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Answer To "Most Muslims Are Peaceful".

enoch says...

ok,first off?
this is heritage foundation,a right wing think tank.
this by itself is not terribly damning.


bridgette gabriel is a spokeswoman for the FRC:family research center.

the FRC,along with james dobson's "focus on the family" ,were both funded with seed money from the families of betsy devos and erik prince,the amway pyramid scheme dynasty.

so what enoch?
what's the big deal?

well,when you understand the underlying religious philosophies of the the devos/prince know that they are christian supremacists who wish to install an amercian government that adheres to "christian" laws and "christian" values. know that whole "sharia" law that has rightwingers pissing themselves? same thing,but this is with JESUS,so it has to be good,right?

and what this gabriel woman does is utter revisionist history to fit her own narrative and agenda.i am talking fucking blatant,but since most americans don't even know their OWN history,never mind the history of a religion they profess to love and worship,they just lap this womans bullshit up as if it were spoken from god's own lips.

because let us be frank,and clear.

christian right wingers literally piss themselves at the thought of muslims.and this woman hand feeds that fear.

this woman is a fucking disgrace.

this woman feeds on your ignorance.
stop being a fucking tool to demagogues like this fucking twat waffle.

A beginner’s guide to hijabs.

Mordhaus says...

I don't personally have an issue with hijabs,niqabs, or burkas. I do object to women being forced to wear them in countries that practice Sharia or if the husband is forcing them to.

I do think that for identification purposes, you should at least be able to see the face. This would be on an official document proving identity (license,passport) and, if detained, the law enforcement official should be allowed to match the identification. This would really only apply to the burka/niqab, since those obscure the face heavily.

Ending Free Speech-Elizabeth Warren Silenced In Senate

enoch says...

ha! touche'

i come from a different perspective.
i am the dude sitting on the bench watching the ultra left and ultra right collectively pee themselves,but over such inane,and partisan of political perfunctory reasons.

the ultra left are a gaggle of cry-babies who see racism,sexism and misogyny everywhere,and they openly seek to shut down conversations and discussions by accusation of the very thing they are supposedly fighting for.

the ultra right..however...

are equally detestable in their faux hyper-nationalism,super patriotism authoritarianism.jesus came to earth so you could drive a beamer...but ONLY if your american.

who wet their wee panties at even the slightest thought of a brown person coming to take away their god given right to be a gun toting,cheetos flavored,ignorant twat.

they just LOVE to take credit for accomplishments that they never had a part in,nor had the balls to even attempt.

i am ex-military,and every right winger..and i mean EVERY right winger i know..never served a day.

so i get your point mate.
it is rather hilarious in an existential way,how both the right and left and so unabashedly unaware of their own hypocrisy.

the ultra left have chosen to fight racism,sexism and misogyny by..../drum roll....

shutting down free speech by not only calling everyone who disagrees a :racist,sexist and misogynist,but by also attempting to legislate the very language we communicate.

whereas the ultra right have become such boot lickers due to their own xenophobic fears of everything:different,other and strange that they literally piss themselves at even the mention of brown people,and appear to be willing to sacrifice every civil right,just so they can feel "safe".

they hide behind the flag and hyper-patriotism but thats all bullshit...they are simply trying to hide the pee stains on their camos.they hate brown people with the same viciousness that they hate the godless liberals.

they band together under the banner of jesus,god and country and state..quite loudly..that they will FIGHT sharia law in america.

while seemingly noble,it belies the fact that nobody is trying to impose sharia law in the USA,but holy jesus on a fuck stick,do they drool over the thought of having a "christian" nation,with "christian" values and "christian" laws.

so DOWN with sharia law (which there is no evidence)
and UP with christian theocracy! (which there is AMPLE evidence of).

the hyper ultra political extensions have taken control of my countries political discussion.

a gaggle of bed wetting cry-babies who dominate this hyper-partisan narrative.

and i am just sitting over here laughing my ass off at the almost surreal absurdity of what has become of my nation.

if you still think the fight is between liberal vs conservative,then i submit you have not been paying attention.

you been taken.
you been had.
you have been sold a bill of bullshit goods that has more place on a daily soap opera than in our political discussion.

the simple fact is this:
liberals WON the moral argument,but they never got the memo.
and the conservatives forgot who they were and sought solace in the arms of a corporate jesus with the face of joel olsteen.

my country has now entered the stage of farce.
we are a fucking joke.

but feel free to keep on poking liberals..

and liberals..

keep on poking conservatives.

and i shall sit here feeding the pidgeons laughing my ass off at both of you.

We Didn't Listen

Drachen_Jager says...

He's just a troll.

When Obama was first in, Bob told us how he was a secret Muslim that would destroy America and enact Sharia law. Next election cycle, oh yeah, that was his game, he lulled everyone to sleep and NOW he's going to do it. Four years later and it was Hillary who's a secret terrorist. He's like one of those cult leaders who predicts the end of the world and when it doesn't happen just shrugs and says he's still right, just maybe got the timing a bit off.

I questioned him on his lack of historical accuracy and he just ignored my comment.

ChaosEngine said:

You must have me confused with someone else. I don't cry, I get mad.

Your fucking antiquated electoral system is much like you, borderline retarded and would do better in the 18th century.

I understand that Fuckface VonClownstick won, but even you can't possibly regard 0.1% as a landslide, but thanks for making my point for me.

An American-Muslim comedian on being typecast as a terrorist

SDGundamX says...


The only thing I see failing completely is your absurd attempt at rationalizing your bigotry--more aptly labelled in this case by its proper name: Islamophobia. I don't for a second believe what I'm about to post will change your mind about Islam or Muslims in general but I do believe that this kind of bigotry needs to be called out when it rears its ugly head. And my, you went full ugly there, didn't you... comparing Muslims to rats and seriel killers? Classy.

Despite your protestations to the contrary, there are in fact Muslims who do not believe in God but for a variety of reasons (keeping peace with religious family members, maintaining a connection to their cultural heritage, networking, etc.) continue to attend services and identify as Muslims. This is true of many believers in all the major religions, including Christianity and Judaism.

You see, as much as you'd like Muslims to all be boogeymen coming to bring Sharia law down on the rest of world, anyone who has actually met and talked with a Muslim (and god-forbid actually visited one of the countries StukaFox listed) realizes that Muslims, like all people, are extremely diverse (again, despite your protestations to the contrary).

Indeed there are Sharia zealots. But there are also moderates and reformers and even liberal radicals. Mostly, though its just a lot of people trying to get on with their lives the best way they know how.

Now, I find most religious beliefs to be repugnant. However, I don't find the ideas expressed in the Koran to be much more repugnant than, say, the Bible. In fact, I'm less concerned about what is written in supposedly holy books and more concerned with how believers attempt to implement those ideas in reality. I do indeed find particular forms of this implementation, such as forcing women to wear a bhurka, disturbing (just as I find Christians' attacks on LGBT rights disturbing). It's important to note, though, that such practices are NOT universal. For example, in some Islamic countries like Malaysia it's enough to simply cover your hair with a colorful scarf.

On the other hand, other practices that you mentioned such as Female Genital Mutilation and virginity tests ARE NOT Islamic. FGM predates Islam and is still practiced in the locales where it originated (places such as Mali, for instance) that now happen to be Islamic majority areas. The Indonesian virginity tests as well do not stem from some universal commandment in Islam but from Indonesian culture which sees women as "the symbol of the nations moral guardians".

Again, I don't suppose any of this makes any difference to you. You want to see the world in black and white, us versus them, "rats" and "serial killers" versus you, the white knight who is just trying to save us all from our cultural relativistic blindness. And so the shades of grey I am describing to you will likely go overlooked. I would be happy to be proven wrong, but I suspect the reality is I'll receive some lengthy reply that can be distilled down to, "Islam bad, hur." Or perhaps, "All religions bad, but Islam worst, hur." To which I can only reply, that demonizing the practitioners of any particular religion is unlikely to bring about the reforms you seek.

Alex Jones Devolves Into A Literal Baby Over US Election

Drachen_Jager says...

Didn't he say Obama was a terrorist who would convert America to Sharia law.

Then during the re-election campaign that the first four years were just to lull Americans into a false sense of security but if re-elected he'd absolutely convert America to Sharia law THIS time.

Also, he doesn't know the difference between a jar and a can.

Only in America could someone so stupid be so rich and popular. (eyeing Donald Trump)

Ken Burns slams Trump in Stanford Commencement

bareboards2 says...

So you do now see why I thought you were calling him an immigrant? It certainly reads that way. Glad to know you didn't mean it.

As for killing gays in the name of Allah -- turns out not so much, now that reporting and information gathering has had time to happen.

A man who lives in America, being told on all sides that being gay is an abomination and sinful -- by some Christians, Muslims, good lord how many different sources -- who hangs out in gay bars in what pit of self-loathing because of the messages he received during his life....

A perfect case of internalized homophobia. Do a google search to find out how many of the most virulently anti-gay people turn out to actually be gay.

When this first happened, my first thought was to go up those who say gay people are sinners, take them by their lapels, look them in their eyes and say, "The blood of these people is on your hands. Your attacks on the humanity of these people who were made as God made them, have led to this horrific event."

So a hint back at you -- it isn't just sharia law that led to this. It is old fashioned religious bigotry and fear of the "other" -- very few religions are free from this crap. Certainly not Christianity. Westboro Baptist Church ring a bell?

Donald Trump is unfit for the office of the Presidency of the United States of America. This is a fact.

Syntaxed said:

I never said he was an immigrant, nor made any claim as to such, and I certainly did not mean to allude to such, I apologize for any misleading commentary I posted.

However, on a note which I meant to strike in my original comment, what was the religion of said disturbed man? What was his allegiance? What law did he uphold when he ruthlessly murdered those people in the name of Allah?

Hint: it wasn't any of your American Laws, and the name of the code of laws he followed starts with an S... The same law and religion and practices that immigrants from those countries are coming to your country and mine with...

John Oliver: Lead

RedSky says...

It turns out when congress members need to spend up to 50% each day ringing up rich individuals and corporations for donations to stay competitive in their elections - things like corporate subsidies and selectively lowering tax rates for those individuals tends to be where the money goes.

Lead paint is far down the list especially when most will not appreciate that it's silently harming their health. Besides, you can turn out the vote of so called 'single issue voters' by distracting them with social issues that have virtually no consequence on their lives (banning Sharia law, legislating gun carry laws, building ineffective border walls).

bobknight33 said:

In last 8 years we blew 10 trillion in debt and could not address this?

Sen. Elizabeth Warren to Republicans: Do Your Job

Dumdeedum says...

Of course Obama's an extremist, don't you remember when he enacted Sharia Law and took away all your guns? Or the incarceration and subjugation of all white heterosexual males? Or outlawed Christianity, Christmas and the US flag?

Fox's Shepard Smith On Kim Davis: "Haters Are Gonna Hate"

newtboy says...

OK, didn't know that food restrictions were abolished in the new testament. I guess I have to drop that argument. I'll stick with the mixed fabric one though. Since I'm certain she served a person wearing mixed fabric at some point...clearly we should stone her.

I have been taught that 'treat others as you would have them treat you' was considered the most important teaching BY Jesus (not just the most important teaching OF Jesus), yet these people are doing the exact opposite, by trying to outlaw any form of Sharia law while also trying to codify this 'Christian belief' as law. That just being one in an endless list of attempts at legislating (their narrow idea of) 'morality' or pure religious, completely non moral ideas (I'm thinking 'blue laws' here).
On that note, I always found it odd that so many Christians are so insistent on 'keeping the Sabbath holy', but always forget that the Sabbath that refers to is the Jewish Sabbath (the commandment was for, and given directly to the Jews, no?).
That means they're all doing it wrong....
...but what do you expect from a group that chants “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them." while bowing in front of statues and stained glass likenesses of people, places, and things?

RFlagg said:

The fabric thing is valid, but the New Testament specifically exempts food, so the food laws no longer apply. Of course the New Testament doesn't forbid owning slaves, in fact tells slaves to continue to obey their masters... so technically, slavery is still allowed by the faith despite their claims that they are the ones who got rid of it... of course the South used all the slavery verses to justify their use of slavery, just like during the 50's and 60's people used the verses about mixing races to justify keeping segregation going and refuse interracial marriage licenses. Really when it comes down to it, you can use the Bible to prove any side of an argument you want apparently... I guess god really is perfect as his book can be used to justify 100% opposite positions.. <eye roll>

TYT - Sam Harris as dangerous as Sarah Palin

newtboy says...

But...if you don't 'believe' in the progress of science you ARE ignorant and/or delusional. Scientific progress is not a debatable issue or something that requires 'belief', it simply is.
I'm not sure why I listened after he implied thinking that is wrong somehow.

99.9% of Muslims that don't want to impose Sharia or have an Islamic Caliphate? That certainly does not jibe with the numbers I've heard repeatedly. A recent poll in Germany I read said over 25% of Muslims there believed it was proper to impose Sharia in Germany on non Muslims. Where did he pull that 99.9% number from I wonder?

Bill Maher and Ben Affleck go at it over Islam

Mordhaus says...

I never said that we should brand people living in Islamic regions as the same. Stop putting words in my mouth. I said that if you seriously follow the tenets of the Islamic religion, not casually but seriously follow what the religion says, then you will be doing whatever you can to further the spread of Islam and Sharia law.

This is somewhat of a problem in all religions, but IT IS PREDOMINANT in Islam because Islam has never stepped away from these rules and tenets. In a very sad way, Islam is still in the state Christianity was during the damn inquisition and crusades. Now you will have people that refuse to devote themselves fully to Islam and those people will not act in a fashion like I illustrated. They are truly casual worshipers that have found a way to morally work around the tenets of the religion. I have no problem with those folks. Sadly, a huge amount of evidence points towards the information that they are a minority of the religion.

As far as US involvement, I said that we do stick our nose where it doesn't belong and that we should cut the rest of the world off when it comes to requests for military aid. But lets look at the link you posted. I see about half or more of the incidents are the US providing help at the request of other countries or joining coalitions of other countries. You can't have it both ways, either ask us to back out of the world scene completely or get over it when we do get involved at your request. Do you think we just popped up and sent troops/missiles to Turkey because we wanted to? Or did we invade Jordan while sending troops to help prevent the Syrian Civil War from spilling over into their country? They ASKED us to come and help. Are drone strikes against terrorists stupid? Absolutely and they help the terrorists find new recruits, but does that make Islam any less of a violence promoting religion?

The answer is no, it does not. Nor does your attempt to veer the spotlight off of the failings of Islam and back onto something else. You can misdirect all you like, but until you can provide hard facts you are simply equivocating.

Islam promotes Sharia law. Tell me truthfully if you can, that a religion that supports the execution of a woman who left the faith to marry a man her family didn't receive a dowry from is a religion of peace. Tell me that a religion that supports the execution of Homosexuals is a religion of peace. Tell me that a religion that still promotes honor killing is a religion of peace.

Because if that is the case, by your own definition the US is the greatest supporter of peace since the Romans.

ghark said:

@Mordhaus - got it, so lets brand all those who live in regions that practice Islam as being the same.

By the way, did you think about what you just wrote before you wrote it?

"promotes certain things that lead to war and/or brutal acts"

Try going to this wiki page, reading it, and then think carefully about who is the biggest player in terms of the promotion of "war" and "brutal acts"

All just a bit of fun and games, right?

Bill Maher and Ben Affleck go at it over Islam

EMPIRE says...

It's not fringe when a good chunk of muslims around the world (not just the middle east) have extremist points of view:

Muslims in most countries surveyed say that a wife should always obey her husband." (including 93% in Indonesia and 65% in Turkey).

Only 32% of Muslims in Indonesia say a woman should have the right to divorce her husband (22% in Egypt, 26% in Pakistan and 60% in Russia)

1 in 3 Muslims in Austria say it is not possible to be a European and a Muslim. 22% oppose democracy

21% of Muslim-Americans say there is a fair to great amount of support for Islamic extremism in their community.

61% of British Muslims want homosexuality punished

Turkish Ministry of Education: 1 in 4 Turks Support Honor Killings

WZB Berlin Social Science Center: 65% of Muslims in Europe say Sharia is more important than the law of the country they live in.

Pew Research (2013): 81% of South Asian Muslims and 57% of Egyptians suport amputating limbs for theft.

Pew Research (2013): 72% of Indonesians want Sharia to be law of the land

Pew Research (2010): 82% of Egyptian Muslims favor stoning adulterers
70% of Jordanian Muslims favor stoning adulterers
42% of Indonesian Muslims favor stoning adulterers
82% of Pakistanis favor stoning adulterers
56% of Nigerian Muslims favor stoning adulterers

MacDonald Laurier Institute: 62% of Muslims want Sharia in Canada (15% say make it mandatory)

Pew Research (2013): 39% of Muslims in Malaysia say suicide bombings "justified" in defense of Islam (only 58% say 'never').

Pew Research (2013): 76% of South Asian Muslims and 56% of Egyptians advocate killing anyone who leaves the Islamic religion.

Pew Research (2010): 84% of Egyptian Muslims support the death penalty for leaving Islam
86% of Jordanian Muslims support the death penalty for leaving Islam
30% of Indonesian Muslims support the death penalty for leaving Islam
76% of Pakistanis support death the penalty for leaving Islam
51% of Nigerian Muslims support the death penalty for leaving Islam

Pew Global: 68% of Palestinian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
43% of Nigerian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
38% of Lebanese Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
15% of Egyptian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
13% of Indonesian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
12% of Jordanian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
7% of Muslim Israelis say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.

CLEARLY, what we need is more Islam in the world. Such a force for good...

RedSky said:

Beat me by 8 minutes. Seems like a good reference link:

Last Week Tonight - 29 Jun 2014 (Uganda Anti-Gay Laws)

nanrod says...


"The world is on fire and this funny man spends his time slamming the country that's making him rich. So what else is new?

Don't bring up the muslims! Don't bring up radical Islam! Don't talk about sharia law!"

Unlike, apparently, you, most of us are capable of being concerned with more than one issue at a time. And for the record Oliver is not slamming the US, he's slamming a very specific few Americans. If you don't think America should be concerned with exporting Lively's kind of hate you're part of the problem.

Last Week Tonight: Exporting Homophobia

lantern53 says...

The world is on fire and this funny man spends his time slamming the country that's making him rich. So what else is new?

Don't bring up the muslims! Don't bring up radical Islam! Don't talk about sharia law!

Let's instead have a hiphopping Lincoln and easy targets like an African potentate with Christian aspirations.

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