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The Julie Ruin - Run Fast (Official Lyric Video)

newtboy says...

Don't do that, just hit that little 'ignore' button and she's gone.
If she's really 'stalking' you, and you've kindly asked her to stop, report her and get her hobbled or on double secret probation. Don't just give up and leave. That's how we ended up with Trump as a nominee. ;-)

EDIT: OK, now I'm really confused. I just read every post @WeedandWeirdness has ever posted, and the only one to you was her reply below. What are you talking about with the claim she's 'stalking' you? Do you mean on other sites? How would you know it's the same person? This makes no sense.

REEDIT: Never mind. I've been informed you two do have previous history, so I'm out. I still say if there's an issue, "ignore" should solve it.

Nephelimdream said:

Love this song and it will be my final upvote here. The poster has constantly stalked me and sacrificing a website I frequent is better than dealing with her. Jesus, Ronda, leave me alone.

Stoners aren't the only ones "high" in the Pacific NorthWET

newtboy says...

So remember this when your probation officer asks for a drug test and just claim you eat lots of fish.

I wonder what salmon that don't spawn near populated areas have in them. I catch mine on the Klamath and Smith rivers, neither of which are very populated. I'm curious to know if the ocean is so polluted that where the fish is from originally doesn't matter.

Canadian Refugee Rant

Completely Erase Entire Comments from People You're Ignoring (Sift Talk Post)

newtboy says...

So you know, I'm at least one of the people who asked @lucky760 to implement this. I found myself completely incapable of ignoring some people when their comments were still there to see because others would quote them. (many times just insulting rants about me, but just as often something else insane that I couldn't stop myself from replying to...even though I didn't want to). It did end up making it unpleasant to visit the sift at all, unless I completely ignored the comments, and that's kind of missing the point of the sift for me.
There are only a small few that I have ignored, I think 2 of them at their own request. At least for those 2, it's a benefit rather than a negative, no longer having to have discussions with me...and it's OK for me...I'm not here to try to make anyone uncomfortable.
With those I do want to avoid, it's a godsend for me. If that feature had been in effect last year, I would not have felt the need to push (along with others) to get Chingalera removed (he was already on double secret probation for multiple violations, but still steadfastly refused to follow sift rules, and insisted on drunkenly and angrily 'stalking' people all over the sift, even after he was ignored).
Just my 2 cents, I hope it enlightens you to why some people found this necessary.

poolcleaner said:

I know I don't participate much in this community but this is a stupid feature. I ignored a person ONCE in my entire time here. But then as the years went on and I gained some maturity (some) I learned to not be affected by the opinions of others so much. In fact, I prefer to see the opposing view point more than those that agree.

I think it's selfish and entitled to want to ignore and by extension, BLOT someone out of your community. If you don't want to be part of a community of freethinkers, don't bother looking at the comments.

This seems like a soft ban to me -- even if it is only for the person that is ignoring another person, it's banning their input from your screen.

If there's real life harm, death threats, or stalking akin to spam, I can understand -- but that should be something escalated to a community leader, as it should not be something that regularly occurs.

Too late for my input? lol

How about a little love for long-time but low-star members? (Sift Talk Post)

Retroboy says...

Just quoting this bit. Sure, there's 'privileges' that high-traffic members deserve. I don't believe helping with routine maintenance stuff that helps the site's overall quality without creating any real risk should be in that category.

I also don't believe the ability to downvote a comment or a video should be a privilege that requires a tremendous amount of membership time to earn either. I can understand getting past probation (which in itself is a bit of work) before opening that option up. But it's likely that anyone getting past that barrier is not your 11-year-old foul-mouthed teabagging anarchist-wannabe Call of Duty player who has apparently slept with your mother.

When it comes to voting, shouldn't everyone have the same voice?

MilkmanDan said:

I think that regular members (before star level) could probably be trusted to help with those simple bookkeeping things.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

radx says...

As if the privatisation of probation services wasn't horrible enough, the contracts include this little gimmick:

The Commons public accounts committee has established that the contracts included a £300m plus “poison pill” clause guaranteeing bidders their expected profits if the 10-year contracts were cancelled after the general election.

Not that they would want to, but the next government couldn't even undo this shit, not without forking over these contract penalties. I bet Sodexho and Interserve could even sue GB over it at the ICSID, thanks to hidden clauses in some free trade agreement.

bronx man beaten and arrested on video for no charge

newtboy says...

No other comment...I'll take that as concession that I'm right about all that. Thanks

OK, lets discuss the video then.
If there had been no video, what do you think would have happened to this poor 'suspect'? I say he might not be seen again, at least for decades. He was on probation/parole (the cops didn't know that), accosted over nothing, searched for nothing (with nothing found on him), arrested for nothing, beaten mercilessly for nothing with deadly objects and pepper sprayed while prone on the ground with cops on his back, then charged with assault on a police officer (obvious lie) and resisting arrest (another obvious lie, there was no resistance, only compliance that wasn't fast enough for the gang of thugs...I mean cops...and absolutely no reason ever given for the original arrest they claim he resisted in the first place). Without the video, he would be in jail for the next few months (minimum) awaiting trial where he would then have to dispute the multiple officers lies (claiming he assaulted and resisted). Who would the courts believe, 6-8 cops or one felon? I think we all know the unfortunate answer to that question. Sadly, because people like me are honest enough to admit we can't believe a word that a cop says (you're all trained to lie in the performance of your duties, and once a liar always a liar) I never serve on a criminal jury, leaving only jurors that will believe cops and liars on juries....which is not a good outcome.

It's easy to say 'just fight it in court' when you are part of a group that is considered 'truthful' by courts, contrary to all evidence. Single private citizens contradicting numerous officers (lies) without video proof that the cops are lying have no chance in court. You know this.

EDIT: there are requirements for arrest, requirements that cops ignore constantly or fabricate, as in this case.

lantern53 said:

I thought we were discussing the video.

Vivid imagination, though.

chingalera (Member Profile)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I obviously haven't been following things closely enough these last couple of months, and you obviously can't help yourself.

We've talked this over a lot privately you and I - and I gave you a very clear choice several months ago. You can claim you're being treated unfairly or singled out - and you definitely are being singled out. You've been on probation since you've been back. That probation is now revoked and this account terminated.

chingalera said:

Here's the real swirly.....Two tandem cunts in matching ski-gear downhill on black diamonds forcing the admins they dream will suck their cocks, stuffing my head into a prep-school bathroom toilet unable to defend myself against some shit.
Y'all run with that.

Should Powers Be Stripped Unilaterally By Admins Without Balls? (User Poll by chingalera)

newtboy says... admit to intentionally and improperly changing the embed codes "artistically", but can't fathom why you were stripped of that power? Think about that.
The admins 'hobbled the problem person here', yet they have no balls? What does that make the 'problem person' then, if they are so powerless against the ball-less?
I'm sure you'll blame this hobbling on me...even though I had nothing to do with it whatsoever. I only call you out on your constant vulgarity and attack posts, and otherwise do my best to ignore you.
Can you guess my vote? I bet not.
As an aside to all those that voted for "Reinstate powers after a period of time-out", how would you vote if the user in question has been banned, hobbled, and put on 'double secret probation' repeatedly for inappropriate behavior on the site? Would it change your vote, knowing that temporary 'time out's' had been tried repeatedly with little or no effect? How many 'time out's', bans, and hobbles should a single user get before a permanent I.P. hammer ban is reasonable? 3 strikes and you're out?

silvercord (Member Profile)

Warmth- says...

Hi, I don't think I thanked you some four years ago, when you promoted me from probation to normal status, so, thank you, it was and is appreciated!

The Racist War on Drugs

eric3579 (Member Profile)

lurgee says...

Dude that was killer! Sorry for the lateness. I had some health issues, I am better now but financially will be broke for some time due to no health insurance until my 90 day probation is over on my new job. Happy belated hum bug and happy new year sir!

eric3579 said:

Though you would enjoy this

Cops using unexpected level of force to arrest girl

chingalera says...

@artician- You are correct in your observations the reason being....currently a recent victim of two HPD officers willing to perjure themselves before a jury in order to satisfy their egos and their state mandate to fill beds in their jails (or prison, had we decided not to take a plea down to keep them from sealing our fate).
Felony obstruction for mouthing-off in the back of a cop car to a couple of complete douchebags who could not stand that we would not let them treat us like some kid a couple of jocks would have bullied in junior high.

The official statement was alleged that their lives had been threatened which when in fact we surmised in colorful detail their mommy and daddy issues, their obvious history of abuse and or neglect, questioning their sexuality and manhood simultaneously, all while we voluntarily accompanied them into said car in cuffs from a girl's apartment after we gave them the benefit of the doubt and rendered I.D. to them and TOLD them we had a warrant for an unpaid traffic ticket.

Was in the home of a friend when her ADT system (installed a day earlier) sent a false alarm-They had tried to call her but she was passed-out with an I.V. in her arm (vitamin treatment) bed-ridden with a torn ligament. Cops came to the door, was just waking-up and (stupidly) let them in and addressed their incivility when they after determining that the alarm call was false, began to ask me what my "problem" was-Asked them why they had to act like a couple of uncivil douchebags in someone's home and asked politely if the one cop, would remove his dark sunglasses and that they were making me nervous.

This is Texas BTW, land of the most redneck fucks to be found anywhere in the planet of police.

Meet an an idiot who poked the rabid dogs with a stick and found soon that we had over-stepped our "freedom of speech."

Yeah, fucking pissed and for good reason. It's called a felony what they did, and with full-participation of the D.A. and the judge.

Ten years ago this would not have happened. we know because we have spoken our mind to arresting cunts before, as well as spoken like a gentleman to those treating us with the same consideration who represented the local constabulary.

All cops are or will be felons during the course for their tenure as a "peace officer', in the United States.

Now we must jump though many, many hoops to fulfill probation obligations, pay money we don't have, and if I make it through, will be able to have the case sealed, so that we might work again in this state without having a felony (never before) on our permanent record.

So this is Canada?? Your time is coming as well, just look at the show-out when the damn G-20 came to Canada a few years back.

They're gearing-up for chaos folks-
(collective object-pronoun used to avoid incrimination) If you are interested, we'll tell you why in a P.M. It's kind of hard not to be incensed while being kicked while prone.

Been bullied by cunts just like this on the sift before and those petty cowards are afraid to even show their asses here any longer.

Idiots Topple a 20 Million Year Old Rock Formation

chingalera says...

Right? Fine, banned from National parks for life, and their public self-immolation seems a harsh enough mistress? ...I'd add a judgement of a mandatory probation of five years wearing a shirt in public as community service which reads, "Utah Rock-Tipper Guy."

The same people who would sit at their computers and pontificate after working the system's chores at the system's game....and who are about as involved with real-time politics as it takes to cast a vote after reading blogs and bitching...the same recycle dutifully and with much sniffing of their own fart-gas with windows sealed tightly in their Prius'.....Would place public lands chicaneries right up there with serial killing.

It's getting very close to critical mass ignoramus-ism, idiocratic hell.

sirlivealot said:

Debilitating fine? That is a bit excessive. Regular fine should suffice.

Cop Sexually Assaults Woman Then Arrests Her For Protesting

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