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Farhad2000 (Member Profile)

Australian for Scratch.

No Shirt, no Helmet Hero riding a Motorized Beercrate,

Irony at its finest (7 seconds)

shuac says...

>> ^Sarzy:
Merriam Webster defines irony as "incongruity between the actual result of a sequence of events and the normal or expected result". The sign was supposed to warn people of danger and thus prevent them from getting hurt; instead it directly caused the biker to get hurt. It is ironic.

I'm more of an irony purist, Sarzy, where outcomes must be exact opposites, rather than just plain old incongruent. If the actual outcome is merely incongruous with the expected outcome, then all the goofy scenarios in that song suddenly become terrific examples of irony.

Using the far more liberal incongruent rule, aka dramatic irony, Steve Irwin's death suddenly becomes ironic. In fact many unexpected deaths qualify as ironic in this manner. Most events in life become ironic too.

The Morrissette (tm) brand of irony is fine for the plebs but I like it more than merely incongruous, baby. I like it exactly opposite! <waa-waa pedal action> Ohh, yeah! Do it! Mmmm, yeah!


Steve Irwin gets bitten by a python on live TV (1991)

Dignant_Pink says...

IT'S NOT FAIR!! its not fair that steve irwin died filming a goddam nature show and steve-o was able to shove a fish hook through his cheek and use himself as bait to go shark fishing. (not that i dont love jackass)

Personal Queue Amnesty Day(s) (Sift Talk Post)

kulpims says...

I'm keeping this, folks. The rest is yours to upvote.

some quality videos from my pq that got overlooked:

9 votes

8 votes

worth a second opinion

"PC Load Letter"?

shuac says...

OK, so let's pursue this.

What is it about the film "Office Space" that makes it suitable to be played/listened to in the workplace? More suitable than other films, that is?

The answer is nothing aside from the title, which, coincidentally, is about working in an office. Hilarious flick too!

The element that is attempting to inject irony is the NSFW tag. Therefore, there should be something about the main subject that makes it inherently suitable for work.

If the film were called "Suitable for Work," then you'd have some irony cooking.

Irony gets false credit for serendipity, coincidence, tragedy, etc...probably more than any other literary device, especially since Alanis Morrisette's "Irony for Dummies" became a hit.

Remember when Steve Irwin was killed? People up and down the internet were calling his death ironic. Steve Irwin defied death in every segment of every show he hosted. I'm amazed he lasted as long as he did. No, an ironic Steve Irwin death would have been in an old age home.

The perfect definition of irony in two words: lifeguard drowns.

Irony has an inequality-of-expectations thing going on that's very difficult to come by naturally. That's what makes irony so special.

Sorry if I've come across as condescending. It's not my intent. This is just one of my pet peeves.

Bindi Irwin on Letterman

Monster Fish of the Amazon

Bindi Irwin on Letterman

Bindi Irwin on Letterman

Daughter of Steve Irwin Launches a Singing Career

FutureWeapons - AA12 - Fully automatic shotgun

cyberscythe says...

The host kind of reminds me of Steve Irwin with that sort of slightly annoying enthusiasm.

I'm no expert in firearms myself, but my favourite weapon in FPS games is the shotgun, irregardless of how impractical the situation is. It's just really satisfying to pull the trigger and let rag-doll physics do the rest on the target. The downside the fully-automatic model is that you don't get the (also satisfying) pump action going.

A Short Course on Brain Surgery

qualm says...

What you call social engineering, when viewed from the other side of the wealth-equation, many would call social justice.

Here's an interesting read from Forbes on the subject of taxation which presents a picture quite different from that which you've offered.

CEO Network Chat
Q&A: David Cay Johnston
02.12.04, 4:11 PM ET

"What follows is the transcript of a Feb. 11 online chat on the CEO Network with New York Times reporter David Cay Johnston, author of Perfectly Legal: The Covert Campaign to Rig Our Tax System to Benefit the Super Rich--and Cheat Everybody Else (Portfolio, $25.95). The chat was moderated by Mark Lewis of

Mark Lewis: Welcome, everyone. Let's get started. David, you begin your book with the statement, "I believe that taxes are at the core of our democracy." What do you mean?

David Cay Johnston: All governments have taxes. And governments that lose their tax systems cease to exist. Taxes are the means by which we decide how we're going to finance maintaining our democracy--who pays how much, how the burdens are distributed.

What's wrong with our current tax system?

Most Americans believe what turns out to be a myth--that we heavily tax the highest-income Americans to subsidize the poor. What the government's data show is that the middle class and upper middle class--people making $30,000 to $500,000 per year--are subsidizing the highest-income taxpayers. Tax rates on the middle and upper middle classes are rising, the government's data show, but for the people who make millions per year, effective tax rates are falling dramatically.

Secondly, law enforcement has collapsed. I name two billionaires who've testified under oath that for 30 years they never filed a tax return while running a business in New York. Nothing has happened to them, or to most of the many other people I name in my book who admit or even brag about not paying taxes.

How did things get this way?

Most Americans, if they ever meet a senator or congressman, shake their hand in the mall at election time. Important donors, about one in 850 Americans, get to sit down with their congressman and explain in detail their grievances. Every politician will tell you, you cannot buy their vote. All you can buy is access. Well, access has bought the attention of Congress, so that members are focused on the needs and welfare of their donors, not their typical constituents.

Proof? Two days after 9/11, the first tax bill introduced in Congress was estate tax relief for the victims, which did absolutely nothing for the firefighters, police officers, secretaries and volunteers who died. It wasn't a guaranteed college education for the orphans of 9/11. It was tax relief for the very narrow group, probably less than 2% of those who died, who would owe estate taxes.

How would you change the tax system?

I don't know, but you do. By "you" I mean that all of us, if we understand the reality of how our current tax system works and the principles of taxation, can come up with a better system, one that encourages strivers and rewards those who play by the rules instead of focusing its benefits on those who are already stunningly rich.

You direct numerous barbs at the "super-rich," whom we at Forbes like to celebrate as wealth-creators. Do you think the tax system should be designed to prevent the amassing of great fortunes?

The tax system should be encouraging prosperity and wealth, and making sure those are as widespread as possible. But what the government's data show is that we are taxing away the ability of the middle class to save, and damaging their prosperity. And by radically lowering the effective tax rates of the highest-income Americans, we are concentrating wealth and income very, very, very narrowly.

In 1970, the top 1/100th of 1% of Americans had about 1% of the income. And the bottom third of Americans had more than 10% of the income. Now, they're equal. Just 27,000 people have as much income as the bottom 96 million Americans, who in real terms have less income today than in 1970. And the number of people it takes today to account for 1% of all income? In 1970 it was more than 20,000 people. Today it's less than 400.

How high would the top rate be in your tax system?

Again, I don't know. What we do know is that relatively lower marginal rates reduce tax cheating, but for them to work, we have to broaden the tax base. We only tax about half of income each year. So if we tax all income, clearly we could significantly lower rates on everyone.

What do you think Congress should do about the Alternative Minimum Tax?

The taxpayer advocate at the IRS recommends repeal. The problem is, some really good tax lawyers say that would create new loopholes. Some other ways to address this are to set a high-income threshold for the tax to apply, say $500,000 per year and up, and eliminate, in the AMT calculations, the ordinary deductions and exemptions people take for themselves, their spouses, their children, their state and local income and property taxes, and the standard deductions. Otherwise, in 2013 about 43 million households will be on the AMT.

In this morning's New York Times you write about a gentleman named Irwin Schiff, who asserts that the federal income tax is illegal and does not have to be paid. Schiff clearly is an extreme case, but how deeply do Americans in general resent the current tax system? Can that resentment be harnessed to support the reforms you advocate?

The number of people who believe that the United States government is a criminal organization that illegally extracts income taxes and imprisons those who challenge it with no legal cause is a lot bigger than I ever imagined. There are at least 7,500 business owners who don't withhold taxes and turn them over, according to the General Accounting Office--and those are just the ones the government knows about. There are people all over the country who grit their teeth and pay their taxes but subscribe to this dangerous and nutty idea that the federal government is a criminal organization. That's a sign of how oppressive the tax system has become on the bottom third of Americans whose incomes in real terms have been falling for years, while they're being squeezed by rising taxes at all levels of government.

Every thoughtful American should be concerned when a man whose own psychiatrist says he's crazy--Irwin Schiff--has among his supporters business owners and others who are not on the economic fringe.

Any final thoughts?

The promise of our Constitution is that we together can work out the solutions to our problems. But doing that requires that, one, people understand what's actually happening in our tax system rather than the blather of politicians, and two, that people participate as voters and as citizens who discuss public issues with their friends and neighbors. The reason our tax system is out of whack is that the narrow segment of very high-income people who don't want to pay taxes has been actively engaged in exercising their citizenship. And too many of the rest of us have been watching Jennifer Lopez.

That's all we have time for today. Thanks for participating."

Reylor (Member Profile)

looris says...

great correction, I appreciate that. Sorry if I'd been harsh

In reply to this comment by Reylor:
Done and done. Sorry for taking so long to get around to correcting it

In reply to this comment by looris:
I was going to post this, so I'd like to upvote it, because I think it's even better than the other one.

But I really can't stand the title and description. As EVERYONE said, that's a mod, not an easter egg or what (and how ANYbody could think it was, I dunno, look at the MarineG. comment).

So please correct title, tags, and description. This is not fucking youtube. It's not the place for dumb retitlings such as "OMFG Steve Irwin's death" and crap like that.

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