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The newest “pentagon confirmed” UFO is Bokeh effect

cloudballoon says...

Give them some slack, they're too deep into the rabbit hole. These people believe the Earth is flat. The sun revolves around us. The moon landing is staged. So of course it's natural that UFOs can't land. Perfectly logical to them!

moonsammy said:

I've tried to make the argument that aliens couldn't have possibly crashed on Earth, and that the whole idea is insane. So advanced aliens managed to acquire sufficient expertise at space travel to actually cross the unimaginably vast gulfs between stars, but they haven't figured out how planets and gravity work?

Maybe I should just give UFO believers copies of Sagan's "The Demon-Haunted World" and tell them I'm willing to discuss after they read it.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

I do not share your opinion. Provided Bob isn't in-fact a Russian troll, he's still an American.

Pop quiz, which is the best political party?
Trick question, the best party in America is America.

“We’re so glad to see so many of you lovely people here tonight. And we would especially like to welcome all the representatives of Illinois’s law enforcement community that have chosen to join us here in the Palace Hotel Ballroom at this time. We certainly hope you all enjoy the show. And remember, people, that no matter who you are and what you do to live, thrive and survive, there’re still some things that makes us all the same. You. Me. Them. Everybody. Everybody.”

That said,

They'll get their own misery when they feel the policy they helped create begin to affect them. Trust me, it doesn't need help. My dad is scrambling trying to save for his retirement at 65 and scoffs at the idea of the stimulus checks he got, refuses to cash the "biden bucks"

Let me tell you. Jeff Bezos? Mark Zuckerburg? They don't give a shit about moral quandaries when offered free money, they take it, happily.
If you're pulling down millions every year and cook the books a bit, that's "smart." Walk in to a social security office with a baby on your arm a day early, that's "criminal," (almost like stealing).

Do that enough + a bunch of VERY-MUCH-NOT billionaires voting for it and u have the republican party.


I also don't care for the malformed logic they practice. Another republican acquaintance of mine called me a "segregationist" because I said trans-athletes should be able to play on the team of their self identified sex.

Whether you agree with me on that or not, me saying that they SHOULD play on an integrated team does NOT make me a segregationist, unless you completely redefine the word.


Finally, I do agree there is some room for some anger. I don't like it when the GOP or their sycophants go on a "Let's take rights away from someone today, AS A TEAM!"

When the message is the OPPOSITE of "There are still some things that make us all the same," it's infuriating. Because if it can happen to them, it can happen to you.

Take what's happening with their complaints of "cancel culture"
Coca Cola, Disney, etc etc private companies and bakeries

The new and improved supreme court helped establish that private businesses can discriminate against you based on a genuine philosophical or religious belief. Bakery vs the gay couple "TAKE THAT, GAYS!!!"

They didn't realize that that meant ALL businesses could now do that. But again, if it happens to them, it can happen to you.

Bob here is like one of the fans throwing garbage on the field when Jackie Robinson gets up to bat. "WHY DON'T YOU JUST GET YOUR OWN NEGRO -ERR TRANS LEAGUE?"

He truly doesn't know he's being manipulated.


Now, it's easy to point out "LOOK!!! no no no it's not!!! see! it says right here, they CANT just do it if you're not this specific baker." That's not stopping this guy from 6 days ago

https://w (link too long) m/article/news/investigations/focus/radcliff-kentucky-tax-preparer-refusing-business-to-lgbtq-couples/417-c2575ded-feed-45d8-b6f7-49016ec9eba3

made a tiny^

surfingyt said:

his tears are real! time to pursue an agenda with ruthless action and absorb their anguish for more energy. look forward to bob's President Biden and congress delivering more and more misery upon him and other republicants.

Driver barrels through traffic arm to cross drawbridge

Icicles Form on Ceiling Fan Amid Freezing Temperatures Texas

cloudballoon says...

Nah.... only things Republicans will take a good look at are progressive scapegoats, i.e. renewable, non-polluting energy!

To be fair, it IS a hard ask for the average Texans to be prepared for these type of event. but for the energy companies? That's a wholly different logic. At the very least, it's absolutely stupid (and arrogant) is isolate themselves from the neighboring power grid that Texans can't even buy power (or in very limited amount?) from neighboring states for emergencies.

Actually, the real problem in Texas is their always race to the bottom-line dollars, regulation be damn -- yeehaw! -- mentality. No other countries, or even most States in the USA, would be so dumb.

00Scud00 said:

Take a good look, this is what happens when you don't winterize your power generating infrastructure.

BSR (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

The country needs to heal right now and if i see something like this, anymore i put in a touch of effort, but the arguments are all the same

I'm already hearing whispers of biden being a pedophile robot person...because well he's the bad guy, so he must have sex with children, logically.

BSR said:

That's gonna leave a mark. lol

Trumps Impeachment Lawyers Are Very Bad: A Closer Look

newtboy says...

If the cultist’s brains are shit, they will aquit. Look at the monkey.

Edit: Hilarious you choose an exemplar that is widely accepted as a miscarriage of justice based on a bullshit claim like “if it doesn’t fit, you must aquit.”....especially since the glove DID fit...just like the charges fit Trump. OJ stretched his hand so it wouldn’t fit, giving his jury an excuse to aquit when they knew he was guilty. Trumptards stretched their little brains to create out of thin air a trial disqualification where there clearly was none, then used that lie to excuse excusing treason, treason they admit publicly Trump committed. Since McConnel caused the trial delay then claimed the delay invalidated the trial, he’s next. Obstruction of justice is rarely that straight forward.

There were more votes to convict by his own party than in every impeachment trial combined, 7 times as many votes, even in his hyper partisan, excuse anything party. You probably think that indicates he’s the best at being impeached or something just as ridiculous.

More than enough admitted he was guilty, but they ignored the law, actually made up a law, voted on that law and lost, and excused Trump based on it anyway, voted by party to avoid being physically attacked by crazy trumptards because they’re all cowards.

Who’s your president, laughing boy? Who runs the house? Who runs the Senate? HAW HAW.

Trump has dozens of other cases to handle without council now, some criminal with no presidential protections. His troubles are just starting. Send him money, he needs it.

HA HA....dozens of civil AND CRIMINAL cases chump boy. No more protection from cultist senators. No money for lawyers. Being forced to sell his failing properties at huge discounts to pay his bills before he defaults on everything. He’s going to be the biggest loser again in 2021, his third year at least being the nation’s biggest loser. Banned from other allied countries, the first time that’s ever happened. Under criminal investigation in multiple other countries, again, a first. Trump is not “winning”, in case you’re confused. His empire of cards is crumbling just like his political clout.

Go make up more excuses and bat shit crazy paranoid fantasies. He needs them as much as he needs your money.

Edit : prepare for more Democratic victories, people are fleeing the Republican party largely because they acquitted Trump based on pure party's going to be incredibly hard to win an election when 10% leave the party and the rest split into two parties...harder than the election you just lost in a massive landslide of blue.

Oh....and I was wrong, McConnell and other Republicans did instigate the coup to hurt Trump....forget all those facts and logic I handed you and go get em boy.

bobknight33 said:

If The Glove Doesn’t Fit, You Must Acquit…

Impeachment 2.0 yet another failed attempt in a long list of failures by Democrats to run Trump under the political bus.


Next they will try civil cases of this and that.

Gender Reveal Sparked 47,000 Acre Wildfire cost $8 Million..

bobknight33 says...

I agree but you are a little harsh.

Should you logic also be applied to ANTIFA /BLM and the march on the Capitol all their burning and destruction ?

newtboy said:

Arson plain and simple. They should be charged with murder 1 for any deaths, and all 8 million in damages....not just the one guy who fired the shot but everyone involved in setting up the firebomb.

They went to a bone dry field of brush to create an explosion in the middle of waist high dead grass without clearing the fuel from the site and without bringing any fire suppression equipment, not even a wet towel, that makes it intentional arson....or a case of being too dumb to be allowed to live.

No reasonable person could NOT foresee that a huge tannerite explosion in a <2% humidity field of fuel would start a fire, and running away without even trying to put it out makes it again 100% intentional. This moron and his family should just be harvested for organs, it's the closest they could get to actual restitution. This $500 a month nonsense is outrageous. 100% of the family's assets should be forfeited, including houses, cars, pensions, anything of value...and left with < $1500 a month from his salary....a fourth year agent makes an average of $125000 a year plus 64 days of paid time off, family health and life insurance, retirement starting at 50 with full benefits, employer matched savings, pension, etc. $500 a month ($6000 a year) is insulting and not even noticeable to his finances considering his salary, $5000 a month isn't enough, and would still leave him with $65000per year + all those benefits....not to mention whatever his wife brings in. That's absolutely outrageous. I feel like restitution of $100000 a year until it's fully paid off is being generous considering the damage he caused. Side note, this is the level of intelligence the border control agency accepts. We need an IQ minimum for public servants, I'm pissed one penny of my tax dollars go to pay brain dead slugs like him, and that total morons like him are armed and given authority is asinine.

Tacoma Police Car Plows Through Crowd

newtboy jokingly says...

Certainly not civility, rationality, honesty, history, logic, English, or respect.
We don't know, she may have taught him dishonesty, incivility, insanity, divisiveness, and stupidity. He learned them from somewhere.

surfingyt said:

sounds like your mom didnt teach you anything

Trump & Election Results: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

noseeem jokingly says...

The official flower of the President-reject's administration: a pansy.

A yellow pansy.

Never accepted the last election? No. Never believed that the moron was acceptable. They knew he was president, but not a competent president. One can acknowledge a person's placement but not have to believe they deserve it.

If this is otherwise, then Fox News is going to have to be very, very, silent for the next four years. That's happening?

It was Mitch et al that never accepted that DJ was an abomination.

Just like W and the GOP's, "Why do you hate America?" when anyone called them out on their buggery.

Get hemmed in on an issue? Losing the debate? Being embarrassed by a logical penetrating question? Then go to the new standard deflection, "...never accepted the election".

Pansies. Yellow pansies.

So, yeah, the Dems can rightfully lecture DJ and the GOP on recognizing and ACCEPTING Americans' choice of a new president. Moscow Mitch will dutifully be quiet and kind, right?

2016 vs 2020 'Acceptance Rates'

& this is better than Wiggy and his stooges

Joe Biden, You Are Lying, Sold out Americans

newtboy says...

Lol. So sad and desperate, Bobski. Relying on dementia ridden Giuliani's plain stupid hoax fed to him by Russians. It's just so incredibly dumb, of course you believe it after it's been thoroughly *debunked by the FBI who instead of investigating the Russian nonsense with no evidence are investigating Giuliani for spreading Russian propaganda again.
Not a scintilla of proof or truth or logic or reason to it. Hunter traveled across the country with three broken laptops full of incriminating evidence that somehow is created months after these unlicensed laptops are dropped off according to the meta data Giuliani is too dumb to understand, takes them to a rabid pro Trump blind computer tech, and leaves them to be examined. That's the story you're selling.

Desperation and obvious lies are the best you've got. Americans aren't buying it.

But have you seen the videos of Trump and Epstein forcibly raping both of Trump's underage daughters while Eric jacks off in the corner?! Better watch them before he has them removed from the web. What a pair of pieces of shit. (See, two can play the "let's just make disgusting accusations up" game, and you'll never convince non trumpets that president Low T doesn't lust after children after decades of watching him do it and brag about it.)


Trump: Biden Will "listen to the scientists"

newtboy says...

To them I say your God gave man intelligence, reason, and logic which together eradicated any need for God at all to explain the universe and all it contains, including that intelligence, reason, and logic.

Also....the babble fish. Case closed. Now I've got to go before the zebra academy across the street let's out for lunch.

Khufu said:

There are always justifications, like god gave man the wisdom to make computers, but it was god that provided the raw elements! praise be to he!

Its only when the science tries to explain something that the bible is contradicted by that the scientist involved become a joke and corrupt.

My favorite though is christian scientists! lol.

Trump: Biden Will "listen to the scientists"

Khufu says...

for many evangelical christians, science is seen as a sad secular attempt to make sense of god's creation and is actually viewed as the antithesis of christianity. Sooo, for his base this message made perfect sense. The odd thing is they can be very intelligent and still believe this is the case. It's not bound by logic.

Trump: Biden Will "listen to the scientists"

newtboy says...

I keep wondering why Trump keeps making "vote for Biden" commercials. First, promising we will never see him again, now promising a return to logic, reason, and science....just tell Trump "YOU'RE FIRED!"

If there were any real undecideds left, they should be convinced to vote Biden now.

Jorge Masvidal on re-electing Donald Trump

Asimov on superstition, religion, and rationality

newtboy says...

I love the sideburns.

I'm pretty certain he would be happy to be in that group of deep thinkers instead of one with dumb ass Elvis, the anti drug-pill popper.

Religious people cannot be wholly logical, belief in the unseen unproven physically impossible and largely disproven and debunked supernatural is not logical or rational. (1) Putting your faith in the unproven is irrational and illogical, then using that misguided belief as a cudgel to berate others as +-99% of religious people do is just evil. Way worse than justifying military weapons in the name of science (which isn't reality, btw), it uses belief in the irrational and unprovable to justify USING those weapons on innocent populations, often for believing in the wrong irrational and unprovable supernatural ideas.
The worst atheist ape is more rational than the best believer, and on average around 10* more pleasant to talk with. They won't ever tell you all the ridiculous reasons you're going to hell, unless they're arguing directly from the theist's dogma and not reality....I often slam anti gay religious people for the much worse sin of mowing on Sunday, wearing cotton poly blends, or eating shellfish....but I don't believe it or even pretend to.

There's a logical explanation for Trump....think about how intollerably stupid, self centered, and irrational the average person realize the truth that 1/2 are stupider, more self centered, and more irrational than that....add in the fact Trump lost by >3000000 votes but won the electoral college anyway, and boom, it makes sense. Maddening, soul crushing sense.

X-Secret devil sign on my forehead and spit twice, like Dio's mother taught him.

(1) That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

noseeem said:

so what the logic behind those sideburns?

just let it all grow. save on shaving gear. as a writer, he'd fit in more with Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, or Whitman* than Elvis.

on a different angle, the atheist apes can be worse than J.W., Mormons, and Evangelist badgers. if a person wants to believe in a higher power - so what? they can get through their days as serenely as the true science maven. religious people can be logical, brilliant, and still put faith in the unproven. no worse than justifying military weapons in the name of science.

after all, having experienced this president, am pushed to believe in True Evil yet simultaneously believing there is no GOD.

no logic or reason to it other than he is a magical troll, and has cast a spell on the townspeople.

X-- (cross and spit twice)

*or perhaps, Darwin as a science writer

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