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Ricky Gervais on Jimmy Kimmel 3/14

TDS 2/24/14 - Denunciation Proclamation

Trancecoach says...

I honestly don't know what you're referring to with regards to 'derision,' but i don't really care. Probably best for us to drop it since it now appears that you're turning to some rather irrelevant issues. The original point about the "border states" was not how to label or refer to them, but to show that Lincoln did not 'emancipate' or invade them, thereby showing his motivations had nothing to do with freeing the slaves.

I don't know who specifically 'shot first' but this is what happened:

"Ft. Sumter was located in the middle of the harbor of Charleston, SC where the U.S. forts garrison had withdrawn to avoid incidents with local militias in the streets of the city. Unlike Buchanan who allowed commanders to relinquish possession to avoid bloodshed, Lincoln required Maj. Anderson to hold on until fired upon. Jefferson Davis ordered the surrender of the fort. Anderson gave a conditional reply which the Confederate government rejected, and Davis ordered P. G. T. Beauregard to attack the fort before a relief expedition could arrive."

The Confederacy ordered an attack on a fort in what it saw as its territory and therefore under Union occupation. The Union saw it as their fort.
Again, a survey of the opinion of people you know about who 'started it' does not the same thing as that "most reasonable people" would see it like you do.

More irrelevant splitting of hairs: in the United Sates of 2014 practically no one openly advocates institutionalized slavery or openly argue their "right" to own slaves. So for practical purposes, (almost) everyone is openly against slavery.
That, in any case, is totally irrelevant to the Jon Stewart video and so your comments are far from relevant.

"I'm not going to comment on Jon Stewarts motives or morality, they are not germane to the subject I'm discussing."
It's all well and good that you're not going to comment on Stewart's motives or morality, but most of what you constitute your "arguments" are not germane to what I'm discussing here, or to any of my original points prior to your digressions and tangential discussions about which I frankly have little interest. No offense.

newtboy said:

My argument about what? I thought we finished all the arguments when you started the derision, with you conceding the points by default.
That's why I asked what ELSE you need to know, for my arguments, re-read. They're there.

edit: to clarify (and not force re-reading of a wall of text) my arguments were
1. That border states are not considered confederate or union when discussing allegiance during the civil war, because they all supported BOTH sides.
2. that the first shots fired in the civil war were fired by the confederates, making them the one's that 'started the war' in my, and many others opinions.
3. that the blanket statement "everyone is against slavery in 2014" was incorrect, and remains so, no matter how you wish to modify it. Blanket statements are almost always incorrect on some level.

Brian Williams Raps Rapper's Delight

newtboy says...

Have you ever went over a friends house to eat
And the food just ain't no good?
The macaroni's soggy, the peas are mushed,
And the chicken tastes like wood
So you try to play it off like you think you can
By saying that you're full
And then your friend says, "Mama, he's just being polite
He ain't finished, uh-uh, that's bull!"
So your heart starts pumpin' and you think of a lie
And you say that you already ate
And your friend says "Man, there's plenty of food"
So you pile some more on your plate
While the stinky food's steamin', your mind starts to dreamin'
Of the moment that it's time to leave
And then you look at your plate and your chicken's slowly rottin'
Into something that looks like cheese
Oh so you say "That's it, I gotta leave this place
I don't care what these people think,
I'm just sittin' here makin' myself nauseous
With this ugly food that stinks"
So you bust out the door while it's still closed
Still sick from the food you ate
And then you run to the store for quick relief
From a bottle of Kaopectate
And then you call your friend two weeks later
To see how he has been
And he says, "I understand about the food,
Baby Bubba, but we're still friends"

Eye Opening Facts About Vaginas

Real Actors Read Christian Forums : Monkey People

chingalera says...

'antagonistic, vitriolic style' newtboy???...That's rich, considering my motivation for letting the dogs out on the most recent foray into realms thought so sacred and impenetrable is directed at the very mirror image you look at every day but are still unable to see with repeated blows to the skull with a blunt instrument.

You "have to" ignore perhaps because you are unable to see the log-jam of compacted waste material that has shaped your world-view and has rendered you incapable of dealing with anyone who doesn't smell OK to you, or who walks and talks like yourself, or who ascribes to the same Kool-Aid ® drink you have so frequently injected into your throat-snatch to offer you the relief from thinking critically about the world you inhabit, the bed made for docile herd animals with the shit you've paid in blood for to tell you what to think to get along in the paradigm you find comfortable. Get yer college-money back, recant on your commitment to university loans, it's a huge, sinking boat yer on.

I don't have to imagine the foes of freedom of thought. They simply have to spew enough venom in my purview to be able to be recognized as the same old song-and-dance then FUCK with me, and they get my attention.

TYT - Two Cops React To Protesters In Very Different Ways

eric3579 says...

He did later contradict himself by saying (@around 4:20) "they didn't seem to be walking out".

Although the second cop was quite the douche I had set myself up for something much worse. My expectations of the po-po are so low now that anything less then the police physically abusing someone is a relief and makes me think it's not so bad. It's all so backwards.

VoodooV said:

to be fair. They didn't look like they were "on their way out" as Cenk said

not that it excuses the 2nd cop, but we didn't see the whole video there methinks.

Jar-Jar Binks Finally Dies - Deleted Star Wars Scene

MilkmanDan says...

Full story on this? That looked like a real deleted scene, but if it was that would suggest that there was a pretty major script rewrite after filming that bit.

The best explanation I can muster is that it was largely a real deleted scene, but that Jar-Jar actually jumped out in the real version, and this is a fan-made edit that cut out that escape and/or CGI'ed him back into the vehicle as it went over the brink. Or I guess possibly it is all real and they were going to have him meet up with the group again later after miraculous surviving the fall -- gungan reflexes or something (hey, the film has midichlorians, so why the hell not).

If it is a fan-edit, they did one hell of a job, and started from footage I've never seen.

I googled around and came up empty. This video and blurbs about it are making the internet rounds, but nobody seems to say anything other than that it is a deleted scene and it was probably cut for "creating too many plot holes"...

That seems like a pretty huge understatement to me. Ignoring the fact that Jar-Jar appears (briefly) in Eps 2 and 3, he plays a pretty major role with a lot of screen time in the Gungans vs Droids portion of the final 3-way battle sequence at the end, which happens well after where this scene would appear in the movie (right?).

Plus, Ep. 1 is very clearly a kids movie, and it would be pretty dark to kill off your comic relief / slapstick character halfway through the movie.

Maybe they had some early warning from focus groups that Jar-Jar was going to be ... not exactly well received and decided to film this just as a joke or even to play it for those focus groups and see their reactions?

Very weird. Not that I mind seeing Jar-Jar die, but I'm quite puzzled by this!

Worst Videogame Product Placement Yet (Alan Wake)

Vic2Point0 says...

I disagree 100%, this was one of the BEST product placements ever in a video game! You're just not getting the subtle humor. To me, it was very obvious. First, take note of the fact that they were inarguably wanting to make this game feel a bit like a television series. This is made most evident by the way they ended and began each episode (not to mention the fact that they called them "episodes" to begin with), but also by the cinematics in battle, the independent camera controls that let you see what was behind Wake as he was running forward, the narration, the fact that all the manuscripts had to appear on screen with the author's voice reading it aloud- erm, I think I made my point there.

So what would a television series do, naturally, at a moment like this? Why, GO TO A COMMERCIAL BREAK, OF COURSE! That's why this TV was in the break room. Commercials? Break room? You get it now?

However, I wouldn't even agree that this did any noteworthy damage to the tension. Because, arguably, the most "scary" part was over. At this point, all you had to do was get by that chandelier ball thingy and you're outside with Barry Wheeler, comic relief! I thought it was brilliant.

Would The World Be A Better Place Without Hitler?

radx says...

A disturbing idea for sure.

I know it's just a very visual illustration of how history might not change for the better if key elements are changed, but just to expand on his little thought experiment...

They wouldn't have had access to the neccessary raw material, would they? Pretty much every sort of metal alloy was in short supply even during the late '30s. The occupation of Narvik brought some relief, but still, a nuclear weapons program requires some pretty exotic material that you can't get at Tesco.

TED: Margaret Heffernan: The dangers of "willful blindness"

vaire2ube says...

same phenom with Cannabis... its just taking time and the internet now.

i mean, i can type it out: anticancer, neuroprotectants, alt. nontoxic pain relief, antiinflammatory... plant fibers themselves used for many products, cheaply and quickly grown unlike wood... hemp seeds contain all essential amino acids.

quite literally manna from creation. ignorance alone is enough to deny our birthrights!~ /soapbox

good post

To Canadian sifters - Easily bypass US only region blocking (Canada Talk Post)

How Steve Irwin Reacts to the Deadliest Snake in America

probie says...

My absolute favorite clip of Steve Irwin:
He's out in the Australian Outback and he starts showing the camera a non-venomous snake when he gets bit. He carries on for a bit, then suddenly looks into the camera and yells "Croiky!" and bolts over to his truck. He digs out a book from the glove box, thumbs through it rapidly, and with a sigh of relief says "Yep, non-venomous. For a second there, I thought I was holding a (snake name) and we're about 200 miles from the nearest hospital!"

How to share games on the PS4

Tingles says...


it is sad it has come to this, that we celebrate a feature that has existed for decades. still a massive sigh of relief, and a hilarious video. the first thing I thought when the E3 attendance started screaming in applause at the announcement of no drm and used games sales still exist etc, I felt sad and happy at the same time. Sad it has come to this, happy Sony and Nintendo didn't follow.

Fuck you Microsoft.

birth in nature-a natural child birth

worthwords says...

>> with all kinds of drama and tests, and poking and prodding.

In the western world, infant and maternal mortality has plummeted thanks to improved hygiene and good medical care, but these days there is a big emphasis on offering choice to the woman. In the UK If the pregnancy is deemed low risk then midwife only hospital delivery is offered as a basic right and the women can choose often choose pool birth, or home birth if they wish.
The latest NICE guidelines even go so far as to say that a woman should be able to ask for a c-section even if not medically indicated.
If the woman opts for something like opiate pain relief or an epideural then of course it becomes more medicalised but again it's a choice.

When you are on your second or third child, it often just pops out with little fuss where as the first baby is much more of an unknown. I'd be a lot less worried about a lady like this who has had 3 normal deliveries which i assume were uncomplicated.

The only think i'd say here is that babies get cold very quickly and so should be dried quickly rather than doused in brook water.

Iraq War Veteran Explains Decision to End His Life

nock says...

Yeah. I heard that part.

He makes it seem as if there is something that the medical community could have done to relieve his pain and that the VA docs purposely and sadistically withheld it. I think it was a lack of communication between him and his doctors which is failure enough, but there is probably nothing that could be done to make him pain free. I mean, putting him on strong pain meds will only make him constipated. Chronically, his pain tolerance will reset and he will require higher and higher dosages to obtain relief to the point that it is unsafe to increase the dose because of respiratory depression. I'm not saying his pain isn't real; I'm saying there were no good solutions to solving his problem.

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