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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Nice non sequitor, but you've got your racist trope was never 99%. Liar.

In 2012 it was reportedly 91% black on black murders and dropping, and at the same time > 85% of whites murdered were killed by whites. The minor difference is easily explained by red lining, the real estate trick famously used by Trump of denying rental or home sales to black people, forcing black people to only live in certain "black" areas while whites may mix with any cultures they wish and live where they choose. You're just making up racist statistics to excuse your racist positions....again.

Edit: add the same amount to white on white crime that you dishonestly added to black on black crime and whites are the problem, far more likely to kill another white than a black man is to kill another black man. Turnabout is fair play...nothing is more dangerous to the white than Republican government policies and moronic and dishonest white liars like yourself. Fix the big issue of dishonest racist assholes and the Republican party will fade away.

Police killed many without shooting them, see George Floyd, so those are badly misleading statistics....and they still show a police murder rate of blacks at >1/2 that of whites even though there are 5 times more whites, because police are racist and shoot black people with far less provocation daily.....assume the unknowns are black, they shoot and murder more blacks at >5 times the per capita rate of whites. What was your point again?

And keep in mind, these are the statistics reported by police, and most don't report them. There is no national database of police shootings by design, the police don't want one and fought against every attempt to create one because they know how bad it would look, and they are on an honor system of 100% voluntary reporting by the same departments that cause them, departments with a huge incentive to lie and hide the truth, and a professional culture of lying to get what they want.

bobknight33 said:

Nothing more dangerous to the black than Democratic government policies and "enlightened" white Liberals.
99% black on Black murders 1% cop on black murders. Fix the big issue and the 1% will fade away

2018 breakdown of the 995 people shot and killed by the police.

403 were white,
210 were black,
148 were Hispanic, 3
8 were classified as other, and
199 were classified as unknown.

Out of that 995, 47 were unarmed — 23 were white, 17 were black, 5 were Hispanic, and 2 were unknown.
948 victims were armed

Viral How Much Did Your Divorce Cost

StukaFox says...

I have a friend who is very, very, VERY rich. Years ago, he married a total psycho chick, realized his mistake, and bailed out of that marriage a couple of years later.

He told me later that after the dust settled, he did the math and it worked out his marriage cost him about $2,500 an -HOUR- in immediate losses. When he worked out the long term costs in investment appreciation, compounded interests, real estate values and a slew of other "sundry" losses that alone were worth more than we'll see in 10 lifetimes, he would have needed to add another zero.

It gets better/worse.

He plays online poker and is very good at it. Just for fun, he went into business with one of the early online poker site's founders and helped write the security for the site. Because of a bunch of legal shit, he was paid in BTC, which was selling for about $50 a "coin" then. His now-wife freaked the fuck out and made him sell it. His estimate of THAT little loss, according to him (he told me this when BTC was at around $40k) would have been enough to offset his divorce settlement by a factor of about 2.5.

Do the math.

White House Chief of Staff Admits Quid Quo Pro in Ukraine

Drachen_Jager says...

I've said it before, but it bears repeating. Trump didn't care that everyone assumed he was hiding his taxes because he was committing tax fraud. That means the truth is worse.

What's worse than a felony in Trump's world?

People realizing he's bankrupt.

Why does Russia have such a hold over him?

Well, we know he's borrowed huge sums from Russian oligarchs, we don't know how much, because he won't open up his finances, but it's a pretty safe bet those loans are all that's keeping him afloat.

Everything that he's done only lends proof to the hypothesis. He bends over backwards for Russia or any tin pot dictator who can do him a 'favour' and he uses every bit of power he can muster to throw business toward his failing empire.

Trump was never a good businessman. His father cheated the tax code to gift him New York real-estate that would be worth 12 Billion today if Trump had simply held on and maintained the properties. Decades of wheeling and dealing later, he himself claimed he was worth about 2 Billion, and most realistic estimates placed his wealth well below a Billion. And that's in spite of his fraud, chicanery, stiffing contractors and investors, and general malfeasance.

He's always been an idiot. He's been blacklisted for decades by every American bank. They won't touch him, they won't look at his business plans and they won't even think of giving him any kind of loan.

How any American can look at him and think he has the slightest clue what he's doing, or think he actually cares about anyone other than himself is beyond me.

When A Racing Drone Pilot Gives You A Tour Of His New Home

Vox: The Green New Deal, explained

newtboy says...

Real estate professionals disagree with your assumption.

Also, just try to get a loan for a just above sea level property, or insurance.
And you must think Venice is spending billions to mitigate sea rise as a socialist jobs program, not because of increasing damage from flooding.
Once again, minimal investigation shows that the facts don't jibe with your claims.

Oh believer of self serving lies told by convicted frauds and proud liars you are.

bobknight33 said:

IF GW was true then coastal property would be cheep and going cheaper. people would be leaving at a higher rate. But ITS NOT. People are buying like there is no tomorrow.

Oh believer of junk science you are.

Liberal Redneck - Mueller Report Schmueller Report

newtboy says...

Stop being stupidly catty. Many investigators are Republicans including Mueller.
<1/6 of the Clinton investigation over a legal real estate deal, which found zero, amounted to zero, and you want to reopen it and investigate a private citizen with another special council with no target or budget limits...but this investigation was over treason and a felon filled administration that's committed uncountable (and been convicted of uncountable) felonies since Trump was elected, run by Trump appointees he only called Democrats when they wouldn't illegally do his bidding, then ended by two Trump sycophants that said it should be quashed before being appointed.

And you still whine like a little bitch. WTF, man, grow up. Your children are more adult. I bet they don't whine and pout when they get what they want.

Trump underhandedly won a single legal round, out of how many? He's almost as exonerated as Jussie is, which is barely at all legally and only that because of special treatment, and not a bit factually.
The report said they found no proof of illegal "collusion" with Russia and Trump directly over the election interference his friend Putin undertook for Trump's sole benifit, but also said he committed obstruction, but Mueller was instructed he could not indict Trump himself, and his bosses who told him that they must be the one's to indict blatantly prejudged the investigation publicly long long ago, it's why they were chosen for the positions, so there never was jeopardy, yet Trump fought tooth and nail against it making it take 4 times longer, wasting far more than necessary because he simply can't ever testify without perjuring himself dozens of times, not even to clear himself. He simply cannot tell the truth, or even avoid lying for an entire sentence, so we had to investigate his actions, and will again.
Sad, very sad.

Now he's tossing another promise and going after pre-existing condition protections like he repeatedly specifically promised to never do....and you love it I'm sure. So very very sad.

bobknight33 said:

24/7/365 for 600+ days that Trump is a Russian puppet and $30 Million report that said other wise and still can't accept the fact that Trump won. No collusion found by Muller and his 16 Clinton loving puppets.

And this is the best Sift post about the loss. Sad, very sad.

AOC Sets Groundwork To Subpoena Trump's Taxes And Council

newtboy says...

Bob. You're repeating nonsense. Flynn contacted the Russian government and made deals with them, on Trump's behalf and at Trump's direction, in contradiction to the current administration....Obama....which is a serious felonious crime called treason, then he lied about it repeatedly under oath. No one set up a thing besides an opportunity to come clean, which he failed to do.

Duh, Bob....every conviction of an administration member is related to Trump, if these were Obama administration officials, you would undeniably blame him for each and every charge, but Trump must not be a leader in your eyes or you would also blame him for his own people, certainly.

No, Bob, this is to ensure a dishonest president doesn't try to kill the FBI investigation or just hide it's findings, like he's tried dozens of times to do. Because your ilk refuses to follow the law or constitutional obligations, more investigation is not only proper, it's required....and from what I read it's 81.
This is about any number of new crimes divulged by Trump's personal fixer, and who would know better? It's also about his uncountable public displays of obstruction and seeing what other illegal steps he's taken to try to end the investigation before results are known.

Trump spends that much taxpayer money at his own golf clubs monthly, you don't care a whit about the money, you would jump at the opportunity to spend ten times that investigating Clinton over pedophile pizza places or any other nonsense. I'm certain you didn't complain when Republicans spent over $80 million to investigate a real estate deal and only found an inappropriate blow job....Trump wishes he had that little to investigate, we already know far more and far worse about him by his own admission.

Trump is far more than enough by himself to keep people on the anti Trump train, people like me couldn't be dragged off it with a minor temporary tax rebate....and weren't.
It would be sad, if we believed you were an American, that you were so deluded and biased that investigating clear obstruction looks like a political ploy to you, but I have a seriously hard time believing you are for real, real people can't exist so incredibly biased and blinded, you go so far overboard in your support of an admitted fraud (Trump stole money from poor people and gave them no education in return, Trump personally admitted under oath it was a pure fraud) it's simply not rational, and you don't spout off enough about lizard people to believe you believe it.

But then you say something stupid like "its going off the rails, just like the Democrat party" ignoring that the Democrats won the last election handily because Americans don't like a crazed, narcissistic, fraud president with worsening dementia or sycophantic representatives and want them investigated, the Republican party derailed in summer 16 but you won't get out of the burning wreck.

Like I said, it's the state charges that should worry you....Pence can't pardon those.

bobknight33 said:

Flynn was a set up process crime. He should be pardoned.

All in all no conviction related to Trump. ZERO.

" 80 individuals and organizations received official requests for documents t" Muller spent $25 Million and already been there / done that.... This is just Democrats attempt to keep people like you on the anti Trump train.

Look out its going off the rails, just like the Democrat party.

Trump and Kim - The Movie

oblio70 says...

Had the chance at what exactly, Bob? Why don't you count the number of times DPKR signed previous promises only to break them as Trump excused all their infractions for them by repeating Kim's line of "it was the Wests' fault". Who exactly is he the President of, seriously? He literally apologized for defending our Allies, "like a Bitch", to use his own phrase. He excused the regime and the individual of truly horrific crimes by saying "it's tough" to lead a country (giving himself ideas to run with).

I fail to see how even you, Bob, could be optimistic about the so-called "Summit".

Besides a Photo Op, this was just another opportunity for our President to do more under-the-table deals, because only the deeply corrupt play that game. Mr Real Estate just gushed about the incredible beachfront condo opportunities just waiting...for him to get at.

bobknight33 said:

All presidents had the chance yet Trump took it.

Hope something positive occurs.. The people of NK have been devastated last 60 years.

New Rule: Conspiracy Weary | Real Time with Bill Maher

newtboy says... nearly every person involved in the Trump campaign having Russian ties, many having been convicted of lying under oath about them doesn't count.....why?
Directly asking Putin to hack a political rival, which he does, then using that hack as a political tool/unreported campaign donation doesn't count.....why?
Clinton having official contact as part of her job as secretary of state counts....why?

No Bob. Those are not the same thing, that's why they are spelled, sound, and are defined differently. Not that surprising you're confused though. Words are's ok, buddy, keep trying, you'll get it.

Nope....not the only republican by far.....I specifically meant McConnell.

Yes, time will tell. This admission you've now made makes your repeated whining about how long the investigation has taken with no proof of direct collusion yet released (except the convictions and guilty pleas over subordinates collusion and consistently lying about it) pretty damn ridiculous.
In fact, clear Trump collusion has been found, it was just by Jr when he met Russians looking for dirt on Clinton but maybe not at the direction of daddy Trump because it's reasonable to think he's not a real leader, even of his campaign.
Yes, it's more likely the investigation will turn up other, far more easily prosecuted crimes, like campaign finance violations and more frauds, and never prosecute for hard to prove treason (unless Putin gets upset and turns over documents proving collusion). Recall, Ken Star was looking at Whitewater, which proved to be nothing more than a bad real estate deal the Clintons lost money on, but he did charge Clinton with non related crimes anyway.....5 years+- into his investigation. If you think Trump is cleaner or smarter than either Clinton, you're delusional. He's bragged about buying politicians for decades....on tape. That's not considered clean or smart by most people.

bobknight33 said:

You spinning out of control Newt. Your Trolling does not bother me.

The ONLY Russian connection to the election was with the Hillary camp.

" Spy-a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.
Informant-a person who shares information." So a Spy and Informant are the same thing/ So there was a spy in the Trump camp.. Thanks for admitting it.

Gowdy is is the only Republican supporting Muller investigation.

Time will tell where the Muller investigation leads, Maybe a blue dress somewhere, but it will have nothing to do with Trump Russian collusion.

In Saturn's Rings 8K (Narrated by LeVar Burton) 2018 Trailer

wtfcaniuse says...

It's entirely down to viewing distance and the viewer's vision. 4k is pointless at "normal" viewing distances. Whereas you need something like 16k to match visual acuity in VR. Unless you're simply interested in screen real estate.

kir_mokum said:

even as a file, it would probably chug here and there, depending on the compression and how beefy your machine is. 8K is fucking HUGE and SO unnecessary unless you have an imax theatre in your living room.

Gun Control Explained With Cats

newtboy says...

That is an awful argument......and it kind of makes you an anarchist. Let me explain.
No law ever has completely stopped the crimes they outlaw. By your measure, no law should exist.
E.g. speed laws don't prevent speeding by all cars, theft laws don't prevent theft by all thieves, bribery laws don't prevent bribes by all real estate tycoons, drug laws actually increase drug related crimes, but firearm laws must prevent all misuse of all weapons, not even just all firearms, or forget it?!

Your requirements of gun control are completely...insanely... unrealistic.

Also...crazy cat lady is "using those cats to claw your face" just like shooting wildly into a neighborhood is "using a gun to shoot you". Her irresponsibility directly created a situation that endangered the neighborhood and caused damage, no? Damage caused by firing unguided fur missiles is always the shooters responsibility, not the missiles'.

opism said:

this is an awful explanation, as there is nothing using the cat to "claw your face". guns are just a tool right? there are LOTS of tools. offer solutions that will actually prevent death, by all tools, and you will have my attention.

Town Where Chinese Millionaires House their Kid and Mistress

SpaceX - BFR - Anywhere on Earth in an Hour

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