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VideoSift v6 (VS6) Beta Video Page (Sift Talk Post)

eric3579 says...

The opt in and opt out buttons, easily accessible on each page, are extremely helpful for comparison and makes me much more willing to view, and attempt to more use/explore the new design. Good call Lucky

VideoSift v6 (VS6) Beta Video Page (Sift Talk Post)

Esoog says...

I agree with some of the comments that were already made:
- I missing seeing the channels
- I feel the hover over pop-out is too fast as well
- It feels like a lot of wasted space...its hard to describe, but things feel too big. I use everything from a tablet, to a 27 inch monitor, to a 40 inch TV to browse this site, and I on this new design, I find myself zooming out 3 or 4 times to get a 'comfortable' fit on the screen.

Most importantly, 95% of my activity on this site is opening a video from the front page, or from the "top new videos by vote" list. Then when I'm finished with that video, I quickly find another from that same list. I miss having that list ever-present on the screen. I just dont like the mouse-over pop-out. It lacks ranks and the thumbnails are too big. And it doesnt look like I can adjust the list length like I did on the 'old' design, to show 20 videos, instead of the original 10 or 15 (whatever the default was).

Lastly, I've mentioned this before to some people: I would LOVE a way to filter siftbot replies and user invocations in comments. I hate having to scroll past 8 or 9 siftbot replies, and user invocations, just to find 1 actual comment buried somewhere in there. If all someone does is comment *Down Under, and siftbot replies that its added the Down Under channel, then allow us to hide those messages.

But most importantly, I would like the ever-present Top Videos list on each page.

Let's talk about *Promote (Sift Talk Post)

seltar says...

Even IF there were 10 videos being promoted, that usually meant that 8 of those were top notch, so I really don't see why you'd restrict it to 3.
But what's worse is that you don't see who posted it, how long it is, how many views it has or the description. It doesn't give the full information and doesn't give a focus to the elements, as it should.

To be blunt;
The new design has some benefits, but also a lot of clutter. Some of the new functionalities (power point usage, promotes, new menu) are absolutely worthless compared to how they used to be.
Worthless to the point that I have several friends that are now migrating to reddit because they can't find what they're looking for here anymore. Either because of broken logic, or non-intuitive navigation.

The community is what keeps the sift going, so please consider rolling back a few things.

VideoSift 5.0 bugs go here. (Sift Talk Post)

mxxcon says...

I wouldn't call this a bug, more like a tweak, but I'd want every font to be increased +1..everything is small enough to be uncomfortable to read, especially comments.

Also with the new design I feel there's inconsistency between quote/reply/browse icons in the comment field and vote/spam/ignore text..

And please provide alternative dark background(maybe ability to just turn it off outright). My monitor is still going crazy from this one

VideoSift 5.0 Launch! (Sift Talk Post)

westy says...

Why not just copy Reddit's way of doing things for the most part but then make the community aspect better?

In the end video sift is shit compared to Reddit when it comes to how much content you can brows quickly and how tidy it is organized.

What video sift does have over Reddit is a more focused community and more focused videos/grouping of videos and persistence of themed organisation , so that's what the new design should most focus on fostering.

I think its also better to have things on separate pages well designed pages , rather than have windows load within windows its a total mess writing this comment I have a comment scroll bar + a comment section scroll bar + the main webpage scroll bar.
Also Gray txt on greyish background ?

Not that it matters I'm not paying for video sift

Perpetual Motion

VidRoth says...

Lol, I'm assuming the "debate" is the bored vs. the bored, because this isn't even a new *design*.

The cool thing in this video is that none of us thought of making one out of cardboard.

How Real People Will Use Windows 8

Skateboarding in the Alps

Occupy Chicago Governor Scott Walker Speech Interrupted Mic

Sagemind says...

I am in a government Union job and I wholeheartedly disagree.
As it is, there is not enough time in the day to get the work done. The work never ends and has major deadlines. I work my day by starting 20 minutes early, I skip both my 15 min breaks and eat at my desk while working or skip my lunch entirely. I am often asked to work overtime and asked not to claim overtime. My Director asks that we record that overtime and take time off where we can - Time that never comes because the work never lets up.

Don't get me wrong though. I like my job so I enjoy working through my breaks. In a creative job, I can't turn it on and off according to a clock. Knowing it is a union job helps give us a little power to push back at times and say, "No - You're overloading us. If there is that much work that isn't getting done, it's time to ad a new designer to the team."

Our union has also allowed us to come to work and get parking as a benefit. I work at a large college and I shouldn't have to pay the college to come to work each day.

It doesn't matter who you are - you should have the right to stand up and say, "Hey, that's not fair"

>> ^quantumushroom:

...government employees should never, ever be allowed to organize. The need for a union comes down to this question: Do you have a boss who wants you to work harder for less money? In the private sector, the answer is yes. In the public sector, the answer is a big, fat NO.

Two brits explore WalMart

Kitten attempts to defeat cat's plastic fortress

Payback says...

"I had planned to spray on the Human's new designer boots in retaliation for this Schrodinger-esque humiliation... but certain unforeseen benefits have shown this item to be not completely without merit."

New Airplane Seats - You Cannot Actually Even Sit On Them

dannym3141 says...

>> ^Gallowflak:

>> ^Psychologic:
>> ^Gallowflak:
Oh, come on, dude. The issue here is making people almost deliberately uncomfortable, claustrophobic and immobile for the sake of some extra profit. It's not a matter of taste, or people thinking every design should suit them/their physiology, it's just fundamentally horrible design.
I was relieved to hear that it's only for flights of two hours or less in duration. The idea of being in that position for 22 hours on the Birmingham/Sydney route is almost as terrifying as a waterboarding session.

It's optional. As far as I can tell, no one is being put in that situation against their will (that would be fairly dishonest).
Bicycles aren't exactly comfortable either, but people choose to spend hours on those. You may not want to, and that's fine, but I'm glad the option exists.

With the condition that it's optional, then there's surely no problem. However, an important consideration is what percentage of seats will be comprised of these new designs in the airlines that install them.
I should also say that I have no idea what bicycles have to do with anything.

Unless every single plane installs this and only this - that's still optional.

I *can* fit in one of these seats, i don't *want* to sit on one, so i won't. Where's the beef? No one's forcing anyone to use them, so why the fuck would anyone complain?

If you're too fat to fit on a rollercoaster, you find another ride that you can fit on. That rollercoaster is not mandatory.

New Airplane Seats - You Cannot Actually Even Sit On Them

Gallowflak says...

>> ^Psychologic:

>> ^Gallowflak:
Oh, come on, dude. The issue here is making people almost deliberately uncomfortable, claustrophobic and immobile for the sake of some extra profit. It's not a matter of taste, or people thinking every design should suit them/their physiology, it's just fundamentally horrible design.
I was relieved to hear that it's only for flights of two hours or less in duration. The idea of being in that position for 22 hours on the Birmingham/Sydney route is almost as terrifying as a waterboarding session.

It's optional. As far as I can tell, no one is being put in that situation against their will (that would be fairly dishonest).
Bicycles aren't exactly comfortable either, but people choose to spend hours on those. You may not want to, and that's fine, but I'm glad the option exists.

With the condition that it's optional, then there's surely no problem. However, an important consideration is what percentage of seats will be comprised of these new designs in the airlines that install them.

I should also say that I have no idea what bicycles have to do with anything.

Regarding the comment quoting system that debuted in VS4... (User Poll by xxovercastxx)

gwiz665 says...

For what it's worth, btw, to @campionidelmondo and the rest of you guys, I actually really liked the new design of quotes, I think the code is just complex and the errors a frustrating.

There is a bug when you quote someone with @ in their comment too, it replaces it with the full html code when you quote, so it screws it up, since we're not allowed to input css stuff.

TweetMeme site design (Mystery Talk Post)

EDD says...

You're on to something. No, TweetMeme's not run by VS staff, but damn, does this new design of theirs look awfully familiar to VS 4.0. Unfortunately I can't find a web archive that would display an earlier version of their site, but trust me when I say it looked a whole lot different. Might be worth checking out, dag, lucky, cdm.

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