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Speaker Pelosi Announcement on Impeachment

oblio70 says...

“Limit the scope to the Ukrainian call”??? she limiting the Muller investigation to the Tower meeting, and only looking at one claim and limiting witnesses for Kavanaugh’s hearing worked so well.

She is deliberately trying to “resist”, as she has continually assisted TinyTot-in-chief. When Clinton was brought up for impeachment, it was on a false accusation over “Whitewater”, but landed on his lying about the sexual assault he perpetrated.

ant (Member Profile)

Cop tasers old woman for fleeing from an $80 ticket

newtboy says...

Well, that escalated slowly. For once, I'm on the officer's side.
A well deserved tazing. She was resisting arrest and was trying to hit and kick the officer after running from him.

Where does she get this sense of entitlement? Driving near 6 months with a broken taillight, and she balks at a fix it ticket? They don't have to let you off with a warning.

If that was a young man, the treatment would undoubtedly have been much more violent. Had she been black, it likely would have ended with gunshots. There's no excuse in the law for being white, female, fat, or old. Lock her up, she fled and assaulted that cop.
She's facing one hell of a lot more than $80 in fines now.

I didn't run, I just told you you couldn't arrest me and drove away....that's what running from the law means, hun.

ant (Member Profile)

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy (Member Profile)

The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance | Teaser | Netflix

The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance | Teaser | Netflix

The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance | Teaser | Netflix

How This Cyclist Hit 184MPH and Set the World Record

newtboy says...

If the record is 99.9% due to the equipment, give it to the engineer, not the ballast. ;-)
Eric Barone hit 141 on his own with some downhill, but no tow, no draft. That's more impressive to me, but still largely a function of his equipment.
I've never topped 40 without a draft or hill, and I used to ride 25-30 miles a day.

The fastest unassisted human powered bicycle speed is 89.5 mph. That record I can accept without an asterisk.

Edit: using that full faring recumbent bike and the dragster tow in/draft the dragster would always be the limiting factor, not the bike rider. The tow has to do with making it possible, wind resistance is the limiting factor on bicycles, but even without any getting up to that speed using human power is not possible. She needed fresh legs to keep up for under one minute under optimal conditions.
I think pro riders don't go for this record because they don't see it as a legitimate riding record, just a dangerous equipment test.

BSR said:

I'm sure the tow, to get her up to speed, has to do with reducing wind and weight. The addition of the gearing needed to get her to up to those speeds without assistance would be ridiculous.

The point is, she broke a previous record using the same rules as the first person. If a pro wants to break the record he (or she) can follow the same rules. I have a feeling not many pros would take the risk and would be happy being on the lower shelf or different category. She accepted the challenge. AND SHE'S NOT EVEN A PRO!

lucky760 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

My understanding was they are highly engineered gravel beds that get progressively softer. You don't want it to give maximum resistance at first or it would be like hitting a wall. Of course, that's just the they get built is another thing entirely.

He made it way farther than I expected. I thought he would go <1/3 of the way...maybe it was a heavy load keeping momentum up.

lucky760 said:

Ah, yes. I do recall there was a big "gravel airbag" at the end of those usually. This guy's truck didn't seem to reach that though, just looked like it was rolling backward. Curious.

Spontaneous Synchronization

jmd says...

None of them. The floating platform causes a resistance in swings which start slowing them all down. Those that are off rhythm the most get more resistance. Eventually, like an asymptote curve on a graph, they all begin to converge on each other.

Also like a asymptote curve they may never actually achieve a %100 sync because as a metronome begins to match its sync more, the more the resistance against it lessens, but as the resistance lessens the amount of force to correct it is less.

Sagemind said:

So, The real question here is which one was the Alpha. What one had the stronger beat, and had the rest time up with it?

Pancreatic Cancer Patient Hassled at Hospital Over Marijuana

newtboy says...

Anger/hatred is only step one, maybe even a precursor to step one, which is devising and taking action to oppose the wrongs that pissed you off. You're making assumptions again....what did Mptions do to deserve being made an ass of? ;-)

The roads to hell (and by your theory, back out) are infinite, and usually paved with good intentions (but poor premeditation and/or ongoing examination).

The abuse I speak of was the illegal search and the aggressive, disruptive, stress-causing intrusion into his private room, and he had no choice in that. He also had no choice but to waste his time with them. He could have made it easier and more pleasant for them by letting them violate him silently, but he chose not to capitulate without resistance....what little he had to offer. I support that wholeheartedly.

Trust doesn't expose truth, it hides it, obfuscated it, twists it, colors it.....Trust is antithetical to finding "truth", and today is a terrible idea as more than half of all circulating information is not trustworthy by far. (""Truth" is an idea in the mind of a crazy person, you don't need to know the "truth" to not lie."-my father.
.....what I really mean here is "fact" Not "truth".)

Only truly blind infatuation fits that model, I love with eyes open. If you love someone blindly you really love a concept of them you created, not the real person. I think love is much stronger and real when you love the whole person, scars and blemishes included, not some idealized version without the normal human flaws. It leads to far less disappointment.

BSR said:

The only reason you hate bullies and liars is because you believe you have no other options. That makes you a hater and no different than that which you hate.

Anger is only hate if that's what you want it to be. You have a choice of what to do with the energy that anger creates. You make it destructive or productive.

Nothing is better than love. It leads straight to hell. It will be the ONLY thing to get you out.

He subjected himself to the abuse. He could have just said, knock yourself out fellows. Just close the door behind you. But instead he chose to waste his short remaining time on the clowns.

Are you still looking for the ugly truth? How do you expect to find it if you don't make yourself vulnerable? If you don't trust?

If you love someone or someone loves you, all your defenses have already been penetrated. Pretty slick, eh?


I hope you're writing all this down. There are a lot people that need help. That's where your talent comes in.

Sexual Assault of Men Played for Laughs

bcglorf says...

Would you do me the courtesy of reading what I say before rejecting it? I specifically said: "Somebody like Saddam Hussein usually didn't care about Jack Bauer style, minutes count specific intel."

Jack Bauer style meaning like your revelation of a closely guarded secret after waterboarding...

Saddam would do things like sending his police to a disloyal man's home, and them simply handing over a video of them torturing his son or raping his wife/daughter whom they still had in custody. We don't have to like it, but it absolutely was effective in crushing dissent from not only that guy, but as word spreads a lot of other start wondering if resistance is worth the cost.

Our world is absolutely filled with examples of violence, rape and torture being used as powerfully effective weapons and ignoring it doesn't wish it away. The fact it these things are so powerful makes them all the more awful and more important we discuss it.

JiggaJonson said:


Use is not evidence of efficacy. Ask the homeopathic medicine industry about that.

I'd like to see some solid evidence of torture producing the results you'd want to see. A closely guarded secret revealed only after X amount of hours on the rack or under the water board.

From what I've read, universally, people who are tortured see their torturers in a rapidly increasing negative light. What could your worst enemy do to get you to betray a good friend? What if you began to harbor feelings that were even more I tense hatred for your worst enemy and they wanted you to betray your best friend? Would you be more likely to work with them then ?

I think the premise itself is flawed when it comes to torture, and more importantly the evidence is on my side.

Here Be Dragons: Secrets of One of the Earliest Globes

BSR says...

Interesting. I kinda want to unscrew the two halves and see what's hiding in there. But if I've learned anything from horror movies, resist the temptation comes to mind. That should be left to curious, innocent teenagaers.

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