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C-note (Member Profile)

newtboy (Member Profile)

BSR says...

"Joe Biden has won this election so many times he is now the 67th president of the United States." -Randy Rainbow

newtboy said:

Welfare check.

You haven't been heard from since all states certified irrevocably and the supreme court refused to hear Trump's last gasp coup attempt (the Texas vs any state that went for Biden case isn't a real lawsuit, btw, there's clearly no standing edit: and has now been dismissed) Are you ok?

Photoshop AI Filters

BSR (Member Profile)

Free Speech Considered Support for Nazism

Buttle says...

I'm sure the sign-holder's gallery isn't filled with rainbows and fuzzy ducklings, but he wasn't the equivalent of Illinois nazis marching in Skokie, either. The old school Liberal antidote to hateful speech is more and better speech, not mob violence.

It seems that one of his crimes was showing material in support of Donald Trump, who, loathe him if you will, is still the legally elected president of one of the UKs chief allies. If his supporters can't make their case in public then I fear for the future of civil discourse.

Regardless of the content of whatever expression this guy may have made elsewhere, in the video he really is protesting in favor of free speech, and he really is being assaulted while the cops wander away. I hold with the friends of Voltaire, who, though they might disapprove of what he says would defend to the death his right to say it.

As for editing the video, what could he have been doing in the lead up to this scene? Hawking Trump bobble-heads?

Forrest Fenn Hidden Treasure Found After 10 Years

BSR says...

Damn! Never heard of this. I demand a do-over!

At least the four that died, died doing what they loved. *Pffffffttt! spits out coffee from nose*

Friends of Forrest Fenn say that he originally planned to put the gold in a pot but couldn't figure out how to nix the tattle tail rainbow.

w1ndex (Member Profile)

Sketch (Member Profile)

Redneck Slams Gay Pride Bud Light

newtboy jokingly says...

They need to switch the slogan to "Make America Straight Again." It would have a secondary, racist meaning too! (Sound it out)

Republicans are going to get even fatter if they can't have light beer any more.

Upvote for the office space homage.
(I did notice the regular cans he destroyed weren't the special rainbow bottle/cans.)

shinyblurry (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

"Warned about" Noah, not God, right? So Noah failed to convince them it was true, no? If they knew it was coming because they KNEW God was real and had warned them himself...good riddance, they must have been incredibly dumb or suicidal.

I've been warned that Zenu is coming back too....I've been warned that Vikings will pour over a rainbow and murder the world, or many other tales that existed far longer than this Jesus guy's been heard of. I've only been warned of these things by humans who were clearly delusional (or liars), never anyone trustworthy. When the message is unbelievable, and so is the messenger, and the proof is "believe", and there are dozens of contradictory messages with exactly the same level of proof, the idea that a person should choose correctly or suffer eternal punishment is the definition of evil.

If God withholds judgment capriciously out of fickle mercy based on no discernable pattern or rule, and just as often punishes the righteous and rewards the wicked as the reverse, how is that different from random chance?

Why do you stubbornly deny the undeniable existence of El and his son Ba'al, though you see their works daily? Their tales, which predate even the earliest Hebrew scriptures or stories, prove their hand in your existence, yet you refuse to give your devotion and would unfairly discredit them and hand all credit to this Johnny come lately deity. Mot shall have you if you don't repent.
Sounds silly, doesn't it?

shinyblurry said:

No, it wasn't Noahs failing. The scripture says he preached righteousness, so the message was endorsed by God. The reason no one was converted was not due to a failure on Noahs part, or Gods. The message wasn't misunderstood, it was rejected by a wicked generation, which was their free will choice to do so. Because they rejected Gods message they weren't prepared when the flood came. The choice to reject God doesn't eliminate the consequences of rejecting God, in this case being unprepared for the impending global flood which you were warned about for 100 years. In the same sense you are unprepared for the impending second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, which you have been warned about your entire life.

When God withholds or suspends judgment out of mercy, ironically it has the opposite effect on the callous hearts of men:

Ecclesiastes 8:11

Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil

Because you don't see God out and out punishing people when they do evil, you feel free to live how you want regardless. That is how the pre-flood world felt, and that is why they were swept away. In your ongoing effort to put the worst possible spin on everything in scripture, you neglect to understand the fundamental narrative of the story. The reason for that is your stubborn refusal to say God did something good even when it is integral to the narrative which you use to unfairly discredit Him.

w1ndex (Member Profile)


w1ndex (Member Profile)

BSR (Member Profile)

Building A Leonardo da Vinci Bridge

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