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Barney Frank Answers 10 Questions From

Nithern says...

Barney Frank, and Al Franklin, seem to be two gentleman that cut the B.S. and go straight to the point of the issues.

Defination of the word 'Frank'

1. direct and unreserved in speech; straightforward; sincere
2. without inhibition or subterfuge; direct; undisguised.
3. Archaic. liberal or generous.

Unrestrained, free, bold, uninhibited. Frank, candid, open, outspoken imply a freedom and boldness in speaking. Frank is applied to one unreserved in expressing the truth and to one's real opinions and sentiments.




Should we be at all surprised by the way these two behave and talk, on subjects of American politics? Should *THIS* be the sort of stuff, we want to see politicans do and behave, instead of the mockery of human dignity we see from Rommey, Palin, Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity?

Never Take Away The Bacon

This Place Has Been Amazing, But It's Time To Leave :) (History Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

My god. You know, I am a human being, I would rather you had just said that to me in person when I was there. I DO care and I will try to address anything you and the rest of you say here.

I've only ever been honest with you, ivy, ac and everyone else here. You may think that I'm a "brick", but you would be sorely mistaken.

I was only ever "creepy" with you, when you were the same or even worse back at me - god knows that sexual talk is basically what you do in the lounge. Many other people can attest to that. If I really and truly did freak you out on my visit, then I really am sorry. I never intended anything like that.

Delusions is really not true. I'm fairly sure of my flaws, I know I'm too outspoken and needy, which is the only reason I've been trying to get rae and yourself for that matter to give me a proper explanation as to why I was being ignored out of the blue.

Bea, I was only ever nice to you and your children as well. I did say a swear or two during our scrabble game, while your little kid was in the room, and I'm sorry for that. I didn't mean to alienate you or them. I am neither a narcissist nor a nihilist - many things do in fact matter to me, but I want people to like me as who I am, not as a rosy-red picture I draw for them. It seems obvious that you don't, and I wish you would have just told me that nicely. The fact that you would not say a thing until something about it until this, says something about you too, I think. But, I'm sorry for any distress I've caused you.

>> ^peggedbea:
why would anyone bother to tell a narcissistic nihilist like yourself ever? what would be the point? like trying trying to tell a brick that its a fucking brick. it wouldnt hear you, and it doesnt care.
youve said it yourself, on my front porch and several places on the sift im sure, that you dont fucking care. you see no reason to curb your behavior or watch your mouth because thats "censorship". well sir, there is a reason human beings take care not to alienate eachother, because we are herd creatures. our health depends upon the health of the herd. and furthermore, the word for people who throw whatever kind of disgusting bullshit they feel like around with no regard for how it might make anyone feel, and indeed no insight into how others feel, is sociopath.
the measure of a man is how honestly he loves and how careful he treats people. you sir are no man. you are a baiting groping creepy disgusting creep. and you need to take a long hard look at your interactions with rae and see where what youve said in private and what immature bullshit youve posted publicly that could have made her feel like she couldnt even stand being on the same URL as you. and if you can do that, maybe MAYBE theres some hope for you.
you are what happens when spoiled ugly children are left to their own devices with noone to challenge them. they are left with computer games and pop culture and pornography as their only insights into women and the world at large. and they end up isolated clueless 26 year old virgins with a fucking website as their lone social outlet and the only place to throw their inflated self deluded egos around. you are indeed suffering from serious delusions. and i pity you. i pity you sooooo much.
and theres my flame out. /bye

JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

Psychologic says...

I had the pleasure of attending the first communion for the son of my wife's sister a couple weeks back (he's 8 or so). Everyone was congratulating him with a similar exuberance to parents explaining to their children that Santa is real and is watching everyone. Poor kid.

I was surprised at the politics involved in the mass though. During one of the prayers, among all of the general blessings and requests, the priest threw in "and Lord, please help lead the nations of the world to adopt compassionate immigration policies". The random political injection caught me a bit off-guard.

Similarly, there was a time where people could speak out with prayer requests, like "please help Mr. Smith recover from his surgery". Then one guy's request was "Lord, please guide everyone to see that abortion is murder, and help us bring all of those involved to justice."

After the service I told the kid "congratulations", when I really wanted to say "run while you still can!"

In reply to this comment by JiggaJonson:
I just sent out a communion card for my 8 year old sister and I'm not sure how to feel about it. I'm a pretty outspoken atheist so I wanted to write "So how did Jesus' flesh taste?" but instead I just wrote "Congratulations."
I'm a softy for 8 year olds getting dressed up and what not, but that's how they gettcha - no one wants to break the illusion.

On the other hand, trying to get those same kids to pay attention in science class, when there really is SO much wonder in the universe, and so much to discover is another thing. They all just came to the communion for the crackers.

What can an atheist possibly celebrate?

JiggaJonson says...

I just sent out a communion card for my 8 year old sister and I'm not sure how to feel about it. I'm a pretty outspoken atheist so I wanted to write "So how did Jesus' flesh taste?" but instead I just wrote "Congratulations."
I'm a softy for 8 year olds getting dressed up and what not, but that's how they gettcha - no one wants to break the illusion.

On the other hand, trying to get those same kids to pay attention in science class, when there really is SO much wonder in the universe, and so much to discover is another thing. They all just came to the communion for the crackers.

Jesse Ventura "Give Me A Waterboard Dick Cheney & One Hour!"

Real Time - Seth MacFarlane on the atheist movement

BicycleRepairMan says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
Another unfortunate paradox based on the assumption that most outspoken atheists are also leftists: the left readily draws on facts, evidence and logic when attacking faith, but reverses tactics and demands faith when the failures and limitations of socialism are exposed.

I seriously wonder what makes you say all this moronic shit. Do you have some magical bullshit-hat that you pull random "facts" from? Even on the surface what you're saying doesnt make any sense. First off, the people you call "socialists" in american politics are NOT socialists. Lets just get that straight.

Compared to countries where the word socialism or atleast "social democracy" actually can be used, (such as in scandinavia etc.) even the most leftist democrats in the US can only be considered hardline capitalists.

So, ask ANY of these people if there are any limits to socialism, and they would surely say "of course."

So I ask you, please, come up with one of these "leftists" who are unwilling to admit the "failures and limitations of socialism".

Who are they? Joseph Stalin?

I guess we all are Stalin to you, there seem to be no political landscape between the Texas desert and the 1950's Soviet Tundra to you. You live in a fantasy-world where Reagan is still facing the impending doom of communism in the form of imaginary "communist sympathizers" like Obama. Please get your head straight, you're talking shit.

Real Time - Seth MacFarlane on the atheist movement

quantumushroom says...

Another unfortunate paradox based on the assumption that most outspoken atheists are also leftists: the left readily draws on facts, evidence and logic when attacking faith, but reverses tactics and demands faith when the failures and limitations of socialism are exposed.

My opinion now is thoughtful religionists have a slight edge regarding egotistical self-delusion, because they don't consider themselves the ultimate authority and source of morality.

The maker of cartoons and the other guy who is a cartoon don't have much to say. Their little bubble-world frowns on morality, leaving power as the only metric of personal importance. You don't want to be the P.A. who brings them the wrong brand of spring water.

Oral Sex Is The New Goodnight Kiss (Part One)

Christopher Hitchens: Religious Influence In America

Asmo says...

Maybe if the loudest members of Christianity (and other faiths) exhibited the best qualities of the faith, then perhaps the young people of today would be more interested in religion.

Is there any wonder that radical, outspoken right wing conservatives are driving people out of religion?

George Galloway banned from Canada

bcglorf says...

bcglorf, you can quibble all you like. What's more telling is your deafening silence on the precious irony in having the JDL decry an outspoken member of British Parliament, on the specious charge of supporting terrorists.

specious:"having a false look of truth or genuineness"

Under Canadian law there is nothing specious about charges against Galloway of supporting a terrorist organization. Galloway openly and proudly boasts of donating 25,000 pounds and 3 cars directly to Ismail Haniya, one of the top leaders of Hamas. Hamas is clearly on Canada's list of terrorist organizations. What part of that would you consider specious exactly?

So the very individual in this video who is brazenly condemning Galloway for supporting terrorism, for supplying humanitarian aid to Gazans, is himself unable to condemn the terrorism committed in the name of his own organization.

I'm not familiar with Meir Weinstein myself, a cursory glance appears like your right about him. That doesn't change a thing about Galloway, I'm glad a guy like him is being kept out of the country. If Meir Weinstein is as you describe I'd be glad to extend my contempt to him as well, I don't see were you somehow think that liberates Mr. Galloway.

George Galloway banned from Canada

qualm says...

bcglorf, you can quibble all you like. What's more telling is your deafening silence on the precious irony in having the JDL decry an outspoken member of British Parliament, on the specious charge of supporting terrorists.

Here is Meir Weinstein, who also goes by Meir Halevi, [commenting on the Cave of the Patriarchs massacre committed by party member Baruch Goldstein in Hebron,] saying "[o]ur organization does not condemn the attack. It condemns the Israeli government for not providing adequate protection for settlers."

So the very individual in this video who is brazenly condemning Galloway for supporting terrorism, for supplying humanitarian aid to Gazans, is himself unable to condemn the terrorism committed in the name of his own organization.

choggie (Member Profile)

Alms4him says...

In reply to this comment by choggie:
catchy hook......again, atheist fucktards, how much work for good can be done, by being the obnoxious schoolyard bully??? Yer all fucktards, preachy is the disease you all share.....atheist's most outspoken and memorable examples, I wouldn't be caught dead inna life raft 3 clicks form shore with.....oh and, Madeline Murray O'Hare???...she's in heaven

Read below Ignoramus!

What If God Disappeared?

MaxWilder says...

I considered myself to be an a-political agnostic before the religious right started pushing creationism in schools again. That issue, as well as a few smaller issues like displaying the Ten Commandments in courthouses, pushed me to take a harder look at my stance, and read a few more books about science and atheism.

So I guess one could say that if it weren't for outspoken religious nutjobs, I would never have become an outspoken atheist.

By the way, most atheists aren't claiming that there is no God, just that religions created by humans are all absurd.

Mother of soldier accuses Gaza doctor of hiding weapons

Irishman says...

The man in this clip is Doctor Ezeldeen Abu Al-aish who trained in an Israeli hospital and believes in Arab-Israeli co-existence. He is actually an outspoken critic of Hamas.

He was calling into News Channel 10 and reporting on daily events on the ground live on the air.

He was a Palestinian who chose to work for Israel, and the IDF killed his daughters. The IDF claimed there was sniper fire coming from his house, later they claimed it was coming "from the area", later again they said the matter was "under investigation".

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