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Brian Cox refutes claims of climate change denier on Q&A

ChaosEngine says...

He's in Pauline Hanson's party, and there are plenty of examples of her racism (mostly against indigenous people and Asians).

As for One Nation, they want to abolish the Racial Discrimination Act (the one that makes it illegal to discriminate based on race). They want surveillance cameras installed in all mosques.

They also have a number of utterly pointless policies designed to "target Islam" by outlawing things THAT ARE ALREADY FUCKING ILLEGAL, like female genital mutilation (male genital mutilation is just dandy though) and not allowing face coverings on driving licences.

That might not meet a strict definition of a "racist" policy, but it's pretty clear where they're coming from.

harlequinn said:

I've only seen anti-immigration and anti-Islam platforms coming out of One Nation. As you would well know, racism, anti-immigration, anti-Islam (or anti-religion in general), nationalism, etc. are all different things.

Have you got a link to some racist policies, or sentiment?

Genuine question. I live in Australia and like to know who thinks what in the political world.

Exploring Korea's Illegal Tattooing Scene

00Scud00 says...

I seem to recall the first guy she interviewed said that Korea didn't have a tattoo culture before this. So it's being created and defined by the youth of the 21st century, with ample access to western culture, and besides, western themes probably piss their parents off even more.
There was also a lot of ink on some of those people and we could have easily missed something due to the short amount of time or our lack of knowledge of Korean culture.

I'm not sure how she rubbed people's faces in it, she seemed like she was just being herself. It would be hard to be as modded as she is and not stick out like a sore thumb.
And their laws sound like the same kind of technical bullshit that places like Texas use to try and outlaw abortion. That being said, if a doctor could legally become a tattoo artist then being the only legal tattoo shop in town might make for an interesting opportunity.

ChaosEngine said:

Interesting to see that all the Koreans pictured had very "western" tattoos, lots of english words, etc.

Of course, I'm not saying they shouldn't have that (anymore than a westerner can't have an asian or polynesian style tattoo), but you would expect at least some examples of more local art style.

Let's Talk About Bathrooms

newtboy says...

So then, why on earth do you think they are forcing it to happen?
The law REQUIRES men to use women's rooms, and vice versa. They are making it EASIER for men to go into women's rooms, because they REQUIRE it by law now. They don't have to go in drag or wear makeup, they just have to say they were BORN a woman and saunter right in.
What brain dead idiocy they've made into law here. They have required by law the very thing they were trying to outlaw.

bcglorf said:

White cis male weighing in, so I know the only acceptable position I can take is to defer the decision to others, but I'll chance it.

It seems pretty obvious to me the people taking the most abuse in and having the most anxiety on the subject are going to be anyone transgendered.

I am however a bit reluctant to rule out the concern that might be held by the female half of the population of using public bathrooms alongside males. I know, most of the proposals are all based on simply allowing transgender people who identify as female to use female restrooms. I don't however think it's fair to straight out reject concerns from females that male predators, or more probably 'mere' perverts, can pretty easily 'fake it' and walk right in.

The argument of just get over yourself or you phobias also cuts both ways. Anyone insisting this is a world altering vital battleground over freedom and privacy is maybe taking things too far.

Bernie Sanders...The Revolution Has Just Begun

newtboy jokingly says...

All Christians are terrorists or terrorist sympathizers. We should outlaw the religion, close all Christian churches, make Christians sign a 'patriot pledge' and put their names on a list, and absolutely stop allowing Christians into the country until we can figure out what the hell is going on. want him to READ....and to form his own opinion by himself!?!? Yeah, good luck with that. I think you're asking for a blood donation from a stone.

mentality said:

By your logic, a Christian is a Christian, so you are as much of a scumbag as the WBC members or those nutcases who blow up abortion clinics?

Yes Bernie is a socialist, but saying all socialists are the same is about as accurate and as truthful as saying all Christians are the same. So why don't you start judging Bernie by what he actually says.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren to Republicans: Do Your Job

Dumdeedum says...

Of course Obama's an extremist, don't you remember when he enacted Sharia Law and took away all your guns? Or the incarceration and subjugation of all white heterosexual males? Or outlawed Christianity, Christmas and the US flag?

China's gamified new system for keeping citizens in line

the untold story of muslim opinions and demographics

RFlagg says...

Shouldn't there be a circle outside the fundamentalist circle? I'd think the way she's talking she's outside that circle too. The sheer numbers in all the discussed circles is certainly something to be weary of, and I agree the issue needs to be addressed more by those outside the fundamentalist circle.

The same circles can be applied to Christians as well. The inner circle includes people like that guy who killed those at the Planned Parenthood. The next Islamist circle would be mostly the Tea Party type Christians, those that want to force one type of Christian view on others via political action. The Fundamentalist include fundamentalist Christians, those that think gay marriage is a sin and should be outlawed. Now beyond that inner circle, most of Christianity has outgrown it's radical violent past... though their support of the death penalty and stand your ground and murder somebody for stealing your TV sort of suggests they haven't... They criticize Muslim support for chopping off hands of thieves as barbaric, but believe in stand your ground for theft... And those in the fundamentalist circle and further to the center are the ones who do all the speaking for Christianity. There was no outpouring from Christians after the Planned Parenthood terrorist attack about how he doesn't represent Christianity. There is no mass outpouring from the majority of Christians who have no issue with gay marriage to stand up for those who sin differently than them, instead letting the fundamentalist rule the show and present their views as the dominant Christian view, which appears to be that it is worth judging homosexuality as a far worse sin than the ones that they committing... The same arguments she's making for the moderate Muslims to be standing up against fundamentalist to Jihadist Muslims should be applied to Christians as well... no, they radicalized Christians generally aren't as big a threat in terms of violence, but the growing public image of Christians as being bigoted, self-righteous, feeling repressed demigods is a real problem for Christianity as well, and is in large part to blame for its shrinking numbers.

Violence and war against Islam though helps grow the radical elements. As much as Christians love to play the "help help we're being opposed" card, Muslims are increasingly more able to play that card with legit purpose. Trump's call to stop them all from even visiting the US, to register all US Muslims into a database and track them is an open invitation to radicalize more, to move more of them from moderate to fundamentalist and to move fundamentalist towards jihadist... and if it was just one radical idiot like Trump that would be one thing, but he has a huge swath of support, which makes it again easier to radicalize more as they can point out that their faith is under a real and legit attack... which proves their faith is the one true faith as the enemy is working so hard to attack it... this is an argument made by Christians all the time with the we are being oppressed cries, that prove that Christianity is the one true faith, because the devil is working so hard to push Christianity down, yet they don't recognize their attempts to push Islam down proves the exact same point to the Muslims...

I think they all show that religion does far more harm than good.

Star Trek: Renegades (Episode 1)

jmd says...

Wow.. so.. a lot of good.. a lot of bad. Actor performances and writing were all over the board. The seasoned actors were all awesome, and sean young who at first seamed out of place turned out a wonderful performance as Dr Lucien and a hopeful character. The space sequences were numerous and well done with great ship models. Pyrotechnics were kept minimal as those are still hard to do in style in CG so its best to keep it good or keep it out.

The bad how ever. The klaxon mining facility was just all kinds of horribleness. The bad layering, the over the top and ridiculous amounts of shooting flames, and the cherry on the top is the introduction to the main bad guy race with their mask straight out of planet of the apes. I seriously can't believe someone though those were a go for filming. Also most of the planet intro scenes are more of a neo electro artistic style rather than something that looks real. This is a bit surprising since I would think the "animated paintings" from enterprise and voyager era would have been pretty low cost. The worst of the performances is by Crystal Conway, chekovs great great grand daughter.

Writing was also up and down. I think the story was ok with 2 general sins being committed. #1 a little to much backstory stuffed into the first 30 minutes. Icheb's borg roots were uncomfortably recited in a full scene in front of his own crew who would have already known this, and should have instead been a few lines to say he was a borg and then leaving his origin story for a later date. And #2, a lot of plot points like the doorway placed on earth ahead of time and being able to transport through the time distortion seem awfully convenient and tries to absolve the episode from going any farther in complexity. This is a pretty big sin when you consider these need to be %90 self contained episodes. Also it seems no matter how bad you are or how much of an outlaw you are, finding you in the star trek universe is one scene away. I do have to give props to Corin Nemec as the captain of the other ship. His crew is actually pretty bad but I liked him. I was sad to see his script called for more shooting and less investigating. Also I feel bad for the horrible looking bridge set they built him.

Still in the end, I am a big supporter for more star trek. I loved voyager and I think the renegade crew is actually in good shape. Lexxa, is not BAD but needs more work. Like another comment I read, she doesn't seem very smart about anything, no hidden talents. Her fighting is pretty horrible and scripted, and while she pulls the bad girl image off, she lacks the muscle or fancy footwork to look like she could actually hold her own physically.

Ronara was largely forgettable and suffered from the same origin scene stuffing scene sin as Icheb. Chekovs 2 girls on the other hand look like good additions and I think they pulled the female andorian well. Nothing dramatic in their acting but at this point, not sucking is a good thing.

Unfortunately who knows how many years till we see eps 2. I seem to recall this one finished its kickstarter long ago but delayed heavily.

Fox's Shepard Smith On Kim Davis: "Haters Are Gonna Hate"

newtboy says...

OK, didn't know that food restrictions were abolished in the new testament. I guess I have to drop that argument. I'll stick with the mixed fabric one though. Since I'm certain she served a person wearing mixed fabric at some point...clearly we should stone her.

I have been taught that 'treat others as you would have them treat you' was considered the most important teaching BY Jesus (not just the most important teaching OF Jesus), yet these people are doing the exact opposite, by trying to outlaw any form of Sharia law while also trying to codify this 'Christian belief' as law. That just being one in an endless list of attempts at legislating (their narrow idea of) 'morality' or pure religious, completely non moral ideas (I'm thinking 'blue laws' here).
On that note, I always found it odd that so many Christians are so insistent on 'keeping the Sabbath holy', but always forget that the Sabbath that refers to is the Jewish Sabbath (the commandment was for, and given directly to the Jews, no?).
That means they're all doing it wrong....
...but what do you expect from a group that chants “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them." while bowing in front of statues and stained glass likenesses of people, places, and things?

RFlagg said:

The fabric thing is valid, but the New Testament specifically exempts food, so the food laws no longer apply. Of course the New Testament doesn't forbid owning slaves, in fact tells slaves to continue to obey their masters... so technically, slavery is still allowed by the faith despite their claims that they are the ones who got rid of it... of course the South used all the slavery verses to justify their use of slavery, just like during the 50's and 60's people used the verses about mixing races to justify keeping segregation going and refuse interracial marriage licenses. Really when it comes down to it, you can use the Bible to prove any side of an argument you want apparently... I guess god really is perfect as his book can be used to justify 100% opposite positions.. <eye roll>

Fox's Shepard Smith On Kim Davis: "Haters Are Gonna Hate"

newtboy says...

I must guess her brand of religion does not have the 'thou shall not steal' clause, because at her rally they brought her out to 'eye of the tiger', with no permission from anyone in Survivor, and they're pissed. Taking someone else's property and converting it to your use is stealing in my mind, I don't know about hers.

I wondered how many people she refused licenses in the past because they were wearing blended fabrics, or had been seen eating shellfish, both of which are just as forbidden as homosexuality in the bible, actually those two are more clearly forbidden than homosexuality as I understand it, yet no one ever tries to legislate fabric choice or outlaw sea food restaurants. Hmmm.

Wesley Clark reveals on MSNBC : TPTB want to put you in a KZ

newtboy says...

I guess that means, according to Clark, we ARE at war with Islam, making any Muslim an 'enemy'.
I also must guess that Clark has missed the part where America is embarrassed and guilt ridden for it's actions against loyal German/Americans and Japanese/Americans in WW2, but he still thinks preemptive internment is not only acceptable, but the preferred method.

I have an idea that will solve his problems with Radical Islam, let's just outlaw all religion and inter anyone caught practicing it. Sounds like a plan to me.

Drone Armed with and Remotely Firing a Handgun

police officer body slams teen in cuffs

newtboy says...

Closer to the truth would be to assume this (or some other physical abuse) happens at least 3-5 times a day in every major metropolitan area, not once per day in all the US. 9 out of 10 aren't caught on camera...and 9 out of 10 of those that are caught on camera are erased by the perpetrators themselves (the cops). It's only when a private citizen records them and doesn't get arrested themselves (and have the recording destroyed) that we see these videos , and that's multiple times a day (yes, we've seen exactly that happen repeatedly, destruction of video, often recorded by another, unseen citizen that comes to light after the cops lie about the incident.).

When a group commits violent crimes every single day without fail, and those in the group who are not being violent stand behind those that are, then this IS the norm, not an outlier. Sorry.

No, doing your job doesn't erase evil violent acts....neither does committing a 'good' act. If it worked that way, we wouldn't need jails, because nearly 100% of criminals have also done good things in their life, if that erased their crime there would be no need for cops at all. EDIT: Even doing 'good' 10 times as much as you do 'evil' makes you evil, not good, in my eyes. 100 good deeds do not erase one evil deed.

This is not the actions of a few, it's the actions of many, perhaps even the actions of the majority of officers, with the backing of ALL other officers and the force itself. That makes them ALL complicit, with the exception of the tiny, statistically insignificant few that actually report their fellow officers...and they get driven off the force by the majority of other officers that won't stand for 'snitching' by harassing, stalking, threatening, attacking, and not backing them up when they're in danger doing their job.

If ANY other group of people did the kinds of crimes cops have been caught on tape doing just this year alone, we would outlaw that group, seize their assets with RICO, and put most of them in jail. When cops do it, at best they usually get a paid vacation and a pat on the back.

oohlalasassoon said:

So, let's presume your statement that this happens everyday is true. In fact, let's double it, and say for every incident you hear about, there's another that goes unnoticed, and is worse. You're saying the egregious actions of 2 officers per day, is indicative of the type of day MOST cops lead on a daily basis, i.e. : the norm?

Speaking of things we never see... If, for every bad cop video posted I somehow unearthed and posted a video of a wholly unremarkable cop somewhere, clocking in, doing his thing , going against his nature and doing something that could be construed as benign, even good- would it change your opinion of cops?

I'm not the apologist you think I am by the way. I even agree with some of what you say. But I try not to blame the many for the actions of the few. Pretend that rather than cops we're talking about any race of your choosing and decide if I should change my ways.

Santa Ana Cops Behaving Badly

newtboy says...

I'm waiting for all the videos of the 'good cops' out there...I've been waiting a LONG time now. It's seeming more and more like they don't exist anymore.
It's really telling how cops act around other cops when they think no one's watching. it does not go unnoticed how they NEVER worry that the other cops will turn them in for their criminal actions.
Every day my estimation of cops gets worse and worse, with good reason. Incredibly sadly, I'm NEVER given a reason to even question that rapidly sinking, already near rock bottom estimation.
If ANY other group of people committed the acts the police have committed just this year alone, the organization would be outlawed and it's assets seized under RICO.

Let this be a lesson to us all, hide your security cameras well so you have evidence against whatever false charges might be levied against you, because the police know to destroy the visible one's before robbing you blind.

Real Time with Bill Maher: Christianity Under Attack?

RFlagg says...

OMFG... really bob... really... It's people like you that made me ashamed of being a Christian when I was a Christian. Completely believing anything they are told or read from someone with supposed authority without actual critical thought of the original source themselves.

I've hear that Jefferson never meant to exclude religion from politics and believed and repeated it myself for years. Then you know what I did? I actually read the letter that Jefferson wrote. I could have my son, who's going into 6th grade read it and he'd tell you the same thing I'm about to tell you. It's about keeping religion from unduly influencing politics. Especially when you read it in context with the letter that the church sent him that he was responding to, and it becomes more apparent if you read his drafts which were much more to the point.

Yes the phrase "wall of separation" does come from the letter and not the Constitution, but the 1st Amendment includes an establishment clause that prevents the government from favoring one religion over the others. Remember the pilgrims came here to escape a Christian nation that favored one form of Christianity over all others. Admittedly they were more about the fact they couldn't persecute others the way they thought they God wanted them to, but it was the government's church that prevented them from doing so. You can't even be King or Queen of England unless you belong to the Church of England, and if you were Catholic at some point in your past, you are disqualified, even to this day. Yeah, the Church of England no longer has as much influence over the laws as it did when the pilgrims and other early settlers escaped England to come here,

And if the only reason Christians are good is because of fear of punishment or hope for reward, then they are horrible people. Millions of people are good because they are good people without their faith dictating to them to be so. Most people of other faiths are good without the racist brutal Abramic God of the Bible. Most atheists are good without any god. Most pagans are good with their various gods. This insane all morality comes from God alone didn't make sense even when I was at my most evangelical, Fox News watching/defending mode. There were too many people in the world who's good without God and even in those days the concept that somebody would be good only because the Bible tells them so, or they are afraid of God's wrath if they don't is backwards. And as I read the Bible more and more, it became apparent that the far rights obsession with people's sin over love was misplaced (though the far right's sickening defense of Dugger shows a great deal of hypocrisy since if Dugger was on the Left, they'd be all about his sin rather than showing any sort of love, it's when others sin differently than they do they get upset, like at the gays). It was reading the Bible that moved me to the left as the clear Christian way, since the right defends and loves the people Jesus condemned and shames the people that Jesus defended and told us to love and help. It eventually got to the point I couldn't hold onto faith when over half the Christians of this Nation just blindly follow what they are told in church and on Fox News over the truth that Jesus and the Bible was teaching and thinking they were doing the Christian thing at the same time. I then began to do a critical analysts further and eventually became an atheist, because they are all equally bad/good. There is nothing new or original in the Abramic faiths that wasn't there before or since either in the same region or elsewhere... all those other elsewhere's where Jehovah somehow couldn't make himself known, as if he was just a figment of one small regional tribe or worse a racist jerk not worthy of following.

Anyhow, the best way to maintain Christianity is to keep it out of politics. Because what happens if you set things up to let religion influence politics and the Muslims gain power? Then you'll be crying how religion shouldn't influence politics. Or perhaps not that extreme, perhaps some form of Christianity that other Christian's don't agree with gains power and influence? Perhaps the Morman's or the Catholics or the Jehovah Witness? At what point does religious influence stop? When laws are passed that any church that doesn't practice or allow the speaking in tongues is outlawed? The 1st Amendment is designed to keep religion out of politics in order to protect religion.

Let's break that last sentience out again. The 1st Amendment's establishment clause is designed to keep religion out of politics in order to protect religion. The whole point is to keep one form of one faith from dominating all other forms of the same or other faiths. It protects those other forms Christianity and other faiths.

Finally there is no war on Christianity. I admitted that long before my fall from faith. I was there with it all, with how it was targeted, but the reality is there is no war on Christianity here... all that's happening is specific forms of Christianity are loosing their influence on other Christians and society as a whole, and they are very vocal about how it's persecution, because like the pilgrims, they are no longer allowed to persecute others the way they want to. Maybe if the people screaming about how Christianity is being persecuted while they try to deny equal rights to others because they sin differently than us, would actually show the love of Christ and behave the way He actually would have in modern society rather than trying to show how Christian they are, then perhaps Christianity wouldn't be losing the numbers they are. I know I, and many other atheists, likely wouldn't have had at crisis of faith if it wasn't for the far right. I never would have explored the logical and theological problems with Christianity and the Abramic faiths... I'd probably eventually found a more Quaker, left leaning (most the Quaker "Friends" related churches in this area are the far evangelical right Fox News types) type church that seems to be more in line with the Bible and teachings of Jesus, but the far right pushed me into a far more critical mode than I would likely ever have gone to on my own. So keep it up those on the far right, you are the ones destroying and making a war on Christianity. You push more and more people away, and more and more people stop seeing any difference between the far right and radical Islam.

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