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Ron Paul: "If it's an honest rape..."

Ron Paul: "If it's an honest rape..."

NetRunner says...

In my opinion, here's what Ron Paul did wrong in just these 90 seconds:

  1. He said life begins at conception.

  2. He said he's okay with emergency contraception after intercourse, because you can't know for certain whether you're a baby-murderer or not.

  3. He said there's no legal or moral problems with killing people, as long as you weren't 100% sure in advance that your actions would kill people.

  4. When asked a hypothetical about one of his daughters being raped, he independently raised the question of whether his daughter might just be lying about the rape to trick him into letting her get an abortion, because, you know, all women do that, even your own flesh and blood, apparently...

#3 actually shouldn't surprise me. He feels the same way about product safety. He believes there should be no legal or moral consequences for companies that sell unsafe products. After all, they never bothered to find out whether their products were safe in the first place, so they couldn't have known what they were doing might get someone killed.

The thing I love about Paul is his consistency. You can be sure he will stick to his dogmatic principles, no matter how nonsensical and horrifying they turn out to be in practice.

Ron Paul: "If it's an honest rape..."

Kreegath says...

I'm not sure how you would gather statistics of females using rape as an excuse for abortion, and distinguish between those who actually have been raped or not. It's not like you could survey rape victim abortions with a questionnaire on whether or not it was really a rape or just an excuse to get the abortion.

First of all, there's no real set definition of rape as I've understood it, so it's entirely up to the woman to decide in gray area-cases. The way it works in my country, a woman can discover that the intercourse she partook in willingly and consentingly at the time, was in fact rape and as such she can file for rape charges. The term rape is so incredibly powerful for at the same time being so incredibly vague. This, I think, is the heart of the matter with what Paul's trying to get at, saying he would allow an abortion of a rape victim in the emergency ward but would be hesitant to someone 7 month pregnant.

Hilariously poor wording by him here, but this is one of those lose/lose-cases in US interviews. Had he defined what he meant by "honest rape", he'd been attacked for the definition whatever it would be. Now he's just attacked for not defining it.

Y'all search for some weird stuff (Wtf Talk Post)

Have A Very Topless Christmas

quantumushroom (Member Profile)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Trying futilely to fix this old dead vid and reread your comment. Hilarious.

In reply to this comment by quantumushroom:
Some highlights with translations:

"My degree is in enginering...that speaks to my practical and analytical side."

But my FROSTED side speaks to the deliciousness that is me! TENNIS anyone?

"When I'm not being my integrated self, I'm wallowing in the muck of my own secret hell just like everybody else."

I'm wallowing in the muck of my own secret hell for all to see online.

"But my parole office says I'm mostly done with that now."

I killed my parole officer.

"I'm a man with a big heart."

It's in a jar in my refrigerator labeled PAROEL OFFCER.

"I'm seeking a connection on many levels..."

Such as intercoursal, sexual and copulatical.

"Yeah baby."

Austin Powers and I own a timeshare in the 1990s.

"If you identify as a very good girl, then we would probably not be a very good fit."

If your remains can be identified, you're too risky to keep as a trophy.

"I'm a bit of a bad boy."

My mom thinks I'm cool.

"If we click, I'll probably challenge you and surprise you sexually."

I'm uncircumcised.

Ann Coulter Blames Single Mothers

peggedbea says...

>> ^Phreezdryd:

The issue should be why are children having their own children before even finishing high school? How does a child working toward being a responsible adult have time to also be a full time parent? They have to lean heavily on relatives, friends, and probably government programs to get by. Children maybe end up getting treated like baggage instead of a loved, planned for part of life. Is any of this good or fair?
Rinse and repeat for generations. I think society as a whole pays for this, and not just with tax dollars. Kids need real education about real life, instead of the nonsense from the squeamish and the holier than thou.

the assumption that any two parents can raise a family completely alone without having to rely heavily on relatives, friends, and sometimes even government programs to get by is ridiculous. human beings are HERD animals. it takes an entire HERD to raise a family. furthermore, children from any type of home are equally at risk to be born to parents who often, sometimes, occasionally or all the time treat them like baggage instead of a loved and planned for part of life. dysfunction isn't specifically an attribute assigned to the young, the single, the female, or the working class.

AND sex fucking happens. human bodies reach sexual maturity in the teen years because humans didn't evolve to live past the age of 35 without serious technology, nutritional, medical and dental intervention. lackadaisical teenage fuck-off-ery is a relatively new luxury. biology didn't stop dead in its tracks to accommodate.

i was a too young single mother, it wasn't at all easy. it was hard as fuck sometimes and i worked/continue to work my ass off. there were times when there was no joy left in my house. i used to think that was only because i was a single parent. as my friends have now grown into married adults, i see that there are plenty of 2 parent families with no joy left in their houses. anyone can have a really hard life. i don't recommend teenage parenthood to anyone,ever. however, it's not the end of the world. the end of your life. or some horrific societal tragedy. the thing that i have learned is not to vilify stupid kid accidents, but rather to be completely unpuritanical about the idea that one day, my kids will be teenagers with sex drives and educate and prepare them properly, with all the tools in the belts to make reasonable decisions. hopefully, it'll stick. if it doesn't, it's still not the most horrible thing ever and they will supported rather than treated like stupid irresponsible pieces of trash. which is the kind of shit i;ve had to put up with for the last 9 years.

>> ^Phreezdryd:

And as for the absent fathers they love to hate on, are they just completely evil for also being kids, and running away when the fun sex turns into the lifelong responsibility? Who knows, maybe the girl even lied about birth control to try and force him to stick around. Kids do stupid things.

are you trolling? or do you watch too many daytime talk shows??? sure, sometimes girls do asshole things like lie about being on the pill. it's not at all the norm. don't try and make it sound like a reasonable assumption.
and don't make excuses for absent fathers. abandoning your family is sort of evil. i know there are exceptions. in my baby daddy case, he was too mentally ill to be around us anymore. he made our lives better when he went away and never came back. however, most people are not profoundly mentally ill. and even he gave being a dad a decent shot. and he did and does love his kids. his absence is a tragedy in his life more than it is in ours. i saw him recently after 6 years and its very much a wound that eats him alive daily. he is sick and bony and gray. the only solace for him is to know that he went away so he couldn't continue to damage us all and that we are all happy and healthy and functional. that's the saddest thing in the world.

i find it hard to believe that a decent moral human being can completely abandon their kids with no assurance of their well-being (this statement excludes parents who leave their kids with adoptive families with the hope and trust that they will be cared for properly) and remain whole. it's a narcissistic thing to do, it is a sociopathic thing to do. in the absence of drug addiction or some obscenely destructive mental illness, there is no excuse for it. you don't have to get married, or live together, in many cases it's better if you don't. but there is no reason for a relatively sane, relatively function person to walk away entirely from another human they created. pregnancy is risk everyone who engages in vaginal intercourse takes every single day. most of them are completely aware of it. you don't get to make it sound reasonable for a person, no matter their age, to completely run away forever and not look back. you don't get to make it sound reasonable that society place 100% of the responsibility for raising functional adults entirely on women.

Bill O'Reilly Asked Cops To Investigate Wife's Boyfriend

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:

I believe NY state is actually one of those states where adultery is still a crime, is it not?

Correct, though it's a law that's hardly ever enforced.

Section 255.17 of NYS penal law:
"A person is guilty of adultery when he engages in sexual intercourse with another person at a time when he has a living spouse, or the other person has a living spouse. Adultery is a class B misdemeanor."

So technically Cenk is absolutely wrong when he repeatedly says no laws were broken.

Rick Santorum Argues With Student Over Gay Marriage

Hive13 jokingly says...

I simply can't trust a man whose surname means "The sometimes frothy, usually slimy, amalgam of lubricant, stray fecal matter, and ejaculate that leaks out of the receiving partner's anus after a session of anal intercourse."

"No reason" why we can't criminalize homosexual sex again

Dan Savage Advises How to Last Longer in the Sack

alien_concept says...

>> ^messenger:

Maybe he is, but that's not the question he asked. He asked how to last longer. "Ages" wasn't in the question.
You and Dan have both made some assumptions about the guy asking. He might already be great in bed and fully confident in himself and his ability to please his partner, and still want to last longer. Maybe he'd like to be able to enjoy several minutes of intercourse, rather than three strokes before blowing his wad. Maybe his partner would like to get pounded longer. Methods for delaying orgasm is a valid question, and deserves a straight answer with no assumptions made about his overall performance or self-esteem.>> ^alien_concept:

Well maybe what he's pointing out is that there is no need to last for ages through penetration alone if you concentrate on doing other stuff in between. Anyway, unless a woman is lucky enough to be able to orgasm through penetration, it gets pretty old pretty quick. Maybe that's just me though

Yes the writer could have been asking for any one of those reasons you gave, although I think you're being a tad pedantic. Let's face it, usually when a guy is worried about not lasting it's because he feels either embarrassed at his performance and/or is worrying how his partner feels about it.

And even if he wasn't asking for that reason, Dan Savage has never been one for just replying to the individual specifically. He uses the questions as a springboard, so that he can give his advice on the more widespread and common issues about sex and relationships that plague so many people. Then effectively he has helped maybe hundreds of people, rather than just one.

Dan Savage Advises How to Last Longer in the Sack

messenger says...

Maybe he is, but that's not the question he asked. He asked how to last longer. "Ages" wasn't in the question.

You and Dan have both made some assumptions about the guy asking. He might already be great in bed and fully confident in himself and his ability to please his partner, and still want to last longer. Maybe he'd like to be able to enjoy several minutes of intercourse, rather than three strokes before blowing his wad. Maybe his partner would like to get pounded longer. Methods for delaying orgasm is a valid question, and deserves a straight answer with no assumptions made about his overall performance or self-esteem.>> ^alien_concept:

Well maybe what he's pointing out is that there is no need to last for ages through penetration alone if you concentrate on doing other stuff in between. Anyway, unless a woman is lucky enough to be able to orgasm through penetration, it gets pretty old pretty quick. Maybe that's just me though

Dan Savage Advises How to Last Longer in the Sack

alien_concept says...

>> ^messenger:

Except Dan instead answered, "How can I make the sex event last longer?", which is a different question entirely. The audience member wanted the answer to, "How can I keep pumping my partner without orgasming so quick?" (delay ejaculation during intercourse). Any idiot knows that if you stop the intercourse and do other stuff that you won't cum. This was no help at all.

Well maybe what he's pointing out is that there is no need to last for ages through penetration alone if you concentrate on doing other stuff in between. Anyway, unless a woman is lucky enough to be able to orgasm through penetration, it gets pretty old pretty quick. Maybe that's just me though

Dan Savage Advises How to Last Longer in the Sack

Dan Savage Advises How to Last Longer in the Sack

messenger says...

Except Dan instead answered, "How can I make the sex event last longer?", which is a different question entirely. The audience member wanted the answer to, "How can I keep pumping my partner without orgasming so quick?" (delay ejaculation during intercourse). Any idiot knows that if you stop the intercourse and do other stuff that you won't cum. This was no help at all.

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