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Blizzard knows their epic.

Shepppard says...


I agree with you on some things, but I can't let you get away with saying Star Trek Online looks terrible, I played that game when it launched, and it looked absolutely incredible (Visually) The on-planet landscapes could've used a bit more work, but space itself was jaw-dropping at some parts.

Also, I don't know if it's just your rig or what.. but almost all MMo's have little-to-no stability issues a few months after their launch. WoW started off rocky.. whenever I played it though, I never had any lag spikes, same with my current LoTRO, previous FFXI, etc. The only exception to this was Vanguard, and that's because it wasn't finished before they were forced to launch it.. and because of that, never got the subscriptions needed to fuel its continuing development and if it hasn't already, will soon die a horrible painful death.

Anyway, back to STO, The game itself was all about star trek. They made their devs watch the entire series of every generation of star trek t.v. shows and all the movies before they were even allowed to talk about what they wanted to do with the game.

The ships were all inspired by trek-cannon, the quests had the exploration elements, and fighting of klingons, phasers, torpedos, even sexy mini-skirts. I don't see how you can really say that it had nothing to do with the universe.

Why Star Trek: Enterprise failed (Blog Entry by jwray)

Drax says...

I caught one episode soon after it started and a Klingon was standing with the Captain on a high cliff and he actually said, "I can see my house from here.". At least I'm PRETTY sure he did. I did like a triple take trying to determine if I had slipped into some strange daydream or something.

Anyways, I didn't watch it much at all after that.

And yes, the opening theme sucked.

Bloodybelly Comb Jelly

Killing 22 final bosses in 5 minutes

Defrost_My_Head says...

Wow so I'm not the only person that played Wheel of Time! Balefire em into oblivion!
Perhaps more types of games would be better as FPS bosses can't be made that difficult. But even the most complicated game boss there is always going to be a vid on youtube showing how to glitch kill it in 10 seconds. Spoils the fun I reckon.

The games shown and bosses killed are:

Quake II - Makron
Red Faction - Colonel Masako
Jedi Outcast - Desann
Jedi Academy - Marka Ragnos
Deus Ex - Walton Simons
Deus Ex: Invisible War - J.C. Denton
Blood 2: The Chosen - The Ancient One
No One Lives Forever - Tom Goodman
No One Lives Forever 2 - Super Soldier Lieutenant
Aliens vs Predator 2 - General Rykov
F.E.A.R. - Alma
Hitman 2 - Sergei Zavrotko
Command & Conquer: Renegade - Dr. Petrova
Far Cry - Dr. Krieger
Wheel of Time - Ishamael
Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi - Malachi
Iron Storm - Consortium Officer
Bet on Soldier - Max Balding
Jurassic Park: Trespasser - Alpha Raptor
Kill.Switch - Archer
Klingon Honor Guard - Korek
Thief: Deadly Shadows - Gamall

Bill Maher - on Gays and Religion

All Aboard The Failboat! (Fail Talk Post)

What's the best Star Trek Series? (User Poll by Throbbin)

Sagemind says...

DS9 was slow to start so those who watched and bailed early missed what I feel was the best series. At first I was worried about everything being located on one space station that didn't go anywhere but I think the producers realized it as well.
They did everything they could to jumpstart the series and they succeeded!
Shaving Sisco's head and giving him a new look, Bringing in Worf, Expanding on Odo the Changelings, The defiant (the only federation ship with a cloaking device), Dax was a great Character, even once they had to change symbionts.

DS9 had the deepest character development out of any Star Trek series:
Sisko, Odo, Dax (1&2), Worf, Miles, Quark, Bashir, Kira, Garak and a dynamic supporting cast Gul Dukat, Nog, Rom, Gowron, Lwaxana Troi, Martok, Vash, Leeta, Jake Sisko, the Grand Nagus. The Changelings, Cardasians, Klingons, Bajorans, Humans, Ferengi, the Jem'Hadar...

The ongoing storyline with the war and the occupation gave a great overall setting for the episode stories. It kept serving the characters to us in new ways and let us see into the characters in more depth. I think it was the series with the most mature story line and had the most layers. It was war, intrigue, humor, alliances, secrets, threats, doom, development, exploration and more...

Um, so ya, I voted for DS9

Drax (Member Profile)

brain says...

I've been listening to Wolfson's lectures titled "Modern Physics for Non Scientists" and he explains this well. This is exactly what special relativity explains! I downloaded it from demonoid. I can send you an invite if you want.

It's also part of the failed Michelson-Morley experiment. They knew that light moved at a constant speed. They thought there was a fixed frame of reference that light moved through. They thought that light was a wave moving through the universal aether. They thought that by measuring the speed of light in different directions and at different times of the year, they'd see differences. It failed. They measured the same speed of light in all directions at all times of the year!

Special relativity explained the failed experiment. Special relativity says that all physics are the same for bodies moving in uniform motion. As long as you're moving at a constant speed, you'll always measure light as the same speed! There is no fixed universal frame of reference. Nothing can be said to be at rest, or moving. You can only say something is moving "relative" to some other object. This leads to all sorts of weird things like time dilation and length contraction. Read up on it.

In reply to this comment by Drax:
When the Klingon Bird of Prey decloaked I was like, OMG!!!1!

But seriously, this does a great job at explaining the time / space relation. It still doesn't touch on one spot I've been trying to wrap my monkey brain around for some time.

Light travels at a set speed, nothing can travel faster then this speed. It's like a big universal speed limit. That should mean that if I'm traveling on a magical cosmic space train that's traveling in a straight line at.. lets say 500,000 mph, if I where to shine a flash light in the direction I'm traveling then the light emitting from that flashlight should travel (relative to me) at the speed of light minus 500,000 mph. Otherwise the light would be traveling faster then the speed of light to someone not onboard the magical cosmic space train.

This would also imply that there is a universal speed of 0. Which would mean we could measure our planet's speed through the universe to this speed of 0 by shining beams of light in various directions from our planet and measure how long each beam takes to reach certain distances (satellites positioned in front of each beam or something). After all our galaxy is moving through space, we're spinning in the arm of this galaxy, we're orbiting a sun.. all of these -should- factor in to how fast each of one is -actually- moving, right?

This big brainy friend of a friend told me once, no.. that's not how it works. And I suspect as much, unfortunately he wouldn't explain further. So I don't understand the workings of how there can be a set speed at which light travels and nothing can ever exceed this speed, when there's no specific speed of Zero to start accelerating from. Otherwise some things could very well be traveling faster then the speed of light relative to other things.

Time Travel And Einstein's Relativity Made Easy

Drax says...

When the Klingon Bird of Prey decloaked I was like, OMG!!!1!

But seriously, this does a great job at explaining the time / space relation. It still doesn't touch on one spot I've been trying to wrap my monkey brain around for some time.

Light travels at a set speed, nothing can travel faster then this speed. It's like a big universal speed limit. That should mean that if I'm traveling on a magical cosmic space train that's traveling in a straight line at.. lets say 500,000 mph, if I where to shine a flash light in the direction I'm traveling then the light emitting from that flashlight should travel (relative to me) at the speed of light minus 500,000 mph. Otherwise the light would be traveling faster then the speed of light to someone not onboard the magical cosmic space train.

This would also imply that there is a universal speed of 0. Which would mean we could measure our planet's speed through the universe to this speed of 0 by shining beams of light in various directions from our planet and measure how long each beam takes to reach certain distances (satellites positioned in front of each beam or something). After all our galaxy is moving through space, we're spinning in the arm of this galaxy, we're orbiting a sun.. all of these -should- factor in to how fast each of one is -actually- moving, right?

This big brainy friend of a friend told me once, no.. that's not how it works. And I suspect as much, unfortunately he wouldn't explain further. So I don't understand the workings of how there can be a set speed at which light travels and nothing can ever exceed this speed, when there's no specific speed of Zero to start accelerating from. Otherwise some things could very well be traveling faster then the speed of light relative to other things.

Stovokor - Klingon Heavy Metal

Klingon Nightschool

Babylon 5 - An Apology

14427 says...

Drax! Thank God someone else gets it! That show really was the best! There's a whole series of novels, including what the fifth season was supposed to be. Frigging heart wrenching. Okay, Notarobot. You know how on Star Trek, they encounter some Klingons in some uncharted territory, and the whole episode is really tense, and then they find some key at the last minute, and then everyone goes home and noone dies? That doesn't happen on Bab5. Instead of dink and dunk episode plots, the story arcs take entire seasons to develop, but when they get it on, whole fleets, casualties in the thousands. Body parts and debris floating through space. Entire friggin planets, decimated. In Star Trek, nobody dies. In Bab5, everyone in clinging by their bloody fingernails and the skin of their teeth the whole time.
With the high hair Centauri and the red eye Narn, from what I recall the Narn were an intelligent, but semi developed culture until the Centauri came along, hooked them up with some interstellar technology, gave them the smallpox blankets and slavery treatment, and the whole thing degenerated in to an orgy of slaugher. The guy ol whatshisname (high hair guy in the clip there was the nerd in Animal House) answers to is one of my all time favorite characters in anything: Ambassador Londo Mollari, who is a backstabbing Machivellian scumbag diplomat (who just so happens to have a tiny glimmer of a conscience that utterly rips him to shreds). Crap, one station cancelled it halfway through, and they managed to pick up with another, so the whole time their telling this GENIUS story, they're putting 75% of their effort into just surviving their own executives, so at a glance it's easy to laugh at the hair, and the already Ed Wood looking tech and all, BUT DON'T LET THAT FOOL YOU. Rather than either trying to start from season one, or not watching any of it, I suggest watching season 3, (SPOILER HERE!!!) which is civil war with Earth (and Earth's $%&%$^ douchebag dictator), and you'll be hooked well enought not only to sustain all five seasons, but hunt down the novels afterward. Bab 5 is better than the total sum of all Star Treks and Battlestars put together. I love this show and I'm not even into the genre! Bab 5 really is as f-ing awesome as great stories get. (There's even a hot crustacean lady played by the gal who plays Rousseau in Lost). Drax, you posted this? I love you!
Hey. Londo's in that clip down there, G'Kar's epiphany.
Also! One of my all time favorite quotes is from this show: "The avalanche has already begun. it is too late for the snowflakes to vote." -Ambassador Kosh

Star Trek XI Trailer

KC & The sunshine band - Get down tonight

Phone sex - for geeks (SNL)

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