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Republicans Running Scared Over Gay Marriage -- TYT

Porksandwich says...

So they are willing to go back to the issue nearly EVERYONE would like to hear about, jobs and the economy, when they need to save face elsewhere. And they avoid it or keep things the same all the rest of the time....or completely shut down efforts to fix it.

Fucking depressing is what politics are, it's only important if it gets them more votes and then nothing matters until they need your vote.

Farting & Swearing On The Moon

poolcleaner says...

Humanity has ALWAYS been a potty mouthed species. My grams told me it was my generation and her grams told her it was Satan has an affinity for children -- no really, one half southern baptist, one half catholic. Crazy shit goes on in those houses. In reality, we're all just trying to hide our mistakes and save face from the next generation so they can be better than we were.

And all the time not realizing the simple fact: no one of real consequence cares. The only time where people of consequence care, is when someone giving them money cares. Unfortunately people with money are often people of no real consequence.

Well, guess what, a spaceman said it and now I'm buying a motorcycle and never using condoms again.

longde (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

No, no, this "non-Samaritan" attitude goes back centuries. It has nothing to do with modern notions of liability.

The Chinese culture is very different from Western culture. "Saving face" isn't a light topic there. Suicide to save the family's honor has been part of their culture, hasn't it? I'm not that well versed in the differences of the various Asian cultures.

Hari kiri is the Japanese equivalent, yeah? The most honorable way to die is to disembowel yourself with no assistance. Most chose to have a trusted relative or friend behead them so they died quickly -- after stabbing themselves in the gut. I learned all this from Hollywood movies and novels -- so maybe it is all a load of crap.

So I"m sticking with my plausible interpretation that it is POSSIBLE that this was orchestrated by the government. Maybe it was just the government taking advantage of a true kind impulse on the part of the taxi driver -- but they do control the media still, yeah?

Cynical. That's me!

In reply to this comment by longde:
damn, you are cynical!!! It's sad that some of the bad infrastructure in china make this story perfectly plausible.

I think this attitude has to do with the ease of liability being assigned to the helper. In this case, there is no way any reasonable person would think the cab driver was responsible for the girl's injury. As opposed to a driver stopping for an injured pedestrian.>> ^bareboards2:

Here's another topic missed by this video --
Remember when that little girl got ran over by a truck and everyone walked by? The only person who went to help was a very poor woman?
Apparently there is a culture in China of NOT helping others. What I read at the time was if you help someone, then you become responsible for them. Which is why only the very poor woman went to help -- she had nothing to lose.
The Chinese government has been attempting to change that culture, in part by changing laws (I think. Didn't I read that somewhere?)
Here is how calloused I have become -- I thought for a moment (and I still sort of do) that this was a set up by the Government. A visual campaign to educate the public. They made the guy a hero, showed how the government has the services to help. The hole in the pavement was too weird, as noted here, people crowded around the hole with zero concern that more would give way. They didn't interview the girl at all, didn't show her face.
It's not a bad thing, to attempt to create a Good Samaritan culture in the face of thousands of years without one. I am just cynical about the feel-goodness of this clip.
Calloused. I am calloused.

Cop Abuses Power Searching Star Trek Fan's Car For No Reason

Cop Abuses Power Searching Star Trek Fan's Car For No Reason

Cop Abuses Power Searching Star Trek Fan's Car For No Reason

Sgt. Shamar Thomas on OWS - Countdown 10-27-2011

kceaton1 says...

The problem I always have with cops and sometimes the politicians above them, but mostly the cops. Is that in almost any matter of misconduct the cases will turn into an us versus them situation. Even how a cop goes about his business catching crime is a very hostile us versus them mentality.

This begins to create problems when they are out to settle scores, to "save face" (which might be a reason they went after the protesters so much), and the worse when cops decide that a few rules can be bent (much like the last one). Then when just enough power or money gets near... They then can become a living and breathing criminal ring with their own front; semi-mafia style. The us versus them mentality is what can make your everyday cop a criminal.

It's how it's taught to the graduates now, but to help change this us vs. them mentality we need to weave the cops into their community at ever chance. So much so that they might become a pillar of their community. This may require more police, but I would like to see the term "peace-officer" actually used more often. Slow day? Have them teach classes to the community. Make them patrol the park and say hello to everyone there and ask them why they came to the park that day. I'm sure there may be some break through cities, where this takes place already (think like old town sheriffs like Andy Griffith--someone that can fell the pule of his town.

But, metropolises feel more like an ordered militia; especially, in the cases of OWS. We'll see, but I really don't want to see this escalate. The mayor better do some HARD thinking.

/kinda long; post if you know if the mayor has said anything yet-I have yet to see any

LOOK AT ME!! (Blog Entry by dystopianfuturetoday)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

I'm not attacking you. It's true that you paid the theater to show your film. It's true that no one came out to see it. It's true that your film is (while not terrible) certainly not a professional grade film. And it's true that it was projected off a laptop. Which one of these facts do you dispute?

I generously offered to score your flick pro bono not because I wanted to get in on the ground floor of the blankfist rocket to super stardom, but rather because you were a friend. There would have been nothing for me to gain by spending dozens of hours working for free on a film that no one would see other than the fun of working with a friend. And, you already had someone else lined up when I made my offer, so no need to lie in order to save face.

You have a real double standard when it comes to 'being a prick'. You dish out a steady stream of insults, abuse and cruelty on a daily basis, but when someone calls you on it or stands up to you, all of a sudden you are this innocent victim. You don't seem capable of understanding when you hurt others, but if there is even a whiff of criticism directed back towards you, you go into a rage.

Dad Catches Foul Ball While Holding Daughter

ForgedReality says...

>> ^Chimeling:

I like how the white-shirt guy got all disappointed for not catching it.

Looked to me like he was trying to save face by explaining to his friend that he's really NOT a pussy for wincing like a girl as it came flying his direction.

Seriously, watch as the ball comes. The dude is cowering and moving out of the way.

Is this the end of China's economic bubble?

kceaton1 says...

I was going to say that this is terrible for the Chinese government as saving face is their time honored tradition; I'm glad this is happening and I'll tell you why.

Apparently, Chinese citizens have figured out that getting a lot of "things" certainly will not make you happy. In fact it'll turn into what we have here. You MUST work. You MUST have money. You MUST be a tax-paying consumer. You MUST be beholden to the rich.

I for one (heh) commend China's either lucky or smart citizenry for their decisions about their lives and whether they wish to become involved in the stupid game that is consumerism (as only the rich win, we just pay more here and there and remain "balanced" for THEIR needs...).

Former CIA Analyst Schools CNN Host

Casey Heynes' Bully Richard Gale says HE was bullied first

Sagemind says...

I don't and can't advocate violence when it comes to bully's - but what do you do when no one will step in and help you - this is a classic response to abuse of any kind.

I work with kids on a volunteer basis and sometimes have to help manage groups of up to 100 kids. One thing I've noticed is that there are always one or two kids (boys) who are small (or under-sized) for their age who use bullying tactics just to gain stature in the group. Stomping (hard) on other kids feet when lining up, hitting, pinching and more - little things but they ad up and it gains them status in the group.

Girls usually don't get physical but use words to hurt other girls, things that might seem subtle but again builds up to more in the child being bullied.

I've also noticed that these smaller kids are often the instigators. Other kids join in to become a group (3-4) who in turn, turn on other kids because "It's fun and kind of funny" (to them) and it saves face in front of their peers. Other kids would rather join in than become the next target. They align themselves with the one aggressor that is trying to become the Alpha-male/female of the group in order to maintain their own stature and stay at the top of the pack. This attitude is instinctual and most of them don't even notice they are doing it. It may be an instinctual survival skill dating back to our animal instincts in the caveman days (conjecture).

As an adult, the big thing is to address it as soon as it's mentioned by sitting down all parties involved. Let them know you are going to be checking in with them and will continue to do so. every time it is mentioned that "it happened again" or is "still happening". then you meet with them again. We make it clear with a yellow card system. (second card is a call home, third card is a meeting with the parents to discuss the situation in person.) It's not the cards that are important, it's that they know things are happening and will continue to happen - if they don't revise the behavior, then the situation will get worse for them.

If I was to pick someone at fault here, I'd choose the parents, the teachers and the system that is place for these kids. Kids who bully have other issues that are not being addressed such as being bullied themselves or bad home situations. Kids who get bullied are kids who don't have parents that engage them in meaningful discussions so the kids can confide in them various bad situations that they may be in.

Schools, it seems have cut back on supervision when the kids go outside - they become free to do what ever they want and that's the best time for "positioning" amongst the kids. If the school doesn't provide a comprehensive plan for dealing with this and involve the kids with what the plan is from day one and then continue to remind them throughout the year, how will they control the situation and stop it before it starts. The teachers are part of that system and should be standing up for the kids and a solid set of guidelines (not saying this school didn't have guidelines).

This situation should have been diffused long before it got to this point. I feel bad for both boys. No one should have to be bullied and where was the support for the boy who did the bullying. His situation should have been identified early on and given some attention.

When bullied kids snap...

Deano says...

>> ^dannym3141:

>> ^spoco2:
It saddens me to read all of you saying how happy this makes you, hurray for him etc. etc.
There's nothing good in this.
Yes, the bully is a little shit, yes he deserves serious fricken punishment. Yes those around also deserve punishment for condoning what was going on and for spurring him on.
But thinking that it's an awesome outcome for the bullied to fight back in a way that could have killed the little shit? No, the kid is lucky that he didn't do any serious damage to the other (do we know he didn't, was that kid hobbling about due to a hurt leg or concussion?).
What if he had killed him by dropping him on his neck?
Where is the good in this? This is shit, this whole situation shouldn't f cking exist and yet you cheer... sad

Ladies and gentlmen, the words of a man who has never been bullied.
(in before spoco2's embellishment about being horrifically bullied to save face

I wouldn't assume that. Knowing Spoco2's comment history I anticipated that response and he's at least partially right. I think the Dark channel assignment sums that up well for me.

However like many people I was bullied until I went a bit mental one day and clobbered a friend who had gone way too far. After that I was on my own until eventually the rest of our little group, satisfyingly for me, dissolved. And to be honest I had no regrets. I'd be quite happy even now if I'd done him some serious damage instead of just seeing that shocked look on his face. I'm pretty calm and collected but sometimes anger is a useful emotion that encourages self-preservation and not just on the physical level.

To deal with this go to the source - check out wtf is wrong with the parents because I never felt the need to bully nor did my friends.

When bullied kids snap...

dannym3141 says...

>> ^spoco2:

It saddens me to read all of you saying how happy this makes you, hurray for him etc. etc.
There's nothing good in this.
Yes, the bully is a little shit, yes he deserves serious fricken punishment. Yes those around also deserve punishment for condoning what was going on and for spurring him on.
But thinking that it's an awesome outcome for the bullied to fight back in a way that could have killed the little shit? No, the kid is lucky that he didn't do any serious damage to the other (do we know he didn't, was that kid hobbling about due to a hurt leg or concussion?).
What if he had killed him by dropping him on his neck?
Where is the good in this? This is shit, this whole situation shouldn't f cking exist and yet you cheer... sad

Ladies and gentlmen, the words of a man who has never been bullied.

(in before spoco2's embellishment about being horrifically bullied to save face

Shooter Jennings - 4th of July (music video)

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