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Food That Kills

enoch says...

the green explosion has definately saved lives and helped feed a growing population.
so on that note i agree with rottenseed.GM produce that needs less water and can reproduce under harsh conditions and still yield a prosperous harvest is always a good thing.there is a trade off though and many times that trade of is nutritional content and sadly..flavor.
when is the last time you had a tomato that actually TASTED like a tomato?
but as of now there has been no evidence that GM produce is bad for us with the exception of certain corns and grains(thanks monsanto fuckheads)which were spliced with toxic bacteria to kill certain grant you...this corn and grain is for animal feed but WHO ends up EATING the fucking animals?
as for hormone laden poultry/beef and pork.well if you think that is fine then you have no clue what hormones job is concerning,well,just about every system in your one day if you wake up with a nice pair of titties dont come cryin to me.
and smugglarn i think you are missing the point.nobody is saying that plants are evil,nor is anybody here worshipping your argument is pretty lame and if you think creating a plant gene that kills itself right before germination or seeds that will only germinate if sprayed with a certain toxic pest repellant is okie dokie.well then my friend i think it may be you who suffers from a mild case of ignorance.

lets remember that agriculture was the very first thing man learned to begin his climb towards civilizations and when huge agro-business attempts to discard 10,000 years of cultural learning,disciplines and knowledge.passed down through the generations.humanity has actually changed many plant life to his own purpose..forced give an example:mexico has 180 species of maize(corn),america has?----4.
why?huge multi-national conglomerates who dominate the food is not farmer joe down the street who gets 3 million is subsidies but rather general much of the trouble is really with geo-politics and corporate malfeasance and absolutely nothing to do with plants being "good" or "evil".

all this doctor was doing was presenting pretty plain and simple facts and had slides to shock us.
which is a very effective tool.message?
know what the fuck you are putting into your body..pretty simple is your choice to listen or disregard.
and just a side note:for those atkins diet lovers.if you had any idea what that diet does to your kidneys and liver after three weeks you would never go on that diet....ever.
and monsanto is really..they are fucking evil.

Pres. Obama: "We had a little bit of a buzz saw this week"

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

1.the health care debate is a moral argument

Morality is a word that applies to the freedom based decisions of principled individuals. Morality is not a word that applies to compelled requirements of a profligate, collectivist government.

3.historically the end result has always been the working class tax payer who bears the brunt of corporate malfeasance.

The people pay for 100% of government malfeasance. The government's budget is big enough to swallow 'corporate' budgets for breakfast. Is not then wiser to attack government as the greater evil to the middle class? Government generates no wealth, produces no goods, and provides only a handful of services that are poorly managed, sub-standard in quality, and are on the brink of financial collapse due to graft & incompetence. The housing bubble is chump change compared to the government bubble.

5."dey took our JOBS" is just a knee jerk reaction by those who have bought the malarky that somehow jose from mexico took their job when in reality it was the company you worked for who sent it to india or china.blame the company not jose.

No. Blame the government which (by taxation, over-regulation, & unions) make it financially undesirable to operate domestically. It would be really nice if government gave incentives to companies such as tax breaks for employing U.S. workers. But government doesn't do that. Government is more likely to punch corporate America in the gonads as a method of getting votes. Either that or government greases BAD laws for companies so that government can profit itself.

Americans need to learn a harsh reality. Unskilled labor is unskilled for a reason. The jobs leaving the U.S. leave because they only need a handful of skilled professionals and a huge pile of unskilled labor. If you can hire 10,000 unskilled foreign laborers for the same price as 100 U.S. unskilled laborers then the decision isn't very hard. If you want those jobs to stay domestic, then you either have to lower their pay or give the company enough incentive to pay the higher labor costs.

7.labor unions back was broke during the reagan years.they were portrayed as evil how is that working out for everybody now?

Broke labor's back? Pht - we WISH. Thanks to big labor (a government offshoot) we have lost our steel industry, and are well on the way to losing automotive as well. Big labor has also all but annihilated the quality of U.S. teaching.

obama,seems a nice sort and is a talented speaker

If so, then he has not yet demonstrated it. I think people are confusing the term 'talented' with 'articulate'. Obama can give a speech without mangling as many words as Bush Jr. But that's mostly because he's symbiotically grafted to his teleprompter. But he isn't inspiring, uplifting, motivating, or exciting. He's as dull as dirt. So yeah he can make his speeches on a technical sense. But that doesn't make him talented. It makes him robotic.

Pres. Obama: "We had a little bit of a buzz saw this week"

enoch says...

1.the health care debate is a moral argument not a fiscal one but those with corporate agendas have turned it into a fiscal argument.they will win that argument.
2.the term "mandate" is being bantered about more and more by politicians and less about "single payer".translation:"prepared to get fucked...hard".
3.historically the end result has always been the working class tax payer who bears the brunt of corporate opinion is they cannot bear much more.
4.for god and country has always been the battle cry to get citizens to act in a way that is ultimately NOT in their best interest.religion and nationalism has always been the propaganda tool choice of those in power to get YOU to do THEIR the end..YOU lose.
5."dey took our JOBS" is just a knee jerk reaction by those who have bought the malarky that somehow jose from mexico took their job when in reality it was the company you worked for who sent it to india or china.blame the company not jose.
6.the US was considered the land of opportunity for years,and for years this country earned that title but when we went to a financial economy that all started to we are all just wage slaves trying to do the best we can and it is in the best interests of large multinational corporations to have you believe that jose has somehow lessened your lot in life.he didnt but they sure as hell did.
7.labor unions back was broke during the reagan years.they were portrayed as evil and,,.shivers,,, is that working out for everybody now?

my point for these little nuggets?
that this has been happening at a pretty steady pace and we were all asleep.a slow tinkering over the past 90 years,sped up in the 70's..and the bush years accelerated immensely.
i like obama,seems a nice sort and is a talented speaker but politically he is cornered and without some serious growth of balls there is little he will be able to do.
he will deliver the well-meaning speeches but pay the end it will be the corporation who dictate how and what this country will do.
pay attention to that word "mandate".

Obama is a Muslim

quantumushroom says...

I am sick to death of this slurring of Obama.

It's only "slurring" if being a muslim is a bad thing. The video is edited and yet even the unedited message is crystal clear: "I am not a muslim, but I revere the long history of muslims in America (there is no such thing) and celebrate islam's ideas and achievements...but remember I am not a muslim!"

Any sane person who has observed Obama's knowledge of and deference to muslims would assume he is sympathetic to muslims.

islam is incompatible with Western Civilization. The quran does a pretty thorough job of laying down the law as to who is an infidel and must be converted or killed. It also demands that governments be islamic governments or destroyed.

After a year of malfeasance, it's rather clear how little "racism" has to do with the disastrous course The One has set. Only Obama knows for sure if he's really a muslim. To me, he's close enough.

government managed capitalism=plutocracy

Payback says...

A free market economy would work well if malfeasance was a Capital Crime and punishable by death. Nonfeasance and misfeasance would be handled by public flagellation and/or forced labour camps.

Screw the people, you die. Be honest, you live. Be a douchebag, you suffer.

In a system where money is the beginning, middle, and end, it would be the only way.

Glenn Beck Uses Crappy Psychological Gimmick to Attack Obama

Swine Flu Update - What's really going on? (Blog Entry by EndAll)

direpickle says...

imstellar: Picked one of your links at random. Went to the naturalnews site. There is no evidence offered except for a youtube video (I admittedly didn't watch it because I don't have flash available right now). Additionally, on the exact same day, the exact same guy posted another article saying that HIV doesn't cause AIDS.

For the article: Again, no references given. But a quick Googling yielded a refutation of there being any conclusive connection, with, gasp, peer-reviewed research cited.

It looks like the Baxter one is true. It doesn't look like the virus was actually found in anything that was actually going to be administered to a human, though. Negligence, not malfeasance.

Shepard Smith Calls Out "Frightening" FOX E-mailers

enoch says...

>> ^JiggaJonson:
>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
It's because Fox news sucks WP. In comparison, the other news sources don't seem to suck as much
I suggest that is because you aren't looking at them critically because you like what they are saying and so you've chosen to put your blinders on. Since Fox's bias is one you DISlike then you are hyper-sensitive to it, and you choose at that point to take the blinders off.

Any bias is bad in the news (ideally). I dont think that it's just that I don't disagree with the bias, just that it's SO BLATANT.

the fourth estate is a failed institution,brought to all of us in part by the machinations of one michael powell,head of the FCC in 1993,and media conglomerates wanting to monopolize ALL media.
ruper murdoch is only ONE in a small group of FIVE that own ALL of american media.
that is one mighty big bullhorn,one which i choose to not listen to.

what i find ironic in mr pennypackers comments is this:
he states that he does not buy into the polemic(us vs them)and then uses a POLEMIC to make his case against the so-called "neo-libs"(really mr pennypacker,look the definition up please)on videosift.
hypocrisy? you betcha...

i do wholeheartedly agree that there is an US vs THEM,but not in the way the corporate media likes to portray it:
on one side,and
on the other.
this is a media created polemic,a falsely created juxtposition that does not have the inherent divisiveness that we have been forced to accept over the years.
the real US is the average person,doing there best to survive in a seemingly more volatile world.most of US dont have time to vette every story we see on the news.this is a basic fundamental question of trust:do we "trust" corporate news?
answer:no..we dont.they as an institution have failed to instill the necessary ingredients for one time they did,but in the late 70's news went from "non-profit" to "profit",and since we have seen a devolution of news quality and veracity.thats why we see 24 hr coverage of anna nicoles death and not more pertinent news pieces.we are partly to blame for this digression.
THEM are those who seek to gain profit and political influence by manipulating the masses.FOX news is the most egregious benefactors of this type of malfeasance,led by one rupert murdoch.while not alone in media machinations,they are by far the worst offenders.

whenever i see comments about corporate media i think of this short video,if you have not seen,or read noam chomsky's "manufacturing consent" watch this states quite well my thoughts:
thank you and good night

Cop Slams Innocent Man Head First Into a Wall

Jesse Ventura Body Slams Elizabeth Hasselbeck

enoch says...

ya beat me to it RASCH!
the debate if torture is a political right or wrong,or if its its even justified
let me say that again for those who got their intellect from a cracker jack box.
the debate on whether torture is righteous,or a political ideology is IRRELEVANT.
RASCH is correct.according to article 3 of the geneva convention,and CIA,NSA and fbi legal guidelines,waterboarding is considered TORTURE,therefore it is against the LAW.not just international law,but national.
dont like the law?then CHANGE it.
but bybee,addington and woo did not do that did they?
they created retro-active legislation that RETROACTIVELY gave immunity to those who were the architects of the iraq war.
if the bush administration was so righteous in the iraq war and its prosecution,why would they have senior white house legal counsel create laws to grant immunity..retroactively?
answer=because the prosecution of the "war on terror" was an illegal war,using illegal "interrogation techniques".
in the aftermath of world war 2,three japanese interrogators were executed.
their crime?...waterboarding.
which court prosecuted these japanese interrogators?....american.
there IS NO ARGUMENT....waterboarding is against the LAW..period.
so for those who feel they can turn this into a political diatribe are just being weak-minded,or even for an establishment who left their ideologies a long time ago.
while bansheex may be corrct that in the past it was the democracts who were the chickenhawks,it is BESIDE THE POINT,and has no relevance to the current argument.
and QM's argument is just one big red herring,and avoids the real point in order to push his "i hate libs" polemic.
this IS NOT A POLITICAL TALKING POINT.this is about the honor of the USA and how we,as a nation,are all equal UNDER THE LAW.
jesse ventura put it perfectly,and i agree,i dont care if it was a repub,or a dem that knew about this,and either by action OR inaction allowed this perversion to go on.ALL of them should be held accountable.
this new development with the additional abu ghraib pictures NOT being revealed has me smacks of political guess is that some
prominent politicians will be exposed as having known about these abuses and let it slide for political expediency.i find this VERY distasteful.
no-one should be above the law.
and waterboarding is torture,it was developed for the sole purpose of producing a "false confession" and did nothing to gather or obtain pertinent information,but did a great job in making our country seem the hypocrite and made or soldiers far less safe.
and QM..please read up on the legalities please.the "national flag" defense was a construct by the bybee/addington crew to do exactly what you did here..
defend torture,and was corrected in 2006.that argument can no longer be used.
somebody else mentioned "citizen rights"..yeah..ok...
go check out MCA of 2006,patriot act 1& 2,victory act 1& 2.
all they have to do is deem you an "enemy combatant" and your whisked away to "secret rendition" club med.there was a post here a few weeks ago about a 16 yr old who was brought in under the patriot act,he lost all rights as a habeas corpus,no rights of redress,the state does not have to produce evidence under the vague banner of "national security".
this whole things stinks to high heaven,reeking of political malfeasance and abuse.the worst thing is how it indirectly puts our soldiers in a much worse situation than before.and for what?...nothing,absolutely nothing.
i didnt serve my country to watch a bunch of gray haired chicken hawk pussies,who didnt have the balls to sign up when called, but now are all trash talking tough guys,who put MY kids in danger.
bunch of panty-waist,pussy fags.
im done...there is no argument.
against the law..period.
either change the law,or shut the fuck up.
better yet,put your money where your mouth is,and go sign up for the army.
lets see you trash talk then.
fucking pussies.
/rant OFF
thanks for tuning in to:enoch's cathartic rant.

Rachel Maddow Interviews Ron Paul

robdot says...

Everything on your list defines Obama and the democrats.
Yes,republicans SAY those things,but never DO those things.
Fiscal responibility......????? what?
They have thrown out the constitution and when they dont agree with it they wish to amend it.(gay marriage,gitmo,et.)
Corporate malfeasance? omg i dont have time.start with enron and work your way to now.( remember the republicans SCREAMING when Obama fired the ceo of gm rick wagoner???)
Against the global spreading of "democracy" by way of invasions?
states rights>federal powers?
Uh..iraq. and take away states right to aprove same sex marriage by amending the constitution.
Republicans call THEMSELVES deregulators.John mccain said he was The Deregulater.
Deregulation, removal of overseers and safeguards by republicans are one of the reasons banks and insurance companies crashed.Removal of these safeguards allowed banks and insurance companies to overleverage.
This all happened before under another famous deregulator..reagan... Does anyone remember the savings and loans crash?? john mccain,keating 5 etc. same people. See The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, phill gramm.another texas republican.mccains advisor. his wife was on enrons board of directors.
But americans have generational amnesia.
If dr paul actually wants to accomplish any of these things you say he stands for then he needs to change parties and start actually trying to DO those things. until then its just more republican mumbo jumbo bullshit.

Rachel Maddow Interviews Ron Paul

enoch says...

ron paul was the only republican in this last election cycle that actually sounded like a republican.
fiscal responsibility.
strict constitutionalist.
accountability for corporate malfeasance.
against the global spreading of "democracy" by way of invasions.
states rights>federal powers.
a call for common sense legislation (gasp..god forbid).
i could go on...
safe to say,
i like ron paul.

Fox News' Video Cropping Shenanigans

deputydog says...

>> ^enoch:
the media distorts the context by manipulating what they air to perpetuate a narrative?
ya dont say?/snark
while FOX may be adept,and lets be honest,prodigious with this form of manipulation,all giant media conglomerates are guilty of this tactic.
the only way to combat this blatant betrayal of public trust is to shed light on
their malfeasance.
which you have been doing admirably mr deputydog.
thanks my man,keep up the great work.


Fox News' Video Cropping Shenanigans

enoch says...

the media distorts the context by manipulating what they air to perpetuate a narrative?
ya dont say?/snark
while FOX may be adept,and lets be honest,prodigious with this form of manipulation,all giant media conglomerates are guilty of this tactic.
the only way to combat this blatant betrayal of public trust is to shed light on
their malfeasance.
which you have been doing admirably mr deputydog.
thanks my man,keep up the great work.

TED - Sean Gourley: The mathematics of war

enoch says...

i love me some TED.
great stuff here..thankies.
you guys ever see the one "how mushrooms can save the world"?
to lazy to check and see if someone sifted it.
back to TED.
this is the place i go when i get into TO much political,global,deception,malfeasance etc etc..
basically depressing stuff.
i go check out TED,
and there is always something,or someone that has discovered new ways to better us all.
and then i remember that not all of us are total dickweeds.
as a matter of fact,most are pretty damn cool.
the douchebags are a small percentage.
lets say..oh..1%

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