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Stephen Colbert - Hail to the D

Bill Maher ~ Why Liberals Don't Like Bachmann & Palin

hpqp jokingly says...


Hello my friend, I see the scent of evil godlessness has brought you crusading back with the heavy-handed Truth of the Word! I admire the courageous way you tackle the arguments of three sifters at once, all the while politely avoiding calling @bareboards2, @ChaosEngine and myself by our @tagnames, lest you disturb us to the point that we might be drawn to read your comment and respond.

It is wise of you to remind us that the Bible was written by Christians and not those gnasty gnostics, whoever they may be. The Bible was inspired by God Himself, and only Christians wrote it, including those parts written long before Christianity existed! And don't let the "moderates" talk about compilation, the councils of Nicaea, Rome, Trent, etc. No! God Himself chose which books would be considered canon, not a bunch of pops, popes and romans. And don't let Iranaeus, granddiscipleson of John the Evangelist, tell you that the reason there had to be four gospels - other than for the cool sounding name that is "Tetramorph" - was because

"there are four quarters of the earth in which we live, and four universal winds, while the church is scattered throughout all the world, and the 'pillar and ground' of the church is the gospel and the spirit of life, it is fitting that she should have four pillars breathing out immortality on every side, and vivifying men afresh….Therefore the gospels are in accord with these things…For the living creatures are quadriform and the gospel is quadriform…These things being so, all who destroy the form of the gospel are vain, unlearned, and also audacious; those (I mean) who represent the aspects of the gospel as being either more in number than as aforesaid, or, on the other hand, fewer".

That guy was probably high on burning bush or something.

As for me, I humbly thank you for bringing me back into the realm of honesty about my own life and knowledge. Please continue to spread your God's wisdom and love on the Sift, as you can tell we really need your God's dictatorial stick and carrot (but mostly the stick, i.e. you) to put us on the straight and narrow.

yours sincerely,


p.s.: You are right about the Bible not being misogynist in the least, but you don't go far enough. Here's an example (among many) that you can use next time, showing that in the Bible females actually get preferential treatment, here at the merciful hands of the author of Genesis (Numbers 31:17-18):

Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.

But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

>> ^shinyblurry:

ramble ramble of course Jeebs is an authoritarian tyrant bla bla evilution is a lie blabbiddity bla bla bla

Anonymous Video Submitter Contest (Sift Talk Post)

Use Old Spice, become Sand Ninja

Use Old Spice, become Sand Ninja

Use Old Spice, become Sand Ninja

Portal 2: The Turret

grinter says...

>> ^Ryjkyj:

Just come out with the damn game already. For a company who's already loved by so many consumers, Valve sure spends a lot of their precious time masturbating.

So does Ferrari. As you imply with your comment, it seems to be a marketing strategy that is working for Valve. As long as they don't start charging luxury prices for their software, I choice to let myself be washed around a bit by their cherry-scented wave of artificial hype.

Killing Us Softly: Advertising's Image of Women

KnivesOut says...

You're missing the point. Yes, perhaps fully formed, rational, emotionally mature personalities are not susceptible to suggestive advertising. However, there's a process to becoming mature, it's called growing up, and along the way people are not so capable of differentiating the real from the not-so-real. Along the way, people's ideas of body-image get polluted by all manner of external influences. Some people have enough positive input from others close to them that they are able to defend themselves from this brain-washing. Some don't.

Clearly you have your own issues with women to deal with. My guess is that you should learn a lot if you talked to one.
>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:

Seriously, didn't we leave this kind of sexism behind in the 80s?
The point is that it ISN'T sexism. It is the refutation of a patently insulting and illogical argument that demeans human beings far more than the so-called 'evil' it decries. This woman's argument goes much further down the road of dehumanizing people than any of the ads she whines about. The only differences is that she is hiding her argument, and advertising isn't. I respect a good ad 100X more than this fool and her fear driven lies.
white males
And you're doubling down on it by being a racist. How do you even know if anyone here is white? Between her insulting mysoginy, her evil misandry, and your stereotypical racism we've got a real intolerance trifecta going on here.
Advertising is sleazy. It preys upon our fears and insecurities.
So is this woman, and her stupid arguments. Regardless, advertising does one thing and one thing only... It creates product awareness. When you march into a retail store to purchase deodorant, you don't buy Axe Body Spray because you actually believe women are going to chase you down. You buy it because you saw the ad, thought it was funny, and decided to give it a shot. And in doing so you decided that you LIKED it. I bought a can of Axe (Sharp Focus) because I saw the black can in the aisle and liked the scent - not because I thought some woman in a schoolgirl skirt was going to maul me. The argument that people are puppets of "sleazy" ads is complete bunk. Ads create awareness. Awareness leads to trial. Trial leads to consumption. It's that simple.
Those who don't get it should keep watching it in a continuous loop until your consciousness evolves to a higher level
That happened a long time ago - and without any assistance from this woman and her abbevillian stupidity. And my higher, evolved consciousness tells me that this woman - and her clearly prejudice hate of men and women - can go cram it sideways with walnuts.
68 yr-old woman it's surprising that she has not a single gray hair.
Because quite clearly this hypocrite buys into the "evil" advertising image that grey hair is bad. Oh - but I'm SURE when this dingus walks into the salon to get her hair done she doesn't feel for one second that she's a stinking, slimy, self-righteous hypocrite for dying her hair with one of those hair care products all those "evil" advertisement pimp in their demeaning, insulting, culturally poisonous advertisement. :eyeroll: What a piece of work that pathetic specimen is.

Killing Us Softly: Advertising's Image of Women

dystopianfuturetoday says...

In the parlance of our times: hurr durr

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:

Seriously, didn't we leave this kind of sexism behind in the 80s?
The point is that it ISN'T sexism. It is the refutation of a patently insulting and illogical argument that demeans human beings far more than the so-called 'evil' it decries. This woman's argument goes much further down the road of dehumanizing people than any of the ads she whines about. The only differences is that she is hiding her argument, and advertising isn't. I respect a good ad 100X more than this fool and her fear driven lies.
white males
And you're doubling down on it by being a racist. How do you even know if anyone here is white? Between her insulting mysoginy, her evil misandry, and your stereotypical racism we've got a real intolerance trifecta going on here.
Advertising is sleazy. It preys upon our fears and insecurities.
So is this woman, and her stupid arguments. Regardless, advertising does one thing and one thing only... It creates product awareness. When you march into a retail store to purchase deodorant, you don't buy Axe Body Spray because you actually believe women are going to chase you down. You buy it because you saw the ad, thought it was funny, and decided to give it a shot. And in doing so you decided that you LIKED it. I bought a can of Axe (Sharp Focus) because I saw the black can in the aisle and liked the scent - not because I thought some woman in a schoolgirl skirt was going to maul me. The argument that people are puppets of "sleazy" ads is complete bunk. Ads create awareness. Awareness leads to trial. Trial leads to consumption. It's that simple.
Those who don't get it should keep watching it in a continuous loop until your consciousness evolves to a higher level
That happened a long time ago - and without any assistance from this woman and her abbevillian stupidity. And my higher, evolved consciousness tells me that this woman - and her clearly prejudice hate of men and women - can go cram it sideways with walnuts.
68 yr-old woman it's surprising that she has not a single gray hair.
Because quite clearly this hypocrite buys into the "evil" advertising image that grey hair is bad. Oh - but I'm SURE when this dingus walks into the salon to get her hair done she doesn't feel for one second that she's a stinking, slimy, self-righteous hypocrite for dying her hair with one of those hair care products all those "evil" advertisement pimp in their demeaning, insulting, culturally poisonous advertisement. :eyeroll: What a piece of work that pathetic specimen is.

Killing Us Softly: Advertising's Image of Women

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

Seriously, didn't we leave this kind of sexism behind in the 80s?

The point is that it ISN'T sexism. It is the refutation of a patently insulting and illogical argument that demeans human beings far more than the so-called 'evil' it decries. This woman's argument goes much further down the road of dehumanizing people than any of the ads she whines about. The only differences is that she is hiding her argument, and advertising isn't. I respect a good ad 100X more than this fool and her fear driven lies.

white males

And you're doubling down on it by being a racist. How do you even know if anyone here is white? Between her insulting mysoginy, her evil misandry, and your stereotypical racism we've got a real intolerance trifecta going on here.

Advertising is sleazy. It preys upon our fears and insecurities.

So is this woman, and her stupid arguments. Regardless, advertising does one thing and one thing only... It creates product awareness. When you march into a retail store to purchase deodorant, you don't buy Axe Body Spray because you actually believe women are going to chase you down. You buy it because you saw the ad, thought it was funny, and decided to give it a shot. And in doing so you decided that you LIKED it. I bought a can of Axe (Sharp Focus) because I saw the black can in the aisle and liked the scent - not because I thought some woman in a schoolgirl skirt was going to maul me. The argument that people are puppets of "sleazy" ads is complete bunk. Ads create awareness. Awareness leads to trial. Trial leads to consumption. It's that simple.

Those who don't get it should keep watching it in a continuous loop until your consciousness evolves to a higher level

That happened a long time ago - and without any assistance from this woman and her abbevillian stupidity. And my higher, evolved consciousness tells me that this woman - and her clearly prejudice hate of men and women - can go cram it sideways with walnuts.

68 yr-old woman it's surprising that she has not a single gray hair.

Because quite clearly this hypocrite buys into the "evil" advertising image that grey hair is bad. Oh - but I'm SURE when this dingus walks into the salon to get her hair done she doesn't feel for one second that she's a stinking, slimy, self-righteous hypocrite for dying her hair with one of those hair care products all those "evil" advertisement pimp in their demeaning, insulting, culturally poisonous advertisement. :eyeroll: What a piece of work that pathetic specimen is.

Hilarious Response to "Asians in the Library"

Porksandwich says...

Yeah I realize, but they would bring food into the labs because they literally spent 8-10 hours a day in the labs. Due to all the body heat and food that place smelled like that forever.

Anecdotal, but there was a guy from I believe Israel who lived with a couple of local college students, they told him to stop cooking and eating his food in the house because it made their clothes smell. So he switched to eating what they ate, and eventually he began to notice how bad the other middle easterners smelled. He said it was because they cook that stuff and it gets in their clothes, but also because many of them didn't shower daily or wear strong deodorants. He got to the point where he couldn't stand to be around them, and he used to eat that kind of food. So I suspect it's more than just the dislike of the smell of that food but hygiene related.

Just like heavy smokers don't notice how bad they smell...and they quit smoking and notice how bad their house/car/jacket smell. It's like they are so exposed to that scent all day and night they become unable to notice it anymore. Like people who sleep soundly when the train comes if they've lived near a train track long enough.

>> ^westy:

>> ^Porksandwich:
At my college it was Indians, in hot cramped computer labs. So when the heat started to get bad the BO would be off the charts. What was the worst, you had to use those labs for your projects and it was like the Indian club house...they'd bring food with them. The place smelled like a gym locker even when it was empty. After two years of that I got access to an upper floor lab where the chairs and carpet didn't smell like someone's shoes or armpit.
I can definitely see the girls point, but this video was great. Although with Indians, they hated Indians born in the US, so........the US-born ones were some of their loudest critics.

Intresting thing with that is that Indeans dont generally have more BO than westerners , but your BO smells of what you eat , and most people are less aware of there BO or there cultures back ground BO , To Indians westerners that have a prodiminatly dairy dait smell like off milk , where as indeans to westerners tend to smell like curry / spicy BO.
I know allot of western people that complain about smell of Indians , its not something that bothers me I evan have one friend that would refuse to go into indean shops because they hated the smell of the spice so much.
Its also a scientific fact that all russans smell of vodka

Strange Boy Obsessed with Scented Candles

Strange Boy Obsessed with Scented Candles

Strange Boy Obsessed with Scented Candles

Strange Boy Obsessed with Scented Candles

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