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Robotic exoskeleton makes for real-life RoboCop

The World According to Monsanto - A documentary...

choggie says...

One of a few corporations I have a personal hard-on for utterly destroying......their legacy will be one dwarfed only by Dow Chemicals and Raytheon, as having been instrumental in fist-fucking planet E.

Kill them all, abscond with their assets, establish a tribunal, erase their memory completely.....

Real world force field for combat vehicles

aspartam says...

Totally real.
"MSNBC has reported that there is resistance to incorporating Trophy in the US Army. The U.S. Department of Defense has contracted with Raytheon to develop an equivalent system, which will not be ready before 2011 at the earliest (but now declines to say whether it still is on course to meet that deadline),[1] whereas Trophy could be deployed much sooner. According to MSNBC's sources, the reason for not adopting Trophy for now is that it would remove the need for the Raytheon program"

Wonder why this information has been kept from us, how about "supporting our troops"? Even FOX talked about it, probably only once though.

Read more about it here.

choggie (Member Profile)

rottenseed says...

What the hell is this Nibiru crap? I looked for info and all I got was Hillary Clintonesque explanations with foofoo pseudoscience and newage background music.

and maybe Im just a sucker for being gullible enough to check into something that sounded interesting.

In reply to this comment by choggie:
Have heard all the angles of chem trails...maybe they are running sorties with testing aircraft-
Perhaps they are conditioning our immune systems in order to assist in pharmaceutical company distribution-
Could they be doing what they have always done?? Secret need-to-know sheit, right under the noses of the cattle??? I think So!!!

Oh, and I have a new theory on HAARP, the High Frequency Active Auroral Reasearch Project, over in Alaska......Perhaps, the Dept.of the Navy and Raytheon, are bombarding the ionosphere with microwaves, in order to study Global Warming effects of this next fat wave of solar flares, coming soon to a planet near the bottom of yer feet, or, using it to scope out Niburu, and the gravity-fucking wave of destruction she may dish out, when her fat ass enters the solar system, in or around, December of 2012...

IN ANY CASE, all you who fancy yerselves intelligent, or otherwise deluded or full of yerselves, one thing is a dead certainty.......If there is some nefarious shit going on, being perpetrated by the government, or some bastard stepchild abortion of an agency outside of, but somehow connected to, a government...YOU (as in we) WILL BE THE LAST TO KNOW WTF!

CHEMTRAILS: Is U.S. Gov't. Secretly Testing Americans 'Again (Wtf Talk Post)

choggie says...

Have heard all the angles of chem trails...maybe they are running sorties with testing aircraft-
Perhaps they are conditioning our immune systems in order to assist in pharmaceutical company distribution-
Could they be doing what they have always done?? Secret need-to-know sheit, right under the noses of the cattle??? I think So!!!

Oh, and I have a new theory on HAARP, the High Frequency Active Auroral Reasearch Project, over in Alaska......Perhaps, the Dept.of the Navy and Raytheon, are bombarding the ionosphere with microwaves, in order to study Global Warming effects of this next fat wave of solar flares, coming soon to a planet near the bottom of yer feet, or, using it to scope out Niburu, and the gravity-fucking wave of destruction she may dish out, when her fat ass enters the solar system, in or around, December of 2012...

IN ANY CASE, all you who fancy yerselves intelligent, or otherwise deluded or full of yerselves, one thing is a dead certainty.......If there is some nefarious shit going on, being perpetrated by the government, or some bastard stepchild abortion of an agency outside of, but somehow connected to, a government...YOU (as in we) WILL BE THE LAST TO KNOW WTF!

The Hunting of the Wumpus

choggie says...

had that TI plastic clown, that had the removable cross-sections of face parts....if you put the nose on too soon, he would say you were silly.......then got a job, 28 years later, at Raytheon!!

HAARP,Chemtrails, and Freeman

choggie says...

Funny-the homepage for HAARP has gone through many iterations, these poor Raytheon guys keep having to change their stories, while sticking to the original framework of their public affairs campaign......"We are the largest defense contractor on the planet, studying the aurora! RIGHT??!


AL GORE: Global Warming Testimony 3.21.07

choggie says...

Man he looks's hard, it must be, running around the globe advocating shut-down. Again, please, most agendas are multi-faceted, and surely, Gore's motivation is partially sincere, in his dire and grave scenario of Carbon dioxide: "The evil gas"
The plaentary emergengy he speaks of is real- and it is grave-a grave he will dig for us all if he wins over the hearts, and emotions of those who deny real issues...The real issue of the mechanism that is defective, exclusive, and still alive-We are headed for planetary change, but nothing as linear as us slowly polluting ourseves.....this is the pollution that may kill us-the masters of disinformation, like Gore, like Raytheon, like HAARP staff/Navy Dept.

The climate crisis, the possibility exists, is cyclical.....not to mention the core samples of the ice shelves, sea-floors, and datum that point to a massive eruption that fucked this planet up 75000yrs ago.

Make no fucking mistake! If Yellowstone, Etna and those assoc with her, or the magma chambers that Japan has under her , ever decide to may as well suck a tailpipe, or breath in a big healthy dose of free-silica from a sandbag, because humans are history....and not in some 1000 yr iteration, but BOOM!

When you hear Gore say some subjective bullshit like "These aren't normal times"
"What, Mr. Gore, does that mean?"

This poor guy-most poor folks-

However many millions of tons of C02 we dump, planet Earth dumps more!!!
One thing is certain.....We are all going to die.
Most likely, it will be from paying attention to diversion like this.

Stop Sunspots!!
Better than that, stop bullying yerself Al......


HAARP-Primer, For Those Who Don't Know....

choggie says...

what is HAARP, do we know??? No-we know what the Department of the Navy(all their "experts") and, Raytheon-(largest defense contractor in the world) says, but like any other subject or this nature, the masses are forty years late in their own bullshit, and ill-equipped to clarify......

This fucking thing pumps gigawatts of microwaves, into the ionosphere, to, what they told the curious in the beginning, "Study the Aurora Borealis".....give me a fucking break...that is straight outta area 51 swamp-gas shit!!!

Now.....the technology is based on a lotta' Tesla's ideas...what happened to Tesla when he did not want to play ball with the "visionaries" who wanted to give him the most money??????...He said, in essence...."Fuck the Military" his bio, and see the process of the discrediting, and subsequent humiliating, end.....

and hey buggy, I like Dean Stockwell.....Kim and Ben.....two greatest roles.....

and, is'nt Wikepedia some blog-based consortium of purple monkey dishwasher, esp., one would suspect, on subjects with sensitive military applications????

The Electric Car--Sponsored by the U.S. Gasoline Industry!

choggie says...

Ahhh the electric car..
"They all luaghed at Christopher Columbus when he said the earth was round; they all laughed when Edison recorded sound!" They all laughed at Nikola Tesla, when he tried to give it free-now the laughs on us courtesy of Raytheon and the Dept of the Navyyyy!!!

Body Armour: Vietnam And Now

Farhad2000 says...

Wow, I can't believe you guys. Do you really need the Daily Show to mock this clip for you to see the flipside of this? The advertisement is clearly aimed to get a gut reaction in the viewer, so you are convinced immediately. Such cheap political tactics are just subversive. And I wouldn't support a candidate who does that.

This administration is filled with pork barell politics, how can you explain this system being refused because Raytheon already had a goverment contract to develop a similar system several years down the line, but there is a system there now! There entire system needs to change. Armed forces should be able to independtly purchase their equipment.

Further more this addressing this issue is like dousing the fire of a skyscraper in flames. There is a big problem with the conflict America is in, there aren't enough forces, the forces that are there are spread thin doing police duty, the situation is chaotic. The conflict, the people who took you there are the problem.

This is a band aid fix for a gunshot wound, you cannot fight a war when you cut taxes but increase spending, promise to deliver results of military truimph while having less forces, that's just ridiculous. Such cheap political ads, got us into this siutation of living in a world full of he said she said gossip and bs while the real issues get lost in the noise. How else can you explain an administration winning on morality grounds concerned about homosexuality while it's involved in a war and economic spiralling.

Army shuns this system to combat RPGs and save lives...

Krupo says...

your sentiments are not out of line, westy, but I think in this case it's a case of wanting to *waste* money, as indicated by farhard's comment describing the Raytheon program...

Idiot pork-barrel politicians. Can't even get war right.

I mean, honestly, even if you support military efforts, it gets really annoying to see these greedy amateur bitches interfering in the process! At least in ancient Rome incompetent political leaders got killed much more frequently...

Army shuns this system to combat RPGs and save lives...

Farhad2000 says...

Well actually it can't be hacked or destroyed easily. I mean in terms of advanced electronics, most battle tanks and APC's have tons of it and they are still reliable. Plus the radar system is of a panel design along the lines of a Aegis 360 radar system.

Ultimately my main point from this video is to quote wiki - "MSNBC has reported that there is resistance against incorporating TROPHY in the US Army. The US has contracted Raytheon to develop an equivalent system, which will not be ready before 2011 at the earliest, whereas TROPHY could be deployed much sooner. According to MSNBC's sources, the reason for not adopting TROPHY for now, and saving US lives in Iraq and other places, is that it would remove the need for the Raytheon program, causing it to be canceled."

So basically the current system which works, and can be depolyed right now, is shunned in favour of a Raytheon program that would only be ready in 2011! That's just complete and utter neglience and pork barrel polictics.

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