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Joe Machin and the Deficit

newtboy says...

You mean like Trump's last year in office when he spent well over the conservative estimates of $6.55 Trillion and collected only $3.4 Trillion in total income?
($1.6 trillion of which came from personal income taxes, $212 billion from corporate taxes...sure, that seems fair and proper)

So essentially a tax Holliday year with the money going back to all citizens? What a major improvement that would be....and with the economy coming back after the Trump recession/depression, Biden doesn't have to put everything on credit, he can pay for his spending, and maybe pay for some of Trump's massive debts he left.

Trump came in with under $19.5 Trillion and left with over $28.5 Trillion in debt and his last year yielded a $5.2 Trillion deficit and the worst unemployment and biggest GDP drop EVER!!! Obama shrank the deficit to below $500 BILLION! Clinton had a surplus!!! Bush turned that into a deficit within one year and a near $1.5 Trillion deficit and depression when he left.

BTW, it should be a comma after "matter", not a period and double spacing. It's only one complete sentence. Even just 8th grade English class would have taught you that....also "let's" has an apostrophe, it means "let us"....are you sure you really graduated middle school? I can't see someone passing third grade with these English skills.

bobknight33 said:

Hell if it does not matter.

Lets add yet another 4 , 6 or 8 Trillion on top of this and send out Biden checks to all Americans.

Texas man strips down to make a point about vaccination

newtboy says...

Yes, he's making his point quite well.
He's pointing out all the ways they follow the law and rules of civilization, even though they're sometimes inconvenient or uncomfortable, even though many laws are to protect others more than themselves. He's doing it in a way that no one ignores. He's exemplifying the selfish, outrageous behavior they are championing in such a way that they can't help but disagree with him, which MAY lead to them questioning their own actions and recognising they resemble that display he put on.

When did he call them names?

Mask mandates are in place, put there by responsible representatives. This meeting was to explain why to those too obstinate to understand why, not to let them choose.
They have been told hundreds of times by calm reasonable people, calmly and using data and statistics to explain why masks and vaccines are necessary, and the answer was "keep yer govment vaxine urtta mah blud and yer Fouchi facemask off me and mah chilin!"

Only enforcing it when it's absolutely necessary, only where it's absolutely necessary, and for as short a time as possible has led us to wave 4, the worst yet. It's necessary now until the virus is gone, it's necessary everywhere so the virus doesn't have a Petri dish to evolve in and become far more virulent and dangerous, it's necessary to continue wearing them and getting vaccinated/boostered until the virus is eradicated....maybe until civilization falls if we're unlucky or too stupid to follow directions.

I have no idea why this touches such a nerve for you. It seems so obviously proper to most of us, and an excellent way to show them that they already do tons of annoying stuff for other people's safety, like driving the speed limit and stopping at lights and wearing clothes, not starting random fires, etc....all stuff mandated by the government.

Explain please, why that's improper. you say we shouldn't have a discussion at all with anti maskers/antivaxers, because they'll spout some nonsense?!
You don't convince people to do the right thing by ignoring them when they do the wrong things for the wrong reasons. WTF are you saying?! Don't have any discussions because extremists will take hold and you think reasonable people can do nothing. Only true if reasonable people stop trying to discuss and convince them of reality, which is your suggestion? Um......

vil said:

So he is trying to be clever. But is he making his point well?

Its much like us trying to convince Bob and friends by calling them names, its not going to work.

Mask mandate is an emergency measure and should be put in place by responsible representatives, not public debate. It should be explained seriously and not by anecdote. It should only be enforced where necessary and for as long as necessary. Local authorities should have that authority, just like for other natural disasters.

If you start a discussion, extremists will take hold of it.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Bwwwaaaaahahahahaaaaa….as if you know the “truth”!?! I guess you forgot, you said truth and facts are for liberals. Conservatives have no use for either. Remember you said if the truth might hurt you, only a moron would be truthful, even under oath (defending Trump blatantly lying under oath to congress). When you gleefully supported lying even under oath, even from the person holding the highest, most powerful position on earth, you have abandoned truth and honesty completely.

….so. You’re giving up on the dishonest stupidity you’ve been trying to sell for 8+ months, that it was really all left wing ANTIFA and BLM activists posing as Trumptards (which would mean Trump’s rally was a massive failure because he didn’t have ANY supporters in the crowd?). You’ve finally decided to admit reality and try another tact, that it wasn’t criminal, just people voicing displeasure?! Jesus Christ, you will just say any stupid thing to avoid responsibility, won’t you. Trump taught you well (to ignore reality and spout insanity).

They attempted to voice their displeasure by violently overthrowing the government and murdering any representatives they disagreed with or police that tried to stop them you anti American traitor.

Thousands breached the walls with plans to hunt down and murder any representatives not fully on board with ignoring the election for Trump…up to and including Pence, who they erected a functioning gallows for.

Those caught aiding in the violent, deadly coup should be shot dead for treason, every single one who went one foot past the barriers, so anyone on the grounds…that’s over 10000 you traitor. Trespassing, a minor property infraction, is not what they did. They murdered and permanently disabled police as a group, both felonies. They intentionally did millions in damages to public property, felonies. They disrupted the function of the government, a felony. They attempted to murder multiple representatives as part of an attempted overthrow of the duly elected government, not just felonies but violent terroristic treason that calls for the death penalty. They should face a firing squad or worse, every one of them that crossed the barrier line is a traitor to America and a part of the deadly failed coup. Those that actually entered the building should first be stripped of citizenship, then they should be painfully and publicly executed in cruel ways (non citizens, no constitutional protections) and their estates all forfeit to the state in restitution. Their families should just be deported and stripped of citizenship.

Oh…so now you admit multiple Trump groups PLANNED a coup….but you’re going to pretend it was only 40 people?! Insane illogical utter bullshit. There were over 10 Trump supporting groups that coordinated the well planned attack, each with hundreds of members.

You are lying again though, they had specific written plans, pre determined targets to kill, specific items to steal or destroy, maps to their targets, broadcast updates on the location of targets, and a loudly and repeatedly articulated goal of stopping the certification of the election in order to install or retain Trump’s position despite the election results. Your “sources” are apologists that also think a trespassing ticket is appropriate but the same people who think supporting BLM should put people in prison for years, and marching with them should be a death penalty…people like you. Not having a good plan for your deadly violent coup doesn’t mean you didn’t try to overthrow the government, it just means you people are all dumb shits who couldn’t properly plan a birthday party for a 4 year old without adult help.

The prosecutors have been a major let down. This was a mob attack, everyone there should be charged with murdering a police officer, they were all part of that murder and the other 50+ attempted murders of police. To be consistent, they only need to file charges against the 10000 that went along with the 40 (and in reality there is mountains of evidence that there are hundreds that planned the attack, including Trump and his minions in congress that actively helped the terrorists during the attempted coup.) Those charges should clearly be treason and murder of a policeman at a minimum for anyone there. Anyone beyond the barriers was part of that mob, and knew it. Not one should ever see daylight again. Put one in front of me, they won’t.

I call for true patriots to find, publicly identify, and drive all these traitorous terrorists out of the country or 6 ft under. They are going to attack again, these minor tickets for attempting to overthrow the US government are invitations to try again. Only burning the terrorist’s houses and businesses and violent ostracism driving them and their families out of the country (I hear Afghanistan needs more people) might dissuade them from trying again.

To paraphrase you…if they didn’t want to be charged with treason and executed they should have complied with the police orders.

So…were you there Bob? You’re such a tool I know you wanted to be, but I suspect you’re too much a coward to walk the walk, you just talk the talk.

bobknight33 said:

Sad you dont know what truth is. It is not on cable news.
Jan 6 was much to do about nothing except a large group of people wished to voice their displeasure of the government.

Few actually wanted to breach the walls but even so didn't have a plan past that. So yo have a few who breached and many many just followed for a look ... Those who got caught should face their crime of trespassing.

FBI investigators did find that cells of protesters, including followers of the far-right Oath Keepers and Proud Boys groups, had aimed to break into the Capitol. But they found no evidence that the groups had serious plans about what to do if they made it inside, the sources said.

Prosecutors have filed conspiracy charges against 40 of those defendants, alleging that they engaged in some degree of planning before the attack.

Day of Rage: How Trump Supporters Took the U.S. Capitol

newtboy says...


Bwaaaahahahaha!! I think not.

No, dummy, I’ve been exceptionally clear that I’m happy when violent criminal cops get taken out….not any cop, not cops doing their jobs with honor. Your claim that this means I want all cops taken out means you believe that all cops are criminal thugs that should be taken out. Who’s anti cop?

I’m for taking out cops like these…..

I just say they’re all in cahoots, one gang, which is antithetical to proper policing, but they aren’t all murderers. I’m happy when power tripping cops abusing their power get pushback. These cops were not abusing their authority, they weren’t even exercising their power, they abdicated it by not using deadly force against deadly armed attackers. Conversely, when dealing with ANTIFA, there was no such restraint, violence is met with escalated violence not mass retreat, and arrests are made on scene.

I’m quite disappointed that the cops didn’t open fire more than once. If ever it was called for, it was Jan 6. The fact that only one shot was fired is a good indicator of how racist the police are….a black armed violent crowd invading the capitol looking to murder representatives and officials would have been mowed down like a neglected lawn. With the warnings they had of a violent attack/coup, there should have been a few thousand police/national guards staged like when BLM peacefully marched at the white house, and we know how police responded then with no physical provocation. These extra guards were requested and denied against Trump’s mob. Who refused to provide security is a major question of the investigation…one you would think Republicans would have wanted an impartial, unbiased, apolitical team to investigate, but they were dead set against it, or any investigation. Kind of like they are afraid of finding the truth because the truth is they incited the attempted coup/deadly political riot.

Since I’m sure you need help,

Cahoots- acting together with others for an illegal or dishonest purpose
Antithetical- directly opposed or contrasted; mutually incompatible
Abdicated- fail to fulfill or undertake (a responsibility or duty).
Provocation- action or speech that makes someone annoyed or angry, especially deliberately; incitement
Apolitical- not interested or involved in politics
Incitement- the action of provoking unlawful behavior or urging someone to behave unlawfully

The quiz will be tomorrow, it is not multiple choice. Misspellings like “ANTIA” are considered wrong.

bobknight33 said:

I think @newtboy would be ecstatic to watch cops getting push back on Being such an anti cop junkie.

Or are you only happy when ANTIA fights cops?

Overcoming your fears

newtboy says...

The Delta variant is just as infectious from the vaccinated as from the not vaccinated, but +-90% fewer vaccinated seem to catch it and at least 98% fewer require hospitalization. It is far more transmissible, and in the unvaccinated seems to have higher mortality rates than previous variants. Vaccinated and non vaccinated may be totally infectious but have no symptoms.
That means wearing a mask after getting vaccinated is still good science and proper public policy based on current knowledge. Masks protect others from the wearer , they don’t protect wearers from the unmasked sneezing or coughing. They aren’t signs of fear or weakness, they are signs of recognizing a civic responsibility, something the Right wing called a virtue before following Trump into the darkness.

If more people had gotten vaccinated, the delta variant might not have been a problem. Just like if more people had masked up and distanced early, COVID might not have been 1/10 the problem it has been. Now, thanks to anti science conspiracy theorists who refuse public health orders we have Delta and likely have an epsilon variant coming by fall and get to go back to full quarantine with no vaccines.

You don’t attack using germ warfare by infecting your own country. 🤦‍♂️

TangledThorns said:

Still wearing a mask after getting vaccinated? Yeah... CDC, WHO and Beijing Biden are all morons. Meanwhile China is laughing for winning in germ warfare.

Covid Scientist Arrested For Honest Evaluation Of Florida

newtboy says...

It totally agree, @eric3579. Who can be trusted? It's harder to know every day.

My take....
Jones is right about the science, false negatives imply you've never been exposed when you have been, so people believe they cannot transmit the virus when they may in fact be infectious, which can lead to reckless nondistancing behavior and infections because they assume they're "safe"... also even a good (not false) positive antibody test does not mean they have meaningful immunity nor does it mean they aren't infectious as this woman claims. It only means you've developed some detectable antibodies to the virus. Period. Both misconceptions are big concerns. "Which is bigger?" seems like a silly fight.

The problem is, no matter what the test says, people think it means they're safe to be around. A negative test...."I never had it so I can't spread it, gimme a kiss"...a positive test..."I had it but beat it so I'm now immune and can't spread it, gimme a kiss". Neither is correct.

I had the chicken pox twice. If a chicken pox antibody test existed, I would have tested positive after the first round and assumed I couldn't get it or transmit it afterwards, but that would have been wrong even though the results weren't a false positive. Instead, because people suck, my parents and teachers just assumed I was "safe" and sent me to school sick and may have caused an outbreak.

Both of her claims here rely on most people completely misunderstanding what the results really mean, and people completely ignoring the possibility of false results. Sadly that's proper to assume.

Interesting how she puts it, she says Jones wasn't asked to fudge any data, just maybe present it in a way that made Florida's public covid numbers look better in the run up to the election....or another way to say that is she was asked to fudge the data....if I recall she claimed she was instructed to hide large numbers of cases in categories not included in the public presentations with the intent to create a false perception of a major downturn in cases under the "open up and unmask" plan.

Wasn't the "private data" she's accused of handing to the press the unadulterated anonymous covid numbers....not really private as it's public data collected by the government for public health reasons... and not personal data as she implied. That's what I recall the charge being....maybe there's more.

The rest is unverifiable and /or personal tabloid did they point the gun at her kids or just menace them with the guns, did she get pregnant with her student, etc. Not germane to her claims about Florida's verified misrepresentations, and inappropriate attacks against the messenger instead of the message, imo. Distasteful to me, but besides the point.

Republicans Refuse to Move On from Donald Trump

newtboy says...

Oh you poor poor imbecile. You swallowed another Trump lie hook line and sinker.

Even the “audit” team said this was likely a clerical error….and it is, theirs. The problem is, the list they used to compare to the mail in ballots mailed out includes early in person voting. So, if just 74000 people voted early in person, the tally is 100% correct.

But…the accusation was spread online, and a game of Republican telephone had Trump claiming they found 74000 fraudulent mail in votes with no records. That’s absolutely not correct, even according to the propaganda team from Cyberninja.

So far, of over 3 million, 182 ballots in AZ required further investigation, 4 were considered fraudulent. None have led to conviction.

The proper paper stock” and “not proper alignment l claims are all about in person ballots that are printed at the polls, so misalignment is normal and expected. There was no “improper paper stock” found according to cyber ninjas, Mari ops county used 80lb stock approved by Dominion, and the “not proper alignment” claim stems from the already debunked “sharpie gate” where they claimed bleed through might effect the count but never produced a single example after two audits and one cyber ninja review (it’s not an audit). The bubbles don’t align front to back, even when out of alignment, so it’s not possible for bleed through to cause a vote, and ballots with bleed through are routinely copied by bipartisan teams because they won’t scan at all, this has been true for decades.

They did not find a single mail in vote with no record of it being sent out, they compared the ballots sent number with the ballots received number and never looked to see that the votes received list included in person early voting numbers not on the ballots sent list. It took them how long to make this mistake? 4 months?

Derp! Another loss for the fraud fraud. 🤦‍♂️

bobknight33 said:

On Thursday &7/15/21) the Arizona Senate held a hearing on the ongoing Maricopa County forensic audit.

The audit team announced there were 74,000 ballots that were received and included in the 2020 Election in Maricopa County than were mailed out.

The Cyber Ninjas CEO Doug Logan reported this along with other issues already identified from their investigation

They found 74,243 mail-in ballots with NO clear record of them ever being sent!

The audit team also announced that ballots were counted that WERE NOT on the proper paper stock and WERE NOT in proper printing alignment.

Other ballots were marked with Sharpie pens that bled through the paper.

According to elections expert Jovan Pulitzer what was presented today was just the appetizer before the main course to come!

Republicans Refuse to Move On from Donald Trump

newtboy says...

There is no ongoing audit, only an ongoing political stunt by partisan liars.

Two other audit teams with experience and no ties to the big lie found no such thing….it’s not possible, every ballot has a serial number that must match before votes are accepted. If there was no record of the ballots being sent out, the voting machines automatically reject them. There is a physical paper record.

Doug Logan, conspiracy theorist featured in (producer of?) a current movie claiming the fbi and cia rigged the 2020 election, (directed by another conspiracy theorist who claims 9/11 was a space alien attack) much of which was filmed at his fake “audit” with access no other cameras or reporters had, making the unofficial and unprofessional “audit” a clear and obvious prop for his movie that began filming before cyberninjas started “auditing”?!
Doug Logan who had previously been speculated to be the voice behind “QAnon,” and in the film “The Deep Rig,” if you believe what it claims about him, that was confirmed at the Saturday premiere of the film when he was revealed to be the voice of the anonymous person mid-way through the movie. “The Deep Rig” seeks to prove that the 2020 presidential election was rigged against Donald Trump, a claim that the former president and many of his supporters have echoed despite a total lack of evidence and every claim being tossed out of court….and many lawyers being reprimanded for even trying to sell their lies in court.
Doug Logan who started the election fraud claims in 2018 but no one would listen to his bullshit back then?!
Doug Logan who’s entire professional persona is based on bat shit crazy baseless conspiracy theories, and who’s company and personal wealth rely on selling the lies!?
Doug Logan who just claimed to be Q, also selling the fantasies that magic Democrats eat babies to become younger and live forever, Jewish space lasers cause most forest fires, Italian vote changing satellites exist, and of Trump being reinstalled as president for life on half a dozen or more dates so far?!
Er mer gerd.
Oh…so I gather from the url that this “report” came from Trump claiming it’s true!? Bwaaaahahaha, And you believe it!? Aaaaaahahahahaha….ahh….ahhh…..aaaahahahaha!

They found no such thing….just one more in a long long line of false accusations and claims that have ALL turned out to be utter bullshit….like bamboo fibers proving Chinese vote fraud, the databases being erased, now the impossible 74000 untraceable mystery votes with no record….he’s probably just too inept to find them.

Lol…not on the proper paper?! Yep, I’m so sure you’re right and that proves the cowardly liar won…not in the proper printing alignment…do YOU even know what that’s supposed to mean or indicate?

Too bad Cyber Ninja, a dishonest and bat shit crazy political propaganda company run by a guy who claims to be “Q” and who is the architect of the vote fraud fraud got involved and whether by design or ineptitude contaminated everything they examined through nonexistent safeguards and oversight, I guess….it means these nonsense claims can never be verified by anyone professional or who might be trusted. No chance that was the plan all along. Nope. Who would do that?

bobknight33 said:

On Thursday &7/15/21) the Arizona Senate held a hearing on the ongoing Maricopa County forensic audit.

The audit team announced there were 74,000 ballots that were received and included in the 2020 Election in Maricopa County than were mailed out.

The Cyber Ninjas CEO Doug Logan reported this along with other issues already identified from their investigation

They found 74,243 mail-in ballots with NO clear record of them ever being sent!

The audit team also announced that ballots were counted that WERE NOT on the proper paper stock and WERE NOT in proper printing alignment.

Other ballots were marked with Sharpie pens that bled through the paper.

According to elections expert Jovan Pulitzer what was presented today was just the appetizer before the main course to come!

Republicans Refuse to Move On from Donald Trump

bobknight33 says...

On Thursday &7/15/21) the Arizona Senate held a hearing on the ongoing Maricopa County forensic audit.

The audit team announced there were 74,000 ballots that were received and included in the 2020 Election in Maricopa County than were mailed out.

The Cyber Ninjas CEO Doug Logan reported this along with other issues already identified from their investigation

They found 74,243 mail-in ballots with NO clear record of them ever being sent!

The audit team also announced that ballots were counted that WERE NOT on the proper paper stock and WERE NOT in proper printing alignment.

Other ballots were marked with Sharpie pens that bled through the paper.

According to elections expert Jovan Pulitzer what was presented today was just the appetizer before the main course to come!

Land of Mine Trailer

newtboy says...

Big assumption. Many Hitler youth made the choice to fight for Germany, and joined on their own before children were being drafted.

As for those that were conscripted, is it your position that draftees are somehow immune from responsibility for murdering their neighbors, women, children, rapes, burning towns, or planting millions of landmines on foreign soil, etc? How convenient for them. I don't believe that's a popular or legal position.

I take responsibility for my actions. If their fate was mine, I would be eternally grateful I was treated so much better than I would have treated them if the tables were turned. I would be part of an invading Nazi army, trying to undo just a tiny bit of the damage we had caused, doing so at the direction of my superiors just like when I caused the situation. I would deserve execution, not release. This assumes I wouldn't have the spine to refuse to be a Nazi and be imprisoned or executed.

If the majority of Germans weren't complicit, the Nazis would have never come to power. You give them far too much credit. From the holocaust encyclopedia- "Opposition to the Nazi regime also arose among a very small number of German youth, some of whom resented mandatory membership in the Hitler Youth." Same with adults, the opposition was a minority by far, not the majority of Germans. Who told you that?

"Survived the fighting"? "Here"? "They"? Please finish your thoughts so they have meaning. You seem to be equating Nazi soldiers with the Jews they tried to eradicate. What?!?

The Geneva convention we know today was ratified in 1949. The accords of 1929 were found to be totally insufficient to protect POWs, civilians, infrastructure, etc. Yes, Germany did appear violate it's vague did the allies. That's why it was strengthened in 49.

What provision of the 1929 version do you claim this violates?

Articles 20, 21, 22, and 23 states that officers and persons of equivalent status who are prisoners of war shall be treated with the regard due their rank and age and provide more details on what that treatment should be.
Articles 27 to 34 covers labour by prisoners of war. Work must fit the rank and health of the prisoners. The work must not be war-related and must be safe work. ("Safe" and "war related" being intentionally vague and unenforceable).
Please explain the specific violation that makes mine removal a "war crime". It's not war related, the war was over, and it's "safe" if done properly.
Since this was done at the direction of German officers, the convention as written then doesn't apply.

Death camp!!! LOL. Now I know you aren't serious.
"The removal was part of a controversial agreement between the German Commander General Georg Lindemann, the Danish Government and the British Armed Forces, under which German soldiers with experience in defusing mines would be in charge of clearing the mine fields.
This makes it a case of German soldiers under German officers and NCOs clearing mines under the agreement of the German commander in Denmark who remained at his post for a month after the surrender - this means Germany accepted that they had responsibility to remove the mines - they just had far too few experienced mine clearance experts and far too many “drafted” mine clearers with no real experience in doing so." So, if it's a war crime, it's one the Germans committed against themselves.

I'm happy to say that anything done to a Nazi soldier is ethical, age notwithstanding. Many Nazi youth were more zealous and violent than their adult counterparts. Removing their DNA from the gene pool would have been ethical, but illegal. Taking their country to create Israel would have been ethical, but didn't happen.

At the time, there were few mechanical means of mine removal, they didn't work on wet ground, they required a tank and that the area be pre-cleared of anti tank mines, they often get stuck on beaches, and had just over a 50% clearance rate, cost $300-$1000 per mine removed, and they were in extremely short supply after the war. The Germans volunteered in this instance. Now, the Mine Ban Treaty gives each state the primary responsibility to clear its own mines, just like this agreement did.

So you know, the film is fiction, not history. Maybe read up on the real history before attacking countries over a fictional story. History isn't nearly as cut and dry as it's presented, neither are war crimes.

psycop said:

These boys neither chose the age of conscription nor to go to war. Given their age and the time in the war, they would have been forcably made to fight. If you had the misfortune to be born then and there, thier fate could be yours.

Being in the German army did not imply being a Nazi, the majority of the German population were victims as well, pointlessly lead to slaughter by monsters.

Those of them that would have survived the fighting ended up here. They didn't feed them. They worked until they died. They expected them to die. They wanted them to die.

The Geneva Conventions were signed in 1929 making this an official war crime if that's important to you. I'd say the law does not define ethics, and I'd be happy to say this is wrong regardless of the treaty.

As for alternatives for mine clearance. I'm not a military expert, but I believe there are techniques, equipment, tools or vehicles that can be used to reduce the risk to operators. Frankly it's besides the point. Just because someone cannot think of a solution they prefer over running a death camp, does not mean they are not free to do so.

If you have the time, I'd recommend watching the film. It's excellent. And as with most things, particularly in times of war, it's complicated.

What did Reagan think about the right to vote?

newtboy says...

Most republicans CLAIM they believe multiple ineligible voters voted and had their votes counted despite ALL evidence to the contrary and not a single case of non citizen Democratic voting nor a single case of Democrats voting twice, but many from Republicans including one guy who murdered his wife to use her vote to vote for Trump and a judge who cast his dead wife's ballot, then there's the multiple Republican candidates who collected ballots from the elderly and filled them out, casting votes for themselves by the thousands, and the fake ballot boxes set up by Republicans that continued after secretaries of state demanded be removed because they are specifically prohibited by law (and that allowed Republicans to sift through votes and discard Democratic ballots). Republicans do not care about securing non Republican votes anymore, Trump removed the last vestige of that patriotic civic feature from your group. Today's Republicans want to discard over half the legal votes for no reason besides they aren't for their candidate, liar.

Remember when Trump admitted that if every citizen voted, no Republican would ever be elected again? That's an admission they can only win by cheating straight from the cheater in chief's admission that legal voters don't vote Republican, only by denying millions their constitutional rights AND cheating AND gerrymandering can Republicans win at all....Trump said it.

Let's have 5 cases of actual, prosecuted Democratic vote fraud cases from the last three elections, I can show you hundreds of times more than that from Republicans....thousands more. Liar. I know for certain you couldn't come up with two if I gave you one as a freebie.

There are no Democratic fucker laws, but hundreds of Republican fucker laws that discourage and block legal votes from poor and black areas and people, you claim it's to secure the vote against frauds while you have zero evidence any ever existed in the populations these laws target, blocking and denying millions of votes to fight a crime that doesn't exist except in Republican circles and Republican delusions. You believe they're all Democrat votes, so you don't care if they're legal voters being disenfranchised, liar.

Denying a legal vote has exactly the same effect as allowing an illegal one....which party wants to deny legal votes, Bob? Hint, it's the same party caught thousands of times recently casting illegal and/or tampered with votes AND discarding thousands of votes for Democrats. Liar.

Provide ID for free in the communities you insist must have them, not only available at the DMV 25+ miles away with no bus service going there, then and only then would it be even partially proper to enact laws to require them, or require a free voter ID that every citizen has the same access to and the same difficulties getting, so no online application, no phone application, stand in line at a DMV at least one county removed from your address. Republicans blocked a national voter ID, because it's not about ID, it's about denying legal voters in Democratic populations.

All illegal votes were Republican illegal vote frauds for Trump, every single one found. If illegal voting was a real concern, voting laws would target Republicans, not Democrats. They absolutely don't, and recordings of Republican leaders prove it was never about illegal votes and always about suppressing Democrat voters. Liar.

The true question is how are Republicans getting away with election interference at a massive scale, rigging elections nation wide while dishonestly claiming they're "securing the vote" but really they're securing it in Republican gerrymandered districts for Republicans, not ensuring every legal vote counts but instead denying any vote they question....which are only Democratic votes despite the long history of Republican frauds, rigging the system so they're "winning" elections with 10% fewer votes than their opponents, and threatening murders and civil war when y'all lose. Crybaby liar.

Republicans absolutely don't want an honest vote system in place because republicans cannot win honest, fair elections. Democrats tried dozens of times to pass laws securing elections, creating physical records of every vote, securing machines against tampering, even creating a (free) national voter ID, etc...Republicans obstructed every one without considering them at all because not allowing democrats a victory is far more important to y'all than securing elections or making them fair or honest.

bobknight33 said:

Most Republicans do care.

That's why they are blocking the Democrat fuckery voting laws.

Only Legal voters get to vote.
Have valid ID.

Both sides cheat.

The true question is Why don't Americans want a honest vote system in place?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I am certain. Science doesn't lie, and I don't have to take someone's word, I can examine data, understand chemistry, and see short and long term trends. The data is undeniable, the only thing wrong with what the media tells you is they paint FAR too rosy a picture. You would think, based on media reports, that if we did stay at only 1.5C above pre industrial levels all is fine, that's nonsense. Truth is 1.5C is where they theorized we lose all control and skyrocket up from there to....nobody knows where, but hot. I think we are on track to 1.5C before 2030, and the feedback loops are already kicking in now. Does that mean we die in 2030? No, but it means our collective fate is sealed and completely out of our control.

I do plant trees, I already have solar, I drive well under 4000 miles a year, in fact I haven't driven anywhere but the grocery store in the wife's car in over 6 month when my car broke, and I don't miss it, I don't have AC, and yes, I need to get on my bike more, for my weight and blood pressure. My money IS where my mouth is, and I still was willing to put it on the aren't.

A big difference is, if somehow I am wrong, what I do is still proper, cleaner, safer, and actually cheaper. Your ideas and ideals lead to detrimental, polluting, dangerous, and more expensive actions and processes even if miraculously they don't lead to our extinction this century.

Are you snatching up cheap uninsurable coastline in Florida and Louisiana? Are you selling off your water rights because they're a dime a dozen? Are you short selling produce and grains on margin? Are you doing anything to risk your money based on what you say?

Your turn.

Edit: I don't do mobs. I prefer people who think for themselves.

bobknight33 said:

That's not the deal.

If you are SOOOOOOOOOOO certain.

Start planting trees, turn off your electric, abandon your cars, turn off you AC and start peddling.

I don't see much action from those who "believe".

Mount up a mob and start planting.

Portland's Rapid Response Team Quits Over Accountability

newtboy says...

Those are decent points, but have absolutely zero to do with the mass abandoning of their positions. It was 100% due to one of their own being charged after beating nonviolent protesters. They originally admitted exactly that, and now that they aren't being supported in their walkout, they are coming up with excuses that didn't matter to them the day before the officer was charged.

I think they should have to pay for the training and equipment they now refuse to use.

What are you talking about? You think budget cuts caused time off to be cancelled?! It costs double to not rotate in other officers, because you pay those on duty overtime, it doesn't make it cheaper. Budget cuts were not the issue when these cops were doing crowd control, only now that they're suddenly called to account for their own actions. No time off temporarily, because of extreme circumstances, was not an issue until one of their own was charged. It's certainly not abnormal, and absolutely not because of budget cuts, it costs more.

No prosecutions is the norm, if I recall, over 98% of charges levied at protesters have been dismissed nation wide, mostly because police had no evidence to back the charges they brought. You might note, as described in the article, "Mr. Schmidt immediately announced that he would focus on prosecuting cases of violence or vandalism; protesters who simply resisted arrest or refused to disperse after a police order would not necessarily be charged." They are taking a stand against anarchic violent protesters, but not the peaceful protesters with a legitimate gripe about violent, racist, deadly police acting as an anarchist gang that believes rules only apply to you, not them.

There are few prosecutions in large part because police declare riots when all participants are peaceful and not causing damage, and police are almost always the one's giving the orders to remove the people they declared "rioters", and in most cases they have zero evidence to back up their declarations, and are as violent as possible, beating peaceful videographers and reporters who were trapped and could not disperse, then charging them with refusal to disperse and resisting arrest, even violence against police for attacking police batons with their faces.
(Edit: remember the freeway shutdown when they marched on the freeway, and police blocked them from exiting or continuing while a second group of police came from behind, forcing them into a small fenced in area with no exit, then charged them all with refusal to disperse and the few that tried to disperse were charged with attacking police officers who blocked every escape route, violently attacking anyone trying to leave...all on live tv?)
Many peaceful protests became riots only after police moved in to violently disperse protests, fully 1/2 were riots because counter protesters and bad right wing actors like proud and boogaloo boys were planting bombs, shooting crowds, starting fires, driving through crowds, and murdering police in an effort to paint protesters as violent anarchists. That is verified fact directly from the DOJ investigation.

It's not a Portland only thing, police abandoning their communities because, as they indicated to the DA, "“It was like, ‘There’s our team and there’s their team, and you are on their team and you’re not on our team. And we’ve never had a D.A. not be on our team before,’” Police assume they are on a team against citizens, and won't do their jobs if, by doing them wrong with bias and malice, they might be prosecuted. They are used to immunity, and don't know how to do their jobs without it because they are abusers of power.

One day after charges were levied they quit in solidarity with the criminal abusive cop, and came up with fake excuses later.

You seem to have missed "the Justice Department said that the city’s Police Bureau was violating its own use-of-force policies during crowd-control operations, and that supervisors were not properly investigating complaints." part.

Mordhaus said:

In this case, I sympathize because Portland has refused to assist or back any of their police in the riots there. The DA has refused to charge anyone who resists arrest or refuses to disperse after police have been given orders to remove rioters (they are rioters. even the Mayor is now saying to stop calling them protesters and to call them anarchists instead).

Why would anyone want to go out, night after night, and face the same people you arrested the night before doing the same stuff?

The fact also exists that Portland has made massive cuts to the police budget. That has led to time off being cancelled for police, no rotations to move fresh police into the riot situations so the same ones have to deal with the face to face confrontations with no break, and the alternative policing option which was hands off was tabled. "A paramedic and a social worker would drive up offering water, a high-protein snack and, always and especially, conversation, aiming to defuse a situation that could otherwise lead to confrontation and violence. No power to arrest. No coercion."

There are a lot of problems with police, for sure. Portland's government is the driver behind these issues, though. Until they start taking a stand against these anarchist, violent protesters (who are PREDOMINANTLY white), the situation will not get better.

Magnetic Face Mask vs Giant Neodymium Magnet

00Scud00 says...

I'm thinking we sneak a bit of Crazy Glue in with his next facial treatment and watch him get a proper facelift.

BSR said:

I was sure his face would reach the event horizon and slam into the magnet or his skin would pull away from his skull followed by the iron in his blood.

I was disappointed.

Chauvin Guilty of Murder as Calls for Police Reform Grow

newtboy says...

I want to know how after 19 years on the force with a $100000 car, rental homes, $90+ a year at his second job, and who under reported his yearly income by almost $500000 repeatedly can get away with claiming he's broke.

Just like being housed in special high profile (larger nicer single inmate cells, but not solitary) areas of prison with all non white employees barred from the entire floor and white female officers allowed alone in his cell, actually in his bed, to comfort him, even letting him use their cell phones, that's some serious bullshit.

The murderous pig is a millionaire.

Wiki-On July 22, 2020, after the murder charges were brought against him, Chauvin and his then-wife were separately charged in Washington County, Minnesota, on nine felony counts of tax evasion[88][89] related to allegedly fraudulent state income tax returns from 2014 to 2019.[90] Prosecutors state the couple under-reported their joint income by $464,433, including more than $95,000 from Chauvin's off-duty security work.[89][91] The complaint also alleges failure to pay proper sales tax on a $100,000 BMW purchased in Minnesota in 2018, failure to declare income from Chauvin's wife's business, and improper deductions on a rental home.

surfingyt said:

he got Eric Nelson ha ha
the Ls continue to stack for bewb

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