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AOC Exposes The Dark Side - "Let's Play A Game"

enoch says...

while I am absolutely delighted to watch both the democratic and republican parties LOSE their minds over AOC,and watch them bumble and stumble all over themselves to discredit this 29yr old Latina spitfire.

the political establishment continues to miss the plot,because they live in their own tiny,elitist bubbles.

every time they attempt to marginalize her,attack her outright,shame her,belittle her...
her numbers go up.
the republicans try to attack her by exposing her ideas as laughable,but what they are really doing is campaigning for her.
she literally gets more popular every time FOX news has ben shapiro on to "expose" AOC as the "loony left".

and the democrats may actually be MORE afraid of AOC than the republicans!
they are trying to primary her out of her seat,which he has only been in a few weeks.
which has seen AOC's war chest boom with private,small amount,donations.

they (meaning the establishment,corporate lackeys in congress) along with their corporate media stooges.

are doing their best to paint AOC as a "kook" as a "crazy" as somehow not being an actual representative of what normal folk want in a representative.

just like they did with nader,paul,sanders..

but it looks like the American people are finally on to the games of the kleptocrats.

and AOC has become the youngest and most popular congresswoman..ever.

because AOC Is not a kook,or a crazy.

she is whip smart and politically savvy.

and in five minutes she lays out the ease of corruption in our government.

suck a dick trumpters!


Is Butter Really Back? What the Science Says

transmorpher says...

Indeed, your ratio is basically the opposite, even with the pills. But perhaps it will improve over time.

(often though these drugs don't fix the root cause, they address the symptoms which means you'll be on some form of pills forever, until you fix the underlying issue, which the doctor should have mentioned, but a lot of doctors are so disheartened these days because their patients rarely listen, or are scared of being called 'fat shamers' so they don't bother with the speech anymore)

Take a look at the success stories on we aren't exactly miserable.

When you feel for yourself how good life is when you are the master of your health and therefore fate, life becomes far far better. It's powerful, your whole perception of the world will change, and the fleeting pleasure you get from Butter or bacon doesn't compare, and of course we're eating cusine from across the world. We've given up nothing, just changed the ingredients.

I know yall think im a biased vegan, which is why I like to refer people to the success stories on plant based websites. You can see the life and passion return into people's eyes, there lives are transformed. The weight-loss is a mere side effect of being healthy.

Mordhaus said:

The niaspan is only for the low good cholesterol, which 'may' work against my cardiovascular health. The doctor wasn't super concerned, but said we could try it. It's just niacin in a special wrapper, so I'm not too worried about it.

I probably should eat better, but I figure I should enjoy myself now and maybe skip those ultra fun 70's and beyond. I've seen too many people just fall apart once they hit their late 60's, a lot of them healthier than me.

George H.W. Bush, American War Criminal

bcglorf says...

I try and choose my words carefully, it looks like you are still responding to what you think I must mean, rather than what I said. You say you thought I meant jr and the recent war in Iraq when I reference Saddam’s invasion of Kuwait. I was in fact referencing no particular Iraq war, but the overall condition Iraq is in(as per the video and my own earlier reference to same. Maybe some room to misunderstand that, but my full quot if you can read it carefully this time:
“blaming Bush Sr. for Iraq, rather than Saddam's campaign of genocide against his own people and his conquest of Kuwait.”
I did specifically name Bush Sr, which At the least should rule out thinking I’m discussing anything done by Jr.

As for Sr’s war in Iraq, Kuwait was a province of the Iraqi state when Senior came in to liberate it. He also stopped short of removing Saddam, which was imo a mistake for Iraqi’s and the one thing I’d agree would be a fair accusation against him re the overall consition of Iraq today. It left Saddam time for another genocide against the Shia Iraqi’s that had risen up thinking Senior was serious about standing with them. Public opinion though was too much against it and so American forces stopped short of removing Saddam and followed popular opinion. Saddam’s WMD programs where dismantled(which he very much had then) and northern Iraq’s airspace remained occupied by Anerican forces right through until jr’s war. Saddam also continually decieved, obstructed and kicked out the UN inspectors in Iraq there to confirm his full and continued disarmament. Enough so that before jr’s war one of the most vocal anti-war inspectors cited Saddam’s almost certain possession and use of chemical weapons as a reason risking an invasion was too dangerous...

newtboy said:

No sir.

I'm addressing his comment about the invasion of Iraq happening because of "Saddam's campaign of genocide against his own people and his conquest of Kuwait." when that's absolutely not how the invasion was sold to us by W. That's only partially how Desert Shield was sold by Sr. (Keeping in mind the gassing had happened years earlier), but that didn't remove or even target Saddam and barely went into Iraq, so clearly wasn't designed to remove him from power or stop his atrocities, just to stop his expansion into our allies territories.

The invasion of Iraq and direct targeting of Saddam was by W, not Sr. and are what led to the current state of the region far more than any result of Desert Storm...what I thought he meant by "blaming Sr. for Iraq"....I read that as 'blaming Sr. for the current state of Iraq and the region'.
I may have misunderstood what he meant by "blaming Sr for Iraq", but I can tell the difference between bushes.

DIY Rocketeer Building Self-Landing SpaceX Model Rockets

spawnflagger says...

what he's doing is cool as a hobby, but he should really go get a physics or engineering degree to take it to the next level. (but then again, if his YouTube channel becomes popular, he'll make more money and have more fun than doing it professionally)

Also, those rocket engines aren't precise enough to use for landing. ±0.1 seconds of thrust makes no difference going up (for a model rocket) but for landing it's the difference between "reusable" and "busted".

Alizée with J'en ai marre (the live sexy version)

eric3579 says...

18-year old French pop diva Alizée Jacotey is featured here, live on March 3rd, 2003. This performance is dedicated to the memory of Laurette Fugain, a young woman who had died from leukemia in 2002. Alizée was part of a live performance that was for charity work, encouraging people to donate the precious gift of blood & to raise money in the fight against diseases of the blood. The mother of Laurette, Stéphanie Fugain, was in attendance for this show, featured here at 3:57 & at the very end, 4:17
Alizée has an extraordinary reputation for selflessness. She offers a great deal of her time & energy towards charity work, helping in the fight against hunger as well as raising awareness for blood donations & the fight against blood disorders.
This was one of only 6 appearances where she wears her unforgettable short skirt dress, knee-high boots, & thigh-high black stockings while performing her smash hit song, J'en Ai Marre. This performance was done en direct live on French HDTV .
The music is composed by legendary composer Laurent Boutonnat while the lyrics are written by famed French singer & cultural icon, Mylène Farmer.
Alizée's popularity, thanks to spectacular performances such as this, has spread far beyond the borders of the great French Republic. -yt

ant (Member Profile)

"Why Are There So Few Smartphones In Popular Movies?"

HenningKO says...

hmmm, I love ya, but... not the most interesting Nerdwriter ever...

why are there so few smartphones in popular movies: because we secretly don't like them, and popular movies are made to show us what we like. <Insert Werner Herzog>

Deadlocked Bench Vice is Perfectly Restored

greatgooglymoogly says...

Big multinational corporations are responsible for outsourcing to China, but the Chinese companies do indeed do quite a bit of copying on their own. Any popular product is going to get copied by 50 others trying to make a living, it's a result of their legal system I guess.

diego said:

i just re read my comment, and please omit the chinese from my criticism which is directed entirely at capitalism and multinational corporations, the chinese IMO are not to blame for greedy western multinationals selling themselves out so they could buy everyone and keep themselves on top, they were the ones with power and control who set these conditions

Exact Recreation of the 1980s "Sit Ubu Sit. Good Dog. Woof!"

lucky760 says...

Oh my! You're the right age to know it... I guess you were too busy *not* watching TV in the late 80s and early 90s. This was the first thing that played at the end of the credits of several popular TV shows back then:

eric3579 said:

I'm obviously not in the know about whatever this is.

A Scary Time

scheherazade says...

What sort of evidence?

- Accusation/testimonial evidence?

- Or Physical evidence that is an invariant indicator of rape, that you can hold, see, measure, etc?

Anyone can accuse. That's effortless. Takes barely more energy than breathing.

(It's also effortless for a group of sour girls to gang up on a dude that upset them. Because "f that guy'. (That attitude isn't even rare.))

Physical evidence? People are convicted day in and day out of all sorts of things without physical evidence.

(Court is after all a popularity contest.)

My scary moment was when a cop detained me and told me he was going to charge me with : reckless driving, driving without a seat belt, and with threatening his life.

Why? Because I pulled up to a road block and asked him if I could drive past his road block to go home (which was a short way past the road block)... and he was having some emotional stability/triggering issues at the time, and he instantly turned red and went full on tirade mode.

Fortunately for me, after detaining me a few hours, some switch flipped in his head again and he just went to his car, got in, and drove off. Surreal.

So I asked myself :
If I had been charged, what would be the difference in court, vis-a-vis evidence, between it being a lie, and it being the truth?
Answer : No difference.

All he threatened me with was provable only by his word, and no evidence was required. I likely would have gone to jail, and had my life turned upside down... all on some person's grimace.

My view on evidence changed that day.
I will _NEVER_ convict anyone of anything, without physical tangible evidence that I can hold in my hand and see with my eyes, or at least run forensic tests on.
Testimony doesn't mean _shit_. It's absolutely, patently _worthless_.

(I also now run a dash cam everywhere I drive to protect myself from false accusations)

Basically, unless you have physical proof, I don't care.
Whatever you have to say, prove it.
No proof, no cares.

That goes for all accusations of anything ever. Across the board. Absolute.

It's the standard I want people to have for me, and it's the standard I have for others.


(Aside, unrelated : I know a dude that was raped by a girl (he was nearly paralyzed drunk at his own house party). Wasn't even a secret. People at the party knew it happened. Nobody cared. When he complained, all anyone said was "Oh whatever. Shut up get over it". It wasn't even a question of 'did it happen?', it was a matter of "so what?".)

ChaosEngine said:

Finally, where is the abandoning of proof and evidence? Show me someone who has been convicted of sexual assault without any evidence. There's a big difference between accepting an allegation is worth looking into and convicting that person.

If a woman (or a man) comes forward with a claim of sexual assault, they are entitled to be taken seriously. That doesn't mean their alleged assailant is guilty though.

How Simon and Garfunkel Created a Timeless Song

drradon says...

At the time this song was most popular, there was much discussion of the meaning of refrain - parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme. One interpretation was that it was a nonsense phrase substituting for "sober and grave, grows merry with time" - as applied to the loss of a lover (or a lovers') affection (s/he'll get over it...) but contrasted with the clearly mournful tone of the song suggesting that this lover didn't....

Where Did Viruses Come From?

HenningKO says...

That was great science popularization...
Here's what a virus is; here are several schools of thought, deepening your knowledge about what a virus is; and ultimately science can't tell you what a virus is until we get more evidence or nail down some definitions.

rbar (Member Profile)


rbar (Member Profile)

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