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Most Popular Sports in the World (1930/2020)

Elizabeth Warren: Donald Trump can NEVER be the President

newtboy says...

Not by winning the vote.
Even Clinton was liked more than Trump by over 3000000 Americans AFTER screwing Sanders out of a fair shot....explain that.
Biden has always been more popular than her.
Sorry sunshine.

bobknight33 said:

And he did become POTUS.

ant (Member Profile)


Trump Publicly Suggests Postponing The Election

wtfcaniuse says...

The only dispute over the 2016 election I know of was due to the popular vote, the same as Gore Vs Bush in 2000.

Can you cite a single case of Democrats fucking things up since 2016?

We have already established that your use of "finger banging joe" is pro Biden, why do you keep showing support for Biden while extolling the virtues of a wannabe despot?

bobknight33 said:

Democrats could not accept the election results in 2016 . Sore Looser.

Democrats have been F in things up last 3 1/2 years.

Finger Banging Joe 2020

Beautiful Trigonometry - Numberphile

BSR says...

You could recreate this with the exception of 3D.

Been playing with program for years and it's fairly simple once you play with it for a while.

Algodoo is a physics-based 2D sandbox freeware from Algoryx Simulation AB as the successor to the popular physics application Phun. It was released on September 1, 2009 and is presented as: a learning tool, an open ended computer game, an animation tool, and an engineering tool.

ant (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

What better proof than your own eyes?! Better hide well, though. I have a history of doing murderous things to ants that come in uninvited! ;-)

The saying is from Greater Tuna, a ridiculous play popular in Texas, I thought maybe everywhere after they put it on video and TV. Maybe check it out, on the tube.

ant said:


Happy New Year 2020

eoe says...

Woah, buddy -- you're going off the deep end with my argument and beating the poor straw man into a puff of dried grass. I'm not saying that everyone is a darn automaton following the whims of popular culture. I'm merely saying that there is a heavy pressure to do things because of culture. And because of Japanese kawaii culture, she gains a lot of social credit for performing in such a way.

Relax. Just beca

newtboy said:

So it her dancing like a cute anime girl for attention that you say isn't a choice, or is it demeaning women who make different choices than yours (hers) in the name of feminism that isn't a choice, or are you saying there are no choices and all behavior is culturally driven so out of our hands?

Doing crimes is a choice, and one not monopolized by minorities. It may be your best option in your particular circumstances, but it's never the only option, it is definitely a choice.

Ppft, I say. Then why don't people all act the same in a given culture?
Culture may make certain choices socially acceptable or not, or personally beneficial or not, but you are responsible for your choices. Yes, you really choose, cultural acceptance and consequences may be part of how you form your decision, or not, but they don't make your decisions, they inform them. If culture was the only deciding factor, we would still be living in the bronze age where a girl this age would have no viable choice but to have had a few children by now and would likely be dead from complications of childbirth. Fortunately, many have chosen to ignore or contradict cultural norms so we have progressed as a society.

Which is The Most Dangerous Car? Problems with NHTSA ratings

newtboy says...

I was thinking about car safety and how the biggest variable is likely the specific cars are driven on average, and it struck me that the best way to promote public safety would be to make your maximum speed limit variable based on gvw (gross vehicle weight). This is already done for vehicles with more than two axles or those towing trailers because it's obvious they take longer to stop. The same logic should apply to every car. It's a no brainer that a Humvee takes longer to stop than a Miata, and is far less controllable under emergency braking. For the safety of both those in such larger vehicles and the general public, they should not be allowed to go as fast as cars weighing 1/4 their weight with better brakes.
A side benefit of such a system would be greater average fuel economy, because bigger cars have greater wind resistance (on average) so become less efficient at higher speeds.
Of course, I wouldn't expect that kind of reason to ever fly in America where the most popular car is a heavy truck that's never used for hauling and could be replaced with a Honda Civic with no loss of functionality for >75% of owners....but everyone wants to drive a tank so they're safer, with no thought about what that means for the other cars on the road.

*quality explanation of why crash testing is only a tiny part of real life safety in cars

Why Hayao Miyazaki's Animation Feels Alive

viewer_999 says...

This is the first time I've ever heard anyone call out the non-stop orchestral garbage plastered wall-to-wall over so many popular films (e.g., disney and yes, star wars... which is now, well, you know...). Thanks to this narrator! I hate that nonsense.

Capitalism Didn’t Make the iPhone, You iMbecile

vil says...

There was no ground movement to develop the internet that was somehow community or government funded and that ultimately made it popular and useful.

In reality there was a 60s military communications project that got traction (after decades of basically spare-time tinkering development by weird individuals funded by socialism) when capitalism made home computers possible. Then it skyrocketed because profits could be made.

Socialism was an expensive land telephone line. Capitalism is five different ways I could get connected tomorrow at speed if I decide today. I just realized I stopped thinking about how fast my internet connection is years ago.

Boondocks predicted the chicken sandwich wars

newtboy says...

Sure, the world has had fire since it's been a planet, but if I told you in 1979 that in the next 5 years both the world's funniest comedian and most popular pop star would survive catching themselves on fire, that's still a miraculously accurate prediction.

Chicken restaurant chain releases new chicken sandwich, runs out, and causes multiple riots was hardly foreseeable, least not the first time. I kind of expected it for the reboot, granted.

Sagemind said:

I don't think it was "predicted"
The world's been burning since the world's been turning!"
"Same as it ever was!"

Back-To-School Essentials | Sandy Hook Promise

harlequinn says...

No, I don't talk as if there has never been an amendment. It doesn't even make sense to suggest that since I'm referring to the 2nd Amendment.

Changing the constitution is very difficult. It was made that way on purpose. Article 5:

"Only inaction and unsupported, unpopular opposition has prevented the government from effectively regulating, not inability."

Whether you believe it is unsupported or unpopular has no bearing on anything. Just to be clear, I never wrote or implied they don't have the ability, only that the constitution prevents "government from effectively regulating arms."

The party in power may not fully represent your views, or the views of the people who directly support the party, no party ever does. But enough Americans wanted them in, and not the opposition who resoundingly lost, that they rule the roost. Considering how many Americans don't vote there is no such thing as a majority of Americans - there can only be a majority of those who vote. And this is not a measure for winning an election. The measure for winning is electoral college votes. The rules were set, one side played it better, the other side lost and whined about the rules.

"You just implied strongly that you're just a sock puppet for Vladimir....AKA @bobknight33....and @wtfcaniuse didn't assume your stance on gun control, he derided your (bob's) snarky but incorrect assessment of our popular opinion and shooting statistics.
Who's being dumb now?!"

I'll answer straight up. You. You are acting dumb. And paranoid. I don't know who those people are. Your "popular opinion" of what? I literally gave links to authoritative statistics for anything under contention. You need to see someone about your mental state.

Try to make people feel welcome. There is a reason this website is sinking into obscurity (look at the rankings).

newtboy said:

You talk as if there's never been an amendment, or you don't understand how they work. 98% support is far more than needed.

The founders foresaw this sort of issue, and created a constitution that can evolve with the culture. Only inaction and unsupported, unpopular opposition has prevented the government from effectively regulating, not inability.

That's the thing about having a party in control that doesn't represent the majority (edit: or even the vast majority of their own supporters), the will of the people is neutered.

You just implied strongly that you're just a sock puppet for Vladimir....AKA @bobknight33....and @wtfcaniuse didn't assume your stance on gun control, he derided your (bob's) snarky but incorrect assessment of our popular opinion and shooting statistics.
Who's being dumb now?!

Back-To-School Essentials | Sandy Hook Promise

newtboy says...

You talk as if there's never been an amendment, or you don't understand how they work. 98% support is far more than needed.

The founders foresaw this sort of issue, and created a constitution that can evolve with the culture. Only inaction and unsupported, unpopular opposition has prevented the government from effectively regulating, not inability.

That's the thing about having a party in control that doesn't represent the majority (edit: or even the vast majority of their own supporters), the will of the people is neutered.

You just implied strongly that you're just a sock puppet for Vladimir....AKA @bobknight33....and @wtfcaniuse didn't assume your stance on gun control, he derided your (bob's) snarky but incorrect assessment of our popular opinion and shooting statistics.
Who's being dumb now?!

harlequinn said:

You talk like it matters if "an overwhelming majority of Americans support gun control and background checks right". It doesn't.

The founders of the USA foresaw this sort of issue and wrote an extremely strong constitution preventing government from effectively regulating arms.

That's the thing about being a republic, the tyranny of the majority is thankfully neutered.

BTW, don't be dumb and assume my stance on gun control.

When white supremacists overthrew a government

newtboy says...

Your brain has turned to mush.
Seek medical attention.

The Southern Strategy was in response to Kennedy's civil rights act, which passed after his assassination....a strategy implemented largely after it's passing.

Although the phrase "Southern Strategy" is often attributed to Nixon's political strategist Kevin Phillips, he did not originate it[15] but popularized it.[16] In an interview included in a 1970 New York Times article, Phillips stated his analysis based on studies of ethnic voting:

"From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that... but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats".[1]

So, if by "sensible Democrats" you mean the racist ones angry that non whites now have rights, you're partially correct, except that it did work, he did peel them off and won the presidency because of their support.

bobknight33 said:

Yet another fool drinks Kool Aid.

Bogus Dog whistle you listen to. They don't exits.

Nixon tried to peel off the sensible democrats and it did not work. That Racist Democrat south held tight.

Racist Democrats kept the south. Republicans pushed for Civil rights bill of 64. 80% of Republicans in the House and Senate voted for the bill. Less than 70% of Democrats.

Democrat party are the party of racism not Republicans.

Even more so today Democrats are spouting that racism is worst that ever. Such BS.

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