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A Perfectly Safe Russian Snow Slide

v1k1n6 says...

Lucky for her the sudden jolt when she reached the end of the rope didn't break her back or cause internal damage (that we know of). Many climbing accident deaths are due the body sustaining the shock of a sudden stop from safety equipment. Now they design most of it to "give way" to slow you down before stopping you completely.

Religion and mental illness part 1

curiousity says...

>> ^dag:

But I suspect that the rational wonder you describe is like decaf coffee. To get the jolt of physiological benefits- you need real faith- to let go and let God. It’s the relinquishing of personal control for the outcomes in your life that brings on the bliss.

I disagree with your opinion. I look at someone like Richard Feynman with that fervent passion for life which shows in all the videos here and you see someone that definitely wasn't drinking decaf. An argument could be made that people like him are the exception, but I don't think that is the case.

Of course it is different for everyone, right? I was raised in a very strong Roman Catholic house and my parents have become more and more fundamentalist as they have become older. It is disturbing to me as I fall into the rather large "non-practicing Roman Catholic" group, but they do have a large group of friends from the church. I can see how their faith and religion connects them. But it is just one string of connection. That string is thick for them because it is something that is so important to them. So passionate for them.

I'm passionate about compassion and fairness, among other things. I have atheist, catholics, christians, reborn christians (actually only one because most are fake), buddhist, shamanistic, etc... friends because of our shared passion for compassion and fairness. Religion is the race of passions - i.e. it is very easy to "see" and then involuntarily or voluntarily push those people into our predefined groups.

I admit that I think being in a religious group is a good ice breaker in bringing people together. In that regard, I do agree with you; however, it is just about finding those other passion connectors. This has been hard for me since I'm a budding recluse, but that avenue is still there and the friends that I have made haven't been from any religious connection. Now in society I can find other people with my passions in a large city or somewhere on the internet. There are more avenues to find like-minded people. It's hard to sift through, but they exist.

In closing - I live in a majestic area. Water and a couple of mountain ranges on the horizons. When I sit down looking at the water with the mountains beyond and the cumulus nimbus clouds racing across the sky, a warm wondrous feeling consumes me. I'm not thinking about God at all. And I can assure you that it isn't decaf.

Religion and mental illness part 1

dag says...

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But I suspect that the rational wonder you describe is like decaf coffee. To get the jolt of physiological benefits- you need real faith- to let go and let God. It’s the relinquishing of personal control for the outcomes in your life that brings on the bliss.
>> ^westy:
you can be 100% ratoinal and still utilise the same parts of the brain that religoin uses ,
you can still be very spritual , artistic , optamistic , apeal to woderment. and at the same time not have anny need to arbatreraly chose to belive in 1 of the thousends of sky daddies.
aside from that you can allso indulge parts of the mind in the full knowlage that its not real , but still get the same enjoyment , in the way people enjoy vilolence in films or enjoy ghost films , but would never kill people or beliv ein ghosts for real.
>> ^dag:
My fear is that religion is baked into our minds through evolution as it serves to make cohesive herds/tribes.
To go against the religious instinct is to deny human nature - and possibly suffer the physical downside- depression and a shorter life. I'll pay that price.

Chiropractic/bullshit vs. Science Based Medicine/reality

burdturgler says...

No doubt there is a lot of 'bad medicine' out there. But I just want to say that I had a pinched nerve in my neck and a chiropractor treated it. I was in severe pain for almost two months. Numbness shooting down from the base of my neck through my left shoulder and down my left arm. I couldn't sleep. "Numbness" is a terrible word to describe it because although it was numb I could feel jolts of pain and the constant sensation of my arm being "asleep". Imagine how it feels to walk when your foot falls asleep ... then imagine that's a part of your spine. I had no health insurance and besides the money factor was deathly afraid of someone cutting into my body. I went to the chiropractor and long story short my neck cracked in exactly the way and direction that I felt it needed to. I had immediate and profound relief and have been pain free and able to sleep ever since. I feel like I avoided surgery. Like I said, I know there is a lot of bullshit out there and of course it won't cure a lot of what some of the crazies say it will, but there is no doubt in my mind that chiropractic can do good.

Dog Senses Earthquake

Dog Senses Earthquake

Chris Matthews: Americans Don't Bow

BoneRemake says...

Idiotic thinking like that has gotten americans the shitty worldly respect it has. Americans are no better then anyone else on this stinky planet and your fucking rights you should damn well bow. The fact this is on major news means you need some sort of jolt to the head and to wake up to important issues. Pathetic what pass' as a NEWS story or headline these days.

TDS: Jon Stewart explains why he doesnt like Sarah Palin

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

Serious people can tell there is nothing to her like there is most of the people in politics.

To say she's nothing but talking points requires putting bias-blinders on regarding her record. As far as I can see, Palin has not been just talk in regards to cutting budgets. Not saying she's the person to vote for, but to say that "there's nothing there" is both inaccurate and disingenous. She has a record of doing the stuff she's recommending. Could she do that for the entire Republican PARTY? Pht - not bloodly likely. The GOP is so full of RINOs right now that no real fiscal conservative could do anything with it.

Lower taxes isn't always better, but holding the government to an extremely high standard of making sure that our tax dollars are used responsibly is.

That's a fair way to put it. There are SOME taxes that are useful, but the pendulum has definitely swung in the wrong direction and we're long overdue for a massive correction in our "government bubble" (as I call it).

To me, Palin was a poorly planned gimmick response to Hillary being a force in the primaries before the election.

Hmm - I'd say Palin was a desperate attempt by McCain to appeal to his base. When Obama ousted Hillary, McCain ended up looking like a doddering old liberal RINO coot who couldn't sell himself out of a paper bag. He needed a big jolt to his base. Enter Palin, who was both socially and fiscally more conservative than McCain. Too little too late though because (as you note) the Republican party no longer has any real interest or loyalty to fiscally conservative principles.

She created that visage herself by saying things like that she has foreign policy experience because she can see Russia from her house.

Uh - no - you are repeating a long debunked lie perpetuated by neolibs. Her actual quote is "You can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska." What you are quoting - to your everlasting shame - is a SNL skit. You know - a parody. At no point did Palin ever say she could see Russia from her house or backyard. And yet neolibs with Liberal Derangement Syndrome actually beleive that's what she said and meant. But that's what ideologues do. They take quotes out of context, they massage them into grotesque parodies, and then pretend they're truth. Every person in the public eye does & says stuff that is ripe for parodies & poking fun. Obama has made some HUMDINGERS. But only a brain-washed, biased, fool takes the parodies and pretends they're reality.

Now - the more I see Palin the less I think of her as a candidate. I just think she's not fully baked yet. She gets that tight sort of clench in her voice and just seems nervous. She's not easy & comfortable - probably because she hasn't had enough experience. She needs more time, and the book tour may help her get over it. She's got the right goals. She needs to get her sea legs before she's a serious contender though.

Impossible Basketball Shot With Baseball Bat

sirex says...

totally fake imho ;-/ apart from the reactions sounding way staged, the ball arriving isnt even on the same path as the one leaving.

..and, its pretty hard to hit a basketball that far with a bat afaik. I'd expect more of a jolt up the arm, and the ball to go half way at best. maybe im wrong.

blankfist (Member Profile)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I apologize if you think I'm being insensitive. It's certainly not my intention. I thought maybe a quick "suck it up" could act as a verbal jolt to help you out a bit. You're obviously feeling aggrieved here. A couple of points I'd like to communicate:

1. If you're going to have a sensitivity dysfunction- "over sensitive" is preferable to "under".
2. Comparing BT to a lactating woman, and other female oriented slurs is kind of mysoginistic- it makes female traits into something unfavorable. It's disappointing to read this from you.
3. I appreciate your contributions to the community, but it's also disappointing to read you bring money into your arguments- as if I would let that be a factor in trying to make fair admin decisions for the community.

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
So, I'm hobbled for baiting BT? Wow. I guess that feminine lady-man needs a papa to take up for him. Oh shit, was that also considered "baiting"? FUCK! I really suck at your rules!

Quit trying to turn yourself into a martyr, suck it up and take a deep breath.

No offense, Dag, but you ain't exactly the sweetest most understanding "ruler". You were a dick during your "Siftler" days, and the fact that you ask me to "suck it up" is appalling. I wish I could PM to say this, but I cannot during my hobble, so I have to air all my grievances in the open... I've donated a lot of money to this site and I've been a steady charter (purposely updated recently so I can pay the full amount instead of the BS 10 dollars a year or whatever the fuck it used to be).

Sorry if you think I'm playing the martyr, but I think you're a bit insensitive and unreasonable. And BT is a cry baby.

In reply to this comment by dag:
I thought I made this clear. I'm not hobbling you for being a racist. I don't think you are a racist. I'm hobbling you for repeatedly baiting a fellow Sifter- being grossly insensitve to another human being.

You can point out all the bad words on the Sift that you want. It's not about that- it's about being a jerk to another human being. Quit trying to turn yourself into a martyr, suck it up and take a deep breath.

Truck runs red light, guess what comes next.

CrushBug says...

The vehicle fire was surprising. I always laugh at Hollywood movies where a vehicle just flat-out explodes when it crashes. Seeing that fire was a real jolt.

I really just find that it is far too easy to get a driver's license nowadays. When I started hearing about black boxes in cars, my first thought was that they want to hold people up to the standards of a plane pilot, but they don't want to train and test people to that same level. Why not yearly driving exams? If we are really serious about it, why don't we treat the root cause of most driving problems, which is usually poor training and lack of experience.

Footballer Has Heart Attack, Defibrillator Kicks In. Wow.

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'revival, soccer, jolt, science, anthony van loo' to 'revival, soccer, jolt, science, anthony van loo, belgium, 00s, Roeselare, Antwerp' - edited by Eklek

Footballer Has Heart Attack, Defibrillator Kicks In. Wow.

EDD says...

That's pretty neat.

What I'm wondering though is - did the manufacturer make provisions in the case he were having an intercourse at the time of his heart attack? And if that happened, would the ensuing jolt make his partner (female, presumably) have an orgasm?

Not that I need any help with my sex life: my 40-inch schlong instantly satisfies any woman that puts her clitoris in my prostate. Yeah, baby - I'm THAT experienced!

Footballer Has Heart Attack, Defibrillator Kicks In. Wow.

Footballer Has Heart Attack, Defibrillator Kicks In. Wow.

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