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We're Going to Europa!

newtboy says...

*promote exploring the solar system....but does this mean they scrapped the mission to retrieve Discover One?
It will certainly be interesting to find out if the red cracks are red from bacteria or something else.

How To Crack An Electronic Safe With A Magnet And A Sock

oritteropo says...

There was an entertaining comment along those lines in a recent Jalopnik article, tell us about the worst car you ever owned, user bandi53 talking about a 1987 Volkswagen Fox that was a bit of a lemon:

Next was the ignition lock cylinder, which just entirely froze up one morning when I went to start the car. After that was the starter, which left me stranded at the gas station. The day after (Christmas Eve) I was heading back to visit my parents, the alternator light came on... So I figured I’d limp the car home. This would have been a great plan but unfortunately the car caught on fire.

I left it in a mall parking lot with the ownership on the seat, signed, and the keys in the ignition. I hoped I'd never see it again, but driving past two weeks later, it was still there. I came back that night with a trailer and scrapped it myself.

newtboy said:

I take the opposite approach. I drive a 46 year old, rusting, dented, beaten up Bronco. It's doors don't even lock. I've never had trouble with people trying to steal from me, it's fairly obvious I have nothing they want!

If you sneeze, this cute Corgi will fetch a tissue

eric3579 says...

I agree that adults enjoy it as much as kids, but that has no bearing on it being a valid choice for the channel. It fits the definition of the channel ("suitable for children to enjoy"). The only reason i made a point was because, it was the ONE time ant got it right, when it comes to adding the kids channel. You would be surprised at how many times hes had sifters personally define the kids channel for him. Not that any of it matters really. Many videos are assigned to the wrong channels as defined. The whole thing's a cluster fuck. I say we scrap any channel that is not obvious (in definition) by the word used to denote the channel. Annnnddd now im just rambling.

Lawdeedaw said:

Just curious as to why? I mean cute dogs have nothing to do with kids--on any level. Adults enjoy the dog crap out of them just as much. Cartoons, sure. But only some. This is kid void but meh.

George Lucas Explains Why He Had To Break Up With Star Wars

Zero Punctuation - Fallout 4

dannym3141 says...

I really have enjoyed Fallout 4, but having watched this i'm surprised that i kind of agree with it. I think out of all the quests i've done in the game, a good 90% of them must have been to kill everything in a certain area, sometimes even when i'd already cleared out that area. Mindlessly ferreting away huge amounts of scrap stuff and making trips home just to store it was boring as hell, a better option would have been to let us strip useful stuff out junk and have it weigh less.

It says something for what they've put together when you think that it makes almost all of the critical errors of rpg making and still somehow manages to make me enjoy it. But i think the mistakes it does make takes away from its longevity, i played all the time for a few weeks and now not at all, and i can't quite bring myself to finish any of the main storylines.

Warcraft - Trailer Tease

shagen454 says...

It better be good. I'm not too worried yet since Blizz wouldn't let them fuck this up or they'd have scrapped it. Plus, if it does well my ATVI stock will jump up like it did today when Activision/Blizz released their Q3 report today; free money.

Justin Trudeau explains marijuana legalization to a mother.

Krupo says...

My favourite moment, for those of you unfamiliar with Canadian politics, is at 4:20 when they realize she's connected to this guy:

This was the tail end of his political career:

"In February 2012, as Minister, Toews introduced the Protecting Children from Internet Predators Act (also known as Bill C-30).[118][119] If passed, the bill would grant police agencies expanded powers, mandate that internet service providers (ISPs) provide subscriber information without a warrant and compel providers to reveal information transmitted over their networks with a warrant. When criticised about privacy concerns, Toews responded that people "can either stand with us or with the child pornographers."[120] Public response followed, with an anonymous Twitter account posting personal information of Toews' court proceedings during his divorce, and around this time Conservative support appeared to back away from the bill and open up to amendments.[121] Toews later denied that he had made the "child pornographers" reference, despite his comments being available in Hansard and on video.[122] In February 2013 the government announced Bill C-30 would be scrapped entirely in favor of changes in Canada's warrant-less wiretap law"

German Man with Street Legal Porsche 910 at Spa

newtboy jokingly says...

Oh yeah....what about my Bronco?!? It's from that time period, and it will turn any modern vehicle into a pile of plastic scrap in a collision.

sillma said:

Nothing from that time period would be anything but a deathtrap in a collision with a modern vehicle.

Putin Tells Everyone Exactly Who Created ISIS

RedSky says...

As I said in that thread, I don't see an incentive for the US to intervene. This isn't the Cold War battle over spheres of influence, neither does oil have the same geopolitical relevance. Despite the conflicts in Syria, Iraq and Libya, none has led to a spike in oil prices? Instead it's fallen precipitously. Why, because the US being the swing shale oil producer has capped world prices.

Meanwhile I listed the reasons for Russia to intervene, none of which you have challenged or refuted. TOWs have by all accounts been supplied by the Saudis. I don't think Russia is attempting to destabilize Syria, but they do wish to prop up Assad. Bombing has conveniently been primarily of non-ISIS rebels since they challenge the regime more directly than ISIS which is being bombed already.

Syria includes a litany of rebel groups some as radical as ISIS. From what I have read it is suspected that both the Syrian army and al-Nusra/ISIS used various chemical weapons. The Syrian army has undoubtedly dropped barrel bombs, weapons designed to create indiscriminate collateral damage to civilians just like chemical weapons, it is entirely consistent that they would have also tried using chemical weapons which is practical terms are no less likely to be deadly to civilians or likely to incite terror. There are by all accounts >5,000 different rebel groups in Syria. That you would ascribe them all as wanting chaos would suggest you've been fed a narrative.

A Cold War MAD mindset makes little sense today. Russian bombing of western Europe in some kind of hypothetical retaliation against the US makes no sense in this day and age. In any case it was scrapped because of Putin's paranoia.

coolhund said:

To think that the USA has for once not used proxies to deliver weapons, is, to put it mildly, insane. They had training camps since the beginning in Jordan. Same as the UK and France. There were huge old stockpiles of weapons in the Balkan for example. They somehow found their way to Syria into FSA hands, even though Saudis, Qataris, and Turkish mainly supported Al Nusra and IS. TOWs found their way to those extremists. Actually the USA sent those officially.

Of course Russia has its own interests there, but its not destabilization. That alone is reason enough to support them instead of the USA and their lackeys and boot lickers.

It has never been proven that Assad used chemical weapons. The investigators couldnt even find good indications for it. But that the extremists used chemical weapons in other cases was later confirmed. Funnily there wasnt such a huge fuss about it. Hmmm... wonder why.
The extremists also made it clear from the beginning that they dont want a successor from the current leader. They want power. They want a Sunni regime.

You then saying the ABM shield is only directed at Iran is ridiculous to say the least. MAD has its reason and saved us from otherwise certain global nuclear war quite a few times in the past. A shield like that can circumvent MAD, which is a wet dream of the neocons, always has been. Thats why the USA left the ABM treaty, NOT Russia.

Sad to see you didnt read the link (or ignored it) I linked you before. Instead you keep spewing out lies.

More studies confirm Calcium still doesn't prevent fractures

MilkmanDan says...

OK, his studies beat my anecdotal bias.

...That being said, I will continue to eat breakfast cereal with milk pretty much every day (as I have since I was very very young), and be strongly tempted to attribute my own lack of having ever broken a bone to that.

The other anecdote I have in my favor is coming from a farm family that raised chickens. I grew up in a prairie grassland area (converted to irrigated farmland thanks to aquifer access), while my cousins lived a couple hours away in limestone hills ranchland. Both of our families raised free range chickens.

Our chickens produced very thin-shelled eggs, and displayed behavior to suggest they were calcium-deprived. For example, our chickens wouldn't cannibalize their own viable eggs, but if we threw empty shells to them they would fight to eat the shells. Same but to a lesser extent for leftover bones, etc. (I assume they fought less over these because bones are harder to near impossible to break down with a beak). On the other side of the table, we sometimes exchanged eggs with my cousins, and their chicken's eggs were always extremely thick-shelled and hard to crack open.

When I asked about that, my folks told me (and later my Biology teacher confirmed) that was because the sod/soil around my home and flora and fauna growing from it contained very little natural calcium. Chickens raised in our area would often be supplemented with commercial feed that contained extra calcium, but we let ours range for food and eat table scraps; almost never supplementing their food with any commercial stuff. But the limestone (aka calcium carbonate) around my cousin's house contained very high amounts of natural calcium, which was naturally infused into the plants / grains / insects that their chickens ate, giving them incredibly thick shells.

So, I guess that while calcium intake apparently doesn't have a very statistically significant impact on human bone growth, I think that it must have a much more significant role to play in egg thickness if you happen to be a chicken... At least if you compare extremes of low natural calcium diet versus extremely high natural calcium diet.

Reservoir No. 2 - Shade Balls

bremnet says...

If these are polyethylene or polypropylene, they are both highly hydrophobic in their pure form and water will not wet the surface of these materials. Given their color these are obviously not from pure polyolefin streams, so could perhaps be more hydrophilic, but it's very hard to get a PE or PP substrate to totally wet out even with high loadings of traditional fillers and reinforcements. Some folks have asked why they are black... which is indeed odd and perhaps not conducive to minimizing evaporation... and I can only imagine that the source of the polymer used to make these could be a scrap stream as they would be wanting to keep costs low, and in comingled streams the ultimate color is often dark - black, deep blue, browns etc. - when the stream is extruded and pelletized. If money was no object and they had to go with balls, then black would likely be the last choice, not the first (white - well loaded with inexpensive TiO2, or in some future universe... reflective silver!) Have fun.

AeroMechanical said:

I assume this has all been thought out and tested, but I'm imagining these balls with a thin coating of water adhering to their surfaces, which quickly evaporates as the black balls heat in the sunlight and then turning over to replenish their coating and repeating the process forever possibly making things worse.

Your Kid's Not Susceptible to Child Abduction... Right?

lucky760 says...

I may be out of line, but this guy seems like a total douchebag even if based on this quote alone: "As I was thinking of extreme prank ideas, I had an idea where I would abduct a child, but I can’t abduct random people’s kids, so I scrapped the idea."

Still, this is an eye-opener.

Why can't white people stop the violence?

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Glad someone sifted this.

I was just about to post this so I could rip into @bobknight33's butthole.


You see Bob, you're so focused on hating Liberals & Democrats you willfully ignore all these vicious white SAVAGES & THUGS.

Just look at those wild white beasts.
They're destroying property, acting like animals, and tearing apart THEIR OWN COMMUNITIES!

Just common thugs rioting and looting, committing white on white violence.

And for what? Because the didn't like some sporting event results?

How trivial and uneducated of them.

It's a shame, this is exactly why we can't make any progress as a country.

You know, this is precisely what the Conservative Agenda is promoting. White on White crime.

Repulicans, they can keep lining their pockets on Wall Street.

While the average single white mothers fight over the scraps.


See Bob, doesn't that sound like a shit argument? No?

Oh wait, I already know your answer to that. "It's the liberal agenda!" Right?

The Liberal-homosexual-illegal-alien-It-makes-me-uncomfortable-to-acknowledge-the-centuries-of-global-oppression-that-my-white-privilege-represents-so-I'l
l-just-blame-every-minority-for-the-problems-my-forefathers-created Agenda!


Cop Smashes Cell Phone For Recording Him

newtboy says...

I wasn't quite clear. I don't mean scrap the system. I mean replace the officers, and train the new ones how to behave PROPERLY, and insist on severe punishment for any infraction. When the rule enforcer breaks the rules, they should have to pay twice what non-enforcers pay for the same crime...with no coddling in "protective custody".
I also agree with reversing the militarization. People will use the tools you give them...if you give them tools of war, they'll commit acts of war with them. Seems obvious to me.
My issue is that the "good cops" NEVER go after the bad cops I see it, that makes them accessories after the fact, and also bad cops for obstructing justice. I'm fine with keeping any cop that's testified AGAINST another cop, even one that has documentation proving they stopped another cop from taking things too far. The rest need to go, IMO. They have all been complacent in the face of their own being criminal, and I'm simply not OK with that.
I do agree, simply enacting a zero tolerance policy for ANY officer misconduct, and stricter punishment than normal citizens get for the same infraction would remove most "bad cops" right away...but only if their fellow officers no longer cover up for them. With what we have today, there's no prosecution because they can't make a case when most officer crime happens off camera and the only witnesses either lie or refuse to testify. That's why I say they ALL need to go, and be replaced with new people who take the job knowing it's not a power trip and abuse won't be tolerated a whit. I also think they should have to waive their right to not talk, even self incriminate, in order to wield the authority they wield. I know it won't happen, but a newt can dream.

Mordhaus said:

I'm nowhere near the point of saying scrap the entire system. It needs to be fixed, with real investigation and harsh punishments to weed out these people, but you don't do away with the entire concept.

You refine it, you look for characteristics that indicate a person is going to make an exemplary officer and you start selecting off that guide. You reverse the militarization trend and remove government subsidies that are turning the police into private militias. Last but not least, you make it clear that police are held to a higher standard. You hold THEM to a zero tolerance policy.

Believe me, if we took some simple steps, a significant amount of the bad police would be gone in weeks. Then we could replace them with qualified people.

Cop Smashes Cell Phone For Recording Him

Mordhaus says...

I'm nowhere near the point of saying scrap the entire system. It needs to be fixed, with real investigation and harsh punishments to weed out these people, but you don't do away with the entire concept.

You refine it, you look for characteristics that indicate a person is going to make an exemplary officer and you start selecting off that guide. You reverse the militarization trend and remove government subsidies that are turning the police into private militias. Last but not least, you make it clear that police are held to a higher standard. You hold THEM to a zero tolerance policy.

Believe me, if we took some simple steps, a significant amount of the bad police would be gone in weeks. Then we could replace them with qualified people.

newtboy said:

At what point can we say the bunch has been spoilt and throw it out?

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