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"Missing" Gov. Mark Sanford Admits Affair in Argentina

Crosswords says...

I have no respect because he's been one of those holier than thou Neo-Con. Republicans, who tries to regulate people's private lives. He cheated on his wife, and used tax payer money to do it. Admitting it after he's been caught, rather than denying blatantly true allegations, only means he's trying to save face. He's just a sack of shit with an overinflated ego.

2 British police officers get pwned by cameraman

North Korean Satellite Launch Fails

kagenin says...

>> ^csnel3:
In my paranoid mind this launch had to be reported as a failure. The U.S warned them not to launch or there will be payback. Japan warned them not to do it also. The U.N was against this test.
They called our bluff and said "fuck you guys". The media has to report this incident as a failure because of our lack of action. Its the only way to save face.

And paranoid delusions they are.

This failed because of fine North Korean *engineering.

North Korean Satellite Launch Fails

csnel3 says...

In my paranoid mind this launch had to be reported as a failure. The U.S warned them not to launch or there will be payback. Japan warned them not to do it also. The U.N was against this test.
They called our bluff and said "fuck you guys". The media has to report this incident as a failure because of our lack of action. Its the only way to save face.

Bizarre Republican Arguments on the Stimulus Bill

dystopianfuturetoday says...

In 8 years, Republicans failed in every possible way that could have been imagined (not to mention several ways that could have never been imagined). Now they want to block efforts to fix the mess that they created in order to save face. Idiots.

An Interview With Blogging Evangelist Anil Dash (Howto Talk Post)

blankfist says...

Well, fucking hell. You made me apologize for nothing. I resend my apology, and also invoke the sacred *fuckyou which enables me not only to save face but also rape you and a monkey.

Voter Dismayed He Cannot Vote for Bush 3rd Term

Idiot Cop never heard of the Constitution

GeeSussFreeK says...

HA, did you hear the final push in by the police...disorderly conduct. That is one of those blanket charges you file to save face. Instead of admitting wrong doing, you file a charge that vaguely resembles what could of taken place...classic police dodge of responsibility.

Sarah Palin's daughter pregnant!

HollywoodBob says...

How much y'all wanna bet that Bristol will have a miscarriage in the coming weeks? No need for marriage and Momma Veep gets a shit load of pity heaped on her and all the rumors go away.

IMHO the reality in that family is this. Trig is Bristol's and to save face they said it was Sarah's, and to silence the rumors that were hitting too close to home they come out with Bristol being pregnant, and far enough along to not be Trig's momma.

Pornography Myths (Femme Talk Post)

pho3n1x says...

Of all of the comments, I have no idea why I'm replying to this one.

Me either... responding to any of the other comments at all would have been nice. there's so many well stated, educated comments in this thread that it's a pity to simply ignore them in an effort to save face, and likely disappear again.

Obama Turns Heckling Into a Discussion at Townhall

Maze says...

>> ^imstellar28:
I would also like to point out, that there is absolutely nothing asinine or ignorant about this comment-in fact it is a very valid argument. The young man's question was exactly as described: loaded and under-researched. Obama should have immediately refuted it with a concise statement and moved on--instead he decided to spend 7 minutes trying to save face with the african american community. I am inclined to agree that a candidate who forgoes rational thought in order to "play politics" is indeed unfit to lead this a positive direction.

Obama is justified in answering a question that a good portion of people may be thinking, using specific examples to make his case. There are a lot of "under-researched" people out there.

There is no rational thought in politics, mate. Only politics.

Obama Turns Heckling Into a Discussion at Townhall

imstellar28 says...

>> ^mentality:
>> ^quantumushroom:
A perfect example of why the man is unfit to lead.
He wastes seven minutes of the crowd's time answering loaded, ignorant questions from sh;t-disturbing "activists", whose sole concern is what they can get for "free" from an Obamarchy.

^This is a perfect example of why you're unfit to post.
I just wasted 10 seconds of my life reading your ignorant, asinine comment.

I would also like to point out, that there is absolutely nothing asinine or ignorant about this comment-in fact it is a very valid argument. The young man's question was exactly as described: loaded and under-researched. Obama should have immediately refuted it with a concise statement and moved on--instead he decided to spend 7 minutes trying to save face with the african american community. I am inclined to agree that a candidate who forgoes rational thought in order to "play politics" is indeed unfit to lead this a positive direction.

NYPD Ravages Cyclist in Time Square

Asmo says...

Assholes like this cop do make it harder for other cops to do their job. If people can't trust their police to react appropriately (the police officer could have motioned for the cyclist to pull over) in a situation, who the hell can they trust?

The level of force used was disproportionate and inappropriate. There was no order to stop and the cyclist did not represent a threat (hell, my neighbours 4 year old manages to go faster than that guy on her trike...).

And because the dumbass was stupid enough to get caught on camera and then lie on a report, chances are if this doesn't quiet down (and I don't see protest groups and civil liberties mobs letting it die down) he will probably be punted to save face more than to punish him (whether he serves time for assault is another matter).

The cyclist was acting illegally and may be charged, or not, depending on how embarrassing this gets for the NYPD.

Navy shoots down Spy Satellite

Krupo says...

I love the completely pointless pointing (no pun intended)

Sounds like the Chinese doing more of a "bitching to save face" thing:

“China is continuously following closely the possible harm caused by the U.S. action to outer space security and relevant countries,” Mr. Liu said, according to the Associated Press. “China requests the U.S. to fulfill its international obligations in real earnest and provide to the international community necessary information and relevant data in a timely and prompt way so that relevant countries can take precautions.”

American officials were critical of China last year for using an anti-satellite weapon to destroy a satellite in a much higher orbit in January 2007 and then refusing to confirm the test for nearly two weeks. The Chinese test produced 1,600 pieces of debris that are expected to orbit the Earth for years, preventing other spacecraft from using the same or similar orbits.

Irritating clips in the audio.

*spacy and *worldaffairs too!

Ron Paul The Unelectable The Champion Of The Constitution

9058 says...

I see the main point in some of the comments is the thought that if we leave now the country will fall into chaos and civil war. Now im not going to use the defense of "what else is new" since America has been doing that sort of thing for decades what makes Iraq any different, but that is where Ron Paul's support comes from. To recognize that our foreign policy is so back asswards that it needs to be completely thrown out and rewritten because Iraq wont be the last country we fuck with and screw up unless we change the basic ideas of what we are obligated to do world wide. Now in terms of it being a civil war it already is, we are just supporting the side we want to win. Our manipulation leads to an endless cycle of being more involved and manipulating the out come of other countries even more. I think thats why people just want to leave because we have fucked up so much, our intentions were not moral or good (no matter what the administration tell you), there is no end or victory possible here (plus victory for who, what decide who wins?), the UN supported us for Afghanistan but not Iraq, and the world is going to hate us no matter what we do, stay or go. Im not saying we dont share responsibility, we do, but like the sound bit of Ron Paul (not in this video) saying that we are only staying to save face is absolutely true. We arent even staying for the right reasons of helping these people (they just feed you that so you will see how we "have" to stay) but to make ourselves feel better and morally self righteous.

So it comes to RP's point of how much is enough, when do you call it quits when everything has gone wrong. Pursing and endless tragedy in the mere hope that something good might be at the end for us to feel better about ourselves is foolish. The end people does not always justify the means. We can not fight these peoples civil war for them. With the logic that we must stay to take responsibility for what we did when making it right is almost impossible is pretty much just punishment (which maybe we deserve) but should we still be in Vietnam since we had no business being there either but hey since we went in and fucked them up should we of stayed there another 10 years righting the wrong that we got involved in? Look at the horrible disaster that fell on those people afterwards. If you answer yes then vote Mccain because 100 years might be long enough to right all the wrongs we have done but I doubt it. I think backing off not just of Iraq but of everything is best because our intentions and outcomes have not been good. The world could benefit and these countries could get back on their feet if we left the stage and let them control their destines.

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