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5 Knots Everyone Should Know

5 Knots Everyone Should Know

newtboy jokingly says...

What? The best protection against a bad guy with a knot is a good guy with a knot. Don't you want to be part of the solution?

BSR said:

Great video. I was amazed and inspired and motivated. Then he shot it all down with his very last sentence.

The Disturbing History of the Suburbs

oblio70 says...

Can't help but imagine rabbit ears and whiskers flailing as he gesticulates! Perhaps it's his penchance to take his viewers down the Rabbit Hole of some social misjustice. I know he does explore further into these topics on a separate podcast...they are still Gordian knots which will convince no opponent.

USS Abraham Lincoln performs highspeed turns in the Atlantic

Why do your shoelaces come untied?

ant says...

Yeah, I have had the shoes tied hard with big knots too. Maybe you should tie my shoes. I think the problem is that I like to cross my feet and laces get pulled and stuff beside walking like in this video.

hamsteralliance said:

I think it's just getting the knot really tight, to where you'd need to poke a pointed tool into the knot to undo it. Which is just a lot of hand tightening and then flexing it with your foot and the tongue of the shoe to really lock it in place. At least I've had success with just doing that with all my shoes over the years. Also, I don't like wearing tight shoes.

Why do your shoelaces come untied?

hamsteralliance says...

I think it's just getting the knot really tight, to where you'd need to poke a pointed tool into the knot to undo it. Which is just a lot of hand tightening and then flexing it with your foot and the tongue of the shoe to really lock it in place. At least I've had success with just doing that with all my shoes over the years.

ant said:

What's your secret to keeping them tied forever? Mine always come off. I can't tie shoes due to my disabilities.

Finally, Sean Spicer's Credibility Being Questioned Openly

John Oliver - Thailand is obsessed with Adolf Hitler

MilkmanDan says...

I put a browser in incognito mode (so there would be no cookies / history to tailor results with) and tried it. Should be pretty much on par with average Thai results since I have Thai ISP and went through Also, I changed the search term to "Hitler" in Thai language script: "ฮิตเลอร์".

I'm pretty functionally fluent in listening to Thai and semi decent at speaking it (I can get along in daily life fine although I'll never be mistaken for a native speaker since I didn't grow up with a tonal language). I'm not completely illiterate when it comes to reading it, but I'm quite slow. Sort of "Dick and Jane" level. Anyway, it would take forever for me to interpret the results of that search reading everything in Thai, but here's a quick once-over:

#1 result isอดอล์ฟ_ฮิตเลอร์
The Thai wikipedia article on Hitler is a bit shorter than the English one, but seems to cover everything in a similar way. I didn't try to read much to confirm but it does talk about the holocaust and Jews.

#2 result is
Seems to be a blog-type article on Hitler, written by a (high school?) student. I used the Chrome translate feature (which generally produces nonsense with Thai to English, but can get you broad strokes) to save time. This one does mention that Hitler hated Jews and talks about the holocaust being "cruel", although it seems to present a sort of positive take on Hitler in general. At least, more than we'd generally be comfortable with in the West.

#3 result is
This is a web forum. The article/post is called "(เรื่องน่ารู้) 10 อันดับเหตุผลที่ทำไมฮิ
605;เลอร์ถึงเกลียดชาวยิว", which google translate converts to "(I know) 10 reasons why Hitler hated the Jews". My stab at a better translation would be "(Things you Should Know) 10 reasons why Hitler hated the Jews". Thai doesn't really have pronouns, so that bit in parenthesis is semi ambiguous, but น่ารู้ means "should know" or "worth knowing".

This one is interesting. The list it presents is:
* Jewish influence in communism.
* Jewish causes lost World War 1.
* Jews make Depression
* Hitler knot lodged since childhood.
* Hitler was influenced by the idea against genocide.
* Hitler's brain has been affected as a soldier.
* Master Race theory
* Hitler believed in conspiracy theories about Jews.
* Political nationalism
* Hitler envious of wealthy Jews.

It explains those in brief terms (a few sentences each) and then there is a poll where readers can vote on which one was the main reason that Hitler hated Jews. There's some anti-semitic implications mixed in there, but it is also blunt about the evil stuff that Hitler did and doesn't present him as a person to be emulated / respected.

I wish I read Thai better so I could get a better read on those. Your question is quite interesting, along with (my potentially incorrect take on) those first few search results.

noims said:

I'd be very interested to know what the first few results would be if the average person in Thailand did google Hitler. Given that they tailor their results to what they think you're looking for, I wouldn't be surprised if it's not what you'd expect.

Extreme Dinghy Racing in Australia

oritteropo says...


In the video it says the top speed of one of the boats was 90km/h (56mph/49 knots), and the footage shown seemed much more 90 than 20.

nock said:

20km/h? Isn't that like 12 mph?

Microburst Event Causes Planes to Take Off

Babymech says...

From a reddit (fwtw) on the topic :

"I'm very curious as to how you got this video, i was under the impression it never left the airfield.
This happened in April 2014, this past year. The weather is absolute crap here, especially for soaring. Well... we get good weather sometimes. Anyway, it's not uncommon for those TG-16A's to go up with a 25 knot gust... But i digress.
The cadets were pushing in because winds were out of limits and the weather was getting worse... and BAM! Microburst.
This microburst hit right next to the airfield. The tower spotted it early, gave a verbal warning "look out..." and cadets are trained to do the following: grab a wing (glider) and turn broadside into the wind and put the spoilers out. The tows were not so easy... nor lucky. Their takeoff speed is about 50 knots, and none of them were powered up when they lifted off the ground, to give you an idea of how bad the wind was. Their only maneuver is to face into the wind and pray they dont actually take off. The tows that took off left for COS airport... it took another 30 minutes of holding gliders before the tower let the cadets start moving the gliders.
As for taking off... 55 kt gusts are the highest the Academy has had in a long time. Considering there were a half-dozen other aircraft within 100 ft of the tows, along with people (i.e. cadets around/in the gliders) if he was moving too far from his position in the queue, the safest action is to get some altitude and try and leave the microburst. Or at the very least put some altitude and distance in between himself and the cadets and aircraft. You saw how slow the tows in the air were moving relative to the ground... those were HARSH winds.
At about 0:20, you can see a cadet hanging onto the wing of a glider on the bottom of a screen. This wind was scary. I don't know if anyone was up at the time, but full tempo ops can be up to 5 tows and 8 gliders... on a standard afternoon training day 3 tows and 4 or 5 gliders is normal. It looks like they were already pushing the gliders to the hangar..."

eric3579 said:

So are there pilots in any of those tow planes?
The little i could find seems to indicate the planes had pilots.

Samantha Bee on Orlando - Again? Again.

Big Think: John Cleese on Being Offended

enoch says...

i have been watching interviews where prominent comics are refusing to do gigs at universities due to the fact that the PC culture has become so saturated that they can't even do their bits,and it becomes a horror show.

young,educated people who mistake their own little bubble-world and attempt to project their sense of morality onto others by demanding changes in language and attitude by way of shrill harpy speak,is totally missing the point of humor.

comedy is the examination and critique of certain truths we may hold sacred,and expose the absurdity.a good comedian can do this fairly well,a great comedian does so with a finesse that is epic.

see:george carlin.lenny bruce,bill hicks,patrice o'neal,bill burr,louis ck.doug stanhope

so i have to disagree with you @Imagoamin.
comedians who thrive on being edgy are not thriving just for the simple fact of being edgy or controversial.they thrive because they are adept at exposing the absurdity of life in such a way that makes us all ourselves.

they experience pushback constantly in the form of heckling and jeering,and do so on a nightly basis and do not get upset that people get offended by their material.that is the very boundary they are pushing!

self examination,criticism and the ability to accept that maybe those things we held so dear are,in fact,absurd and in need of ridicule.the great comedians all give us a great,totally effective self-cleansing pill.they call it "the get the fuck over yourself" pill.

but the overly sensitive PC culture that is festering in our current higher education institutions is creating a new breed of human that lacks basic self-awareness and,on the whole,a gaggle of humorless cunts.

humor is a concept beyond their ken.they dont get it and instead of relaxing a bit,they prefer to get their panties in a knot they all get together and tweet and facebook,in order to share their outrage and make their little signs and march in front of a chris rock show with absolutely zero sense of irony.

to them they are striking a blow for justice!

which is just absurd,and in desperate need of ridicule.

Orangutan Builds Hammock

Orangutan Builds Hammock

Buttle says...

Orangutans tie knots? That's impressive; I wonder how many other species are as capable.

What's that noise? It would drive me insane, and I'm not a solitary jungle-living kind of creature.

Making a Sling-Primitive Technology

Chairman_woo says...

I have limited experience with slinging, but IMHO it's already very much the same as just throwing a stone out of your hand in terms of aim and how it feels.

You basically just release the knot at the point of the swing where you would anyway. Feels very natural.

There's also very little gain in swinging it more than one revolution above your head, almost all the power comes from the flick at the last moment.

I found getting a good power stroke (ooh er Mrs etc.) was the harder part.

A good afternoon of farting about and you could probably kill someone fairly proficiently with one though.

Someone with a lifetime of practice would be terrifying, at least as much as a good archer I would imagine.

MilkmanDan said:

Would be interesting to hear if he thinks that using the sling could get as natural as throwing with one's own arm, given enough practice.

I'm getting visions of "Groundhog Day" in my head -- "6 months, 4-5 hours a day, and you'd be an expert."

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