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David Pumpkins Returns - SNL

Arrest In Break-In At Democrat Hobbs' Campaign Headquarters

newtboy says...

I never said she was, only that it’s likely, and that breaking into a campaign headquarters is, by definition, a political crime. It’s still quite possible she or her campaign put him up to it, intentionally hiring a homeless looking guy so people like you would say exactly what you said (once fed it), or not. Nothing has indicated otherwise. Even homeless guys know campaigns don’t keep cash or jewelry around, nothing to steal there but campaign data, not the stuff homeless people steal.
Either way, it’s a political attack to break into a political headquarters, even if that’s not the intent.

How about wait and see before declaring her innocence based on nothing. Can’t wait for a fact before you post no story pushing a fake innocence. Even if she’s not involved directly in this crime, her rhetoric is responsible for hundreds of credible death threats and other threats and attacks. She may not be guilty of this crime, but she is far from innocent.

Oh, I’m so sorry, only bob is allowed to “push narratives” or make suppositions without having all the facts, or in his case any facts. You have no leg to stand on after years of pushing obviously fake stories that, surprise surprise, all turned out to be totally fake with no evidence on which to base them in the first place. Don’t whine now that someone else jumps to conclusions like you always do.

Know what’s definitely not fake? The violent attack against Pelosi’s elderly husband in an attempt to murder her….I suppose you would say it’s wrong to call that a politically motivated attack too.

You are gullibility incarnate. You still believe covid is a hoax, and just a cold, and a plot by China to destroy the west by infecting itself. You still believe Russia didn’t ever interfere in our elections, and Trump really won the popular vote once. You believe Jan 6 was ANTIFA and BLM not MAGA despite the guilty pleas, and that stealing nuclear secrets and keeping them in public hallways where Chinese spies repeatedly brought recording equipment and roamed freely is a “nothing burger” but Clinton not seeing the murky future is a high crime. Everything you claim to believe is certifiable nonsense, bob. Pretty certain you think long dead Hugo Chaves used Italian space lasers to change votes in dominion voting machines in a shared plot with the Illuminati and the sleestacks (lizard people) to hurt Trump because he was going to expose their pedophile vampire club where they vivisect children for pineal glands. ROTFLMAHS!!

bobknight33 said:

Holy Cat Shit Robin

The caught the bad guy.
Dos Reis

Are real Watergate break in kind of guy.

Definitely Kari lake behind this NOT.

Guy looks more like a homeless guy than and operative.

Can't you just wait for a fact before you post 1/2 a story pushing a possible fake narrative ?

God you are gullible.

Republican Socialists

newtboy says...

Trump took the healthy economy off a cliff to the worst economy, employment, and gdp in history. It took him <4 years….and was responsible for over 1 million unnecessary deaths of Americans because of his lack of response to Covid. Downward spiral?! Trump put us in rocket assisted free fall. Biden accelerated the crawling failing economy into an upward spiral.
Obama and Biden spent a lot, but in 4 years Trump spent far more than their 10 years combined while lowering the amount the government brings in on multiple fronts (so increased the debt and deficit in two ways, spending more while making less), and Obama inherited a recession and left a boom, Trump inherited a boom and left a recession….Biden inherited economic collapse, active terroristic sedition, horrific unemployment, and pandemic…all 4 issues are better today than they were on Jan 20, 21.

The inflation reduction act, Bobby. That’s what’s being done.
Also student debt forgiveness.
Edit-Also raising interest rates, finally. Can’t blame Biden for the federal reserve’s hesitation, however….he doesn’t control them and can only make suggestions.
That’s the answer.
Almost every Republican opposed it (them) and voted against it (them), nearly every Republican then went home and took credit for it (them) and said it (they) was a great thing for their constituents (but pretended they hadn’t been against it (them) with every fiber of their being because it’s (they’re) really popular)….just like they did with the infrastructure bill.

Higher interest rates ARE helping, just not enough yet. It definitely should have started earlier than March…. .25% interest rates were just insanely low. Inflation has lowered, but as you well know, Trump’s administration just printed over 1/5 of every dollar in 2020….just made 20% more dollars while gdp went to -32.9% and unemployment skyrocketed to unheard of levels. This causes 20% inflation or more all by itself…Joe’s administration kept that below 10% miraculously.

If bankruptcy boy was still running the economy, we would have 20% inflation, more oil infrastructure sold to the Saudis (they bought the biggest refinery in America in secret under Trump and cut production), higher gas and oil prices, no infrastructure funding, no inflation plan, Ukraine would no longer exist, NATO would still be impotent, ….bankrupting a country is much worse than bankrupting 6 businesses. Trump did both.

Thanks Biden….

P.S.- Nice deflection from the undeniable hypocrisy the video is about. Way to completely ignore the right now taking credit for the popular and helpful Biden legislation they all opposed….praising it, explaining what a great thing it is for their states, economy, and constituents while pretending they didn’t ALL vote against it out of pure spite which outweighs any wish for America to succeed. Their sudden love for the law they diametrically and insultingly opposed is absolute proof they oppose beneficial legislation simply to avoid letting Biden succeed.

Edit: Will you ever get tired of begging for attention for being 100% wrong 99.6% of the time?

bobknight33 said:

Joe and his party [haven’t fixed the multifaceted disaster they inherited yet].

When I think of Oliva Newton-John, i think of...

newtboy says...

I was 8 for Grease. I only saw it because I went to the movies with a neighbor (and her kids) and she decided we would sneak into grease after and watch it for free. I got in trouble (as if I had a choice).

By then I listened to (what at the time was considered) hard rock…KISS, AC/DC, DIO, Sabbath, Judas Priest, etc. my family liked Barry Manilow, John Denver, and Neil Diamond. The music wasn’t for me.

Greaser/bobbysoxer stuff never excited me either, I wouldn’t have seen it by choice.

Disco…I still like. I don’t care that it’s not popular, in fact that helps. Xanadu came out when I was 10….it also wasn’t my choice of movie, and probably wasn’t as good a movie overall I don’t remember, but I liked it better at 10.

eric3579 said:

How old were you? I was thirteen and the idea of "mainstream" i'm sure, was nowhere near my wheelhouse of thinking.

My memories of her are exclusively from Grease which i really enjoyed. I do know her her hits, but her music and pop in general never interested me. I had been indoctrinated in progressive rock by the older neighborhood kids by this time. It was always the movie for me, not at all her music.

When I think of Oliva Newton-John, i think of...

newtboy says...

Grease was far too mainstream for my taste….Xanadu, her much less popular musical film about opening a roller disco with the help of her guardian angel, is how I remember her. Here’s the title track with her and Electric Light Orchestra.

British Intel Advisor, Obama Born In Kenya - Extended Cut

newtboy says...

Just a reminder to everyone that Bobknight33 is a birther…the racist movement to lie about Obama’s birthplace to claim he was not the REAL president.
Similar to the vote fraud fraud so they could deny Biden is the legitimate president.

Funny, coming from a group that has only won the popular vote for president once since 1988.

Joe Biden's Actual "To Do List"

moonsammy says... Presidents and other national leaders attend a huge variety of functions, and aren't going to want to do a run-through for every single one of them. A brief overview of his role on a note card seems a very pragmatic solution. I do want to point out that it doesn't tell him what to say - the President's staff expects he'll be able to improvise something serviceable. Because he's an intelligent, capable adult human being.

Oh, and that clip of him saying something about "dropped dead unexpectedly" - that looks like stuttering to me. He seemed to be trying to say something else, and just couldn't get it out. His backup word choice was inelegant at best. Stuttering is something Biden's known to have struggled with for most of his life, and generally he handles it very well. Sometimes though he seems to still stumble on something, and this might've been a case of that. Maybe not - maybe he had a total brain fart / senior moment and we should be concerned... but it certainly didn't seem like a noteworthy incident to me.

Meanwhile, in actual important news: the J6 hearings have demonstrated the former President clearly made numerous efforts to remain in power despite having definitely lost in a fair election. (Well, fair in terms of having been run competently and without demonstrable fraud. Trump still had what I consider a significant unfair advantage in that Republicans have an inherent edge via the Electoral College. He just lost the popular vote by MORE this time around, leading to a loss of the EC as well.)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Neither. I fully support legalizing sex work, and regulating it strongly….and I have always warned against sticking your dick in crazy. Also, I’ve never paid for sex…not with money anyway.

(Edit: Hmmmm….are you saying whoring is how most women earn a living? It wouldn’t be inconsistent with your previous stances, Mr MGTOW.)

I’m against vitriolic hypocrites in power making it criminal to do the same things they did repeatedly. I think laws enacted by representatives should be retroactive against any representatives who vote for them, for life….meaning if abortions become murder charges, Boebert gets charged twice with infanticide.
I’m also against high school dropout, ged failing, lying, stealing hookers being representatives. They’ve proven they have a price for anything and I can expect them to be easily “bought”.

Not so flimsy, not near as flimsy as her denials. Wait for her deposition….IF she sues which I doubt she will. (She’s terrified to be deposed by people who might know all her dumb secrets that would prove who she really is, a dishonest, thieving, corrupt, know nothing, child sex abusing, repeated abortion having, tax evading, business failure and hypocritical whore.)

Derp. The group that smeared her is Republican, Bob. Actual conservative, which is anti sedition. Absolutely not Democrats….these are Republicans using Republican tactics against a fake Republican. Hang your head in shame.

? No, I don’t remember any stupid lie about Obama in an elderly white gay bathhouse (with no corroborating evidence whatsoever, unlike Boebert), I tend to not pay attention to the thousands of idiotic lies Republicans made up about him, like Trump’s popular racist birther movement based on pure lies and racism, but the outrageous stories about Trump and the sedition caucus all turn out to be true, verified in courts, or turn out to be vast under estimates of their criminality.

Lol. You telling someone to live in reality is the pot calling the clear glass pitcher black, buddy. You’re been living in a con. fantasy world since 08 at least, likely longer. So much that most people believe you are really a Russian attempting to spread misinformation (and failing miserably). You believe any stupid con. lie, the dumber the better like blaming Jan 6 on BLM and ANTIFA, like blaming Ukraine for its own invasion, like denying Cawthorn, Green, Gohbert, Boebert, Munez, and Gaetz are all sexual deviants that have sex with, or who personally help others sexually abuse children.
You calling someone else turd boy is also hilarious considering how consistently full of shit your positions are, unlike mine that can be backed up with citation and fact every time. Must get under your skin.
Poor boob.

PS- How you liking Walkers new admission, that even as he railed against deadbeat and absentee fathers, saying it should be criminalized, he actually has 3 secret children he neither raised nor supported. More blatant insane Republican hypocrisy from certifiably criminally insane Republican candidates. (He threatened to murder his wife then himself while holding a loaded gun to her head)

bobknight33 said:

So you are against women earning a living or are you just pissed that you didn't bang her?

Flimsy at best information from a leftest smear group.

You remember that Obama white old men gay bathhouse club in Chicago.
Or is that equally fake BS?

Turd boy. slow you roll and just live in reality.

Congressman: AR-15 'a gun of choice' killing raccoons foxes

luxintenebris jokingly says...

doesn't sound right.

that much firepower to down a raccoon/fox? wouldn't the range - at night - be a bit over-reaching?

not a gun maven, 'tho imagine there's a rifle w/3-5 shot capacity that would suffice? been told the ar-15 is popular as it was designed for the military to be simple/easy to operate. i.e. any idiot could shoot them...*

*i get now

Beto interrupts dog and pony show

newtboy says...

No, Trump is a professional loser…never won anything including never winning the popular vote any of the 5+ times he ran for president, and losing more money than anyone in America repeatedly (for years if you believe his taxes).
Conversely, O’Rourke has won 4 of 5 elections where he was the nominee. Despite losing the Senate election to Cruz by a margin of 2.6%, O'Rourke set a record for most votes ever cast for a Democrat in a midterm election in Texas.

Such idiocy, Bob. Always spouting stupidity looking for attention. You must really be lonely.

TangledThorns said:

Ladies and gentlemen I present to you the Democratic party! Beto is a professional loser.

Oliver Stones thoughts on why Putin invaded Ukraine

StukaFox says...

I don't believe this was ever about taking Ukraine with the Russian military. I believe this is about destroying Ukraine and squeezing Europe's energy-dependent balls until the EU cracks under the economic pressure caused by the sanctions. This is already happening with Germany whimpering to Daddy Vladdy for all that precious, precious oil and gas. "Oh, we gave Zelensky a billion euros!"; yeah, and you gave Putin 25x that in oil/gas purchases.

The mealy-mouthing and dissembling has already begun, most shamefully from the New York Times, who is calling for Ukraine to make "hard choices". "This isn't capitulation" -- fuck you NYT, yes it is.

I had honest hopes that the western powers would show some spine and resolve, but as soon at their economies started to feel a little pain, the number of fucks given for Ukrainian lives went to zero. Russian is going to rape and murder its way from Odessa to the Belarus border until the western powers figure out some way to make it all Zelensky's fault or force him to cede massive amounts of Ukrainian territory before any real economic pain felt.

The worst part is that Finland and Sweden are going to be granted NATO membership, but Ukraine still is denied. Why are these two the hills NATO is willing to die on and Ukraine not? If NATO isn't willing to risk nuclear war over Ukraine, what happens when the tip of a single Russian boot touches Finnish soil? What happens when Finland then calls for Article 5 and the rest of NATO suddenly realizes shit just got real? What happens when it's time to shit or get off the pot; put up or shut up? Either NATO charges into the teeth of a potential nuclear war, or NATO is shown to be a paper tiger. If someone sees a middle ground, I'm interested in hearing it.

(Incidentally, NATO's Article 5 is pretty porous. A-5 doesn't say every NATO nation commits whatever forces are deemed necessary by the whole to defend against an aggressor. Instead, it says that in the event of A-5 coming into play, each member will take "such action as [the member state] deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area."

Notice the whole 'each member' and 'deems necessary'? Yeah, to quote a popular movie 'I don't think this mutual defense pact means what you think it does'.)

The Good ,The Bad & The Ugly - Danish Symphony Orchestra

Hindenburg Disaster - 4 Different Rare Angles // HD Coloriza

luxintenebris says... ...

Goebbels wanted to name the Hindenburg for Adolf Hitler.
Eckener, no fan of the Third Reich, named the airship for the late German president Paul von Hindenburg and refused Goebbels’ request to name it after Hitler. The Führer, never enthralled by the great airships in the first place, was ultimately glad that the zeppelin that crashed in a fireball didn’t bear his name.


Frau Eva von Zeppelin was offended by the group's name (Led Zepplin) for "dishonouring the family name". The direct descendant of Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin demanded the band to change their name. On 28th Feb, 1970, the group performed one show in Copenhagen as The Nobs but decided to retain their original name afterwards due to popular and critical opinions that favoured their original name.,band%20to%20change%20their%20name.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

What in the EVERLOVING FUCK are you lying about?

Yes, he fucked up hugely, massively cheated an election by harvesting and filling out reportedly thousands of ballots, stolen from the elderly, for himself (his campaign did with his knowledge) and voting for other Republican candidates if the voters hadn’t, then barely won the election anyway.

I’m absolutely certain you supported him, supported him staying in office, and would have supported him again had he chosen to run again, despite the undeniable election fraud campaign he ran and the fraudulent votes he “won” with.

I’m positive you didn’t call for the removal of the others not involved in the scheme but who won only thanks to the fraudulent votes Harris’ vote fraud campaign had cast for them, did you? That’s because you really don’t care one whit about election fraud, you only care about schemes to deny legitimate voters their right to vote if you believe they might vote Democrat.
That’s because you know Republicans have only won the popular vote for president once since 1988, so honest elections don’t work for your ilk.

He remained in office despite the blatant fraud his campaign perpetrated with his full knowledge, for over 600 days, and was still allowed to run in the special election they finally held over 600 days later because of HIS election frauds. He dropped out on his own for “Health reasons”.

He never was charged despite his own son, a judge, testifying that he had knowledge that his campaign was committing election fraud well before they were caught because the son had personally told him, and despite the fact that he did absolutely nothing to stop or report it.


Why do you tell these stupid lies when you know I will call you out on them, Bob? Self hate? Are you a closet masochist? Why? You KNOW I’m going to look into anything you tell me and call it out when it can be proven to be a lie. I’ve lost count how many times we’ve gone to this rodeo. You end up trampled with shit on your face every time. Why?!

bobknight33 said:

The N Carolina Republican in 2016 was my district and he fucked up and punished.

All cheaters should be banned from any government job for life.

Strandbeest Evolution 2021

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