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newtboy says...

The context isn’t missing. You just don’t like it.
He was bragging and defending himself against accusations that he wanted to invade Iran by showing the secret plans and saying "Well, with Milley -- uh, let me see that, I'll show you an example. He said that I wanted to attack Iran. Isn't that amazing? I have a big pile of papers, this thing just came up. Look. This was him. They presented me this -- this is off the record, but -- they presented me this. This was him. This was the Defense Department and him, We looked at some. This was him. This wasn't done by me, this was him. All sorts of stuff -- pages long, look. Wait a minute, let’s see here. I just found, isn’t that amazing? This totally wins my case, you know. Except it is like, highly confidential. Secret. This is secret information. Look, look at this. This was done by the military and given to me."
This recording is from summer 2021 when Trump spoke to a team who was researching a book written by Mark Meadows and some of his own staff, none of which had clearance. This is the same document he said he could have declassified but didn’t, so it’s still top secret. Look!
The transcript is part of the now public indictment. You won’t hear about it on right wing propaganda outlets, because it’s all unthinkably treasonous.
The photos are also from that indictment, and some are reported to show party goers posing with the boxes full of stolen classified documents (faces blurred to protect the innocent party goers).

Pretty hilarious the insane convoluted theories you’re willing to accept without a shred of evidence just because some random guy on the internet said it was true once, but when presented with a sworn indictment containing direct audio tape and testimonial evidence of Trump sharing what he admitted were highly classified state secrets with random people with no security clearance and evidence he stored classified state secrets in ball rooms he rented out with them on stage complete with photos you need more context. 🤦‍♂️

Edit: Be honest with yourself if you can…we know the truth you don’t have to say it….if the charges were against Biden with the same evidence you would be screaming for the firing squad, wouldn’t you. (I would just insist on a trial first)

bobknight33 said:

Totally missing context.

That being said If he actually let the other look at the doc contents then that could be a big problem.

For now this is just shock headlines for gullible people, like newtboy

Ukraine war current status

newtboy says...

I know the media YOU watched was fake, 1 sided propaganda for the extreme right and outright insanity like Qanon. I know anything less you call liberal fake news no matter how many times it’s proven correct.
Edit: so we’re clear, you gave up on cable news, where you got all your info 2015-2023 because they’re fake, biased, government propaganda and have LOWERED your standards to random internet YouTube “news” channels that only repeat what they heard on cable news with some exaggeration and misinterpretation? Um….ok.

No sir, I’ve never watched what you call “news” except as an example of the nonsense the right is spouting. I watch real news, usually from multiple sources, then verify. That’s why you never catch me spouting the kind of debunked nonsense you spout, and why I don’t have to slink away in shame 5 times a week and ignore your baseless accusations, but instead can debunk each and every one with factual information.

I would rather watch actual news then look into what they touched on than propaganda channels that get me to believe the stupidest anti American nonsense and lies, like the lies they convinced you to repeat about Covid, Jan 6, Pelosi, CRT, lizard people, space lasers, 9/11 was an inside job, pizza pedophiles are inter dimensional travelers, Ukraine started this war, Russia is winning, the US destroyed the German pipeline, etc.
You have never searched the internet for completeness of any issue, you look for someone spouting the same nonsense you are and think rando internet trolls that watched the same internet news and regurgitate it are corroborating it, not just repeating it.

They took the parts full of Russian illegals and Russian “separatists” that never accepted Ukraine as a separate nation, the parts that didn’t fight back or had already been taken by Russian backed separatist terrorists….Mexico took back more of Texas than Russia has Ukraine….how did that turn out? This war was supposed to take Russia 2 weeks to take over a mostly unarmed nation with no real military. Instead civilians with little weaponry and much less training have descimated them at over a 3-1 rate despite being outmatched 2-1 in population. There hasn’t been any significant addition to Russian territory in years, but NATO has doubled its border with Russia and is rapidly expanding.
Russia is SO inept it couldn’t take an unarmed nation 1/4 full of Russians.

Lol. Sucker. Their “taking bakhmut” footage was fake.

So, even your propaganda says Russia hasn’t taken it? Odd, they claimed to have taken it all 2 weeks ago….which you repeated.

What, you want individual UNVERIFIED videos of Ukrainians taking out Russians? There’s one posted every 5 minutes. Many can be found here -

How about one of Russia bombing Russia?

Or Ukraine getting more troops
Or Russia taking insane losses in Bakhmut

Not that anything but a fat old white guy sitting in front of a camera saying Russia is winning will convince you.

Edit: Wait….you think I have “followers”!?! It would be news to me. How many do I have? Could I start my own cult yet? I hear it’s a great way to get rich.

bobknight33 said:

Well I gave up on watching cable fake news. You know the media is fake/ 1 sided. propaganda for the government .

However there are plenty of sheeple, like you who do watch the fake news.

Rather watch cable news who will provide less than 2 min talk and will "leave it there" without getting a full picture , only a snippet. I rather search the internet for more completeness.

As you say "Russian military is so inept " but they have taken a good part of Ukraine.

"Didn’t you say 2 weeks ago Russia was poised to crush Ukraine and had taken Bahkmut…".... I did say that and I am correct.

Bakhmut is a major objective and Ukraine is loosing. Now nearly 80% taken.

Please post Ukraine is winning videos. IF you can find them. Please enlighten me and your sheeeple followers.

I'm not interested on some general sitting in front on some senate hearing saying Ukraine is winning -- show actual news .

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

More Thomas criminality- Thomas sold his 1/2 interest in his mother’s house to Crow for an above market price of $133000 in 2014 (and likely hers for the same price) and did not report it on his financial disclosure form, a clear specific requirement of government code for any real estate transaction over $1000, including for supreme court justices and including sales to “friends”.

Crow also improved the home and allows Thomas’s mother to live there rent free, also not reported, but it’s less clear how criminal that is despite its clearly being unethical bribery.
Crow also bought and bulldozed the neighbors homes so she wouldn’t have noisy neighbors….I mean because he really just wanted to beautify that random neighborhood.

Of course, in your mind, nothing burger. Thomas clearly wouldn’t rule in favor of the man who funds his and his families extravagant opulent lifestyle and his wife’s high paying extreme right political lobbying group….never….and breaking ethics and tax laws don’t count if the perp is Republican.

Referred to the DOJ for prosecution. First time ever in history for justices. More MAGA greatness.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Try again….ask your handler to double check your English. This word salad is completely unintelligible and indigestible.

Ashley Babbitt. Traitor?

Let me attempt to translate….
Is Hunter Biden’s laptop a real story? No. Is it a real laptop? Yes. It it proven the data on it is really Hunter Biden’s? No. It it proven the data on it was really tampered with by republicans trying to create a story about a private citizen who is a relative of a political enemy? Yes.

Was January 6 a real (failed) seditious insurrection? Yes, absolutely, there are convictions on that charge if your eyes and ears aren’t enough to convince you. Attempting to stop the transfer of power so the election loser can retain power is how many coups happen.
Was it just a bunch of people with a few misfits in the bunch, absolutely not, it was a planned, “called up” violent mob directed by the ex president with the intent being to stop the transfer of power by “getting wild” with violent trial by combat and fighting hard by any means necessary, and they came WELL ARMED.

Covid masks BS or a useful tool against pandemic spreads? When used properly, the latter…but not a perfect panecea just like seatbelts don’t stop all traffic deaths. Proper universal mask use and social distancing could have prevented as many as half of cases in the US.

Covid hospitalization rate <3% or way way higher? The last reports I recall I think said around 3% of the overall population, but much higher among just adults….over 10% in some age categories. Were hospitals over run with patients to the point deathly ill people were sent home to die. Absolutely, for months, causing tens of thousands of preventable deaths….what you call a “nothing burger”.

Now you want random political questions as red herrings? Fine.

Biden. Above average president, not great but astonishing on jobs. He beat Trump, so he’s successful no matter what.
Biden mentally fit. Absolutely. Just gave the best, quickest, most intelligent SOU in recent memory, not a rambling self congratulatory stream of consciousness we got before Biden.

Trans surgery for minors? Not a real thing, a fantasy the right invented to be outraged over, like CRT. IF it were a real thing, which again it is NOT, it should be a decision between the minor, it’s parents, mental health professionals, and their physician…not the government that the right wants making medical decisions for citizens now. Reality is surgery is not done on minors unless absolutely medically necessary, only reversible chemical treatments. Another right wing fantasy. I bet you’re ok with fake boobs for teen girls though.

“Trans ideology” (define that) in the classroom? Not a real thing, but inclusion acceptance and tolerance in the classroom, absolutely undeniably good at all grade levels.

Newsom good or bad? Yes, both….but far more god than bad….$52 billion SURPLUS last year…hundreds of millions allocated to mental health programs to service and house homeless.

Now, do you have the spine to answer just one? I guarantee you don’t,snowflake.
Ashley Babbitt, treasonous insurrectionist cunt who violently smashed her way into the chambers before being properly shot by the police she was actively threatening/innocent victim of Biden?

bobknight33 said:

Wow, you are un-hinged.
Biden laptop? real?
Jan 6 a true insurrection of just a bunch of people, with some misfits in the group?

Covid masks BS or truly need.?
Covid hospitalization rate <3% or or way higher? Joe B. Great POTUS / Average/ below Average?
Joe B Fit to be POTUS or mentally lacking and should not be POTUS

Trans surgery for minors? Good or bad?
Trans ideology in the classroom? Good or Bad?

Governor Newsom Good or Bad?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Bwaaahahahaha…Greene in her first committe hearing claimed one elementary school in Illinois received $5.1 billion to teach CRT. As true as everything the right claims about CRT.
You morons. This is your best and brightest, your most moral (remember her multiple affairs with sex gurus, gym owners, and random men), and your party’s most honest and knowledgeable members. She can’t even lie well.

Dog Crashes Car

Khufu says...

ya, if not for safety... do it for your transmission.


I just remembered jeeps actually had a recall a few years back for electronic parking brakes randomly letting go... which is how Anton Yelchin died. Seems like that's not what happened here though.

moonsammy said:

Parked on a hill? Parking brake. Always.

Arrest In Break-In At Democrat Hobbs' Campaign Headquarters

newtboy says...

Holy bat shit Robin,
They caught the bad guy who tried to murder Pelosi and her husband.

Big surprise, his Facebook posts look EXACTLY like the stupid debunked nonsense you post constantly. Election denial, covid denials, Jan 6 denials, accusations that the Jan 6 bipartisan committee is “one sided”, idiotic memes, random conspiracy theories, and videos of Chump and Mikepillow.

Possibly the headquarters burglary was a random break in by a moron too dumb to know there’s nothing to steal there and not politically motivated (but still political nonetheless), highly unlikely but possible, but the attempted assassination was definitely more MAGA terrorism from typical everyday magots just like you.

Party of (this time just attempted) death, destruction, and debauchery, with more examples every single day, fool.

I think the right has never learned this truism….
Friedrich Nietzsche - Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.

You created false monsters to fight, now you are monsters.
You created an abyss of fantasy conspiracy theories to cudgel the left with, and they became your belief system.

bobknight33 said:

Holy Cat Shit Robin

The caught the bad guy.

Guy in VR Chat Talks About Their PTSD

newtboy says...

Agreed, that’s why I said “if you intentionally murdered…”.

I would even go farther and say IMO the near the same applies if you knowingly kill non-combatant women and children even if it’s while defending yourself and they aren’t your intended target… you should still feel bad about it and feel obligated to make it your lifetime mission to ensure their sacrifice benefits their families/village/country not just you.

Collateral damage is a fact of war, but IMO intentional collateral damage is a war crime. That would include intentional gross negligence, not making any effort to avoid it, randomly firing at civilians, indiscriminate bombing of civilian areas, etc. even if they’re being used as human shields.

Not saying that’s the case here, but it often is.

spawnflagger said:

Can't judge without knowing more details, but I'll give him benefit of the doubt and assume the women and children were unintended casualties or bystanders, perhaps from long range attack or grenades thrown blindly. "military precision" is a dumb phrase because there have been so many civilian casualties (estimates > 500k in Iraq)

When Taking Down "Anonymous" Goes Wrong

Khufu says...

so hard to concentrate on what is being said with all these random video clips... it's like having a conversation with someone who is also flipping channels on their tv. just why?

Why GM Says Its Ultium Batteries Will Lead To EV Dominance

newtboy says...

You really are a silly little toddler, aren’t you? Reading comprehension is clearly not a strong suit.
I read 6 articles YESTERDAY, not ever. I know, that sounds impossible at your reading level. You read what, press releases from Elon (but only the positive ones), internet videos from other Tesla fan boys whose channels are dedicated to supporting Tesla, and that’s it?

If you followed it, why do you get literally EVERYTHING wrong when you give statistics or even stated plans for the business? Why do you think a 32% drop is only 20%? Why do you think a 10% cut in employees and hiring freeze is a massive expansion? Why do you think an under 2% market share makes Tesla a competitor with trillion dollar well established companies? Why do you think right before a 1/3 drop in value is “the best time ever to buy, go all in”. Why do you think a stock above 100PE is a good buy? Why do you think the 1/3 drop is 100% due to Biden’s politics over the last 18 months (despite the massive gains it saw under Biden from the 800s to 1200s)? Why do you still say it’s a great time to buy despite Biden having 2 1/2 years left in his FIRST term, so what you claim is bringing Tesla down isn’t going to change? If you really follow Tesla, or if you really believe what you write, it only makes you look more delusional for the conclusions you reach based on the same information I’m reading.

No heart, no heartbeat. Yep. Just like that, where you claim a heart that doesn’t exist beats. You are a service tech at best, a barely literate pinball repairman with an ignorant opinion, not a doctor.

You just can’t stop with the delusions, can you. Bob, did you hit your head? You keep misremembering things over and over and over and over, but you are just certain you remember everything correctly.

It’s true…I did read some (probably near 50 by now) scientific articles (not religious propaganda), talked to dozens of doctors I knew personally (not random unlicensed techs with zero medical training, none required), took advanced biology and anatomy and organic chemistry classes where I got A’s in science consistently (you did not).
What did you read to decide there’s a heartbeat 6-10 weeks before a heart forms? Oh…nothing, you listened to some anti choice liar who said it and maybe a few device techs (without medical training) and you like the idea because it helps strip rights from women, who like everyone that’s not a white male Trumpist, you hate.

Really?! You try to ridicule me for talking to doctors, going to school, and reading, and think you know all about prenatal biology because you talked to some ultrasound device techs without any medical training or licensing who misinterpret a twitch as a “heartbeat” despite there being no heart….not that a heart makes an embryo a functioning human anyway, which IMO should be the deciding factor….if it can survive outside the womb, it’s a viable human, if not, it isn’t…no matter what, it has no right to force another human to be an incubator any more than an ANTIFA diabetic has the right to force you to hand over your kidney.

A heart that doesn’t exist can’t beat.

bobknight33 said:

You read 6 articles and know it all.

I've follow this daily since Jan 2020. But your right. You are "always " right.

Like the fetus heartbeat starts around week 7 or 8. I say this because I've been servicing medical ultrasound since 2021. I've seen more and listen to more techs than you ever could.

But you say, since your mom work at at the hospitable rand you read some articles you conclude just a electrical twitch.

Maybe you are the C) answer from above.

Some Big Moments From The Jan 6 Hearings So Far

newtboy says...

I do think it makes Hunter look like a baller. A dope fiend, maybe, but not as much of one as Rush or Don Jr who you LOVE so I reject your hypocrisy, and Hunter is infinitely cooler than either of them.

This is DEFINITELY the lifestyle Don Jr wishes he could live, but he’s WAY too uncool, whining, crying, doing lines, throwing fits, getting sloppy seconds if anything at all…Hunter is rolling deep, living large, having fun, surrounded by fun hot women having 3 ways, not shrieking shrews that can’t stand him or alone, coked out, rage posting.

Is Hunter presidential material….no. Does he have political ambitions….also no. Don Jr isn’t presidential one bit either, but he thinks it’s his birthright now, and guaranteed you would vote early and often for him.

Do I think Hunter is cool, likely fun to hang out with. Yes.
But he’s definitely no roll model.
On par with any Trump in that regard, but WAY cooler.

BTW- you might not want to bring up who he slept with considering Trump’s history of fucking (or trying to fuck) all of his “friends” wives, multiple porn stars, raping multiple random women and subordinates, lusting after 12 year olds in public, partying privately with Epstein and YOUNG girls, and blatantly saying publicly on more than one occasion that he also fucked his daughter. By comparison, Hunter looks good there too.

bobknight33 said:

You like it so much It is cool

School Police: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

Not sure where to put this news, but Sweet zombie Jebus….

Sunday morning in Denver there was another mass shooting, 6 shot….all shot by police. Only one was a suspect. The rest were on the crowded sidewalk in the line of fire when officers, not the suspect, opened fire with no concerns for public safety whatsoever.
Police spokesmen, when asked about police accountability for shooting randomly into a crowd of innocent bystanders said “accountability goes both ways”. WHAT!?!
No apologies or even really acknowledgment of any mistakes by police.

Now, not only can we not expect police to protect even children from murder when it’s 400-1, we can expect them to randomly commit mass murder and walk away blaming their victims.

High Quality Horizontally Spinning Rat

newtboy says...

Is it a meme?
I just thought it was funny randomness.

Khufu said:

how is this a meme? a 3d model turntable on grey is a very standard way to evaluate a model/texture at any studio. Super run-of-the-mill ordinary procedure here!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Actually no you haven’t, and yes you clearly do care what party they’re in. You may have said you think that, but your actions and arguments speak louder than your lies. Remember claiming you weren’t sexist at all minutes before (keyboard) screaming MGTOW!!!
Remember saying it was not just ok, but smart that Trump lied in depositions under oath? That only a stupid person would tell the truth if it might get them in trouble? Then you clearly stated wrong is right….and those are not the only instances.

You ignored the vote stealing, actually claimed the Republican vote harvester that admitted (his campaign workers) voting for himself thousands of times was punished when you KNOW he wasn’t because it was your district, and he remained in office until he withdrew on his own for personal reasons. Zero punishment whatsoever but you lie about it because he’s Republican.

You still call democrats the party of debauchery with zero evidence to cite, but can’t fathom that the reason I never find “my team” (I’m a Democrat only by default btw) doing that kind of wrong is because I only pay attention to reputable sources like court records and not often anonymous lying blowhards trying to score political points against their enemies, and reputable sources and police never find democrat representatives molesting children, trafficking them for sex, having cocaine fueled lemon parties, exposing themselves to pre teen girls in bowling alleys, picking up 12 year old girls in malls, having parties with Epstein and young girls and no one else, covering for child molesting coaches for decades, being long term pen palls with convicted kiddie porn producers while in office, admitting to driving for hours intending to have sex with an 11 year old girl, rewriting marriage laws so it’s legal to marry and have sex with 9 year old children, etc. …do I need to put names to all those charges? Because I can. You ignore every one of those credible accusations against Republicans and make up random accusations out of thin air about Democrats constantly.

Stealing, your hero Trump was convicted of stealing from charities for veterans, and students, and every contractor that ever worked for him, you don’t care one whit. He tried to steal an election (or two) and you cheer it on.

Cheating, why are you a Republican then, they get caught cheating for real daily, not MTG style baseless accusations based on someone’s Twitter claim. Your own district was the most egregious cheating scandal in decades, by republicans, and you would have gladly voted for him again, maybe twice. Have you forgotten how many of Trump’s administration ended up being unreported foreign assets? Hiding their foreign payments and cheating the system to allow foreign influence in our whitehouse?

It is odd, you would think statistically there must be some Democrat representative child molesters, I assume there are, but if there are they are smart enough that they aren’t getting caught. Republicans constantly are getting caught, and you are constantly ignoring it.

I do call out Pelosi for insider trading, and say she isn’t the only Democrat guilty of that crime against America, but I also say Republicans do it as a matter of course daily. Republicans went to court to make it legal for corporations to bribe them with pacs and super pacs and block any attempt to make bribery illegal again.

So you are just incorrect, again. Doesn’t that get tiring?

bobknight33 said:


have always said wrong is wrong, Vote stealing, Pedophile, Stealing, cheating.
I don't care what party they are on Wrong is wrong.

Somehow you you never find "your team" doing wrong. Odd or you just being a hypocrite?

bcglorf (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I had to quit discussing things like this in private thanks to bob (and his sock puppets). I refuse now because he likes to be a completely different person in private, admitting things he would never admit in public conversation, admitting he’s lying, that Trump is an awful human being, etc. he ruined it.
Sorry…replying publicly.

If you can’t/won’t answer one simple question, there’s no point. I’m sick of answering all of yours and having you dodge mine….especially sick of it since you refuse to even acknowledge my answers and pretend I didn’t give you a straight answer. I refused to answer one red herring, biased, loaded, off topic question because I disagreed wholeheartedly with its premise, but answered every other you asked.
I feel like you’re wasting my time here..

I must point out, the question you continue to ignore trumps every question you asked….how can you deny the rights of legal women to compete in publicly funded contests as women? It’s their constitutional right to not be discriminated against based on gender. Case closed. Nothing overrides that legality.

I answered your question 3 times now. If you can’t understand, why keep trying? One last time, but I’m out. I’m not going to answer you without the same consideration.

There is no evidence that xx vs xy denotes one automatically has an advantage based on just chromosomal arrangements. None.

Women CAN be stronger, faster, better than men in most arenas, and vice versa. Genetic gender may indicate a likelihood random men will be stronger than random women, it alone does not dictate biological differences that can/will be advantageous in athletics. Hormone levels, hormone therapy, supplements, mental fortitude, training, environment, opportunities, dna, rna, diet, HGH, etc can all go into creating (or erasing) those possible physical “advantages” you reference, not just chromosomal arrangements. Since that’s true, discrimination based on chromosomal arrangements is not just wrong and illegal, it’s ignorant and evil.

I’ve been over that 3 times, now 4. I’ve given specific examples. What’s the issue in comprehension? Are you even reading? What?!

I’m bored of this. We won’t get anywhere with this one sided discussion where only one of us answers questions or pays attention to the answers. Fuggetaboutit. This isn’t a discussion

Have a nice day. Bye.

bcglorf said:

Gonna try and continue this in private, public comment sections have enough anti-trans toxicity and the pages of projected/anticipated hatred you’re trying attribute to me doesn’t seem helpful for anyone else to read.

Can we start from trying to understand each others positions, definitions and assumptions before concluding a dozen other anticipated conditions on top? For my part, I honestly do want to try to understand where the disconnect in thought process here exists.

For instance, one of my first inquiries was if you agreed or not that biological sex(XX,XY) dictates biological differences that can be advantageous in athletics?

I am not attempting to project anything further, but instead to understand if even that observation is common ground or if it’s a point where our world views already diverge.

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