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Women Attacked By Fake Cop In Road Rage On Highway 80

Audra was pulled over and given two tickets...

speechless says...

Well that's a relief. I was getting the silly thought in my head that you were using his account to cast votes for yourself, since his votes were generally cast within seconds of you submitting a sift. Glad to know that's not the case! Sorry for the bother your grand mintness!

mintbbb said:

@speechless Net hasn't been interested in getting involved in a LONG time now. I have told him that Choggie isn't around any more, but that hasn't changed his mind. I think he just burned himself with arguing here or something. Personally I am happy he isn't getting upset over VS stuff any more.

I also don't think he has access to VS from work any more like he used to.

I don't sift much any more, but when I do, I nudge him towards my unsifted queue, and he's kind enough to just check it out/upvote either before going to work or at lunch. Since it bothers you, I won't ask him any more.

I doubt he wants to start sifting again, but I'll let him know he's missed.

Colbert regarding the new AT&T

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

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Libertarian Atheist vs. Statist Atheist

robdot says...

In america anyway, the government provides clean water,sewers, police, fire depts, schools, safe roads. etc. Corps cant do business without highways,,or healthy consumers and workers. This guy is just a complete moron..the idea that bankers and corporations will self police or that markets self adjust has been proven wrong by history over and over. Who will plow the roads? who will build the damn roads? Who would build hoover dam? who would build sewers? Who would provide disaster relief? The lunacy of this idiots arguements are self evident.

Walrus Flash Mob & 20 Years of Pot Research

dannym3141 says...

I respect anyone's choice to do or not do anything they choose. I thought the same way about it until I started to wonder if I wanted to go to my grave not knowing what it felt like out of some stubborn desire to win an imaginary "drug free" sticker at the moment of my death.

I saw some people who smoked it and were a) not addicted or changed by the act and b) functioned excellently and contributed greatly to society (in the form of music and literature and art). So I tried it, and I'd say it taught me a way to cope with my brain and how it works, so I can fight long term depression.

I'm sorry that he didn't stress that there are absolutely no causal links established either between psychosis or education. I still strongly believe that there will be a link between psychosis or mental illness and the willingness or desire to try it - which in turn would give them medicinal relief and in effect they end up unwittingly self medicating. We know it has medicinal qualities as did our ancestors. I think that the link between poverty and social elements greatly affect the uptake rate, having grown up both in council estate (very poor) areas and middle class areas between parents I can vouch for that disparity personally.

I think it's an obvious logical conclusion, and all I need is evidence to disprove it. Until then I certainly will not apologise for using something that has been of the earth for millions of years over something mixed and concocted by pharmaceutical companies that have documented side effects, overdose risk, and actual addiction.

Seinfeld Wins CLIO - Rips Into Advertising

MilkmanDan says...

I liked how the laughs and applause got progressively more uncomfortable / hesitant as he went on... And then the applause when he finished was second only to when he started -- palpable relief?

/thumbs up for sticking it to slimy advertisers right in their face, Jerry!

the man who gets 100 orgasms a day

BicycleRepairMan says...

Oh man, I feel genuinely sorry for this guy, but when the sex therapist said she wanted to find him some relief, I honestly almost did a spit-take. Jesus Christ what a terrible wording.

worthwords (Member Profile)

leebowman says...

"If it were done as a single nerve in a direct route, it would be subject to damage from a jerking head motion"

"That doesn't make much sense as all nerves start as large bundles and get smaller as they subdivide."

Correct. My point was only that a shorter route might not be beneficial, even though the right inferior laryngeal nerve goes directly to the larynx. After rethinking that statement, I retract [or redact] it. Either way would work.

Stress relief, however, is in place due to nerve bundling. I haven't done any dissections myself [yet], but from the video, it is apparent that the RLN in the giraffe's neck was well secured in its pathway to the larynx, requiring scalpel separation, rather than hanging loose, and thus well protected from damage due to shock.

I have read where descending aortal repairs in the upper section [arch] can cause damage to the RLN, resulting in subsequent hoarseness to the patient, and I can see why. This is just something that surgeons have to deal with.

But the argument that "no designer would ever make a mistake like that" makes an unfounded assumption, that IF there was a designer involved, that it could/would have been done differently. Dawkins' view of design implementation assumes a bottom up, de novo approach, which is not what ID proposes, at least from my perspective. I view ID as incremental gene tweaking to modify existent physiologies, at least subsequent to the Cambrian era.

"Imperfection is the norm but a lot of it won't cause disease. The idea that you can pick and choose which part of biology a designer intervenes baffles me."

Complex integrated designs like mammalian anatomy will always be subject to imperfections, failures, and can be improved upon. As far as how designs were implemented, the evidence is that they were incremental, and may have varied as to the source, and the methodologies.

Earlier complex designs may have been 'de novo', compound eyes for example, but in later eras, modifications appear to be modifications of what's there. Thus, it's entirely possible that design implementations may have been from various sources, and using various techniques.

But back to the question of 'bad design' as a refutation of design, I do not see the RLN as an indication of that, just a progression from earlier mammalian forms, as well as a necessary result of the descent of a functional heart as the embryo develops. Same for the male vas deferens.

Evolution's shortcoming is Intelligent Design's Downfall

leebowman says...

If it were done as a single nerve in a direct route, it would be subject to damage from a jerking head motion. This way, the slack (and bundling) adds protection to individual nerves. And again, it works just fine, in ALL mammals.

Let's coin a new term. How about 'stress relief'?

Another point. The heart is functional before it descends into an expanding chest cavity, taking ancillary nerves along for the ride.

And lastly, the evidence points to incremental phenotypic alterations along with some jumps here and there. The first is indicative of environmental adaptations, with possible genetic manipulations [ID] on occasion.

In fact, we ourselves are on the cusp of being able to alter phenotypic outcomes, by PCR, electrophoresis, and subsequent spicing to alter structures and codes. For our progress at this point, search 'genetic engineering'.

While not proof of prior gene altering to alter phenotypes, it is at least evidence that it can be done, while at this juncture, no substantiating evidence exists for random mutations, HGT, and genetic drift to radically alter body plans. Just for minor quantitative adaptive alterations [pigmentation, bone density, fur and hair content, metabolism rates, and yes, cephalic index, essentially brain size increases].

IOW, the evidence clearly points to both microevolution, a likely 'designed-in' function to aid in survival, as well as ID for radical re-designs, possibly by multiple intelligentsia over vast time. Google MDT for more on that possibility.

Rise of the Super Drug Tunnels: California's Losing Fight

Jerykk says...

I'm not really concerned if someone is an addict or a criminal. I'm simply concerned with the repercussions of hard drugs being made readily available for anyone to use. The prohibition did increase crime, sure, but the availability of liquor since then has caused far more deaths and ruined many more lives. Hell, in 2010, alcohol killed almost as many people in the U.S. as guns did. Tobacco causes more than 5 million deaths worldwide each year. Just because something is legal doesn't mean it isn't harmful. The widespread availability of liquor and tobacco has caused more damage than the entire war on drugs.

As for education, I don't think that's the root of the problem. Everyone knows that smoking is unhealthy and that alcohol is addictive and that driving while drunk is incredibly dangerous. The problem isn't lack of awareness. The problem is apathy. People know these things yet do them anyway because they just don't care. The momentary relief/pleasure derived from liquor and cigarettes is more important to them. If all drugs were legalized, I have no doubt that more people would use them because they'd be easier to get and people don't really care about the downsides.

Israel bombs U.N. school shelter, murdering children

chingalera says...

Hear, hear...A lonely voice of sanity, crying-out in a wilderness of the self-deluded...

I'd offer...Who gives a fiddler's fuck whose missile hit whose fight club incubator? Missiles found stacked neatly at two United Nations Relief and Works Agency school buildings to-date, and as far as that shit goes who is to say it wasn't the UN who brokered the bomb deal and sent the blue-helmet fucks to deliver 'em?

I have a suggestion: Israels' a big boy now (the 'dybbuk' have come a long way since 1947)... How about the rest of the world back the way back from The Never Ending Storyline of Real-Jew/Fake-Jew vs Persians (2700+ years and counting??) and let all interested parties duke it the fuck out? Oh and by all means, think of the children, consume more news-corp spin, and go out and get yourselves some solar-powered Vitamin D maybe??

I know...Let's identify and list 24/7-365 the names and addresses on news-tickers worldwide of the DAMAGED WHITE PEOPLE who manufactured the ordinance and continue to bank Hanover Phist on regional conflicts worldwide (while stealing $$ from the planet's wage-slaves) and eliminate ALL THOSE motherfuckers??

...'and the world, will be a better place'

Kesavaram said:

Wow.. the amount of liberal crap is overflowing on this site..
I guess everyone has an agenda/interest defending the Palestinians.. while making sarcastic jokes about Jewish propaganda. and not even bothering to verify the facts.
It has been proven, as for today, that Hamas missile hit that U,N school.
But i'll bet it matters little to you guys.

5 'Jurassic Park' Plot Holes With Horrifying Implications

Fuck The Poor

George Lucas Explains The Concept Of The Lightsaber.

Drachen_Jager says...

So... if Star Wars is all about action, adventure, chivalry, pirate movies and swashbuckling, WTF is up with the prequels?

Lucas forgot about all that and thought, "You know what this series needs is some galactic C-Span, whiny teenagers, overly contrived plots, and cutesey CGI comic-relief characters. Oh and don't forget a double-dose of nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo (because Luke didn't sell it enough in Empire)."

Ricky Gervais on Jimmy Kimmel 3/14

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