference between the two - one is a helpful suggestion guiding you to a better experience, the other is being a dick.

There's also a subtle difference in people wanting to do thing right for themselves, and people who want to have other people know that they know the correct way of doing it. This is what I so subtly referred to as hipster earlier - they don't do it because it's necessarily better, but because sushi is so vogue right now, and all those other slobs just eat it in the most hilarious manner; just look at those wage collectors - now let me get back to my chai mocca, lined with the finest honey, the container of which I happen to have standing on my desk at the coffee place where I'm writing my novel on a 2007 Macbook..

Star Citizen Extended Trailer

Nestlé Responds to Abby

oohlalasassoon says...

Agreed. "If it doesn't come off a shelf it's not to be trusted."

I'm tempted to start my own business selling water bottled at my kitchen sink. I'll slap a sweet logo on there, designed by some 12 year old with his pirated version of Adobe Illustrator, and I'll be good to go.

VoodooV said:

You're not wrong, but I think the main issue is that people are buying into the perception that their water is of higher quality of regular tap water and that isn't necessarily the case.

That and the environmental impact of bottled water far outweighs the convenience of bottled water, but people buy it anyway so you've got the whole issue of profit vs what's actually good for consumers and long term environmental impact

They're cashing in on the ignorance of lots of people

Ancient egyptian statue moves by itself

Little Baby Skunk Wants To Play

zor says...

Handling wild animals, especially skunks, is top-shelf premium stupid. Rabies can up to a year to incubate in humans and that dude will never know what hit him. That's only the worst thing that can happen to him from a long list of other pretty bad stuff, too.

PATV: How to Teach Your Child About Religion

Jinx says...

They fuck you up, your mum and dad.
They may not mean to, but they do.
They fill you with the faults they had
And add some extra, just for you.

But they were fucked up in their turn
By fools in old-style hats and coats,
Who half the time were soppy-stern
And half at one another’s throats.

Man hands on misery to man.
It deepens like a coastal shelf.
Get out as early as you can,
And don’t have any kids yourself.

Mid-Air Collision of RC Plane and RC Helicopter

chingalera says...

But....that's his hobby-thingy?!

No way man, that RC Chopper chump needs to fork-out for retired air-force over there-Your $30 off-the-shelf whirlybird in the $1200, 25-scale fighter plane's air space.

Trancecoach said:

having a hard time feeling sympathetic...

Biggest Thing in the Universe - Sixty Symbols

grinter says...

Notice the book on the shelf behind Mike Merrifield, "Atlas of Creation". This is a huge volume that attempts to debunk biological evolution. In 2006 & 2007 a Turkish man named Adnan Oktar randomly sent thousands of copies of this, presumably very expensive, book to scientist around the world.
Of course, it doesn't make a very compelling argument for creationism, but the thing is... the book is so well produced, of such high quality, that many who received it just couldn't bare to throw it away.

Evolution of Perpetual Motion: Free Energy Generator

robbersdog49 says...

That's not how magnets work. They have energy stored in them in the same way as a shelf does. If you pick something up off the floor and put it on a shelf it gains potential energy. But you've given it the energy, not the shelf. Magnets are strange things to wrap your head around. It seem like there's an extra energy going on, but there isn't. Take the example in the beginning, with him pushing magnets around on a table. Change the magnets for normal coins and it still works, you just have to get the coins to touch for them to move. However, the input/output of the system is the same. Move penny one 10mm and penny 2 moves 10mm. You've had to supply all the energy to move both coins. This is exactly the same with the magnets but because magnetism is involved people stop thinking about it properly. Taking the final machine, exactly the same thing could easily be produced just using ramps and bearings, and we'd all obviously see that it couldn't work. But as soon as magnets are involved people think there's some extra energy going on and it just isn't.

This is a fraud. There is some jiggery pokery going on. I'm guessing the trick is in the big black tube that the bar holding the magnet runs through. It serves no purpose to the design so ask yourself what is it there for?

(Hint: There wouldn't be enough energy in the wheel each revolution to lift the magnet enough to make this system work)

HenningKO said:

Yup, magnets have stored energy in them and can be used to do work. But it's not an endless supply of energy, and the amount of work being done here is pretty minuscule. Hook it up to a crankshaft and we'll see how much energy this little guy can produce, and for how long.

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